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Everything posted by ForeverGinger

  1. Throwing my two cents into the ring here, this is some good stuff. You have my support!
  2. So, hypothetically speaking, if our lore was a juice, what kind of juice would it be? I'm getting an orange juice vibe here
  3. Super glad to see this up! Would it be facetious to give it a +1? On a side note: Fix the colors! Please, I'm begging you fam!
  4. Anyone have a link to the current Alchemy Lore?

  5. ((First off, let me apologize for not using the regular format for this, as I am pitching a story arc instead of a single event, I will try and keep this as organized as possible! Please note, I will only be detailing a rough outline of my concept, and allowing the specifics to be worked out at a later date. Now, without further adieu, I bid you to Enter the Athenaeum...)) Knowledge is like a bird in many ways. It is a free spirit, yearning to spread its vast wings and share its fruits with all who encounter it. But, like all birds, it will soon carry on its way. One may try and clip the birds wings to keep it for a while, but eventually it will leave us one way or another. Thoughts fly from the minds of forgetful scholars like leaves in an autumn gale. Ancient books and scrolls are burnt, lost or forgotten... Listen now, don't doze off. this is where the story gets interesting. Hidden throughout the land, deep within the texts and writings of every race and culture that wandered these lands, I have found messages. They vary in meaning, form and language, but all hint to the same ultimate goal. The Athenaeum. A vast archive, locked away under many layers and seals, in the darkest, most twisted corners of the land. A cage for these birds of thought, to keep them captive before they take wing. A mausoleum for the wisdom of ancient minds that now lie rotting in the earth. A kind of 'cheat-sheet' if you will, containing all that has been and all that will be. But I tell you friends, many would kill for this kind of power, for from knowledge comes strength, and more would give their lives defending it. This is where my studies lead me to another, darker discovery. The Chroniclers. The... things... responsible for defending the Athenaeum. They take many forms and, armed with the contents of this vast archive, will stop at nothing to protect it. This is where my research ends. I have given you all I can. The rest lies with the Descendants... ((OOC: A new story line, where everyone of every race can take part in a great scramble to claim the contents of the Athenaeum. Riddles and Mini-events can be done that drop hints that lead to bigger, server-wide events! Humans, Elves, Dwarves, even Kha's and Orcs (at least, those who can read) can delve into ancient tomes and trod the forgotten corners of lost libraries to find out more about this great database of the universe!)) ^_^ ~ForeverGinger
  6. Character Name: So'Ketzawl Basic Information Nicknames: Ketzy and Cheese Cat Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Kha'Cheetrah Status: Pretty much alive Description Height: 5' 4" Weight: Lighter Body Type: Thin and lithe Eyes: Orange Hair: A spiked Mohawk died various colors Skin: Orangy-Gold spotted fur Markings/Tattoos: Larger than average spots Health: Ketzawl is in very good health, but will often be seen covered in an assortment of minor injuries, thanks to his high-risk lifestyle. Personality: Ketzawl is bi-polar, constantly suffering from extreme mood swings. He may be chatting happily away one moment, than have his claws at your throat the next. Despite this, he is loyal to his friends and even more loyal to his goddess, Metztli. Inventory: Ketzawl is never far from a weapon. He carries either a vicious three pronged trident and a medium (Taller Human sized) net woven with small hooks and barbs or a large bow and a quiver of spear-like arrows strapped to his back. Tucked away, hidden some where secret, he also carries a short, stout dagger carved out of Lapis Lazuli. Life Style: Ketzawl can often be found training with his various weapons, either against practice dummies or more... alive targets. He lives by the philosophy that, as long as there is one thing out there stronger than him, he won't stop until it lies either dead or defeated at his feat. Alignment: Chaotic Good (Remember, this is by Kha' standards) Deity: Metztli Religion: Kha' Worship Alliance/Nation/Home: Al-Dirhak Job/Class: Hunter/Warrior Title(s): So' Profession(s): Leatherworker Special Skill(s): Devilish good looks Flaw(s): Devilish good looks Magic Current Status: Nothing Arch-type: N/A Sub-Type: N/A Rank: N/A Weakness(es): N/A Strength(s): N/A Current Spell(s): N/A Weaponry Fighting Style: Similar to a Roman Retiarii (That's "net-fighter" for all you uncultured swine!) Trained Weapon: Trident and net fighting Favored Weapon: Trident and net Archery: Semi-trained, Ketzawl prefers fighting up close and personal Biography Parents: Sa'Shasta and S'Kraukatu Siblings: N/A Children: Pfffffft! As if he's ever gonna have kids! Extended Family: Shrugity shrug Pet(s): Well... he occasionally converses with the stuffed deer head above his door... History You'll have to find this out in-game! Artwork If'n ya got some artwork of So'Ketzawl, message me and I'll put it up here!
