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Everything posted by dard

  1. can you change the color of your redlines? that dark red is too dark on the forums to read.
  2. I just checked and I didn’t see anything about being allowed to edit it. I mean, I don’t think it’d be denied like that, but again it helps when there is a longevity beyond what the current magic meta is. If you ever stopped playing, someone else would have to interpret what creatures could and couldn’t become druids, what magics are incapable of working with them. There is a part, for instance, where you mention that necromancy must be removed from someone to become a druid. I don’t think either of the necromancy rewrites include a disconnection ritual at all, so that, for instance, already doesn’t work with that. Again, it’s not really going to make or break anything but its nice and gives the lore longevity if years from now an LT looks and sees if you don't have a soul you cant be a druid, and some flame spirit monster that is accepted in 2021 gets passed but isn’t listed on your doc. This also eliminates authorial authority so that people won’t have to come to you for your interpretation, or so that the LT won’t misinterpret your vision if they end up making the ruling. Hope my rambling, isn’t making too big of a deal of it, it’s really not even that major of a thing just something I was pointing out to help clarify your piece.
  3. So, I haven’t fully read everything but just on this point I’ll add this: make these lists interpretive rather than a concrete list. With the Lore Games, creatures of all kinds might be added or removed. Magic might be added after the games or just after this piece gets accepted. Just have an explanation of who can become druids and who cant. Same thing for any references to specific magics or creatures i.e. Creatures unable to become Druids: -Undead of any kind -Creatures that do not have souls -Creatures who have their soul meddled with or moved (such as Machine spirits, Kloning, former body-swapped blood mages) Doesn’t have to be those criteria, that’s up to you to make that list. Just have this section (and any other sections that would refer to specific magic/creatures) with a longer shelf life than the lore games so that Lore folk don’t have to come back and update this list every time a new creature is added or removed (and it’ll likely help to get it passed, and at the very least a +1 to my vote). I’ll keep reading through the other parts. Not an official LT verdict or anything, just my two cents.
  4. Just my opinion, but this is too complex for a feat. Tier progression shouldn’t be a thing for these and if it’s non-combative magic having emote counts seems pointless. With the amount of stuff in this post spell wise, imo, just make it a magic. I wouldn’t personally mind seeing this turn into a new trope outside of the usual holy boy paladin swordsmen that people try to hit on. Priest magic, maybe?
  5. you all are missing the obvious solution  here and that is that we all should be tweeting chris hansen.  



    1. Ixli
    2. drfate786


      He’s streaming in 17 minutes.

  6. For future reference, if anyone’s lore goes to the current loremag and you want to discuss what my vote is, why I voted that way, and what can be done to make me change my vote (if needed), feel free to DM me on Discord and we can go over it.  Dardonas#6440 

  7. if your brain is too smooth to understand the madness of what’s going on behind the scenes that’s on you, chief this post aint meming the pedophilia. Open ya eyes, get woke. But most of all beware of Billy Sham I am and the necessity to ban him immediately over his insidious plots
  8. no we’re dealing with a madman armed with cunning guile and peak physical performance
  9. careful with talk like that you might provoke this billy guy into conjuring up a meme of you
  10. ah yes, thank you for showing me my folly, gentleman. hopefully i dont rub anyone the wrong way and someone digs up dirt on me to blackmail me from the lore team for my egregious error.
  11. Billy Sham | a criminal, a menace, a vigilante | Greetings members of the Lord of the Craft community, After much discussion amongst ourselves and a lack of acknowledgement from Tythus when we filed our report with him... We find that we have no other choice but to go public with this report to take action. Why have we chosen to make this public? Simply put, we do not trust Telanir to quietly handle this report and take the required action. After previously sharing private reports immediately with those in question, the inefficient review of other recent incidents that have been brought to Telanir’s attention (posting memes, doxxing, existing), the questionable verdicts he issued for each of them and the overall incredibly slow and ineffective action that the administration takes that allow this person free reign on the server for weeks... This is best done in the open for accountability’s sake. Names, inappropriate content, and other possibly identifying information from most parties have been removed in an attempt to protect those involved from retaliation. Our Message to Tythus ban billy sham, you have 12 hours to comply before i start going public with with more of his crimes I think this evidence speaks for itself: billy sham if you’re reading this, turn yourself in. you’ve been had.
