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Everything posted by MangoArt

  1. Character Name Yuglix'Yar Basic Information Nicknames: Yug Age: 150 Gender: Male Race: Uruk Status: An orc warrior, adventurer, and spirit worshipper loyal to the Uzg. Description Height:7'8 Weight: 370 Body Type: Fit Eyes: Amber, solemn eyes Hair: Dark brown mohawk, dyed red with blood and gore Skin: Completely grayish black, riddled with scars. Markings/Tattoos: Scars (big and small) all over him. Health: Very healthy Personality: Realistc; Once Optimistic, the years have worn down Yug's naive and upbeat demeanor. Some still lingers but for the most part he is a Realist. Honorable; Yug always makes sure a kill is honorable before he makes the kill, and every time he fights he always plays fair. Defensive; When something or someone is important to Yug, he'll do anything to protect it/them. Kind; Yug is kind and friendly to his fellow orc, as well as (to a lesser extent) allies of the Uzg. Is an Orc; Yuglix, despite being somewhat friendly, he is still an orc. He is violent, and cruel to his enemies. Despite this, as stated above, he is still honorable as most orcs are. Wise, Calm; Once a Wild Man, the Orc has earned more wisdom and a calmer, cooler demeanor over the years. Curious; He enjoys learning and trying new things Easily Angered; Unlike the Angry Marines, he is not ALWAYS ANGRY, ALL THE TIME but He is quite easily angered Inventory: Always carries around a journal to record battle stories. He also carries armor made up of various metal plates, animal hides, chain links, and animal plating. He bares a custom weapon, which is certainly a violent example of orcish weaponry (Will be described later in the bio). He also carries a redwood longbow, and wears a quiver full of various arrows. Further Details: Large tusks. Life Style Alignment: Lawful Neutral(?) Deity: The Spirits! (More specifically, Ghorza and Enrohk) Religion: Spirit worship! Alliance/Nation/Home: The Uzg and Clan Yar Job/Class: Warrior, monster hunter, and protector. Title(s): None. Profession(s): Blacksmith, Leatherworker. Special Skill(s): Good with a sword, very cunning, and artistically talented on most artistic fronts save for dance. When it comes to that he has two left feet. Flaw(s): With the right priorities on the line, he can charge very bullheadedly into a situation. He is prone to anger when he is insulted or threatened or someone important to him insulted or threatened. Some may see him as bitter, others may see him as realistic. Magic Current Status: Knows no magic, but like all orcs wishes to someday serve the spirits as a shaman. Arch-type: Sub-Type: Rank: Weakness(es): Strength(s): Current Spell(s): Weaponry Fighting Style: Goes in for the kill in every fight, when he gets wounded he steps back and gets his lur wolf to replace him in combat until he's got his bearings, then he and his companion charge in. However his other strategy when it comes to hunting animals, he uses a distraction and sneaks up behind them to take them down. Trained Weapon: Swords, axes, and bows. Favored Weapon: A wicked weapon of cruelty. One side is much like a sword, however sharp, jagged, and serrated. The other side looks like the blade of a saw. The teeth, as they climb up, get bigger and sharper until the top two are much like icepicks. He calls it 'The Pulverizer." Archery: Fairly good at archery, but prefers to fight with the pulverizer. Biography Parents: Tugah and Drakha Siblings: None Children:Yazka, Kurdakh Extended Family: None Pet(s): Buurztuuth, The Lur Wolf (He used to be a Lur.) Artwork ((Coming Soon))
  2. But I did previously state that this lore, RPly, was written by many different writers and recorded by many different scribes. How could all of them, including eye witnesses, be wrong?
  3. Still, I think the overwhelming amount of lore, tomes, stories, etc. that refer to Krug as male is evidence enough. Why would EVERY SINGLE WRITER EVER, get that wrong? https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Krug https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Dom https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Gorkil (The MOTHER dies, and Krug is still alive in this story, as well. Krug lives on past this story, so that probably means Krug is male if its his MOTHER who died but Krug lives on) https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Iblees https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Ancient_History In this Lore, krug is called male in each. For one, it lists 'The Four Brothers' as Krug, Horen, Malin, and Urguan. Four BROTHERS. Also, shamans call krug 'The Oldfather.' There are orcs who claim to have met Krug in their shamanic endeavours or dreams/vision, I cannot find the lore for it but it's there.
  4. True, but perhaps Iblees thought it would be a curse when it wasn't? Think about it, Iblees had already underestimated Krug once, thinking he would fall for a trick or be so vain as to take his 'gifts', wouldn't it make sense if he made the same mistake again?
  5. But you're missing a big thing. Iblees didn't curse him to be ugly, it was a result of years of combat with the Daemon and giving his face and body charred to a crisp.
  6. Agreed. And even then, they still have some great genetic similarities. They have to for there to be half breeds.
  7. No, no. There's an actual detailed character who was supposedly Krug's favorite mate. There's also a woman who they talk about who she was hella jealous of. This is a good read that should give you insight: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Dom
  8. Krug had children with women...so...
  9. Is the server all wonky for anyone else?