  7. "I'm Perdric Wanderwine, the fighter o' Boggles and finder o' caves. Bean climber an' Wolfspeaker, I live on th' Trail an' off th' trail, over tree an' under tree! I's th' talkin' pumpkin' an' 'pprentinced t' snow! I've eaten an' been eaten an' come out again jes fine!" ~Perdric Wanderwine Perdric Wanderwine, also known as Per, Perry and Piggy, is the only current surviving member of the Wanderwine family. He is a male Halfling, about twenty one, and stands roughly two and a half feet tall. Perdric's hair is a startling orange and his eyes are, to quote, "kinda' bluey greyish". He tends to range a bit on the plumper side, with pale, easily burnable skin. "I've never seen anyone act so friendly while being robbed! He even offered to help carry the loot back to the cave!" ~Biggun' Bandit Per acts extremely cheery and is friendly to everyone, even people who have previously tried to kill him. He has a hard time accepting the bad in people, and is subsequently very naive and trusting. He is a bit superstitious and takes a lot of stock in old legends and tall tales. Perdric loves reading and writing and is often caught pursuing a book when bored. He is daring, excited to take chances and travel to new places. Perdric also has an unusual gift for burglary and enjoys the challenge of "borrowing" things from other, larger people. "All'ys carry lot's o' stuff Perry, ye'll nevah know when ye'll need it..." ~Grampy Wanderwine Perdric carries a satchel at his waist filled with various bits and bobs he has collected from his travels. He will often carry plants and reagents for healing when he can find them. However, Per always carries a small knife for chopping up plants and the like, a fist-sized bag filled with Redstone dust and his good luck talisman. "I wanna be on everyone's side an' if'n I can't, then I'll jes be on me own side!" ~Perdric Wanderwine on international relations Perdric is aligned mostly to Neutral Good. He will always do what he thinks is best and has developed a surprisingly accurate gut instinct. However, he can be mislead and lied to easily, so it may not be hard to convince him to do something. Per follows the wisdom of the Aspects of Nature, Cerridwin, Cernunnos and Nemiise. He believes the Pumpkin God, Knox is an aspect of Cerridwin, so he respects him as well. Perdric is a dedicated vegetarian and refuses to eat meat. In fact, the very smell of meat is enough to throw him off. He is very loyal to his friends and his home, Gimblewood as well as the Druidic Order. Per is a semi-skilled woodworker and is in the midst of self-taught healing. "Why would I carry a weppin' when I could jes run away?" ~Perdric Wanderwine on gun control Perdric carries no weapon aside from a small, impractical knife for cutting things that aren't alive. If attacked, Perdric would most likely run as fast as his stumpy little legs could carry him and hide in a nearby bush. If he has no way out, he always carries a small bag of Redstone dust that he throws at people in an attempt to temporarily blind them. The powder stings and burns for a short while, but may be washed or brushed off. "Why would I 'amember things me brain wants me t' ferget?" ~Perdric Wanderwine Perdric's first years were short and quite sad to tell. While the combined effects of shock and denial have left him clueless to his origin, what is written here tells the truth. Perdric was born in a small Halfling village out in the Wilds, His parents, Grampy and Bird Wanderwine settled in the Wilds of Athera and lived a happy, sheltered life. Perdric was born in the small burrow dug by his father Grampy and educated by his mother to the best of her ability. Seeing as neither of the Wanderwines were scholars, most of Per's education consisted of farming. His mother Bird did teach him to read and eventually write when he was around thriteen years of age. Then, one night when the moon was dark and the stars hid their faces from view, Perdric's life changed. Wolves, hungry and lean from a harsh winter, attacked the Wanderwine's small burrow, smashing through windows and ramming the door in! Grampy tried to hold the beasts off with his shovel while his wife Bird bundled little Perdric up and tucked him away in the closet. She locked the door, leaving her precious son alone, telling him this was all a game of Hide and Seek! Perdric stayed in the closet for days before finally being driven out by hunger and thirst. What was left of the burrow was not a pretty site. Per's house was trashed, with blood staining the walls and floor. His parents were gone... Little Perdric didn't even consider the fact that his parents may have died! Somewhere in the back of his mind, the culmination of shock, grief and denial twisted his memory. He believes his parents are hiding somewhere, waiting for their son to come and find them... No artwork for now! Maybe when I find out how to use a printer, I'll scan some drawings in! Feel free to PM me any drawing of Perdric you may have!
