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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. https://gyazo.com/b038740a555116dd3755dd1dde3c2c60
  2. This image is my profile pic but it got cropped, I guess this qualifies as a meme
  3. I like to think of Knox as more of a particularly powerful harvest spirit, although my characters worship Knox as monotheistic god.
  4. "I would check t'is ou', bu' t'a booze a' t'a 'ammered 'am is free!" Madeline Applebrook the halfling would remark "No filtheh minas required!"
  5. This^ It all depends on the religions ability to provide good RP, and their cultural value
  6. Just a discussion thread about halfling religions and their place in halfling society.
  7. That gif isn't very relevant to the situation, as I have never had much issues with "The past", and i have never experienced any ills due to being too close to the druids, the only ills I've seen from the druids is taking up all of Kasfer's time EDIT: No offense intended, here's a cookie image for ya!
  8. Yep, although most of us don't care about the materials and minas anyways.
  9. It doesn't really matter who we get land with as long as it fulfills the goal of getting us the activity and good RP we need to continue on doing halfling stuff in 6.0
  10. "There's 5 halflings at the village, where dat activity check at?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      >was quoting a moment that occurred yesterday 

    3. _Jandy_


      >is sad regardless

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Hey, at least you can admire the flowers 

  11. Fair 'nuff, although you could argue that being closer to the Druids encourages Druidism. I'm just paranoid of losing our culture.
  12. Maybe if we were to reduce the size of the village a bit, that'd be a good idea. IMO The main issue with Reedsborough is that it's too spread out for such a small community.
  13. Just a place to start discussion about the (presumably) vast amount of halfling recipes. My favorite halfling recipe would probably be Applebrook Porter, the family drink of the Applebrook family. Made with lots of misc. ingredients and one extra secret ingredient that makes it the booze we all love to drink.
  14. This^, or we could just move close to the Urguan dwarves, close to Sutica, etc (I would say Druids but in order to get far as a Druid in the Druidic order you basically have to give up anything else you had been doing and become a full time Druid doing Druid things and obeying the Druidic culture. We could lose a lot of activity that way, just like how kasfer spends most of his time at the Druid grove)
  15. Any ideas as to how the persona plugin+other plugins will be modified to fit the removal of Nexus? I've heard that many plugins are closely connected to Nexus and might need to be modified if Nexus is removed.
  16. Also make sure to have woodcutters not be able to feed themselves and others entirely on apples
  17. Remember to nerf the food yeild from animals as well;If you reduce crop yeilds but keep the breeding food yeild intact everyone will just use their crops to breed animals because that would be the most effective way to make food. (Maybe revert it to vanilla drops? Currently killing animals gives you like 3x vanilla amounts of meat)
  18. Shout out to the boys who did the stream for answering a lot of my questions as well as a crud ton of other peoples questions

  19. Any thoughts on what I've said here? @Sporadic ((Sorry that I pinged you....))
  20. This is a bit of a crazy idea... but what if clicking on a block of wheat also harvests the blocks around it? Would that fix this issue or am I on drugs?
  21. In order to revive farming: you need to give food crops actual value Right now a single person can feed an entire city If you want to revive farming, you need to make it so that a single person cannot feed an entire city so that there is a need for more farmers and a higher demand for their produce. Perhaps if you were to make it so that the crops of the last year cannot feed people for the next few years, maybe that would help out with reviving farming. That's all I have to say. Think of it as you will. EDIT: If the term "Make food gathering vanilla", is that referring to removing the use of hoes in farming or making the drop rates and crafting of food vanilla? If it's making the drop rates vanilla, I'm down for it;we need to reduce the amount of food in this game somehow.
  22. You've been on this server for three times as long as I have, yet you have a quarter the rep I do




    Shamefull display

    1. FloralHedgehog


      I'm not such a big forum rat as you are

    2. NotEvilAtAll
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