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About Slothtastic

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    Sloth Overlord.

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  1. Ah yes. My Satyr who I spent a good map and a half on, has finally PK’d because it was enforced. Good to know that our LT is helping us by reverting those that can revert and PK’ing those that can’t. Great job fellas, hey how about we get rid of something that ISNT adding to the server? Or you know, stop shelving everything and then denying every rewrite that comes out. As well as ignoring players that want to get in contact with you. @Tythus full LT and admin purge when?

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    2. Drunken Mutt
    3. ForeverGinger


      And what about the character’s in the interim?  The problem isn’t the LT restructuring the lore--heck, I’m all for new things, and there is a ton of stuff on LoTC that could use a fresh coat of paint.  The problem is this mass shelving crusade Flam has been on recently.  When you get rid of huge pieces of the server’s lore without having an alternative prepared, you screw up a lot of things for a lot of people.

    4. Slothtastic


      @Jenny_BobbsAt this point I’m not talking about my rewrites for Satyrs. They’re ****, that I know. But look at Gallic’s rewrite for Sprites. Look at other people’s rewrites for their creatures. Even if they fix the problems that Flam HIMSELF told them to fix, he still denied them either way. And he isn’t putting back into this either. He’s only taking from it, and he’s shelving not just creatures but magic too. He’s shelving the wrong things, things that people use. If you were to look at many of his reasons for this, it’s because of a lore bloat. Which apparently theres such a thing as too much lore. But, not to get off track, if there’s a lore bloat why is he shelving things that players can be? He isn’t shelving the inactive ET creatures that no one uses at all because “Those are for ET! They can be used at anytime!” Well if there’s a lore bloat why not shelf the things that haven’t been in use since last map or other creatures that no ET has done an event with recently. 

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