  8. I changed the size to be more reasonable (ie. dog to horse) so they could be RPed with horses and pigs if you want to ride one!
  9. Well, I kinda thought that this lore would not need any approval, but it's better to be safe than sorry! Also, there aren't ET creatures, they would just be something to stimulate RP like wolves and giraffes. And, who wouldn't wanna ride on a giant mole? It's the perfect Halfling mount (aside from pigs)! Also, fixed the size! You guys were right, house sized is way to big!
  10. An ancient, leather-bound book sits atop a crammed bookshelf in the Library of Gimblewood. Upon further inspection, you see the cover is marked with a title, written in a scrawling red hand: Creatures of Fable You flip through a few of the aged pages, many of them warped and running with ink, unreadable. One of the sections seems interesting, and less damaged than the rest. It reads, in the same hand as the title: Long ago, in times long forgotten, when Halflings lived in burrows of stone and finger painted on the walls, there lived a creature as old as time itself, the Mole Beast! The Mole Beasts were rumored to be just that, giant moles, that lived in sprawling underground caverns they dug themselves! It is said that it was these great creatures that taught the Halflings the art of burrowing, which they adapted to move out of their nasty cave homes and into more proper, cozy burrows. These great furry beasts are much like your average, everyday, garden variety mole, except for their size and subsequent strength. They could not see, for generations of tunneling left them virtually blind, with a sever aversion to light. They were very shy, but had claws were like giant spades to shift dirt and smash rock! They feasted on massive amounts of veggies and gnawed on the roots of giant trees to feed themselves. The Ancient Halflings soon learned to tame these great beasts and rode them into battle against their foes! The brave Mole Riders, as they later came to be known as, would take great fishing rods and lash a plump pumpkin to the end, tantalizing the giant mole into following the Halfling's direction. Amazingly, the great moles seemed quite intelligent. They were extremely sensitive to earth vibrations, and could recognize their Rider's footsteps! One could potentially call a mole to your side with a few loud stomps! You smirk as you close the book. Obviously, most of this is pure fantasy. Honestly, Cave Halfings? Animals teaching burrowing? Finger painting? Ridiculous! However... Giant moles? Maybe this part is not quite so whimsical. Mayhaps giant moles do exist. That would explain quite a few things... (OOC Things) Giant moles are just that... giant moles. They are strong enough to crush rock and can range from large dog to small horse sized. They can be ridden or kept as pets, as long as you can RP them properly and have plenty of vegetables! They are patient and slow creatures that are blind and despise sunlight. Excessive light, such as sunlight, may cause them to "freak out" and panic. They would never willingly expose themselves to sunlight, but a skilled Druid may be able to coax them out for short periods of time. Moles, when tame, may be taught to respond to commands like an intelligent dog. However, as the moles are blind and hard of hearing, commands are often given through patterns of stomping, as the creatures can sense the vibrations in the earth.
  11. Survey says Warwulves are OP! Looking back on it, there are a lot of OP things here. Any advice on how to tweak this would be appreciated, and if you don't agree with this bit of lore you can shove it up your please let me know! Thanks for taking time to look over my lore :)
  12. [!] Ragged notices are pinned around the Cloud Temple. Each of these papers bears a crude drawing with the following heading: All ye who would walk un-escorted in the black of night beware! Foul creatures have been sighted in these lands, roaming and slaying with complete abandon. These beasts, known as the Warwulf, are an unholy mixing of man and wolf and should be avoided at all costs! I. Infection and Cures Infection: The Curse of the Warwulf, also know as Wolf Flu, is not a common affliction, but that is not to say it is rare. This "curse" is actualy an infection passed through the saliva of the afflicted. The virus is transmitted by bodily fluids, so the most common way to contract this disease it to suffer a bite from a Warwulf, but any other contact with bodily fluids does have a chance to pass the disease along. Symptoms: If you or someone you know has potentially contracted Wolf Flu, take immediate action. Lock them in a convenient attic, basement or prison cell to contain them and expose them to as much aurum as possible (See section III, Defense and Prevention). Symptoms to be on the look out for are as follows: Sharpened eyes and shifts in eye colors (yellow, red ect.) Rapid growth of nails' Extreme hair growth including spontaneous uni brows Warped facial features Hair color changing to grays or browns If no symptoms appear after a full cycle of the moon, please apologize to the potential victim and let them out. II. Appearances and Transformation Appearance (Man): The Warwulf is a crafty beast, and can hold the shape of a Descendant except under specific conditions. The infected will often have vaguely wolfish features such as narrowed eyes, claw-like nails and thick, wild hair. This does NOT mean that all with wolfish features should be persecuted! Please