  12. I never liked the aesthetic of shrek evocation
  13. no it failed because the only teacher was someone who was in a european time zone and was stretched for time.
  14. “...Bone to flesh, life to death, and Gods to Men — until a time would come when such things fated to be lost would make themselves found…” — Sorrows and Sacriledge, part two Origin It was the Old Lords who once placed their fate unabated in the tidings of mankind. The Lord Malkaathe among them, who took with his brothers the art of necromancy from the Betrayer, would become the living embodiment of all vengeance, all hatred, scorn, and blackness that was felt towards the corruption of aengudaemonic scourge. It was Malkaathe who churned the soul of a forsaken dragaar, Mordring, into an aberrant abomination. It was Malkaathe who spurned the first Khorgul, the Abyss Wraiths, and with them the capability to forge an army, headed by Wraithlords and elder Resonant Knights. And it was Malkaathe who became the first among the Old Lords to forsake all of mortalkind. Origins of Rh’thoraen Necromancy, detailing the origins of the foreign form of necromancy and how it arrived in Arcas from the antiquity of Rh’thor. Magic Explanation Unburdened by Darkhollows of ages past, Rh’thoraen necromancy still finds itself afflicted with side effects from meddling with the agents of death. In the shadows of East-Meets-West, a forbidden brand of necromancy developed and evolved separately from the original form the Old Lords stole from Iblees. Through sheer will alone, macabre agents twist and weave life into death. The Craft of Heith-Hedran, explaining the concepts of Rh’thoraen Necromancy and its effects on the mortal body and spirit. Abilities Maledictions, defined as abilities in a necromancer’s arsenal that they can utilize directly in combat. Corpsecrafting, defined as the process of building vessels for reanimation and the manipulation of all that is dead. Pestilence, defined as necromantic plagues to inflict lasting torment on a necromancer’s enemies. Thaumaturgy, defined as rituals and sacraments that utilize the support of one’s coven. Black Alchemy, defined as brewing potions and devilry with Liquid Lifeforce. Pale Curses, defined as malignant and wretched maledictions that may be scourged upon the living. Undead Creatures Simulacra, defined as undead warriors and mages who have been raised from the crypts Archliches, defined as necromancers who have achieved the apotheosis of undeath. Tier Progression As a necromancer begins to utilize lifeforce more frequently, their capacity to control greater sums of it increases in turn. While the total amount of lifeforce a necromancer can utilize never truly increases, they can more finely tune it to use in increasingly more powerful abilities. Refer to the references at the bottom for generalized information, and refer to each individual tier section below for details. General Redlines Necromancy is a four slot magic, becoming a three slot magic with the capability of learning two slots of magic if one becomes an Archlich. Once a player learns necromancy it cannot be dropped; there is also no disconnection ritual. Necromancers are marked as having a black soul for the purposes of other magic or events. Necromancers adhere strictly to a PK clause system that requires you to be brought back by your fellow necromancers upon death (see Thaumaturgy, Rite of Returning). In order to use reanimations, a necromancer must have a lore signed oculus on their persona. If animations are using any kind of specialized weaponry, such as a bow or a diseased boneforged item, they must have those items in their own inventory to represent such. The apocryphynium can be brought into the game to justify bridging gaps in knowledge if all teachers ever go inactive, provided the Story Team lore members agree to such. In extreme scenarios, it can be utilized to self-teach in order to revive the magic (should it ever go inactive). Purpose Citations
  15. Good feedback boss, yes, why didn’t I think that players couldn’t understand the concept of roleplaying – rather the playing of roles. Too much for their small brains to comprehend that playing the role of a serf means that you would opt not to be wearing armor that is worth more than your stick hut! Foolish, how foolish of me truly! Thank you for showing me the light. If I had known the solution to these things was not to bother coming up with a solution, I would have consulted you earlier. Thank you, sir.
