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Everything posted by Kalehart

  1. The application finds its way to the desk of the Sanethir, who looks it over with a curious perk of one brow. Nodding his head, he files it away and makes a note to contact the fellow soon.
  2. A brow rises at the name on the application the 'aheral slouching over it at his desk and squinting down at the text. With a slight shrug, he files it away with those that need to be contacted.
  3. "So, he actually did it... Didn't take him for the sort." The Sanethir mutters as he looks over the application and files it away, "Pleased to be mistaken, then."
  4. The message reaches the desk of the Sanethir, his eyes scanning over it momentarily before he lets out a grunt and files it away, noting the name for interview.
  5. Both applications find their way to Celiasil's desk, and are filed away with the names etched down to be sought out for interviews.
  6. Adorning a rare smile at the continued influx, the Sanethir files this application away with the others, making note to contact the Silma soon.
  7. The next application comes as no less of a surprise, the 'aheral looking it over and nodding his head as he files it with the last. This applicant, too, would soon be contacted.
  8. The Sanethir looks up in some surprise as an application arrives so soon, taking it and sitting back as he glances the form over. The applicant would soon be contacted!
  9. In honor of the late Awaiti Sirame, the Lord Marshal hereby establishes: Okartayneiran (Sigil by @JJosey) “Hileia’ehier.” (To find peace.) Index: I: Purpose & Oath I: I - Oath II: Code of Conduct III: Core Traditions III: I - The Bond of the Pack III: II - The Token of the Realm III: III - The Braids of Merit IV: Organization IV: I - Ranks IV: II - Auxiliary Units IV: III - Membership Requirements V: Application Purpose & Oath Lush forests and cold, gleaming seas wreath the Realm of the Elven peoples, surrounding and enclosing the viridian and crimson jewel that is Amaethea. A place of unity and of prosperity, the capital of the Realm of Elvenesse is not without her enemies. Frequent are those unwelcome visitors who seek to create discord within the peaceful woodlands or upon the idyllic coast, aiming to accost the Realm’s fair peoples and afflict their dignified land with wanton violence and cruelty. The Emerald Guard stand as the bulwark against this tide of hostility that so often threatens to blemish their beloved jewel, a barrier of thorns and flowers, scented of honor and death, which maintains the safety and sanctity of their nation. The Oath: As a warrior I strive for excellence I fight with purpose and passion Defender of the crown My life I lay down For my kin, my creed, my honor. I raise my shield and blade as one ‘Till death or duty release me Kae’leh tal’hiylun nae illere For you my blood will run. Code of Conduct The drawing of your weapon is a statement of your excellence and intent. It is to be done only for the betterment of your skills, or in defense of your vows and your kin. The Citizens of Elvenesse will be treated with the utmost respect. The warriors of the Emerald Guard are a part of the community, and are responsible for acting with honor and compassion. The warriors of the Emerald Guard will act with humility and restraint while on assignment, and recognize that their words and actions alike will be treated as if carried out by the nation as a whole. The Emerald Guard is made up of warriors from various cultural backgrounds who may exercise different traditions. All beliefs held by the warriors within the guard are to be respected by other guard members unless it breaks the code of conduct. Core Traditions The Emerald Guard observes a number of traditions within its ranks, a few key examples of which are as follows. A more comprehensive document of traditions within the organization is soon to be published, expanding on these, as well as other more minor practices. The Bonds of the Pack It is common practice for some members of the Emerald Guard to be accompanied by a canine companion whom they have raised from a young age. Upon taking the oath, these warriors may opt to be provided with a war dog puppy, which it becomes their duty to properly train and care for. Specially bred for their purposes, these dogs are valuable not just for companionship, but for almost every aspect of an Emerald Guard’s duty. To provide for one of these dogs is not a responsibility taken lightly, for these wolf-like canines are not mere pets, but valued allies and partners for life. A warrior of the Emerald Guard is honorbound to preserve the well-being of their hound, caring for them as a brother or sister in arms. Many Mali’ame within the Emerald Guard consider this duty one of religious significance to the mani Morea, the Prince of Wolves and Hounds, only adding to the significance of these loyal, fearless creatures. The Token of the Realm Upon the completion of one’s initiation to the Emerald Guard, the newly oathed individual will be symbolically presented with an emerald earring from the hands of the High Prince himself, which is treated as a physical representation of one’s duty and loyalty to the Realm of Elvenesse. Members of the Emerald Guard will go to incredible lengths to protect these earrings and to reclaim them if they are lost, for far beyond the monetary value of these simple adornments is their weight in symbolism; as the dedication shown in their protection is considered directly reflective upon one's dedication to the Realm itself. The Braids of Merit While many organized militaries