refrain from slaying others based on their appearance alone! Appearance (Wolf): A Warwulf who has taken the skin of the beast is a dangerous and deadly menace. Standing roughly six foot to seven foot with broad shoulders and thick, corded arms covered, this creature has strength equal to that of a grown male Uruk. Its arms reach down near its knees and are tipped with long, razor sharp claws. Its legs are very short in comparison to the rest of its body, so a transformed Warwulf moves by planting its legs on the ground, swinging its arms forwards and taking off with great leaps and bounds. Be warned, a Warwulf may cover several meters in a single bound but has poor maneuverability due to this method of transportation. The Warwulf is also covered in a thick, matted hair ranging from grey to brown. this hair forms an effective armor, but is highly flammable. Transformation: The transformation of a Warwulf only occurs under specific conditions, but there are several signs that war if someone is about to transform. Firstly, hair will spread across the body at an alarming rate, the heartbeat will become strong and audible to any in the close vicinity, as the heart is expanding and pumping blood to all the new muscles and veins, the victim will radiate heat and finally, the eyes will shift to blood red as the excess blood diffuses into them. After these signs, the shift from man to beast is almost instantaneous as the new body parts violently and rapidly explode out. A Warwulf will only transform if the moon is full OR they are under intense physical strain. The full moon acts as a trigger for the beast, activating the virus and kick starting the growth of the vitals, muscles and bones for the transformation. The virus will also trigger a transformation if the victim is under physical pressure in an effort to preserve itself and its host. When transformed, the Warwulf will go into a berserk rage, snapping and biting anything within reach in an attempt to spread the virus farther. The first transformation is often extremely painful, and many are driven mad on their first Changing-Night. III. Combat and Cures Weaknesses: Warwulf have a strange aversion to aurum as it inflicts severe burns to them when transformed and are especially weak to all forms of Void magic for some odd reason. That being said, do not fear a sorcerous Warwulf, for the viral affliction severs all connection with the Void. Warwulf, however, may take on the path of the Druid, as the virus does not seem to interrupt a connection with nature. To get back on topic, transformed Warwulf appear to have difficulty swimming due to their physical makeup. If forced to combat one of these beasts, try to force it into a river or lake, as the water soaks into their fur and weighs them down. The fur of a Warwulf is thick and matted with a strange oily secretion, forming an effective barrier against sword, spear or arrow. However, it is extremely flammable and will engulf the creature in sheets of flame at the merest spark. Cures: A skilled Cleric may purge the affliction if it is still in its infant stages, ie the first two to three weeks after contact, but if the Warwulf has experianced its first Changing-Night, the affliction may not be cured. It can however, be contained and restricted through exposure to aurum. Wearing aurum bracelets or amulets can help keep a victim of Wolf Flu from transforming, and forcing them into aurum-lined shackles is an effective containment method. There is one method, however that can help the infected keep their mind when transformed. A skilled brewer can concoct a potion made of wolfs-bane to aid in keeping the Warwulf calm in the midst of their transformation if administered the night before. After ingesting the essence of wolfs-bane, the Warwulf will be able to remain calm and... er... un-berserk? The victim will retain their identity whilst they have shifted into the skin of a beast, as the potion temporarily nullifies the effect the virus has on the brain. Combat: Shifted Warwulf boast several advantages in combat, the first being their claws. A Warwulf's claws are fully retractable and can range from ten to twenty centimeters in length and are razor sharp. The beast also has a thick, matted pelt that effectively acts as armor for the beast. This hair is bound together with a oily compound secreted during the shift that, when dry, forms a shell-like armor. The most dangerous time to fight a Warwulf is, oddly enough, after they have ingested the wolfs-bane compound, as it means the beast will have the intelect of a Descendant and the body of a monster. ((OOC Info)) So, werewolves in LOTC. Pros: Ability to blend in (mostly) when un-transformed Massive strength Eviscerating, retractable claws Hair armor (may be RPed with chain) You can contain your rages with wolfs-bane potion Long arms? (I guess thats an advantage) Cons: Some "tells" could reveal you are a Warwulf when un-transformed Aversion to aurum You are a walking tinderbox Can not swim well Crazy berserk rages when transformed RED LINES Not RPing the "pre-change" state (heartbeat, hair, spastic twitching) Being in control after changing. You are essentially a savage beast unless you have taken the wolfs-bane potion recently. Not attacking people when transformed. You are a monster, so act like one! Not reacting to aurum. All Warwulf, transformed or not, have an aversion to gold. You may force yourself to touch/wear it if you wish to contain your condition, but it would burn. USING