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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by UnBaed

  1. vengeance more like foot


  2. EMERGENCY QUESTION: what anime should Trump make real first?

  3. I need more puns, tell me your puns.

  4. I like the new noise when you 1 status updates. Nice little ding.

  5. no one dies to old age in lotc, everyone is killed by orcs

  6. My diamond vip forum tag finaly got updated... praise.

  7. he really wants unbanned

  8. Warhawkes claim the scavenger hunt prizes! Was fun figuring out the words! :)


  10. wub????????

  11. Could a necromancer drain you through a high five?  Like bam high five you're dead

  12. I miss human roleplay . . 


  13. can i say ***** in a status

  14. can i say ***** in a status

  15. can i say ***** in a status

  16. i am... one with the earth... a worm.......

  17. Is it weird that I'd think stuff like werewolves would be a cool addition to the server?
    But not like, twilight ****. No.

  18. anyone wants to be a necromancer send me a message thanks

  19. When you're an orc and you're robbing someone but they pull out a katana


  20. When you're an orc and you're robbing someone but they pull out a katana


  21. When you're an orc and you're robbing someone but they pull out a katana


  22. @mitto @Stonewall Jackson finna tell me why uve hijacked my avatar preferance?

  23. excuse me, no offense to welf, but how is this an accepted appeal when the event details is literally half assed? people who have done super minor offenses are usually always required to write serious appeals that dont take under a min to write. literally this is the shittiest ban appeal i have ever read in all my life, show consistency when approaching ban appeals otherwise allow for everyone else to write 1min ban appeals and forcibly accept them.

  24. i hate aerial and jax

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