across the realm have medals to signify acts of honor, valor and bravery, the Emerald Guard recognizes the accomplishments of its warriors through colored braids of various material, color and length. While it would be unbecoming of a warrior to brag about their achievements, many warriors will be encouraged to bear the braids of their achievements on the pommels of their swords, carrying them into battle. These braids are not intended to signify one warrior’s superiority over another, instead to mark the many steps a warrior takes alongside his or her kin, both on the battlefield and within the walls of the city. All braids will be awarded by the Maribar or the Sanethir, and all recommendations for awards are to be submitted by the Sulannilan. Organization Ranks: In descending order of authority, the ranks within the Emerald Guard are as follows. The High Prince The supreme authority within Elvenesse, the High Prince maintains the right and responsibility to ordain any necessary change or issue any command which he sees fit, unto the protectors of his Realm. The Sanethir The high commander of the Emerald Guard, the Sanethir or “he whose word is final” sometimes understood as “he whose word is to die” is named as such in recognition of their station’s authority and the grim responsibility which they carry. The Sanethir holds authority over all of the forces of Elvenesse, and is entrusted with the management of all military affairs for the Realm. The Lord Marshal is expected to ensure the smooth function of the organization as a whole, and to ordain its direction and its methods; acting however and wherever he must to ensure that the Realm’s safety is maintained. The Maribar The right hand of the Lord Marshal and second in command of the Emerald Guard, the Maribar or "great owl" is named as such to symbolize their duty of oversight. It is the responsibility of the Maribar to attend any and all responsibilities which are delegated unto them and, in the Lord Marshal’s absence, to temporarily inherit their command over the Emerald Guard. Theirs is the duty to ensure that the day-to-day functions of the Sulannilan and the Emerald Guard at large are managed and directed efficiently. The Sulannilan The officers of the Emerald Guard, the Sulannilan or “guiding lights” are named as such to symbolize their purpose, and in allegory to the reverence of stars in the Almenodrim faith. They are those expected to directly facilitate training, recruitment, patrols, and to direct their fellows and citizens in times of emergency when no higher authority is present. Sulannilan are the most veteran members of the Emerald Guard. The Rivaname The initiated warriors of the Emerald Guard, Rivaname or "thorns" are named as such in symbolism for the purpose they serve in protecting the Realm. Paired with the Raellan, these two ranks evoke the symbolism of the Hawthorn, central to the identity of the Emerald Guard. From making arrests, to performing investigations and fighting in pitched battles, the Rivaname are the front line and main body of the Emerald Guard. The Raellan The unoathed recruits of the Emerald Guard, Raellan or ‘roots’ are named as such for their importance in bringing life to the organization as a whole, growing it through their ambition. These individuals are those who strive to earn the right to take the oath, obtain their war dog, and be bestowed their token. Auxiliary Units: Within the Emerald Guard exists a pair of units entrusted with specialized duties. Those enlisted within are expected to maintain the normal responsibilities and duties of their rank at most times, but may be called upon in relevant circumstances to serve as members of these secondary groups, when their skillset is required. The Sulieriran Trusted primarily to serve as the forward guard of the Emerald Guard, the Sulieriran or ‘Watchers’ are responsible for forewarning of threats to the woodland realm, protecting the roads, and undertaking missions requiring a more subtle and silent approach. They are the unseen hand of justice that lurks within the forests of Elvenesse, always waiting for those unfortunate enough to intrude into their home. The Walehiran Wounds and injuries are a simple fact of life in any military, and thus those trained to deal with them in the field are a necessity. The Walehiran or ‘Healers’ of the Emerald Guard are those who have chosen to undergo the additional training required to perform this vital duty for their fellows, atop the standard amount of medical understanding which oathed members are expected to have. Membership Requirements: The requirements set upon those seeking to join the Emerald Guard are simple, but not necessarily easy. Beyond the basics of meeting the minimum age of twenty, being physically fit and capable, as well as a registered citizen of the Realm of Elvenesse, individuals must prove themselves as initiates to the organization. From participating in training, to conforming to the traditions and ways of the Emerald Guard, initiates will need to demonstrate their potential, dedication and capability before being permitted to take the oath and be entrusted with their own war dog companion. Whilst the vast majority of Emerald Guardsmen are elves, non-elven recruits will be considered and evaluated on a case-by-case basis, though the standards of conduct and cultural conformity are notably quite strict in these cases. Uniform (Art by @wan) Application [[OOC]] Username: Discord: Timezone: [[RP]] Full Name: Race: Age: Why do you wish to join?: Are you a citizen of Elvenesse?: Contact Zilldude#0478 on discord with any inquiries.
