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About JustMeMorgan

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    The Puddlemancer
  • Birthday March 3

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    Wasting my time on this god forsaken server

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  1. anyone ever considered that if batman used the millions of dollars he had available he could have invested in charities and just built hella large rehab centres or facilities capable of housing homeless and disadvantaged people, who turn towards crime as the only method of surviving.


    Instead he just breaks their bones in several different places in ways that healthcare insurance def can't cover and probably making that person's kids have to result to crime and causing further issues?

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    2. Ewdrawings


      He gets more XP this way

    3. Jihnyny


      I havent read batman comics but from time to time i listen to videos bout em.

      iirc his parents were really the selfless type, giving away to charity and stuff. Due to bruce still being young he ofcourse turned into an edgy no lifer teenager until alfred groomed him to be a smart cunning man. 

      the thing about gotham is that it basically fell into pieces horribly, and theres no way to put it back together again. 

    4. Islamadon


      It's because it's very clearly stated numerous times that he himself is as mentally ill as his villains- and he does contribute to charity. By punching criminals in the street he feels like he is directly preventing a similar tragedy from happening to a kid like him. It's why he has the Robins, too.

      He also feels in control when he's punching bad guys - it makes sense to him. He's a weird, edgy guy who is envious of the Flash because the Flash suffered similar trauma but isn't a doomer. Flash also has the love of Central City and genuine friends.

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