MAGIC! NO magical werewolves! RP potential: People could hunt Warwulf if they feel they are threatening a community, but the Warwulf could RP mas well. They can just be an innocent person with a "furry problem". Maybe you don't know you're a Warwulf, and people are winding up dead in your village. The possibilities are endless! Why did I write this?: I wanted to write monster lore that gave people a chance to have a regular RP life alongside it. For example, you can be an innocent, average Halfling most of the time, but when the full moon comes out, you get to RP as a crazy monster wolf man. You don't have to dedicate yourself to playing a monster only some people want too to RP with. As a Warwulf, you get the best of both worlds, regular RP and monster pseudo-event RP. ((Sorry for lack of pictures, my comp. was derping. I'll try and add some ASAP))
  13. [!] A thick, leather-bound tome is placed in the Library of the Druids, marked with a note labled "Important". The writing in the book appears to have been copied from several scraps of paper, which would explain the short, fragmented style of writing. You skim over several, important looking passages which read: "-and so, the corruption, insignificant at first, had spread unchecked for generations. This horrid blight grew in strength, leaving crops withered in their fields and entire forests void of life. It was in the midst of this time that the noble Aspects saw it fit to bestow upon our realm a creature to defend and heal in the abscence of the Druii. Cerridwin chose for her purpose the only creature left that could survive nay, thrive in lands touched by this blight. She chose the noble goat. For you see, the disease spread throughout an area, sapping strength from all plant life in the area, all the while sowing seeds of its own. These Blight-Weeds, as they soon became commonly known as, sprouted up in lands afflicted by this pestilence, were tough, prickly stalks with a strong stench prevailing about them-" "-The unsightly weeds would help strangle the life from other plants in the area. The goats, however, took delight in chewing upon these nusances, freeing the land from their encompassing grip. So, the noble Lady of Harvest siezed one of these magnificent creatures and bestowed upon it a portion of her natural energies. The goat grew untill it was sized roughtly the same as a large warhorse. Its coat retained its usual marble coloring of brown, white and black, but became shiny, lustrious and thickly curled. From its chin spouted a magnificent spot of hair, and from its brow erupted a twisting spiral of pure white bone. This new creature was named the Eincapra-" "-the Eincapra was gifted with amazing powers because of the Aspect's blessing. Lush grass and wildflowers spouted whenever it trod upon the earth. Minor corruption would flee from it, and the touch of its breath could restore even the sickest of trees to the glory of their youth. However it is known that the Horn of the Eincapra is its conduit to the energies of nature. Without its horn, the mystical beast is nore more than an abnormaly large goat, albeit one with pretty hair. Eincapra live extrodinarily long, and will give birth to only one child upon their deathbed. Therefore, they are a very rare creature. Very few recorded sightings have been legitimitized, and only one Eincapra is know to exist now-" "-As was earlier stated, the Eincapra's Horn is an extraordiarily powerful object. During the creature's infancy, the horn is short and stubby, but as they grow, Eincapra have been reported bearing horns as long as a man is tall. If given willingly, these bones can be used to make increadibly powerful staffs and wands to aid in Druid Magic. However, if the horn is removed without the consent of the beast, it will release a massive flow of natural energy. The energy can have varied effects, but it will always diffuse into the surrounding area after targeting the one who forcefully remove the horn. Several wanderers have reported sighting of odd statues littering the land in the midst of a lush grove or ripe field. It is theorized that these statues are the remains of those who would remove an Eincapra's horn. " "-It is known that the Eincapra are extremly proud. One would never consent to be held captive by any, and one should not atempt to mount one except in the most dire of circumstances. Eincapra do not breed as normal goats do. Instead, an Eincapra will carry its child with it until its death, where it will give birth with its final breath-" Gaze on in wonder at the majestical gift of the Aspects! OOC Shiznits: The Eincapra may be RPed by a horse of the correct coloring, that's up to the person directing the RP to decide. Eincapra may NOT be RPed without express permission from one of the "higher up" Druids such as the Head Druid Eincapra aren't pets, and they would not consent to being held in captivity An Eincapra has the equivilant to Tier 5 Blight Healing with its horn inact If you attempt to ride an Eincapra, unless it is ABSOLUTLY necessary, prepare to feel a sharp stabbing sensation in your abdomen. Edit: Added OOC Shiznits Edit: Fixed formatting and other stuffs
  14. Looking over it later, I can see how people would think this is too close to Druidism. However, Linking is more of an emotional bond between two parties transforming into a mental bond with that specific animal. Druids could Link with an animal, but so could anyone else, as long as they were close enough to their partner.
