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Papa Liam

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Papa Liam

  1. I'm working on new lore for Easterners, but I'd like to throw this out first: Is anybody actually interested in making an Easterner character? Bc I don't want to write all this lore and have no kinsmen.

  2. Knights are the whiniest group of combatants.

  3. Knights are the whiniest group of combatants.

  4. Knights are the whiniest group of combatants.

  5. Hype? I think? Maybe?

  6. Ask me questions!


  7. That was a mess. Thank you everyone who showed up to the wedding!

  8. If you're looking for an active community of great RPers, come join the Orcs! Message me if you have questions.

  9. It's hard to instigate roleplay when you feel so awkwardly distant from everyone. Erhergrhrg I'm a trainwreck.

  10. Can't find RP? Build a clinic! Seems to bring nothing but RP. >< Lol.

  11. Just wondering: how often do perma-kill-worthy things happen? Assuming that your definition of perma-kill-worthy is dying in RP or in a battle that your char believes in.

  12. Just wondering: how often do perma-kill-worthy things happen? Assuming that your definition of perma-kill-worthy is dying in RP or in a battle that your char believes in.

  13. Would any females like to play my daughter you get to be a member of the imperial house

  14. All you nerds going to school, ha pfft

  15. i'm just way too cool for roleplay at this point

  16. did anyone else crash?

  17. Seems to be back up!

  18. why is the server dc'ing me. anyone else being dc'ed?

  19. "You are not whitelisted on this server." liek dis if u cri errytiem

  20. Would you rather live in a world where the landscape is made of breakfast foods, lunch foods, dinner foods, or dessert foods?

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