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  1. I'd like to thank James2k, Hornybull, Dread Knight Verin, Hiebe, and everybody else whom commented on my recent post; the objective was not that of anarchistic behavior, or anysuch else, just to recognise an issue and attempt to see it rectified,

  2. I'm -Not- a happy chappy at the present moment.

  3. I don't mean to sound impatient but erm.. Can I get an update on my ban appeal, like is it still in discussion, or has it been discussed or hasn't it? I've been told by an admin; 'I brought it up a few days ago, but it's still being discussed'' That was said on the 2nd..-

    1. benp9876


      Yet i've also been told it hasn't been discussed, and then i've been told it's being looked at. so Aye, I tend to get rather impatient when waiting for important stuff to come through.. ( imagine what I was like waiting for my passport. ) -cowers-

    2. benp9876


      would appreciate an inbox on the matter however, as I'm locking this to avoid any unnecessary arguments or ... -shudders- questions.

  4. My friend Phillip had his lip removed today. We now call him Phil.

    1. BrandNewKitten


      She is teh demOn god

    2. Rhia


      I borrowed sparrows sass cannon.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      "Borrowed" she means she stole it with her gm aboose.

  5. Firstly we had 'Walking the Dinosaur' Then we had 'Pugsying' Then we had 'Trolling' Now it seems we have 'Edgy.' Oh lord of the craft, what next.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Walking the dinosaur...? Could someone explain that term?

    3. VonAulus
    4. VonAulus


      walking the dinosaur is pugsying

  6. I have no clue how i've reached 16 posts.. I hardly post.. Does hidden posts count? Fell.. I'm tired.

  7. Christ, I've been awake all night drinking boost like there is no tommorrow..

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Well, tomorrow is a Monday.

      You're screwed

    2. benp9876


      I don't work, nor go to school.

  8. well, to sort it out, just leave a trail of minas to a pit-fall operated by stickly blocks and redstone, that falls directly into lava.. That'll kill off half the villains.
  9. What does edgy even mean? I hear it all the time like ''Don't be edgy'' or ''Edgy assasin from malinor'' does it just mean sketchy or Crooked?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. benp9876


      I've erm.. Not been able to play for the past 2 years..

    3. JCQuiinn


      If you're not roleplaying as if you're stuck in Game of Thrones, you're an edgy...

    4. Hanrahan
  10. Just got done watching big stan, now I can't stop dancing to Latin-american music... Playing on repeat... In my head..

  11. Any questions you'd like to ask me, so I can publicly put it up on my appeal?

  12. ''If I truly hurt Nug’s feelings by telling him to sodomize himself with a cactus'' Oh god i'm crying, I can't stop laughing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. benp9876


      It's the first I heard off it 'fortuantly, And me and nug where bro'mancing when I was playing, so It's got a personal sort o'laugh with it!

    3. Volutional
    4. benp9876


      It was on a ban appeal..

  13. Someone keep me off the cooker! I burned my hand cooking.. again.. ;_;

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