  10. After taking some time to comfort his grieving counterpart, the ginger Marshal finds himself seated alone, his back to the chimney of their abode and his gaze resting upon the Father Tree. A cigarette hangs between his lips, deep puffs taken and released through his nose, while he reaches into the tin for another. "Your work will not be forgotten. We shall carry it forth." With the simple statement, the 'aheral strikes a match and sets light to the second cigarette, reaching out to prop it on a nearby stone. Watching the smoke waft upwards for a few moments, he then produces his notebook to scribble just a few words within. Nodding resolutely, he returns to his thoughts.
  11. Tarnished Silver: A Lamentation Penned on the 10th of The First Seed, Year 14 of the Second Age. A personal statement from Celiasil, formerly Okarir’tir, and Uradir. To all it may concern, Decades ago, I came to Haelun’or; lost, bitter, cruel and nameless. Time saw me welcomed into a family I had never known, and lofted into a position grander than I ever might have imagined. From bard to Okarir, I was proud of what I had become; prouder still of what I had built, and those I had built it alongside. My kin, my people, and my soldiers, I thought them incorruptible. Honorable. Leal, and decent. It appears at least on some accounts, I was very wrong. My army, reduced to detestable brigands, the name I had once cherished, and surrendered only that it might maintain its luster, now rendered down to a symbol of lies and slander, of warmongering, prejudice and cruelty. Those I trusted to maintain their honor, quickly left complacent to corruption and evil despite all I had tried to teach them. My blood now a burden of shame, my work forgotten and distorted into a vile reflection, yet my love for what was the ideal of my Haelun’or, a place of democracy and a bastion for reason; enduring, even when reality falls so terribly short. I blame myself for not lingering to be our vanguard against this corrupting tide. For not doing what in retrospect was apparently my real duty, to stop Haelun’or from falling to the worst of its natures. Yet the choices have been made, the tarnish has already overtaken the Silver Walls, and now I can do nothing but watch, and mourn for the home that I loved. The Silver City is no more, what we face today is but a heinous apparition, a lingering, undead disgrace to itself. You are not blind. You, I know, can see what this once-great nation has become. You hear the lies, you feel the bloodthirst, you must, surely, sense your honor crumbling and the shame creeping in. While those decent amongst you recognized the growing evil and fled; you lingered. Why? For duty, for family, for obligation to an ideal? I must ask, was it worth it? If you stayed to fight it, you have obviously lost. Consider, and know that though you have waited overlong, it is never too late to make the right choice. To stand on principle, for the honor, truth, reason and sense that our people are meant to embody. The fate of my beautiful Silver City is a shame I will never outlive. My failure to protect it from itself is a blemish that overshadows every grand victory that came before. For all the fulfillment and pride it gave me to be the sword and the shield of our fair democracy, to rebuild that ailing army into one that stood strong for what was righteous, now... I feel only regret, and humiliation for what those I once lead and believed in have allowed it to become. I was so proud of you, my kin, my people, my Sillumiran... So why have you betrayed me, and all that we stood for? Signed,
  12. "The disgrace continues." Celiasil mutters bitterly as he eyes the name at the bottom of the missive, head shaking slowly, "Silvyr, you dare tell me I remain Uradir, and then level this betrayal? Ne." He strikes a match and crumples the paper, placing the flame to it and watching as it starts to burn. "I should have let him perish in that mirror, we were meant to be naysayers- not liars and warmongers." He tosses the burning ball of paper into his fireplace, and spits on it thereafter, the moisture sizzling in the flames, "I'm shamed to have called either of them brother. Never again."
  13. Reflecting upon the mental image of his young niece's body collapsed and beaten upon the streets of Haelun'or, an 'aheral ponders the missive with a quiet sigh and a shake of his head, setting it aside, "He got what he was due. Though, there were certainly better ways for it."
  14. "How far my people have fallen..." Mutters a ginger 'aheral as he crumples the missive and tosses it into his hearth, a sigh escaping him as his eyes cast upwards. "Reduced to gossip and misinformation, wasting their breath and their potential on... What?" His head shakes, and he frowns whilst refocusing on the flames, "Is it my fault, that they've been reduced to this?" Watching the paper crumble to ash, his fingers steeple and he rests forwards against his knees, head slowly shaking, "Let the Walls of Silver empty, for it seems, only ghosts of what was, remain."
