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Everything posted by cman64

  1. (Information cannot be used IG) Note from Sancus - Let anyone from within the Court of Souls to use it as RP, but no one else. Within a dark and musty attic, chosen precisely for a single purpose, five immortal entities conversed. One was The Silver Sentinel, a powerful being capable of many feats. His age surpassed any mortal known to have walked on the planet. Next to him sat the Golden Soul, who was in the midst of questioning her very existence as the powers she held could overcome any who crossed her path. She undoubtedly knew of the coming moments that were soon to happen within the court. The Captain Condemned sat with The Silver Sentinel, both Graven, and both very dangerous. Masters of the shadows, they dedicated their thoughts on the most pressing matters within the spirit world. To the Captain’s left sat the Engraved, to whom nothing is set in stone, despite the Golden Soul’s opinions may be. Any documents, vows, and even life can be torn, broken, or destroyed. “Nothing is set in stone”, he would often say. A few hours in, the Court welcomed a new spirit, The Forgotten. He was welcomed as a friend, and gave his word within the court. Being but only a simple spirit, his journey within the court had just begun. Even so, the Engraved demonstrated what this newcomer could do, given power, given time, and nearly leveled the room in which they converged. As the discussion proceeded, talk came upon the new lands within the realm of Athera. Whispers of a swamp holding only the darkest of magic reached the court, and intriguing many. The rumours of its secrets gave hope to these immortals, and drove their determination to claim what was rightfully theirs to own. The land was said to allow the spirits to walk among the mortals in full form, and allow the full use of their powers. Talk soon disbanded into a vote on how these immortals shall acquire this land, and what to make of the mortals that may well already dwell in the region. Hyra voted to claim the land by peace. All others deemed it wise to acquire such lands by any means necessary, even if it meant violence and death - or banishment of their own. The Captain Condemned, in his utter darkness had, as always, been going about his duties. His control was increasing greatly as his duties grew to encompass those of the Cavalier and Horseman. Traveling through the land in the shadows of death, he would bring about the spirits that could soon participate within the court. The meeting soon ended, leaving the godly spirits to wander back to their own doing…for now… Note from Sancus - I believe that covers all of import in the meeting. The rest was mostly explanations about Hyra’s status as Graven.
  2. Many may wonder as to how these spectral beings continue to thrive, despite being conscious energy within another plane of existence. Many do not realize what challenges face these spirits, and what they must do in order to survive. Your average spirit contains enough energy to supply itself with many years of strength and life (or should I say death). However, if this spirit has found its abilities and powers, the energy will be sapped as quickly as it can be regenerated. Yes, a spirit can regenerate itself and use that as its thriving source. The only issue is that it may not regenerate fast enough. What I have noticed is that the older the spirit, the slower the regeneration. This is due merely by the fact that the spirit can wear itself out without the proper “nourishment”. This will result in a lack of power and can limit what the spirit can do. However, my research concludes another source of this energy. These “beings” can suck the energy out of our existing plane. You may see ghosts, poltergeists, or even graven chow down on the life surrounding them. They suck out the remaining energy within the plane, and this reduces the overall temperature within the small surrounding atmosphere. It is the source to the chilled feeling one may get when interacting with the spectral species. I would like to note that this also explains how many supernatural encounters result in these chilled settings, deceased or decayed life, or even an entire area reduced to nothing but a barren waste from spirits consuming their much needed energy. On the account of Graven, their survival and need for energy is not dependant upon the life surrounding them. The Graven do suck out the life as a drug which gives them a quick and volatile boost to energy as suika to elves, rather than as a primary energy source, and can become highly addictive if conducted repeatedly. Furthermore, a new kind which has been fast appearing seems to emit heat rather than cold. The reasons for this are vastly unknown. -Anonymous researcher ((This is to cover up the idea of us ghosts eating the food mortals eat))
  3. I see what you mean as just an attack (And not the main one as you stated). If you need any other help, with this, just send me a PM. I love the idea though and would like to see it IG.
  4. I like it, but it limits what a ghost can do. I play a poltergeist, and we are generally more ruthless than your average spectral being. What you're suggesting does scare the player (or victim), but requires too much energy. This will restrict the ghost player-base into just being the biggest, baddest, and strongest ghosts out there. Instead of just using this large amount of energy, why not limit how much a single being can do. Haunts can barely hold and use that energy. They cant handle the amount of stress that comes with it after recently being deceased. Revenants can use this energy at it's minimal usage. They can Ghost lock for a short period of time, and will just startle the victim. Their ghost touch is mere scratches that go unnoticed, rather than painful bruising. Their feeding is weak, and cannot grasp the full understanding of absorbing that fear. Spectres can wield the Ghost lock not to frighten, but to gain the player's attention. This will still use that chilled feeling, however it can still cause fear. Their Ghost touch can be almost just as they were still in their mortal shell. They can cause damage just as a poltergeist can, but do not enjoy doing so for their peaceful nature. Their feeding is hardly used for they do not look to be feared. Poltergeists can wield the Ghost lock for long periods of time, looking to frighten their victim. They prefer to scare and harm, rather than take the spectre's way of thinking. Their Ghost touch can cause deep scratches and small wounds. The bruising can become painful, often seen as a warning to mortals. Their feeding is no different to that of the Spectre, but rely on it more out of their hatred, or obsession with causing fear in mortals. (The spectre and poltergeist are nearly the same, but they use the abilities differently)
  5. finally back after 3 weeks, are we in 4.0 or naw

