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Papa Liam

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Papa Liam

  1. If youre team Valor we cant be friends.

  2. google, tell me....... is it Possibler for lotc roleplayer to have gf? how lotc roleplayer to get gf? is it Possilbe? "can" lotc roleplayer, GET gf? IS it actually possible, For lotc roleplayer to get gf?

  3. please leave the meanest comments you can below

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Oh boy oh boy, where to begin? To start off, ***** boy, if that's really what you want, for me to leave a 'mean comment,' sure. Buckle up, because it's not as if I'm going to go easy on your over-sized ass. First of all, I can't even begin to express how ******* desperate you must be for attention, if you're begging people to click on your status just to insult you. Because people would never say nice **** about you, right? You can't just ask people to, "leave the most polite comment below," since people obviously wouldn't take the effort to post on your mediocre status. Honestly, just being on your profile gives me a migraine, these ******* blue and red lines on your banner, and then that uber-generic MC girl skin with pink hair, you know, the really peppy 'xDD' type. Aside from all that, you're also probably one of the most **** GMs. Must be a real kiss ass to have actually gotten accepted as a trial in the first place. In fact, why are you wasting your time being an online game moderator anyhow? Don't you have something better to ******* do on your Friday nights, or was D&D a priority? I bet you're as large as an overgrown kumquat, and just as smart as one, too. 


      But like not actually because you just asked me to post the meanest comment I could so don't ban me please 



    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  4. Daily Anti-Suicide Forum Post: Untie the noose and get footloose. (Thnks, Mooch)

  5. Can orphans eat at family restaurants?

  6. Need more female orcs pls, buying gf

  7. crazy, crazy, crazy.

  8. Random idea I had, would it be cool to have a periodic obituary released to commemorate recently PKed characters, where each character gets a little blurb and a screenshot of their skin or art? Just a low effort page that could be released every month or so (aka don't hate me for putting effort into non-essential things) that would allow players to learn about some characters they probably would otherwise never know about. Worth pursuing? (yes, this is a repost, want more opinions)

  9. How does one make an Orc clan?

  10. RP on LoTC is boring.

  11. Please buy my junk, Im so poor

  12. Please buy my junk, Im so poor

  13. http://imgur.com/vkRgvGd

    Please don't be triggered, I'm but a humble memer. @drfate786

  14. Hi! I was just accepted (you know this) and I was wondering how to get minas. I know about getting a job and all, but where do you suggest I try to get a job at? If you can't answer because this is meta-gaming or something, that's fine. Just wondering.

  15. Hi! I was just accepted (you know this) and I was wondering how to get minas. I know about getting a job and all, but where do you suggest I try to get a job at? If you can't answer because this is meta-gaming or something, that's fine. Just wondering.

  16. Hi! I was just accepted (you know this) and I was wondering how to get minas. I know about getting a job and all, but where do you suggest I try to get a job at? If you can't answer because this is meta-gaming or something, that's fine. Just wondering.

  17. Hi! I was just accepted (you know this) and I was wondering how to get minas. I know about getting a job and all, but where do you suggest I try to get a job at? If you can't answer because this is meta-gaming or something, that's fine. Just wondering.

  18. Hi! I was just accepted (you know this) and I was wondering how to get minas. I know about getting a job and all, but where do you suggest I try to get a job at? If you can't answer because this is meta-gaming or something, that's fine. Just wondering.

  19. You can't spell Sodium without U

  20. I have a fan in my room.

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