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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. The halflings are an example of communism working

  2. If you had all the time, resources, and willpower in the world to code a crafting system for lotc, what would it look like?
  3. I just posted something 13 times due to the lag holy guacamole

  4. It’s been over a week since anything has happened in this club Time to bust out the memes fellas
  5. Send me all the dank halfling music for my collection 

    1. Ducklingator


      scarborough fair is the most halfling music there is


      someone can make a song that is just them screaming "halflings" for half an hour, it won't be as halfling as scarborough fair

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  6. Mapleshire is going along well

  7. Someone doesn't like halflings... other than that this is a pretty good lore post, I approve of it.
  8. 2,433 people have wasted their time by looking at my profile

  9. Thank you for this, as it's nice to be more informed on Nexus, this cornerstone plugin that does many things people say Nexus does, and so on.
  10. The new halfling village is looking pretty great

  11. That was a pretty amazing halfling festival

  12. There seems to have been some changes to the brewing plugin...


    We can make Cider now! And Sake! And probably many more things!

  13. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/71811-halflings-in-30/ A lot of good suggestions can be found here
  14. The font is hard to read, but +1
  15. Blessed be the coder that made it so we can stack cakes

  16. This doesn't really fit into the discussion forum, so I put it here in memes. Enjoy the music, and make sure to recommend songs to add to the playlist down in the replies!
  17. It'll only be a matter of time until every halfling I know becomes a tree
  18. A smile would tease at the corners of Madeline Applebrook's mouth "'e be ah good chap aye, t'is ah shame tha' weh 'aven' been seein' 'im much recen'leh"
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