  6. what are some examples of skins if one where to be a ghost IC. Also, how would they RP from day to day as a ghost(If there is a guide reply with the link)? Or is it mainly for events IC?
  7. Just another day breaking leaves*old axe falls on head and i get a concussion*

  8. trying TS, doesnt connect to the server's ip or am i just using the wrong type (TS3)

    1. Rassidic


      They removed the TS server. We've got some other service now.

    2. VonEbs


      We ditched TS.

    3. VonAulus


      there never was a ts that was up longer then 10mins not missing much

  9. wait, so the server is down for a week?!? or did i read incorrectly

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Server should stay down until what Vulcus suggested and polished by Shifty comes to fruition.

    3. cman64


      *returns life at walmart* alrighty




  10. you get my +1!! Make a fart called the geese flock. Basically small clouds that are like say fireballs, and can be targeted. Dude, the halflings shall raise their bowels towards all!!
  11. we need 4.0 NOW to spice up the server and the forum

    1. TeaLulu



    2. Boomack21


      ok calm down



      why not add paprika

      works for emril


  12. Percival writes a note with his feather pen, Dear Flavius, Thank you for accepting me into your business. I shall not disappoint, and we shall arrange a time for speaking about my request as a regional manager. Sincerely, Percival Navarro ((Just shoot me a pm or skype for a meeting time IC))
  13. ⚜ Application ⚜ ☸[[OOC]]☸ MC Name:cman64 Skype (optional) :ya have it :P Time Zone: Eastern Hav you ever rped a merchant/shop owner before? Yes as my albino crook, i played as the shop keeper of a pawn shop for the Galbenza Gentlemen ☸RP☸ Name: Percival Navarro Race: Human Age: 32 Experience as a merchant: Being born to a traveling merchant of high importance, Percival learned the skills needed on and off the road. Eventually, he found himself out at sea at a young age where he learned skills in sailing, fishing, and oversea trade Special skills: Sailing, selling, fishing Origin (First Home) : Abresi before the move to the fringe Allegiances: None Will you be opening a new warehouse/store: If applicable, yes i shall open a new store but would prefer being in charge of a larger area rather than a single store. Possibly a warehouse if possible or a regional manager of a specific area Have you ever been arrested: No I'm a good little merchant Past combat experience:A small amount of sword fighting and combat due to being a merchant where self defense is needed. Can you do physical work: Yes, he is not a skinny and weak lad, he is much more built than most from sailing large ships
  14. are there restrictions to underground mini forests run by hotsprings?

  15. any groups/ guilds that need a halfling doctor/ sergeon

    1. Draeris


      The Visconti :)

    2. cman64
  16. Those warhammer/40k fans, does this remind you at all of Skaven?
  17. *sits back with popcorn* this gonna be good (Dwarves and humans)

  18. ((you will need to study the animals/plants. Dissecting them in order to conjour them so i suggest creating notebooks(Notice how its plural) this will boost your credibility. Now if you just jump in you wont go far so i suggest holding it of for an elven week or so to get the works of the magic and proper usage/ lore. i played a conjourer vaguely and did go through the work of making notebooks and taking the time to study, but didnt get a chance to rp the character. i hope for the best for your school but heed my warning that you need to be fully prepared))
  19. We could be The Shacklers Revenge(boat name maybe) The sea scorpions The iron blades The sea-bearers
  20. App: How old are ye?: 38 Whats yer race?: Halfin' Whats yer name?: Dr. Argripin Strabo Have ye ever been on sea before?: Aye i 'ave What kind'o weapons do ye use?: All medical equipmen' fer slashin *medical scalpel, surgeon's blood let'er, etc* (the tools would be sterilized for healing the crew) Any other skills'ye have?: healin', farmin' , 'nd cookin' Can ye speak'like a pirate?: Aye but i tink a halflin's accent is good'nuff Proof ye can speak'like a pirate?: Oye, ya putrid sea slugs! Ya food be reade! Wot role do'ye wish to fill?: 'ead cook 'n Doc fer any accidents MC Name: cman64
  21. I am taking any skin requests, nice and cheap, so give me a pm if you are interested

  22. who else wants to get The Shadow of Mordor game when it comes out?

  23. sorry could an FM delete this post, had second thoughts about joining
  24. any mages/magical characters able to move memories into a gem IG?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sporadic


      Put the gem near a wifi spot see if it connects.

    3. Pandan


      You probably cant move a memory, just allow it to recreate the image.

    4. cman64


      Pandan, that is exactly what i want, know anyone that can do that?

  25. ~`'~ Heff ~`'~, still need that pm working, wanna get this idea going as soon as possibel so could ya just send me one if mine wont work?

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