  15. Have you ever had a pet you really really love? Have you evel felt strange around that animal? Like, a strange bond. Maybe a painful jab when you're far away from them? Well my friend, you may have formed a Link with that animal. A Link is formed when an animal and a descendant are very close to each other. Not close physically, but that would help, but close emotionally. That emotional bond, if allowed, can form a mental bond between the animal and the descendant, linking them permanently to each other. When someone is very close to an animal, they may feel a strange calling when in the presence of said pet. This calling feels like a powerful tugging sensation, almost as if the beast is attempting to pull you inside of it. If you accept to follow this pull, you form the beginnings of a Link with this animal, and tie the both of you together forever. A Link is a very odd, disorienting sensation and takes some getting used to when first formed. Many describe a Link as feeling like a sort of spatial awareness, as if their eyes have been opened after being closed. This may seem as a vague description, but everyone experiences a Link in slightly different ways. When a Link is first formed, it is a very small connection. Bound pairs can not stray far from each other in the beginning and can only communicate via small surges of emotion. As the Link stabilizes and grows, the pairs can move farther away from each other and communicate easily from any distance as if speaking. Some of the closest pairs are able to look through each others eyes and see what the other sees. The pair can strengthen their Link merely by being in each others presence, but this growth can be aided by going through life altering experiences together. The growth of a Link is like a tiny stream growing into a large river, a rush of energy connecting two sources, transporting memories, emotions and sensations from one to the other. Increasing the strength of your bond is something that happens very gradually. When going from Tier 1 to Tier 2, you will not just jump from one to another. The Link is strengthened over time. For example, before being able to see through each others eyes, you would get flashes from your partners point of view. If one partner is killed, the other will experience insanity-causing pain Tiers One through Three and death for Tiers Four and Five. Tier 1: You have just responded to the call and have been successfully bound to your animal. Your Link is still small and weak. You can not be out of arms reach of your new partner without experiancing slight discomfort. If your partner is taken more than four meters away from you, you both will feel a sharp, steady pain in your heads. The farther you get from each other, the more painful the feeling becomes. This sensation is not leathal, but it can be an efective interrogation tecnique. The pair can communicate via intense emotions. If one partner dies during this period, the other experiences very intense pain and can potentially go insane. Tier 2: Your Link is slightly stonger. You are be roughly nine to ten meters apart without experiancing any pain. Any farther and the pain will begin. It will start subtly, a slight headache, but for every meter the two of you are separated, the pain scales tremendously. The feeling is still not lethal, but can drive the pair insane easily. Both can communicate in a rudimentary form, emoting desires and more subtle emotions with each other. Tier 3: Your Link with your companion is much stronger by now. Your bond can stretch roughly twenty five meters. Pain from being separated still begins subtly, but is much more intense for every meter of separation. The pain can be lethal at this point, but only if the bond is severly overreached, say, double the limit. You can communicate with your partner almost as if you were speaking with them, as long as you have not overeached your bond distance. Your partner is now much more intelligent than ordinary animals and can comprehend specific instructions. Tier 4: The Link between the two of you is now very strong. You can be separated by fifty meters, but can streach that bond another twenty five meters with only a slight twinge. Any farther though, and the pain will scale almost immedietly and is always lethal. Any pain inflicted on one is felt by the other, but without visible wounds. You both can communicate with images alongside mental commands and the animal can understand spoken languages its partner knows. Tier 5: The Link between partners is at its strongest. The two