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Status Updates posted by 2samspan

  1. Good luck everyone, and have fun!

  2. Good fight, guys. Well earned victory on your part!

    1. Taketheshot


      Yes, good to see the BIG dogs are BACK

  3.  Give me money please

  4. https://gyazo.com/77af925c59cd0104893d6ee027c1e644

    Is there anything I can do with all this sugar cane, or should I just start throwing it away?

    1. Violino


      DON'T THROW IT AWAY! Donate it to my (Klaudia Crast Warnek's) bookshop! 

    2. 2samspan


      Sure, for a small donation fee of 10 minas a stack, I'll gladly donate all this (and the rest that wouldn't fit in the chest) to you.

    3. Violino


      Sure not a problem! PM me so we can set up more details? 

  5. Thanks for removing the PvP buffs admins! I think it's a step in the right direction.


    1. EntoraX


      it just means everyone is easier to kill for pvp gods like me

    2. Mj.
    3. Telanir


      @EntoraX tbh ur right we should just delete /lotc32.dll

  6. Come back to Orcs bb I miss you

  7. tfw you know what you should do RP wise but you can't as a player bring yourself to do it because you know it's a bad idea.

  8. I really like your profile pic. LISA's one of my favorite games.

  9. Why does the server always feel so empty?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Icarnus
    3. Moochael


      It's because the map is too large 

    4. Birdnerdy


      come to felsen rn we have a lot of people there

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