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Status Replies posted by Jentos

  1. I'd really appreciate some community feedback on my rewrite (with some nerfing) to Anti Magic as well as an addition made here:

    if there's any questions or comments you'd like to make feel free to comment on the thread!

  2. I'd really appreciate some community feedback on my rewrite (with some nerfing) to Anti Magic as well as an addition made here:

    if there's any questions or comments you'd like to make feel free to comment on the thread!

  3. Well, someone hacked Birthright o.O


  4. my neighbors put up christmas lights yesterday and it physically pains me

  5. Anyone would like to RP as a Byzantine? ;D Contact with me!

  6. Anyone would like to RP as a Byzantine? ;D Contact with me!

  7. Oren Civil Wars are just here so we can make propaganda threads for our particular side and earn rep and laugh at the plebeians while we fix our rep to post ratio.

  8. Is there a way to enforce the rule that you PK when you suicide?

  9. Is there a way to enforce the rule that you PK when you suicide?

  10. Square profile pictures are ugly 

  11. voodoo is fun

  12. For anyone that remembers my old YouTube series "My Adventures in LoTC", what do you think about me starting them up again?  I can't promise a steady stream of videos, but I'll do what I can if y'all would like! :)

  13. voodoo is fun

  14. I'll happiy accept a medal c:

  15. I'll happiy accept a medal c:

  16. I'll happiy accept a medal c:

  17. I'll happiy accept a medal c:

  18. Coming up onto day two without sleep. 

  19. what do i call my dark elf

  20. what do i call my dark elf

  21. There isnt

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