can be separated by about one hundred meters, and can travel another seventy five meters with only slight discomfort. After this point, the partners can not communicate with each other and both will experiance extreme pain. After twenty five more meters between them, two hundred meters total, the pair will both die. Any pain inflicted on one will affect the other visible so, cutting one will cut the other in roughly the same place The animal has about the same metal capacity as the owner and is able to think and plan on its own. However, the pair will always stay loyal to each other and one would never even think of betraying the other. By now, the pair can see through each others eyes and experiance what the other is feeling. They can also communicate flawlessly, using a combination of emotion, images and language to convey meaning to each other. Pros: Partners can communicate with each other The pair can see through each others eyes at Tier 5 Partners form a bond with each other only broken by death Animal becomes sentient at Tier 3 Cons: Intense pain, possibly death when separated Sympathetic wounds between the pair at Tier 4 Red Lines (No-Nos): Not RPing communication (meditation, zoning out, focusing) Not RPing pain and/or death when separated Be realistic on distances, you can bend the limits of distance, because they are a bit fuzzy, but do not break them. Think carefully before becoming Linked, because in combat and other scenarios, you will have to RP two entities, yourself and your partner Edit: Fixed colors and tweaked some stuff in Tier 4
  16. Event Planners, MC Names: ForeverGinger Event Type: Adventure! And maybe a bit of treasure hunting! Event Date: Sometime in March hopefully, specifics can be worked out later! Factions/Nations effected by the event: Halflings specificly, but anyone can join if they want to! Event Location: Gimblewood, right outside Number 4 Shire Street Summary: Perdric, a young Halfling training to become a Druid, was tasked by his mentor, Miss Beth the Snow Druid, to grow a plant and care for it. However, Perdric decided it would be wise to give his plant a small treat, a mug of Roxanne's Riot, the strongest ale known to Halfling kind. After pouring the ale on his tiny beansprout, Perdric's plant grew at a prodigious rate, shooting upwards hundreds of meters every day! The alcohol stimulated the growth stupendously, and before he knew it, the beanstalk had pierced the skys and speared a passing cloud, anchoring it in place! (Don't question my logic!) The young Halfling, recalling stories about another young, adventurous Halfling named Hamfast who climed to the clouds and looted treasure from a giant's castle, gathers his friends and elders to climb this great plant-ladder! Upon reaching the cloud, the Halflings are met with a giant, ten foot Olog named Mrug-Mog, living in a castle on the cloud! The Olog was sent to live on this cloud by the Skygods as a punishment for some long forgotten crime. The Orc has been living on the cloud in his giant castle, for the castle is sized for one of his considerable height! The main room of the castle is a single room, dominated by a large cooking pot with equally large tables and chairs. The tables are covered in a clutter of plates, large knives, fruits, vegtables and cheeses. In the corner of the castle is a giant bed, made of rough cloth and animal pelts stitched togeather. Mrug-Mog is not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer, but is no slouch with the massive stone club he carries, and he eventually rounds the Hallfings up and brings them to his kitchen. The Halflings are put in a large, wooden cage with a very nice view of the large, boiling stewpot! They are going to be eaten! The Halflings must somehow escape by parkouring out of the cage before Mrug-Mog reaches them! If the Olog reaches the Halflings before all are out, then he will put the remaining Halflings one by one into the stew pot! After escaping, the Halflings must somehow trick the Olog into opening the castle door for them to escape! Concept Images/Screenshots: A concept for the castle Pretty crude but accurate drawing of Mrug-Mog Other Information: Well, I am not exactly certain of the scale of the build, so a sepreate server is most likely not necesary, but I would welcome it :) Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Shure! If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Builders would be nice, say two or three to work with me, as I'm not a terrible builder! An actor to play Mrug-Mog would be super awesome!