  10. Good fight everyone!

  11. Did we used to be stronk?

  12. can someone get the FMs to stop purging all the Halfling posts? Most of them are still relevant (such as the shortoak family records). Also they're FAMILY RECORDS, they are supposed to be there forever or at least until the famiru dies off.

    1. MangoArt


      Also a lot of the posts were useful guides...

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Alright then

  13. What if....the server is actually being update to 6.0?!


    (jk that probably isn't happening...)



    ((OR IS IT?!!))

    1. GodEmperorFlam
    2. Danny


      then it better be freebuild

  14. Sort of. What does that matter?
  15. Stabba Bombz Zongot determines the ideal alloy to use for his bombs A goblin runs through the streets of San'Raakh. Zongot's mind was alive with ideas and goals. He had been working tirelessly on dynamite and gunpowder, and had had a realization. When you throw a knife or an axe, or anything sharp, it can do considerable damage depending on how fast it is moving. Say something explodes, however, it sends everything near it flying off at high speeds in a multi-directional stream. He concluded he would design a bomb which would throw sharp objects and debris at high speeds all around. The Design Phase Zongot got to work planning his invention. He knew he needed a few things for this to work: Some kind of cannister to hold the gunpowder The Cannister needed to be made out of fracturable, but still durable, metal He needed gunpowder He needed a way to light it (preferably a fuse) Of course, there were things Zongot probably didn't need that he wanted anyway. Spikes to make it 'Ztabbiuh' As much gunpowder as possible Zongot then went on the theorize the shape and size of the bomb. He knew it needed to be small enough to fit in his palm and be thrown, but large enough to be packed to the brim with explosives. He decided on a 8 inch diameter sphere. He also concluded that, in order to be light enough to be thrown, he would fill it 3/4ths of the way with gunpowder. This would result in a large amount of gun powder, and a relatively small bomb. One would be surprised what a 6 inch tall stack of gunpowder could do, he told himself. The next step would be gathering all of these materials, and beginning the painstaking process of smithing them with his poor smithing skills. Gathering Materials Gunpowder Zongot had been working on gunpowder that day, so this would be relatively easy. He walked down into his tinkering shop to fetch some gunpowder, haphazardly placing it in a large sack (not the best place for gunpowder, considering the static electricity). Luckily, Zongot DIDN'T explode (yet). He heaved the sack over his shoulder, walking off toward the forge to begin the next step. Metal This part would have been relatively easy if Zongot knew anything about smithing, and knew which metal to use. Because of this, Zongot made his way to the library and began to read up on various types of metal. He concluded that he would attempt to create the bomb with three different materials: Steel Cast Iron Iron. Knowing Steel was durable, Iron was breakable, and Cast Iron could be both, he decided it'd be best to use them in descending order of how durable they were. He made his way over to the forge in the city, setting himself up over there. The first step was steel. The Goblin began to mix the alloy haphazardly, nearly dropping his tools into the muck. After that, he began shaping the steel into a ball as best he could, making sure it was more of a hollow shell than a ball. After many attempts, failures, smashed fingers, and lost tools, the goblin managed to form a tidy little steel shell. He turned around, staying inside the forge, and attempted to pour some gunpowder inside from the bag. Meanwhile, an ember danced off the forge and landed in the gunpowder. An ear splitting explosion could be heard across the city, followed by a terrified scream. The goblin was sent flying across the room, wounded and barely conscious. His gaze slowly met the shell, hoping to see it in pieces and perhaps use it as the next bomb. It was not in pieces, and most of the chunks of it that had been blown off stayed