  15. THE BALLOT ((MC name: Kalehart)) Name: Celiasil Vote for Okarir'tir: ( ) Valorin Celia'thilln (XX) Ellisar Aevaris ( ) Olrin Hildinyr
  16. 45 from phantom lore cuz idk I guess people like ghosts: followed by 30 from my Okarir'tir resignation post:
  17. A statement from the office of the Okarir’tir. Penned on the 10th of the Deep Cold, 02 of the Second Age. Yielding Command Dearest Citizens & Lliran, I shall lead with what is important, for those of you who do not wish to entertain my idle reflections. Active as of the publishing of this notice, I shall be resigning from my seat as Okarir’tir, and furthermore, nominating my Tilruir’sil Ellisar Aevaris as a candidate for my replacement. With that said, I should like to speak a bit about my time in the role. In approximately the year 1772 of the First Age, I arrived in Haelun'or as little more than a passing vagrant. Ill of temper, foul of disposition, and uncertain of what path lay ahead of me, I knew little of our people or the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya beyond that which my parents had tried to teach and pass on to me in a fleeting, distant youth. I was not certain then, if I should stay, or whether I might continue my wandering, but as I spent more time amongst my own kind, I found a sense of belonging that struck as rather foreign. My rough edges were tolerated, my music- being the bard I was back in those early days- was appreciated and praised, and I was encouraged by others, who claimed to see promise within me that I myself, quietly did not- though of course I’d admit no such thing. My hasty bid for the role of Okarir’tir was one I never truly expected to win. I thought, perhaps, that in the endeavor I may at least better introduce myself to the city I had come to increasingly regard as my home, even if I would not achieve the stated goal. I was encouraged by those I now know as old lliran to pursue the endeavor, most primarily Nelgauth and Earnest, despite my expectation of loss, and to them- and to all who had faith in me to provide a result I’d never have anticipated- I will be forever grateful. In truth I had no real grasp of what I was signing on for, though I thought I did, and I suspect that is the experience of most anyone first taking up such a role, for it is hard to truly grasp the weight of such responsibility before you must bear it. Those first years were a struggle. I had much to learn, and even more to prove, but having been given the opportunity to become greater than I was, I found myself striving to push further, to reach higher, than I ever had thought I might. Back then, I had to turn the proverbial wheels largely by myself, as numbers of the Sillumiran dwindled near nonexistence, and the majority of duties to be done fell to me; I do not mean, however, to complain- really, I could not have asked for a better chance to grow, for this forced me to understand every facet of the duty, to know first-hand the experience that my soldiers would have, and ultimately it allowed me to fill the role more completely than I ever could have without. All of this is to say that it has been a rare pleasure and a source of great satisfaction to watch as these wheels have begun to turn themselves, as that which I struggled to maintain and restore has learned to draw its own breath, working as it should without my intervention. I owe this relief and sense of success quite entirely to the many diligent officers I have been fortunate enough to employ; Ellisar, Zelios, Elahern, Alluin, Lorelei and Valorin to be specific, as well as those that aided me in the earlier years, such as my late and much missed mal’onn Talar’siol, and Ri’Haskir’Kul. The goal that emerged as my guiding desire as Okarir’tir was just that- sustainability, a lack of need for constant executive oversight, and this is a goal that has self-evidently been achieved. With that, I feel that now is the right time for me to relinquish my command, for I believe a new vision is required to further the development of Elsillumiran, beyond what foundation I have helped, by no means single-handedly, form. It is, I think, better to leave with my head held high than to linger past my time. I am proud of what Elsillumiran has become, and of what contributions to Silver Law I have aided in making, but most of all, I am proud of those who have so loyally served under my command and supported me at every turn, through loss and through victory. I am grateful beyond words for those who shed their blood and indeed, lost their lives as my word ordained, and their sacrifice for the Silver State, and for me, will not be forgotten. I have never experienced devotion such as that which my leal Sillumiran have shown, and to them I say that it has been the honor of a lifetime to be bestowed with such trust. I wish not to forget, either, those Heralds and Azdrazi who fought alongside us, who similarly showed me their trust and their loyalty. This too is a duty that I shall be resigning myself from, as I feel that for what ambitions I once held for such a force, it is better left in the hands of one less weary than I. To that end, I shall entrust Keledan with the necessary preparations for the transfer of that responsibility. It is one I am thankful to have been given, and offer my apologies for not being able to see to fruition. With that, I will grant you reprieve from my rambling, and say simply that I hope whomever might next hold this seat, be it Ellisar or another upstart like myself, will cherish, fear, and respect the authority which they inherit, for it is both a great and a terrible thing. I will bid them to never take for granted the lives set into their hands, and to never become jaded to the faith with which they are bestowed. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, for the final time, Okarir’tir Celiasil Uradir
  18. ((MC name: Kalehart)) Name: Celiasil Uradir Vote for Okarir'nor: (XX) Maeve Elibar'acal ( ) Aestenia Aevaris
  19. Hate to see you go man, it's been a long ride. You've always been a good friend to me, every interaction I think we've ever had has been a pleasant one, and I will defend the quality of your character until I run out of breath. Whatever mistakes you may have made, as we all do sometimes, you're a good guy and I hope others recognize that as well. There is nothing to be gained in mindlessly villainizing people, and you are a far more decent, upstanding and good-natured person than some try to paint you as being. Most of my characters in the last few years have interacted with Lefkos in some form or another, to the point that it seems like we kind of developed an RP dynamic that carried between characters in a way that I always found really fun, and you've consistently been one of my favorite people to RP with on this server for as long as I've known you. I'll mourn the loss of the Celia-Lefkos-Rav dream team. Whatever the future holds, I wish you the absolute best and, should you ever decide to come back, I'll be eager to RP again.