  17. Well its not technically a race, because when you transform, you are still your origional race and keep all of your skill and stuff
  18. The Clockwurk: The compromise between Modern and Fantasy The Clockwurk would be a playable… well I guess I could call them a race… but really all a Clockwurk are is the mind/spirit of another creature put into a mechanical body. The Clockwurk were created by the dwarves to extend the lives of older, wiser elders by transferring the brain into a mechanical body via science and magic combined, however any race with the proper knowledge can create these creatures. The creation of a Clockwurk would be a multi-stage, albeit open ended process. First, you must build a body for the Clockwurk. The body can be of almost any shape, however the body MUST: Contain at least one fist-sized chunk of crystal (four pixles) located somewhere on the body exposed to the sun to be seen on the skin. Be approximately the size of the character being transplanted. This does not restrict the form the body may take, however the Transplantee would adjust quicker to a body of the same proportions as their original, so you could be a Dwarf sized Kha’ or an Olog sized mechanical Halfling with four arms, but your character would be more comfortable being a Dwarf sized Dwarf or an Elf sized Elf. Not have more than four arms. Any more could lead to malfunctions as the Transplantee would not be used to moving any more limbs. Have some area for the brain to be located. This does not have to be the head and is not required, but strongly advised, to be shown on the skin. Have reasonable weapons, if any, on its body. These are not required, bit if you would like weapons on your body, keep them simple. No massive telescoping cannons or heat seeking missiles. Maybe a hidden-blade style sword or a small wrist crossbow. Be built mainly of some type of metal. No full wood Clockwurks or gemstone abominations. Wooden decals and other embellishments are allowed, but the main body and mechanisms must be built of metal. The crystal in the Clockwurk is the source of its power. This power source must be a type of gemstone, but the type is entirely up to the creator and what they prefer to use. The gemstone must be either mechanically or magically altered to turn sunlight into some type of energy, be it heat, electrical or some other type of power. This gem can power some form of engine or power the Clockwurk directly, the internal mechanisms are left entirely up to the creator as long as they are realistic. As Clockwurks are essentially solar powered and can store us a surplus of energy, lack of sunlight will have some adverse side effects: One week of light depravation will cause the Clockwurk to become lethargic and slightly clumsy Two weeks of light depravation will cause the Clockwurk to go into an automatic power saving mode. The Clockwurk will move very slowly and make no unnecessary actions. At the end of the third lightless week, the Clockwurk will shut down, drawing all power to preserving the brain of the Transplantee. The Clockwurk will remain motionless until it is give access to light. By the fourth week, the Clockwurk will run out of power and the brain will die. Sorry, you’re dead! The final stage of Clockwurk transformation is installing the brain into the finished body. The brain must be removed in one piece and somehow preserved, in any reasonable way, until installation. If they brain is left uninstalled for more than an OOC week, then the brain dies and the Transplantee is permakilled. After installation, the Clockwurk will be disoriented and uncoordinated for a time, as the brain needs time to adjust to its body. First Week: The Clockwurk will disoriented and very uncoordinated, as the brain tissue is still attempting to reconnect to the sensory devices in the mechanical body. The person will often have lapses in memory and headaches. Transplantees in a body drastically different from their original, such as a Dwarf brain in the body of an Elf, will experience disorientation and severe uncoordination for a minimum of two weeks. Second Week: The Clockwurk will have better adjusted to its new body and will be more coordinated and able to do slightly dexterous tasks such as grasping and holding small items, swinging a sword, screwing in nails and tying simple knots. Third Week: The Clockwurk will be fully adjusted to its new body and will be able to do anything it was able to do in its previous body. The lapses in memory will be gone by this time, as the brain has fully connected to the new body (hopefully). If the body is drastically different from the original, the Clockwurk will continue to be clumsy and have minor lapses in memory at times. Strengths: A Clockwurk eventually retains all of its previous memories aside from the occasional lapse of memory. Clockwurks can have built in weapons, but these weapons MUST be readied or drawn in RP prior to use Clockwurks DO feel pain, just not as the original body would. A Clockwurk’s sense of pain is essentially a status report, and the pain is felt in specific broken mechanisms, allowing the Clockwurk to quickly identify the malfunction. Clockwurks are partially immune to electricity, however too much electricity can overload their circuits and short out the body. Weaknesses: A Clockwurk cannot repair itself unless it knows how to. Transforming does not automatically give the Transplantee knowledge of the body and how it works. Clockwurks are vulnerable to fire, as the heat can interfere with the internal workings and, if hot enough will melt the metal. Clockwurks will short out if they are exposed to water long enough without being waterproofed. If the casing leaks and water gets into the main mechanisms, the Clockwurk can short out and eventually be forced into power save mode to preserve the brain until the machinery dries out. RP Examples: The Dwarf-Clockwurk Aiden Stonehammer (generic right?) has been confronted by an Orc on the road and he is activating his built-in crossbow: The giant Olog lumbers closer to the Dwarf machine “Me crush zoulless abomunatin!” Aiden Stonehammer’s wrist whirrs slightly as two prongs extend from the end of it, strung together by a thin metallic wire The Olog pounds closer, raising a giant club the size of a small tree all the while bellowing “Me keeeel!” Aiden levels his wrist crossbow, now fully extended, at the charging Olog, his mechanical face smirking slightly as he nestles a small bolt against the string The Olog looms over the small Dwarf automaton, raising his club to crush it. Aiden’s fist clenches and his arm bucks as the crossbow fires, the bolt burying itself in the giant’s chest. Sorry for lack of pics, Imgur was being funky. I have an idea, post a picture of what YOU think a Clockwurk should look like below!
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