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Status Updates posted by TavernLich

  1. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119874-demotheus-is-peacing-the-***-out/#entry1149627 Bai Felicia! Bai Felicia! Bai Felicia! Bai Felicia! Bai Felicia!
    1. TavernLich


      Seriously tho, bye Demotheus! I salut you in your journey into IRL, will miss ya'! Bai Felicia!

    2. Demotheus


      Who the hell is Felicia.

  2. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/122030-a-dark-night-thoughts-of-an-old-elf/ Heheh, this is my second post in my char’s story with the adherency and him becoming… something else soon. Thanks Nug for helping me with the pics!
  3. http://i.imgur.com/YkDtbPJ.png While the dwarves squabble for the throne, a true king arises!!!
    1. ShameJax


      Why do you have a squid egg on your hotbar...

    2. TavernLich


      Voting, yo! And cuz I am a kid and a squid.

  4. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5e50e4f47663326f66dc4a737b315364aeb58fc224a0b6ef67e86aba0a805e3a.jpg In response to the guy with a strange name that I am assuming has origins around the middle east.
  5. http://www.memecenter.com/fun/1882/happy-and-sad My expression when I saw the server green bars come up, then when I saw that I wasn't white listed. :(
    1. Nug


      meme center my home

  6. Does blood magic even exist nowadays?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TavernLich


      Omg I wasted my 2000th post on a crappy status update lmao. Thanks for the heads up Coolio, never would have noticed otherwise lmao

    3. excited


      I'm an active practioner! 

    4. Mephistophelian


      No it doesn't exist and you're allowed to Self Teach it.



      Seriously though, it is used often and my character just recently used it. And, as Aerial said, his character uses it too.

  7. How are people learning to make chimeras when the creator of the lore himself hasn't been actively teaching? Is it just another self-teachable magic now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bumblefina


      There are books with information about it and any alchemist could essentially experiment with it until they get something of it. Same way homunculi are made, mostly by accident in the beginning

    3. TavernLich


      It doesn't make sense to me. If people are learning something that's meant to be extremely advanced through "trial and error" and books, shouldn't this self-teaching of advanced alchemy apply to nearly all magics then? 



      Magic is more physically/mentally involved; it requires more practicality than alchemy. And again the books just outright tell you how to do it...

  8. I love these snowflakes!

  9. I'm looking for someone to play a chimera. PM me if interested.

  10. Lose yourself to intricate, in-depth stories, not complicated words. Stop the psuedo-intellectuals from vomiting out words from a thesaurus. Support the movement.

  11. More new lore! This time, shorter!


  12. New lore! Ghosts! (Sorta)

  13. What's the server address again? Can't find it anymore.

  14. "Orcs killed my parents when I was young! Now I am completely devoid of physical and emotional feelings and carry a katana and make it my life's goal to slaughter every living thing I see!"

  15. “Server retarting…” -Some Dev.

    1. TavernLich


      Lmao, I can’t believe they spelled it wrong. But anyways, hope you don’t get mad O’ Awesome Dev team!!!

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