relatively near. The next step would be cast iron, after the Goblin recovered. Zongot got back to work in the forge, this time carefully selecting his materials so that he might forge some cast iron. In a similar process to the steel, he mixed the alloy and then shaped it into a shell. Its surface was black and brittle, just what he had wanted. For good measure, the goblin grabbed some hammers and nails and a few spike-like objects left over from other blacksmiths using the forge. He hammered them into the shell with only minimal swearing and smashed fingers. Now that that was done, he stepped away from the forge to pour in the gunpowder. He would not make the same mistake again. Zongot stuck the fuse into the bomb, examining his handiwork. At last, he went outside to see if this metal would work. If it did, it would double as a field test. He grabbed a torch from its sconce, setting the fuse alight. As soon as he did this, he turned around and ran as fast as he could. He threw himself into the sand behind a dune, and heard the explosion echo across the desert. He peaked up, shrapnel having been scattered all across the area. Some of the shrapnel had gotten stuck, impaled into walls, wooden posts, and rock. Not only was cast iron the most effective bomb, the bomb worked! And thus, the ZTABBA BOMB reached its early, prototype stages. Of course, a prototype for a human is a finished product for a maddened goblin such as Zongot. He cackled, pocketing his blueprints and moving off toward the city to have a smoke and celebrate. Zongot will be willing to share with anyone who he trusts, or perhaps anyone who pays him... How It Works The Stabba Bomb works in a fairly simple way. The Bomb’s exterior shell is made up of cast iron, a quite shatterable metal. It is brittle, and could create fair size shrapnel if exploded. The way the item could be exploded is if you made a hollow ball of cast iron, and filled it up with gunpowder. It could not be filled up all the way, as it would be too heavy to throw if there was too much, and of course the fuse wouldn’t fit. Because of this, one would have to stick a fuse into the bomb for it to work, as gunpowder has its explosive reaction to fire and heat. The force of the explosion (if there is enough gunpowder) would be enough to shatter the metal. Due to its proximity to the explosion, there would be enough force to send them flying in every direction. Now, of course, given the goblin nature of this invention, Zongot had to add his own touch- the spikes. The spikes would be to add sharpness to the fragments, however would also reduce the distance it could be thrown due to lack of aerodynamics. A small price to pay for a goblin.
  16. 8/10 Can't tell what it is but it looks really cool My inner 40k fan is telling me it's a tech priest...
  17. Reeee! Halflings! Squeals! Midgets! Half Men! Hobbits! Whatever you wanna call 'em, they're havin' a festival


    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Yeah! There's going to be pie eating, darts, shogging, and other fun things!

  18. Does this mean space-golem is non-canon?
  19. Be there or be a regular quadrilateral


    1. NotEvilAtAll






  22. "Ah 'ate teh orcs, but t'is makes me cringe..." Sighs a Halfling, "Why do t'ey 'ate teh Orcs? T'ere are plenteh o' reasons teh 'ate 'em...bu' why? Yah 'umans get teh luxury of 'atin' t'em wit'out cause. Ya don't 'ave teh live through 'ardships teh get teh 'op on t'e Bandwagon! Orcs razed me village an' killed me best friend. Ah don't suppose ye've got a reason ot'ah t'an- t'ey're big green an' smelleh." Merridolph sighs, walking away from the poster as he realized he was talking to nobody.
  23. X Marx the spot for a commune


    (Punish me for that terrible pun)

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Why are you Stalin on admitting that your memes are pure genius? 

    2. MangoArt


      I dunno, I guess I've been putin it off. Maybe I should start russian

  24. Come to the Halfling Shogging Tournament at 6:00 PM EST! BE THERE OR BE A STALE MEME

  25. Ey! Halflings and Bigguns, shogging tourney at Pendlemere at 6:00 PM EST! Be there or be square!

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