  20. I would hope not on that targetting idea, but perhaps. The tenet really exists mostly so that Heralds arent okay to betray the Azdrazi. I might look into the wording of it. That's a good point for the healing, and given how their exhaustion system works perhaps sessions makes more sense. I'll look in to adjusting the ability to consider that, see if there's a good way to do it. As for the last bit, I think all that is really necessary is an Azdrazi rewrite, which I now have reason to believe will show up sooner rather than later. They've got plenty of space to work with, the only niche Heralds really fill is serving azdromoth, whereas the Azdrazi have the whole literally being dragons thing to play with. This lore is like 80% utility and flavor, where Azdrazi is heavily combative and could be so much more as a 5-slot CA, than I could put in here with just 1 slot. Issues with the community are another thing entirely and really I havent been around them long enough to speak on it.
  21. I’ll address the points one at a time. The treatment of Heralds is an IC issue and should not be addressed in lore. Heralds are too similar to Azdrazi.
  22. Changelog: -Minor corrections, wording changes, and format adjustments. -Adjusted it so that the next emote after Virolah reaches a target must be of them moving out of it, to avoid the hallucinogenic effects. -Removed mental changes for the sake of distinction from Azdrazi. -Added new redlines and lowered emote count for Yol Zahkrii. -Added a bit more explanation in the Heraldic Tells section. -Polished the Creation & Erasure and Culture sections. -Simplified the process for removing Heraldry. Anyone with the ability to connect a new herald may also disconnect any herald. -Some minor ability updates, mostly formatting. -Allowed the ability to create custom tells, with ST approval. -Redlined striking in the same emote as activating Yol Zahkrii. -Redlined using Bel Zahkrii while bound, and summoning armor to avoid blows, and added a tell requirement. -Specified that the culture is not enforced by any means. -Specified that rogue heralds can exist, Azdromoth will not remotely or directly remove their powers. -Added an initial spellcasting interrupt to Virolah when the mental impacts set in. -Noted that Dratho Zha does not work through solid, unbroken walls. -Reoriented Dovra-kul to aiding fellow Heralds instead of Azdrazi. Nerfed it significantly and lowered emote count. Adjusted exhaustion system to accommodate. -Added the ability for Dratho Rihk to be used on oneself as a means of voluntary self-disconnection. -Numerous wording fixes. -Summoning an item or weapon now counts as a major action. -Herald markings cannot be hidden when in plain view. -Paladins may purge Heralds of their magic with OOC consent.
  23. (ALL PRE-EXISTING HERALDS START AT FEAT LEVEL. CONTACT THE ST IF YOU WISH TO DROP THE MAGIC.) Heralds of Azdromoth “O’ Heralds Mine, bearers of the mark, receivers of our blood, yield unto Me.” -Azdromoth the Firstborn, speaking through a Herald to her congregation. Introduction: This piece has been written for two main reasons: to make Heraldry into a magic that is worth the slot it is capable of taking up, and to expand on the idea of Heralds beyond just being servants or allies of Azdrazi, turning them into a more important and relevant part of Azdromothian culture. I’ve done this by diminishing the magic’s reliance upon Azdrazi- though not completely doing away with it- and by expanding its capabilities significantly. As a way to avoid completely upending the current norms, I’ve separated it into a feat and a 1-slot option, with the former aimed towards replicating the treatment and purpose seen in current Heralds, and the latter meant to be more independent and versatile for those who earn it. One of my main desires for this lore is for it to see that Heraldry becomes more legitimate as a magic of its own, so that while some Heralds may still ultimately aim to become Azdrazi, it would be feasible and reasonable for someone to seek it for its own sake. To this end I have expanded on the culture of Heralds, hoping to give those who dedicate themselves to the practice a more fulfilling experience. Creation Marking The initial creation of a Herald is a simple process. At the hands of an Ordained Herald or Azdrazi, the Dratho Rihk inscription ability may be used to etch upon the flesh of a willing mortal their initial Azdromothian mark, the sigil of an eye wreathed in flame both branded and tattooed upon their flesh; always over the heart or somewhere on the centerline of the body. After the placement of this marking, the mortal will find themselves capable of comprehending the low draconic tongue, as well as learning a pair of minor abilities. This mark functions as an indirect bond or tether to Azdromoth, inherited from the Ordained Herald or Azdrazi that places it, and from it stems a flow of Azdromothian draan that can be utilized for their various abilities both as base Heralds and later as Ordained ones. In the case of Ordained Heralds marking others, one could essentially frame the passage of this Azdromothian mark as a ‘lineage’, a bond that may originate from an Azdrazi or from Azdromoth himself, passed down from Herald to Herald. Naturally, most of the lineages one might find tend to originate with an Azdrazi, but it is not