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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. Good job! I'll have to start making some lore for planes of existence
  2. I'd give you a +1 if that button still existed
  3. Every single post we make without the rep button is lowering our post-rep ratio.



  4. We have likes AND upvotes onLotc now



    Just why?

    1. FloralHedgehog


      This is wrong!

      I want my big fat +1 's

  5. Madeline Applebrook wouldn't bother digging up the magical chalice of infinite booze in Pendlemere, seemingly not wanting it to end up in the hands of anyone, for it had killed her brother in his eleventy first birthday party with it's never ending, incredibly sweet booze. He drank himself to death, never noticing his dying state, as no alcoholic would ever stop drinking from the chalice once he began.
  6. Why am I always the last person to comment on a thread?

  7. *Insert original meme here*

  8. Halflings are the best race in lotc

  9. This lore post is only one letter away from adding Beardmancy to lotc. +1
  10. Sometimes I wish lotc was like Dwarf Fortress 

  11. Madeline Applebrook would wonder how a halfling got captured without her noticing "Eh, mus' beh some impropah 'alflin', othahwise I'd 'ave 'eard abou' t'is alreadeh. Knox save tha' li'l girls soul" Her eyes would tear up for a bit
  12. When will the halflings go on the mega crusade to convert all of the Bigguns to Knoxism?

    1. Arkelos


      your god is dead.

    2. Jakraes


      Poor halflings, y'all praising a blood mage, reeeee

  13. Bring back Stealing from Unlocked chests!

  14. If taking things from unlocked chests is banable... does that mean every single halfling player ever will be banned? Most halflings thesedays treat property in a much different manner than other races, and most property is presumed to be available to any halfling at anytime. 


    So... is that banable? If "stealing" from unlocked chests isn't seen as a bad thing in many circumstances in your character's culture, can you "steal" items from unlockedchests without a ban?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      ^ Agreed! Why should it be against the rules to steal something in RP?

    3. Telanir


      It is not against the rules to steal in RP. You just initiate a heist with a /modreq so a moderator may oversee said roleplay.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Having theft be done solely via modreqs will probably remove any sort of sense of surprise surprise the theft otherwise would have had...


      Not to mention the increased workload on the GMs who have to oversee even the tiny and petty thefts.

  15. Should I make an AMA once I get to 333 posts?

  16. 4/10 I think I've seen you on the forums once or twice
  17. https://strawpoll.com/2r7byf2a


    I am doing this for purely scientific reasons, don't question it's nature.

  18. ((Hello from the future, we still don't have flying cars :( )) Yes, and No. Not all halflings have meme like content in their bios Many halflings DO have meme like content in their bios Nevertheless, it's always fun to RP with the merry bunch that is the halflings
  19. If wonder if there are any guides to speaking Sindarin on the internet? Who knows, it just might be a thing.

  20. So this spirit will be actively hunting the "meek"? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meek I'm not sure attacking passive, weak, and submissive peoples adheres to the Orcish sense of honor... :P
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