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Everything posted by cman64

  1. Why did the server go from great to laggy just now, i thought it was fixed for a while but i guess not

  2. whats with the constant black screens that come up?

    1. Kardel


      were experiencing godlike superlag

  3. The magic of the crystallinum Starting intro to lore Lore About the Magic The magic of the crystallinum is a complex one, used for more survival than attacks. It allows you to control the aspects of winter such as ice and snow. This may lead others to think it is a sub form of magic similar to water evocation, but it in itself is an entirely different thing. The Art consists of the same aspects as any evocation but in its own way. There are, however, some skills that can be learned in addition to the magic itself. To begin with one’s training; you do not have to be in contact with the diamond. It is just a way of allowing the magic to be connected to the void, hence its importance to Albinec. For without the diamond, the magic cannot be used to its full power, or just merely a single form of it can be used. This would include something along the lines of a being able to just make a room or atmosphere cold like a winter storm. Besides that nothing else without the diamond. The magic is much like any other evocation for the most part. You can summon shards of ice that you can form into various things such as a wall, a blockade, or simply a way to trap someone. It can take the form of whatever you imagine, yet requires much concentration. Mainly this includes the thoughts of the cold winter storms and the cool chill of ice to instill within your mind. This will allow you to use the magic freely without the stress of concentration. But you may wield the magic for a limited time or you will either get sick, frostbitten, or freeze yourself. The time you can wield the magic will increase with each progression or more practice. The longest would be roughly fifteen minutes, but at that point you must release it to prevent any harm. Other thins that will happen with the magic is you can use the microscopic ice crystals to make attacks or walls a distance away from you. Of course the crystals will form on the surface but regardless it can allow you to freeze an area down the street with much concentration. This is one of the few that requires it. The other ability is the one that requires the most concentration. It is the ability to make yourself transparent; including the cloths that you wear for it is also the strongest. The ability renders yourself to be clear as ice, and on nights it will be very affective, however, the area around you will be freezing cold, and while using any of the magical abilities, your eyes will glow a pale blue. (Eyes will be closed for this ability) These are the hints in which one would find such a magic user. Red Lines: -You cannot be completely invisible and if your eyes are open they can see the blue light -You cannot freeze people into giant ice cubes. Just freeze them enough to slow them down -You cannot have your own diamond for Albinec has it, so no fakes and it will do nothing -You cannot use it for longer than a few minutes unless you are extremely skilled. That means you can’t hold a giant wall around a town for days to protect it from raids -This is a more defensive magic, yes spears can be made but not sets of armor. But daggers or icicle swords can. They will be very weak like a wooden sword but still able to kill -Your eyes will turn blue when using the magic and they will glow -You cannot summon ice storms but you can make the place feel like one -users cannot use their magic, and then stop for a minute, anmd start again. It takes a few minutes to start, and maybe a day to recover and use it again because when you finish, you are freezing cold -Walls are only as strong as the user, so yes someone can break it Rp examples Tiers: Tier 1- The user is able to create a small atmosphere of a lesser storm. They are unable to do much of the abilities and can only hold the power for a minute or so Tier 2-The user can hold the magic longer, now able to form objects with the ice shards. They are weak but able to protect none the less Tier 3-The user now can hold the magic for up to five minutes or longer. They have control over the creation of objects, but create weak walls that collapse under itself upon creation Tier 4-The user can use the magic for up to ten minutes, and have mastered the basic abilities. They can become transparent for a moment or so at this point Tier 5- The user has full control and can hold the magic for exceedingly long periods of time without harming themselves. They can become transparent and mastered the abilities fully. ((Thank you all and please try to give me as much feedback, tips, and other things i would need to make this as solid as it can be))
  4. all who deem themselves of higher status and skill come read this

  5. all who is interesting in being in a great guild come here

  6. all who is interesting in being in a great guild come here

  7. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106421-recruiting-the-galbenza-gentlemen/page-2 Soon to become an amazing guild, why not be apart of it
    1. Parading


      I might try it out, if I find some extra time.

  8. Everyone check this out if you are interested

  9. *Albinec opens the letter and smiles as he reads* " This is a very good day indeed. I must prepare for the constructions of this new safehouse" *He writes a replying note with the seal of his ring * " Dear LG, I am honored to become the Alguard, and will do my job as needed and with integrity and trust as i can muster. I shall follow the rules you have set upon my position and will do the best i am capable of for this position." *within the letter are diagrams and layouts of the safe house* " I have drawn up the layout in which i wish this building shall be created, the location of this building is something that i must know to begin its creation. I look forward to meeting you and bringing prosperity to the Galbenza Gentlemen Signed- Albinec Mountainwalker" ((I Understand and will not steal anything and you have my word for it. I look forward to rping with you and im curious if there is a place you have in mind for this safehouse to be))
  10. (OOC: MC Name:cman64 Time on server:Eastern VAs for character (usually required):none for this character will be of more economic use Number of active characters: 1 (yet i have one that is currently without a town or nation for living because of lack of RP in areas he found) Does this character belong in a guild:no Can this character use magic:no Position you wish to apply for(limited time, this is for quickly getting to a high rank): Foxward preferably, yet he is a decently young age Any more: This character is mainly for keeping track of the guild's belongings and items. Much like a banker should, he can distribute payments and/or items for other members of the guild. And when a client does not pay their dues, he does have contacts in which to use to make sure he gets what is owed )) ((IN Character:)) Name: Albinec Mountainwalker Age: 28 Race: Human Proffession: banking Skillset: Reading, writing, item distribution, and being a mountainwalker: able to travel on rough terrain What are the values that are required for this guild: -The value of self growth and growth of the guild, -Loyalty -responsibility - respect What does a locked, heavily fortified chest mean to you: (Clients chest)Not impossible to break in, but what lays inside must be valuable (my chest or one for sale) Very interesting indeed and a good use for the bank. lets see how many i can buy and catch the schmucks who try to steal from me What does a gentleman wear at every occasion: A nice suit, preferably one that can be used for more than one occasion so it matches the mood and placement of the area. Why do you wish to join: I wish to become a part of such a guild that i can help thrive with economic growth and the ability to keep track and store the items that we claim within our adventures and travels. That being said, stealing from the storage area i would wish to be build will indeed cause for an immediate action of punishment whether its in or outside of the guild. In addition, This includes a payment or reward to those who successfully proceed with their job.
  11. is there a release date for 4.0?

  12. Im curious if there is a known release date of 4.0....

  13. Stock your pantries halflings and prepare for the worst to come

  14. more than 1 foot of snow!!

  15. Where's a good town that's very active? For a human and send me directions so i can visit

  16. Where's a good town thats very active? I am starting a new character and he needs a new home

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