entirely unheard of for the occasional Herald to be taken into the service of Azdromoth directly. In these rare cases of direct service, there may be minor aesthetic differences to the marking and eventual Ordainment tattoos, often causing them to cover more of the body, glow brighter or in a different hue. These individuals are the beginnings of ‘pure’ Heraldic lines and lineages, sourced from Azdromoth directly rather than one of His Azdrazi children. Similar changes may also occur if Azdromoth performs the Ordainment, discussed in the next section. Any such breaks from the norm are noted on the relevant FA or MA. An Ordained Herald or Azdrazi, importantly, cannot mark more than three mortals with this Azdromothian bond. There is no means to have a fourth Herald connected to the same source, unless said source is Azdromoth, and if one wishes to bestow the mark to someone but already has three other Heralds, they will need to remove one of their marks to free up the 'slot'. The marking of a new feat-level Herald is also tracked on the marker’s relevant application. Anyone with the ability to grant a mark through Dratho Rihk is capable of removing them, thus disconnecting the Herald, Ordained or otherwise, from the magic. The loss of one’s Heraldic markings has no particular cost, either mental or physical, leaving only the branded scar created by the initial bond to Azdromoth after the magic or feat is removed. Beyond this, only Paladins have the ability to disrupt the bond between a Herald and the Arch-Drakaar, though only with OOC consent. Ordainment To Ordain a Herald, thus turning the magic from its feat version into the 1-slot version, two cooperating Azdrazi will be required. With each Azdrazi working with a mixture of their own blood and that of the Herald, the pair will, in unison and with painstaking care, use it to paint upon the flesh of the Herald their expanded tattoos. These markings will ultimately cover two limbs, at least one of which must be an arm, with each Azdrazi working upon one. Unlike the first Azdromothian mark, these appear simply as luminous red tattoos, involving no tissue damage or scarring- though the process certainly feels as if the etchings are being branded on all the same- a harrowing experience to be sure. It is through these tattoos that the draan gifted to them through their bond to Azdromoth can be harnessed and directed with greater finesse. Once finished, the newly Ordained Herald shall be able to learn and utilize the vocal portions of their magic. Ordainment is handled as a new magic app with the prior feat application linked within, alongside confirmation from both Ordaining Azdrazi. Notably, Ordained Heralds remain bound to the person who initially marked them, continuing to take up one of their 3 slots. “Worship Him? No, not particularly. I do pay respect to Him, though! I’d be a fool not to.” -A Herald making an offering to the Firstborn. Culture: (This section outlines only optional roleplay context, and does not include any mechanical effects.) In times past, Heralds have served a role significantly lesser than that of the Azdrazi, dependent upon them for the limited draan they once wielded, and at their mercy should one ever seek to remove the markings with which they were imbued. Though some Azdrazi positioned their Heralds as priests and carriers of the Azdromothian faith, others still made them simple minions for their disposal, leveraging the ambitions of mortals seeking to become dragons in order to make them instruments of their bidding. Though Heralds were meant to be respected, circumstance led this power to be treated more as a bond of servitude. In His bolstering of the powers afforded to His Ordained Heralds, Azdromoth has done away with this perversion of their purpose, reclaiming those leal mortals as servants of His will alone. No longer relying on the Azdrazi for anything beyond their Ordainment itself, Ordained Heralds function specifically as representatives of Azdromoth, their abilities based upon His own and their draan sourced directly from Him. Though ultimately no mortal can match the status of a dragon, Ordained Heralds are those who are closest to their stature without undergoing such a transformation themselves. They are allies and honored friends, recognized as diligent followers of the Titan. Like the Azdrazi, those who have become Ordained have proven themselves in service to Azdromoth, and are regarded with a proportionate amount of respect for their hard-won status. There is a meaningful difference, however, between the treatment of Heralds who have been Ordained, and those who have not. Unordained Heralds are left open to the kind of treatment that had previously defined the role- they may be tested, tasked, and otherwise troubled by the Azdrazi they seek Ordainment from. These unordained Heralds are those mortals that are unproven, and must work to earn acceptance- albeit, it would still be ill-regarded to treat them too unfairly. In agreeing to Ordain a Herald, Azdrazi also accept that they are relinquishing their control over them; granting them status as a near-equal, no longer to serve them, but rather their Father. The training and teaching of a new Herald is viewed, in essence, as a process of preparing them for service to Azdromoth; one which, should the Herald lack in their duties post-Ordainment, reflects