  16. First point: you’re not going to be lifting up telephone poles while people are shooting arrows at you. I get that there is a movie quality to LotC at times, but trying to set a concise point of balance with “fight or flight” is ridiculous. If someone, out of a combat scenario, wants to lift an enormous boulder go for it (within reason). Second point: It’s not only about “serf strength class,” it’s a point of roleplay. Commoners were not proficiently trained to use heavier armor classes. If you read my entire post, you would have noticed the part where I addressed that most of the people who are actually interested in playing these “commoner” type people are ST actors. The Serf-tier classification is also there for magic submissions that don’t quite want to toss out full physical strength, but would not want their players roleplaying as Paladin type figures. Third point: Again, it’s not meant to create a class system for players to sit there and say “I am a Knight class or I am a Mage class,” it’s for reference for when the situation arises that a mage is trying to benchpress a boulder dropped on them that they can’t say “I’ve been weightlifting,” or with an Orc saying “I have blood rage and Orc strength, therefore I rip the gate off your wall.” Fourth point: It is something we need due to the consistent number of times that there are issues where the LT or the Moderation team having to sift through outdated lore that vaguely points to how strong certain characters are. I don’t think anyone is going to get a magic blacklist for being a mage and lifting 78lbs instead of 75. Because unless you’re playing a character from Game of Thrones, this won’t affect you and it gives structure to an otherwise gaping void of issues? It’s for roleplay reasons as much as it’s just a standard guideline for an inbetween of what an average person should be, and a classification for certain magics that don’t quite diminish strength. I already mentioned it in my post that most players do not play as “commoners” they play as “knights.” As for the numbers themselves: I took Dunstan’s suggested numbers, if you have better ones to offer I’ll look those over.
  17. I’m going to once again reiterate that this isn’t some sort of class system, it’s guidelines that give form to commonly referred to things in magic/creature posts. What is Orc strength currently? Well you ask any number of players and it’ll range from being Shrek, being a Warcraft orc, or being something completely else. That’s the issue. People make up how strong they are on the fly and there are so many outdated or varying sources, if any, to the point where people just allow the powergaming. This is meant for a generalized cannon and point of reference. Not every human gets to be Ser Gregor Clegane, I’m sorry.
  18. It’d be up to people to define what category their creature fits in for the most part
  19. Compilation of Player Strength Cannon This list is meant to normalize the levels of strength that player characters can achieve. Creatures and beings played by Story Team Actors are intentionally left undefined. Precise numbers are subject to being tweaked by the decision of the lore team and the general consensus of the players (provided it is still in an editable state in submissions). The issue is that there are too many varying definitions of how strong their characters are, and in most cases it is left to the players to define that. That idea is fundamentally wrong because it goes unchecked until a situation where Moderator or Lore Team supervision is required, where staff members from both teams have to sift through obfuscated lore posts and judge whether or not they were staying true to that goal. The intention of this is to eliminate that hassle and create one simple reference. Additionally, this will give structure to existing magics so that every new magic submission will not have to define their own version of “Mage-tier” strength, so instead they’d simply refer to the Mage-tier strength (or appropriate category) that is listed on this post. Mage-tier These are the physically weakest beings, finding themselves without any muscle tone and subhuman strength. Mage-tier characters can lift at most 75lbs. They are capable of wielding weapons up to the weight of a standard shortsword without issue, though cannot use any combat proficiency (such as swinging a sword with equal merit to a warrior). Those with Mage-tier strength are incapable of wearing anything beyond leather armor or chainmail. Redlines: Mage-tier beings can lift or pull up to 75lbs in combat, straining at the 65-75lb mark and requiring concentration. Mages-tier beings can use light weaponry like daggers or shortswords to fight, though they lack force behind their blows. A mage can slit someone’s throat by surprise, but find their strikes easily parried by stronger individuals. Mage-tier beings cannot use armor beyond the capacity of chainmail or leather armor. Serf-tier The most common being, those with Serf-tier strength are your average villager or commoner without any martial training. Those with Serf-tier strength possess the means to defend themselves, but will find themselves uncomfortable in offensive maneuvers. Those with Serf-tier strength can