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Everything posted by froyoslomo

  1. Look up The Little Sisters of Eluria. It's a short story set in Stephen King's Dark Tower mythos, and is a pretty unique take on vampires.
  2. I think it's about time the Church of the Helix Fossil arrived here in some shape or form. Praise Helix!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      We already have a load of sun-praisers here, why not? \[T]/

    3. Yoff


      Praise the Selix

    4. froyoslomo


      Embrace the Helix into your heart, and he shall guide you with anarchy!

  3. Violence isn't the answer, it's the question. The answer is yes

  4. Here's a suggestion: Maybe you should make them a little (not by a lot) civilized. In the Odyssey, Polyphemus was a shepherd, so i like the idea of foolish thieves finding the lair of a Cyclops, and foolishly trying to steal sheep from him. Also, Cyclops commonly have a resistance to heat. I'm just throwing things out, because your lore still looks like it could be expanded. Besides that, you have my "seal of approval" (insert crappy meme here) What has my life come too?
  5. Cool. Pretty interesting, but seems a little too much like trolls, since the only difference really is that this cyclops is bigger, and can walk in sunlight. I still like it though. Keep it up!
  6. 0/10. Never seen you before. I will probably get the same score. How sad.
  7. Turn off the lights, close your windows, and read my (thesis?) on why creepy pastas are so terrifying! Love it, hate it, doesn't mater to me! Either way I will write more, and nothing short of murder will stop me! (Don't get any ideas)

  8. "From My Heart and From My Hand, Why Don't People Understand, My Intentions?"

    1. craotor


      Because you are the king of the wild hunt aka as Space Elf King

    2. froyoslomo


      If this is a reference to Warhammer, then I think you mean Eldar King

  9. Who's excited for the new game Evolve, form Turtle Rock?

  10. come on people! Think of everything this group can accomplish! All you need to do is join! I especially need Allgemeins(generals).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      Go rp. Quit using OOC.

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      rude ^ leave him alone

    4. froyoslomo


      Yeah. I'm desperate. I really want this to work. I can't find much good RP with my character the way it is. I started out as a hunter, that didn't go well. Then I tried mercenary work, but that also didn't work, probably because people can kill on their own now. So... the Wild Hunt is my last ditch attempt to make this character work. I guess it's time I write some lore for the group.

  11. Please(i'm begging you), don't let that discourage you
  12. As King of the Wild Hunt, I find it hard to believe I only have one subject. Let's change that!

  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, The Wild Hunt! If you want an experience full of thrills, and numerous chances to test and hone your skills, then look no further then this little group of mine. Enjoy