ill on both them and the Azdrazi who Ordained them. As such, it is not an honor lightly or thoughtlessly given. This said, as is covered in the Tenets below, even Ordained Heralds are expected to aid Azdrazi in dire need. Though equated to priests, it is worthy of note that the dispositions of Heralds are not always so simple. Due to the nature of draconic faith and those it attracts, certain personality traits that may be looked down upon in other religious practices are instead tolerated, and even encouraged within the Heraldic priesthood. Ambition, pride, stubbornness, even an unwillingness to engage in outright worship are all permitted, for it is these traits which best reflect the Firstborn Himself and dragonkind as a whole. The distinction between these traits and a lack of faith, so to speak, is simply obedience. Though an Ordained Herald may not behave as one might expect a priest to, they should ultimately adhere to and serve the will of the Titan. This is not to say that 'rogue' Heralds cannot exist, as it is below the Titan's interest and dignity to hunt down every stray carrier of his draan that does not strictly abide his word, but these individuals or rarely groups are often a target of more leal servants, should they not be wary. What's more, to exist outside the bounds of Azdromothian faith will most often make it difficult or near impossible to acquire Ordainment, for few Azdrazi are known to stray as such. Tenets Part of Heraldic culture is adherence to a handful of Tenets, meant to provide a guideline for what is and is not conduct that will appease the Titan. Though playing no role in connection or disconnection, the breaking of one such Tenet tends to be viewed as sufficient justification for the removal of one’s Heraldry. They are the following: I The name of the Firstborn shall not be taken in vain, nor shall we permit it to be stained by the words of the ignorant. II The Dark and the Light are enemies of the Firstborn and this world, and we shall not allow ourselves to be seduced by them, nor to associate with their followers. III The Azdrazi are the children of the Firstborn, and so it is our charge to aid in their plights, for through them we glimpse His reflection. IV Those who strike against the Firstborn or His Children are to be shown no mercy, for their folly is that which can be corrected only by death. V The cretin who slaughters our kin, the accursed Aengul who shall not be named, must be opposed at every opportunity, for he is our bane. To briefly explain each Tenet: “You know not the power of the Titan, but don’t fret... We will show you.” -A pair of Heralds creating a fearsome display with Yol Zahkrii and Zil Kresh. Exhaustion & Tells: Exhaustion Heraldry does not incur a standard type of physical exhaustion, instead leading to an ‘overheating’ effect on one’s markings that becomes increasingly more painful and debilitating the more the Herald utilizes their Azdromothian draan. This is, essentially, a result of the markings failing to completely contain the potency of the draan which infuses them. Notably, this is mostly a perceived heat, not tangible beyond at most a slight scalding warmth to anyone else who touches the marks, insufficient to cause actual burns. Though it does not require visual representation, one can display the increasing ‘overheat’ level of their marks by making them glow brighter- though never enough to even so much as irritate one’s eyes. This discomfort or pain can range from a slight tingle for a simple and swift ability like a summoning with Bel Zahkrii, to a searing, nauseating agony in much more extended circumstances such as a heavy use of Dovra-kul. Using multiple small abilities within an encounter will also contribute to the further heating of one’s Heraldic markings. As a rough guideline, it should take about 5 small spells (2 or less emotes), 3 medium ones (3-4 emotes) or 1 large one (5+ emotes) to cause enough discomfort to start creating meaningful negative impacts on focus and movement. Anything significantly beyond these bounds should lead to incapacitation. It takes 1 narrative hour without casting for an Herald’s markings to ‘cool down’. A few abilities function without this cost, as is noted in their details. Heraldic Tells Akin to Voidal magics, most Heraldic abilities come alongside a visual tell. A handful of options exist to allow Heralds some creativity in how they represent their magic. The general theme followed by Heralds is that of ash, smoke, heat and embers, but not fire itself, and personal alternatives abiding this may also be requested. Exhalation of smoke. Glowing of mark or marks through armor, clothing, etc. Ash falling or seeming to be blown off of their person. Harmless embers igniting somewhere on their person. Heat-like distortions around their eyes or hands. Any ST-approved alternative that fits the theme. Tells are displayed before the speaking of any words of power, as it is not a result of invoking a purpose for their Azdromothian draan, but rather of harnessing it in preparation to do so. Those spells that do not require a tell simply do so due to how little draan is needed for their use. In all cases, this tell must be readily apparent to anyone observing the Herald. Emotes that do not require a tell will have this reflected in their emote guidelines and stated outright. Abilities: