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Status Replies posted by Jentos

  1. i say we start terraria roleplay, who's with me

  2. Mentos, when we gone pk his fam

  3. Typical, I returned just at the right time to watch it all burn.

  4. Looking to play the child of someone, just in case anyone needs a person to play a child char.

  5. Looking to play the child of someone, just in case anyone needs a person to play a child char.

  6. How much do crouching feathers cost?

  7. what is the vip level that gets a third persona?

  8. #GiveGukdanHisRIghtsToMakeLargeWeaponsOfMassDestruction

  9. holy ******* **** game of thrones season 7

  10. isn't it a bit odd how cannons are "too advanced" for a "medieval fantasy" yet we have nukes?

  11. Waterfall building guide is up, any suggestions for the next one?

  12. hi i would like to be whitelisted

    because i am a verry good person to be around with

    and i love this mod and server :D i hope u can accept this offer because im cool woth it

  13. How are people learning to make chimeras when the creator of the lore himself hasn't been actively teaching? Is it just another self-teachable magic now?

  14. you want to know something. all the **** that orener and welves do revolving around target banning and do **** rp to make it lokk like they are in the right just to have people banned that stand against them is why this server is going inactive, why people dont come back. in my opinion both groups are whiners and complainers and if they dont get their way they whine and complain making so bad that they always get their way. im to the point of giving up because all of this is making this server not fun anymore. these kids need to look at how they play and realiize they are in the wrong for once and get the server back to what its suppose to be like seriously.

    ((its recently been all about those groups but there are other groups that do it too

  15. Recent memes have indeed been of very good quality

  16. What happens if an electricity mage strikes someone in full chainmail?

  17. What happens if an electricity mage strikes someone in full chainmail?

  18. @Tahmas  is abusive 
    domestic abuse

  19. slowly dying

  20. someone got a taste of the food of the PK gods it would seem...

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