lift or pull objects with weight up to about 200lbs, often struggling at the 180-200lb mark. While capable of wielding weapons such as maces or swords, Serf-tier characters are incapable of matching those with skilled martial prowess. Those with Serf-tier strength cannot successfully wear heavier forms of armor such as plate. Redlines: While mostly only ST event actors play characters that would utilize this level of strength, this exist as guidelines for those wanting to play a typical commoner, as well as select magics that would implement this level of strength. Serf-tier beings can lift or pull up to 200lbs in combat, straining at the 180-200lb mark and requiring dedicated concentration. Serf-tier beings are capable of using weapons to a high enough proficiency to defend themselves, but it is uncharacteristic of these level of characters to be capable of even combat against Knight-tier beings or higher. Serf-tier characters cannot use armor beyond the capacity of chainmail or leather armor. Knight-tier Knight-tier strength is the strongest level of strength that humans, elves, dwarves, or any other humanoid bar Orcs can achieve. They are proficient with most martial weapons, capable of using them with ease and a warrior’s prowess. Those with Knight-tier strength possess the means to lift or pull up to 150lbs in combat, and 300lbs in a controlled environment such as a weightlifting contest. Those with Knight-tier strength are easily capable of wearing plate armors, provided it fits their body. Redlines: Knight-tier beings can lift or pull up to 150lbs in combat scenarios, straining and requiring concentration around the 140-150lbs mark. In controlled, noncombat scenarios, knight-tier characters can lift up to 300lbs. Knight-tier characters are proficient to use most any human-sized weapon or armor, provided it is suitable for their character size. Orc-tier One can imagine Orc-tier strength as strength that rivals that of a supersoldier, though it is not superhuman. Orcs can lift or pull up to 500lbs in combat scenarios, and have been seen to commit amazing feats of strength in controlled environments, like carrying a tree trunk. Like those with Knight-tier strength, those with Orcish strength can utilize heavy weapons and armor with ease, especially those fitted and sized specifically for those with Orcish strength. Redlines: Orc-tier strength is capable of lifting or pulling up to 500lbs, straining and requiring concentration at the 400lbs mark. In controlled, noncombat scenarios, an Orc-tiered being can lift up to 500lbs. Most beings with Orcish strength, such as Orcs, are capable of utilizing weapons and armor for larger creatures that those with Knight-tier strength are incapable of using. Golem-tier Like the name suggests, those with Golem-tier strength is delegated to the most powerful construct that a player can play—typically a Golem. Those with Golem levels of strength are capable of lifting or pulling up to 1000lbs in combat scenarios, and are capable of commit extreme feats such as carrying boulders or holding up metal palisades. The capabilities of these creatures to wield weapons and armor is dependant on the creature itself. Redlines: Beings with Golem-tier strength can lift or pull up to 1000lbs in combative scenarios, straining at the 800lb mark. Within reason, they are capable of pushing themselves further in noncombative scenarios to far exceed this. Beings with Golem-tier strength are variable with what equipment they can utilize, dependent on the creature type.
  20. Upon a tree in the forests skirting Haelun’or, a strange note is tacked by nail to a tree: Within the deepwoods of forest some begotten — in a stone where place and root and time tremble with anticipation… [The document has several scores crossing out the next three phrases, each one showing words mismatched and phrases misordered backwards] Where the ancient ones come to play, the children shall not stay. Where the ancient ones learn to live, the children die. Cast the cliffs over the children, now cast them! Leave woods in [illegible] children, we need more more no. [The ramblings continue downward until it devolves into complete, childish scribblings and pictures] Oh my Lady, we love you and Malin the Father, dad, dad, both at once. -- OOC -- Rules/Guidelines: Everything is conducted in roleplay with the purpose of creating a story. Restricting LOOC to a bare minimum would be appreciated so that I and potentially other ET who may assist me can properly catch emotes. Minor banter is fine and will happen naturally in these situations, just be aware of how much OOC is going on so that it doesn’t drown out emotes. It shouldn’t have to be said, but please conduct serious roleplay. Repeatedly using trolly emotes will be warned to stop, and if becomes an issue there will be forced removal. If you reference items like swords or torches you must be MCly prepared with item representations. Come prepared. All acts of third party villainy are defaulted to roleplay in the event area and internal conflict can be quite noisy…
  21. I like the spell but I think it might be best to wait until the Lore Games and just integrate it into a full rewrite.
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