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Status Replies posted by SodaiKamikaze

  1. I sometimes consider making an "Edgy" character just because it's so frowned upon. This server was originally about creating whatever character you want. Playing the character you want without all the BS criticism and players making fun of it.

  2. Is it normal to play a character for 2 years and hasn't accomplished or risen up to anything that would set me apart from the average joe?

  3. Is it normal to play a character for 2 years and hasn't accomplished or risen up to anything that would set me apart from the average joe?

  4. Trying to figure out what Game i wanta get... and if i should Get an Xbox One or PS4... and what Anime i should watch... any ideas?

  5. Ban appeal been up there for nearly a month like wtf

  6. is the server down?

  7. I get fun RP with antags, then go to walk around town with a harby mark on my cheek and.. crash city! xD

  8. I've been playing this server for over a year and can't find any RP, I can't imagine how hard it is for new players.

  9. Situation: LOTC shuts down. Wat do?

  10. is there lore on condoms

  11. Gah, the decision of which clan I should join... so, many, choices.

  12. So, when the 1700's IG hit, I imagine the LM's will keep us eating dirt and working without steam and inventions?

  13. ******* dwarven guys are such meta gamers its unreal

  14. I have only one question : Why is there not more female Dwarves?

  15. I have only one question : Why is there not more female Dwarves?

  16. Mudkip is best. Ruby is best.

  17. Mudkip is best. Ruby is best.

  18. Mudkip is best. Ruby is best.

  19. with or without hot sauce

  20. nathanbarnett gives OOC headaches and internal bleeding.

  21. Some day, I make a dwarf.

  22. Someone come to the vale and RP with little old Bartley!

  23. Someone come to the vale and RP with little old Bartley!

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