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  1. literally 1066 bro why cant i play a 6'8" tight end i know a 6'8" tight end irl!

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    2. argonian


      the height limits were brought in, and set sort of low, to get rid of the retarded puberty-fuelled armsrace of every 14 year old on the server one-upping each other in height until the average human male was 7'2 (srs), because that's obviously what they all fantasied of growing up into


      like yeah im sure the height limit is annoying if u want to play a very tall character for reasons other than self-fellatio, or imagined-future-self-fellatio, but the ends of stopping that sort of nonsense justifies the means of telling a few decent characters to shrink a few inches.


      i mean maybe nowadays that the average player is older and more mature, the rule is no longer needed, but it's really not such a big deal as to do some kind of buddhist monk self-immolation protest over

    3. Nectorist


      i probably have the most right out of anyone here to play a tall character but i show restraint and make almost all of my characters 5'6-5'8 if that makes u proud

    4. TreeSmoothie


      short people play tall characters in lotc... as someone who's 4'11", my characters are 6'6, 8'0, 7'6, and 10'......

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