Herald abilities are separated into two types, ones that require the word or words of power only be understood, and those that require them to be spoken. Feat-level Heralds may only utilize Non-Vocal abilities, whereas 1-slot Ordained Heralds gain access to Vocal ones. Format used is: Name Summary -Details -Emote guide -Redlines -Moderation notes (if needed) Non-Vocal: Non-Vocal abilities are those spells that do not require their corresponding Low Draconic invocation to be spoken. These abilities are the only ones available to unordained Heralds. Bel Zahkrii (Combat) A Herald may summon and dismiss two draan-bound items at will. This requires 1 emote for both summoning and dismissal, or 2 emotes for retrieval when disarmed or thrown. Mindoraan (Non-combat) A Herald may speak and understand Low Draconic, though their mortal nature lacks the capacity for a flawless recreation. This is a passive ability and has no emote requirement. Zil Kresh (Non-combat) A Herald may exert their will upon flame to harmless effect. Ignite or extinguish man-made fires, as well as warp the shapes of flames to create displays. This requires 1+ emotes. Vocal: Vocal abilities are usable only by Ordained Heralds, and require their corresponding Low Draconic invocation to be spoken aloud in order to harness their power. Words of power cannot be whispered, and must be spoken at a volume that others nearby can readily hear. Yol Zahkrii (Combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke these words to set their weapon aflame and imbue upon it an edge of dracanium. This requires 1 emote. Bharoh (Non-combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke these words to exude an aura of significant warmth, suitable for protecting themselves and others from frigid temperatures. This requires 2 emotes. Dovra-kul (Combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke these words to utilize their draan upon a fellow Herald, allowing them to mend most types of flesh wound. This requires 3+ emotes. Adrolazh (Combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke this word to bring forth their affinity for flame, avoiding its touch and ensuring that they aren’t burned. This requires 2 emotes and lasts for 3 emotes. Virolah (Combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke this word to draw forth the fumes of Az’Uznath, muddling the minds of those who breathe in the fragrant incense. This requires 3-5 emotes. Inscription: A subsect of Vocal abilities, Inscription allows Ordained Heralds to etch their intent upon a surface, item, or individual. Dratho Nar (Non-combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke these words to inscribe, carve, or scorch a surface with words in any language that they know. This requires 1 emote. Dratho Zha (Non-combat) An Ordained Herald may invoke these words to imbue upon an item of their choosing a defensive enchantment, granting it an extremely threatening aura. This requires 4 emotes. Dratho Rihk (Non-combat) An Ordained Herald or Azdrazi may invoke these words to mark an inheritor of their bond, granting a willing mortal the feat-level version of Heraldry. This requires 2 emotes. Teaching: Though there is no tier system used for Heraldry, each word or phrase of power must be taught before they can be used, as knowledge of them is not inherent. Simply hearing a phrase or word is not sufficient to utilize it. Heraldry does not have a TA system, meaning that any Azdrazi or any Ordained Herald is capable of sharing knowledge of these words, provided they themselves know them. Feat-level unordained Heralds cannot teach others words of power. Though Azdrazi may share knowledge of the words to enable their use, all abilities are Herald or Ordained Herald only, with the lone exception of Dratho Rihk, which may be used by Azdrazi who have, themselves, been taught it. Knowledge of Dratho Rihk is noted on the relevant application, as is the marking of new Heralds, up to the maximum of 3 per person. If one such Herald is disconnected, the slot they took opens up for another to take their place. Ordainment does not remove a Herald from these slots, they continue to take one up for as long as they possess the magic. Tiers: Heraldry does not use a tier system, it is separated into a feat version and a 1-slot version, wherein the only variation is a matter of what abilities are known. All can be received at once, or individually over time, depending upon the teacher’s judgement. Compatibility: Heraldry (both feat and 1-slot) is compatible with: All voidal magics. All misc magic. All feats. Afflicted. Kharajyr. Hou-Zi [Feat Only]. Wonk [Feat Only]. Musin [Feat Only]. Heraldry (both feat and 1-slot) is incompatible with: All Dark magics, except: Blood Magic All Deity magics. All CAs not listed as compatible. Credits: Kalehart: Writing Malaise_: Consultation Keldrith: Consultation DumbBlondeElf: Consultation Archipelego: Consultation Sorcerio: Consultation Strifeg0d: Consultation Johann__: Consultation Citations: Current Azdrazi / Herald Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/185797-%E2%9C%93-ca-race-lore-azdrazi-children-of-azdromoth/ Hindsightmancy’s Rewrite: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191916-%E2%9C%97-magic-lore-herald-and-azdrazi-spell-enrapturement-rewrite/
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