  14. (This group will be mostly PvP, but I hope to include many RP elements.)
  15. The Wild Hunt “There was once a time when the Wild Hunt was nothing more than a legend. That was before I arrived. Throughout my life I have faced many hardships, such as the death of my father, my descent into poverty, my failed mercenary career, and that one suicide attempt. One night, I was at a tavern, when I finally decided that I couldn’t make money the legal way. So I decided to hold up the tavern. Of course, the alcohol made things harder, and I nearly died, before I escaped into the woods. That night, I dreamt that when I robbed the tavern, there was a pack of wolves, helping me. The next day, I sat by that tree, thinking. What if I could control a gang that had the order and loyalty of a wolf in its pack with the same amount of intelligence as a human, being able to coordinate tactics, and carry them out perfectly? That brought up memories of my childhood, when my father told me stories of The Wild Hunt, a band of spectral marauders, who kidnapped those who saw them, and spread chaos wherever they trod. I then decided to test this theory, and paid some street urchins to follow all my orders for the week. I devised a plan to rob a local general store in Abresi. They managed to follow my orders perfectly, and we escaped without any pursuit. That marked the beginning of the new Wild Hunt. We began as petty criminals who occasionally knocked over the average jewelry store. But then, things changed. I became to care less about the money, and more about the thrill of the heist. We all realized that there was an unmatched feeling of euphoria from spreading destruction, and we began to believe more in the idea of The Wild Hunt. In a way, we are, the original Wild Hunt, sharing the same motives as the apparitions we emulate. Now, we are the embodiment of chaos. We hunt for blood. We hunt for fame. We hunt for Man.” -Myles Rayne, Woden of The Wild Hunt The Wild Hunt is a group of raiders who are considered the mortal embodiment of the Hunt, spreading chaos wherever they roam, and testing their skills against the strongest warriors they find. The Wild Hunt resides in the wilderness near Abresi, where they lead a life of hunting, and reveling. Occasionally, new recruits are sent on mercenary contracts to hone their skills. Goals of the Hunt The Wild Hunt seeks nothing more than to spread chaos, and will do everything in their power to destroy the civilized area around them. They also try to assert themselves as the strongest by defeating the best champions in their current area. The Houses of the Hunt The Wild Hunt has three houses, where the members are divided depending on their specializations. Each house is led by a Rudelführer, one of the Wild Hunt’s pack leaders House of the Lupine The House of the Lupine is the warrior faction of the Wild Hunt. The strongest swordsmen are placed here to battle at the front of the lines. Members of this house are given the heaviest armor, and the strongest blades. House of the Schlange The House of the Schlange is home to the Wild Hunt’s greatest assassins, silent as the night, fast as the wind, and deadly as the serpent the house is named for. Members of this house are commonly used to set traps and rig the surrounding area for their arrival, to further convey the idea that they are the wraiths they share the title of. Members are outfitted with light armor for full mobility, and small weapons, for easy concealment. Most members are skilled in the creation of poisons, and can easily conceal themselves when they are in their natural environment of the forest. House of the Falke The House of the Falke is home to the archers of the Wild Hunt. Their bows are crafted from a combination of different bows, for different affects, such as being lightweight, easy to fire, and stronger firing. Members of this house are trained in acrobatics, so that they can stay mobile, while attacking from afar, and defend themselves from other archers. All members are outfitted in chainmail, a bow, and a dagger by default. Ranks of the Hunt The Wild Hunt uses a structure similar to that of a wolf pack, where each house has a Rudelführer, or pack leader, who has uninhibited power over the house. Every three Elven months though, any member of the house who has been in at least two battles is allowed to challenge the Rudelführer for his position. The only difference in the pack mentality involves the leader of The Wild Hunt, who acts as a monarch. The following is the list of ranks, from highest to lowest. The Woden King of the Wild Hunt. The Woden has absolute power of the group, and acts as the supreme leader of the Wild Hunt’s armies. He is aided by advisors, whose recommendations he is required to consider. The Woden will commonly lead his army into battle for medium and small scale raids and battles. A new Woden is appointed after the death of the current Woden, if he steps down, or if the following criteria are met: · The Woden has betrayed The Wild Hunt · The Woden loses his weapon in battle · The Woden is defeated by the leader of another nation Allgemein The Allgemein is a general of the Wild Hunt. He leads small scale raids/battles, and assists in medium/large scale battles or raids. All other ranks besides the Woden or a Rudelführer must treat him like a pack leader. Rudelführer The Rudelführer is one of the three leaders of the Houses of the Wild Hunt. They are trainers, warriors, and leaders, commonly leading large battalions for the Allgemeins. Leutnant The Leutnant is a high ranking member of the Wild Hunt. They commonly direct Kapitäns and lead medium sized battalions. Kapitän The Kapitän is a middle ranking member of the Wild Hunt. They lead small battalions, and take orders from Leutnants. Offizier A middle rank Member of the Wild Hunt. They are higher ranked soldiers then Initiierens and fledglings. Initiieren A common soldier. The first rank after becoming an official warrior. Fledgling A new member of the Wild Hunt. Trained to think and fight like an animal The Recommended Dress Code of the Hunt Members of the Wild Hunt are encouraged to wear war paint during battles. Wild Hunt Application MC Name: RP Name: Race: Preferred House: A short description of your reason for joining: Other Applications Rudelführer Application MC Name: RP Name: Race: Which House you want to lead: Describe why you are a good choice: Allgemein Application MC Name: RP Name: Race: Describe why you are a good choice: (Please, PM your applications)
  16. My new profile picture is a clue to my new project. feel free to leave your guess

    1. AgentSunny
    2. JtPv


      Hrm... I can't tell if that's an Ice Wraith or one of those Ghost King Draugr from Skyrim.

  17. Check out my new lore. Any fans of the Dark Tower, or Stephen King will enjoy it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. froyoslomo


      I see nothing wrong with basing my lore off of the work of another. Stephen King is a driving force in my life, and I want to spread the greatness of his work. Plus, many authors have been inspired by those who came before them. king was inspired by Lovecraft. Rowling was inspired by Lewis. I appreciate the critique, though.

    3. Demotheus


      Dark tower series? I've never read that, but I heard the (amazing) Nightwish song, "Seven Days To The Wolves" was based off of it. Good song. :)

    4. froyoslomo


      Let me explain. The Dark Tower series is an eight book series that managed to all of King's books into one universe. One of the main villains has been in some of king's most well known novels, (i.e. The Stand) Most connections are subtle, so only an avid King fan would notice them. Check the series out. once you start, you will be drawn into Roland's (the main character)quest.

  18. Anyone a fan of Mass Effect?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Thatpyrodude


      It's a great series, I'll be play ME4 when they make it. And the ending is good after it was fixed.

    3. Redbaron™


      Ending is still pretty terrible when put in comparison the rest of the game.

    4. Thatpyrodude


      It's quite satisfying to destroy the reapers and see yourself still alive.

  19. Oingo Boino is Awesome

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