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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rethai

  1. Could someone from the ET help me out?

  2. 29 more days until I can appeal!

  3. 29 more days until I can appeal!

  4. Daily reminder that the Oxford comma is the right way to do it.

  5. Signed up to a gym... May be more inactive.

  6. Building a mage/alchemy tower that's 200 blocks high.

  7. Looking for a fun place to play a peasant, merchant, or guard? Hit me up!

  8. Was banned for floating leaves? Where?

  9. Servers back up! :D Enjoyyy

  10. :) I'm OK with being at work while y'all iron out dem bugs

  11. magic plugin when

  12. Server is up but not whitelisted. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

  13. I hope something is really wrong with the server and Athera gets lost. tbh

  14. Servers up ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  15. Um, server won't work. Anybody else have the same issue? And any solutions?

  16. Hope I get accepted Xd

  17. so killing elves is now banned? Or is it the disruption of rp is banned?

  18. Hurry up with the ban appeals ya lazy people

  19. The Suspense for my application to be reviewed is unbearable xD

  20. How many warning posts do you guys have?


  22. Hey y'all! Just did an AT app refresh. If you feel you have what it takes to get on the team, its a perfect time to apply.

  23. Daily trivia is currently at an 11-person tie for second place. Hugothechamp, Lita, wolfkite1, Atoa, Redxophos, Shar'ku, The Pink Cleric, Lagomorphia, Everblue2er, Nalatac, and Demotheus are all at one point. Vardak has three, giving him first place so far. c:

  24. Yeah today is my birthday and I just want to say, it's been a good 19 years. I also want to thank you all of you for making it fun and enjoyable here on this amazing server.

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