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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rethai

  1. not to come out as rude/impatient, but i really want to play on this server so can someone who can whitelist me plz check my app and reply

  2. Why does everyone want a new map?

  3. There's 135 people online. That's great and everything but where is everyone?

  4. Really was a fun time. So long.

  5. Really was a fun time. So long.

  6. Having patience for your ruling on your ban appeal is so hard..

  7. I wish half of Athera was consumed by a flood and everyone had to RP closely together for the first time in like 6 months

  8. Love you guys.

  9. Are yah ready kids?!

  10. Any new players who need help, just feel free to PM me on skype (Found on my Profile page), in game at Africanglasses, or on Forums! :) Lets get you accepted on the first try!

  11. Daily Trivia (take 2): True or false? Trolls can count as high as how many teeth they have.

  12. >ISIS disallows memes >US government decides to use memes against ISIS > LotC staff bans memes > GM team = ISIS

  13. It's a well known fact, that facts are nothing more than facts, hidden behind facts ro bring you the newest facts. That's a fact.

  14. Little Qali - you are no fruit, you are no rhinestone. You are Diamond!

  15. Ikea you are bad at pugsying, you couldn't even kill me...

  16. Took you long enough, Jandy.

  17. *looks at a post "Why does that have upvotes?"

  18. I hate every meme.

  19. Make sure you never roll a tire down the hill if there's a cow standing behind you wearing red rubber boots.

  20. Sadly, if the good staff of LOTC don't manage to unban me in 9 minutes i probably won't be able to get on tonight. :(

    1. Rethai


      You should work on your patience my friend! :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. May I please have my Gold VIP tag restored?

  22. I made a character a while back that required confirmation from a Lore Team guy. I haven't played as them in almost a year. does that mean i have to contact another person from the lore team?

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