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Status Replies posted by Bvie

  1. Lore,+Druid+TA,+New+Guild,+AHHH,+kms.

  2. one application down, 4 million to go O-O

  3. **** this charter system shitpost inbound

  4. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

  5. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

  6. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

  7. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

  8. why are we dropping like flies

  9. why are we dropping like flies

  10. I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest times, I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest nights. But I wonder, where were you...

  11. I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest times, I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest nights. But I wonder, where were you...

  12. I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest times, I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest nights. But I wonder, where were you...

  13. Why was my status saying to act with integrity, be respectful, etc. Removed?

  14. how do i become whitelisted

  15. thanks  for reviewing :D

  16. Grinding a skill trying to get to the top in the server gets so tiring and you lose valuable rp time. 

  17. Grinding a skill trying to get to the top in the server gets so tiring and you lose valuable rp time. 

  18. Every magic is getting an end level, I think that shamanism should also get end level super powers cos i dont want to feel isolated with so many cool kids hanging around

  19. So Sutica = Non **** Alras?

  20. So Sutica = Non **** Alras?

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