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  1. valorant

    Edited by ShouHeiKun
  2. Guys, what is the most aesthetically designed RP post in all of LoTC?

    1. CorweenieTheJedi


      the one that I got taken down by a mod for low effort rp

  3. 🤡 Me checking the forums constantly for over a month to an unreviewed ban appeal

    Edited by ShouHeiKun
    1. Nug


      what did u do x

    2. ShouHeiKun


      1 hour ago, Nug said:

      what did u do x

      basically im in maximum security prison rn

  4. If the people running the server were listening to new players and constantly finding ways to get a glimpse into their experience, it would change everything in terms of growing the playerbase.
  5. Very based take in the freebuild thread, we need more newcomers like you to describe their experience / inhibitors.
  6. Couldn't have said it better myself. Quite a bit is done to promote this behavior. Tying in OOC rewards with IC, such as voting to get mina, donating for soulbinds, etc etc, promotes a very negative mindset which can only serve to encourage people to merge OOC and IC. Many other small things feed into it like for example the lack of a fleshed out combat system making it very easy for OOC tension to build, such that party A gets mad at party B OOCly and now amplifies their IC efforts to ruin party B's experience, and vice versa. There's no other option aside it devolving into each side trying to find whatever rule they can exploit / bait the other side into breaking, or have friends who are staff do their bidding which is a reality that is ignored by many with conflict of interest.
  7. Untrue, I have spoken to some admins on these issues and they're well aware of all of them and want to solve said issues. The problem is that the playerbase itself is conflicted and some individuals on staff like to cause drama when the admins do decisions that they dislike. The world team for example will most likely have a stroke if freebuild is added, mainly because it would have to be an executive decision that they have no control over. That's what I'm saying. The playerbase is conflicted and I believe a big reason is because of the diversification of issues which we discuss. It's very hard to reach a consensus when most of the discussion around suggestions are happening on small scale. Take the freebuild issue, if 20 people are arguing about it in a thread when theres 4 other issues that 20 people are also arguing about in a thread, the opinions of staff will likely hold more weight. Conversely, if 100 people are arguing about it in a thread, you will be able to see which side the community favors greatly, and the opinions of staff would hold less weight. Furthermore, more members of the community would be indoctrinated to hold the current position and push for change. Ultimately, there are those who are self-serving and are undeserving of staff or leadership positions. These individuals can be linked to many of the issues we as a community have faced over the years as all they do is cause division on issues that should be pretty simple. They treat LoTC as a popularity contest and will actively shitpost on anyone they deem to be a threat to them or their clique. Agreed heavily. The current map is large beyond proportion. It is simply too big. Gone are the days when orcs used to interact with humans, now they only do laughable raids on elvenesse simply because it's the only place they can run to within an hour. Smaller maps mean more interaction both with players and with nations. Border disputes, trade disputes, etc. I believe it's essential. I wasn't aware it led to mass inactivity, or if it was a miscorrelation, but I believe if done correctly a smaller more cohesive map would go a very very long way. After all the alternative is a massive amusement park where you personally can't really impact it in any significant way.
  8. Yes, I lean towards maximizing the amount of avenues that players can take within their nation to cause change. But with my issues on freebuild, I am already considering things with best-case scenario in terms of staff and rules. Even if everything was structured perfectly, and 60% of the time people rebelled and caused change instead of splintering off, what I said still applies. Let's say political conflict is reintroduced in full force, it is a very brittle thing to rely on to regulate this as there can be very long periods of peace, nations which don't cause conflict with one another due to there being thousands of blocks to travel to reach one another, and alliances which an older nation is more likely to have such that even if they're weak the new nation can't declare war and fully destroy them. Another thing to consider is even if the old nation is conquered, often times the new nation will annex the land, when the old nation would need to be razed 100% of the time in order to be healthy for the server. If the new nation simply annexes it, they still split their population (which will naturally be less than the original population of the old nation in their one city) among two cities. Freebuild also poses an issue where rather than a defeated nation's populace splitting off into various other nations or the new nation, they'll resort to freebuild and have a new makeshift hub built in rocket-speed, many of these people are in a discord community with eachother and would have no incentive to be reabsorbed into the server's wide array of other nations. From my point of view, the solution comes in small pieces. Vying for a smaller map would lessen the distance from one nation to another, increasing probability for war. Vying for some form of cart hubs will allow for much more interaction between player groups, increase likelihood for new players to stay due to being able to quickly find rp. Vying for a better system for political conflict / nation conflict will lessen the interval in which new nations are made due to coups and changes being made by people within the nation rather than them requiring a new nation. Vying for a warclaim system which makes it easier to conquer and destroy old and barely active nations without rules or staff inhibiting it. And eventually, the benefits of freebuild would outweigh its negative effects on player interaction.
  9. I see more of your perspective now. Generally, this would work given the servers population was growing rapidly, but it seems not to be. From what I've gathered, you're saying if everything is working properly, new strong communities will be built at the expense of communities which have lost their prime / are no longer run properly. This way, the nations wont be endlessly divided into minimum activity nations over time. The problem with this is that in the context of a stagnating server, for each new nation, a nation must also perish 100% of the time, which it is not / won't ever be. If a nation does not perish, it's playerbase will still be there, If there's 8 nations among 200 people, that's 25 players per nation. If it turns into 10 nations, that's 20 players per nation, the amount of nations is intrinsically tied to the amount of active players within any given nation. If it is easier to make a new nation than it is to destroy an old one, over time you will see more and more nations among the same 200 players, such that any given nation feels like a ghost town and is arguably active enough to be considered a nation. Take for example, nation A has 100 active players, but is far out of its prime. One player takes 40 players and makes nation B. With no entire takeover of nation A or nation B, this will always lead to a recursive divide of the playerbase. Now, instead of Nation A having 14 people online during peak, they have roughly 8. Nation B will have roughly 6. In order for this to be viable for the server, 100% of the time nation A or B will need to be destroyed to allow for their playerbase to be reabsorbed by the server, contributing to nation B's populace or various other strong communities within the server rather than having two semi-active nations. The interval in which a nation's population is divided is heavily tied to how easy it is for someone to make a new nation. If it is easy (i.e. you can do it in freebuild without considerable barrier to entry) to make a new nation, the interval will decrease, as eventually you will have someone who doesn't like how things are going / wants power, and they will take people to form a new nation. Despite the lack of freebuild, there already is a comical amount of new nations being established even now, that each feed into a very niche style of rp that can often times be found or !merged! within parts of other nations. It feels like each time you go to cloud temple there's a new sign for a new starting up nation. The ONLY way for the proposed viewpoint to be healthy for the server is if it is growing and can afford to continuously divide the playerbase to scale with playercount, right now it is severely in the red and the nations to player ratio is in need of a massive purge which I don't think will ever happen.
  10. It's evidently clear that nothing will be changed if we are all calling for action in different areas, if we as a community overwhelmingly targeted one issue prior to moving to the next in ascending order, there might be a chance that someone will listen. For example, if 100 people were yelling to add fast travel, it would be magnitudes more effective than 20 people vying for fast travel, 20 for freebuild, 20 for smaller map, 20 complaining about warclaims, etc. The latter only ends up with jaded admins who end up following their gut (and whichever group is prodding them the most about it on discord) instead of what the community actually wants, through no fault of their own. Granted this is an idealist take but it's the only way I can see any of anything getting done, with hordes empirical evidence indicating it.
  11. I agree, but a big turn off when I played in the past was the feeling of emptiness that plagued and continues to plague every town. Colossal megabuilds with often times 1-3 people actually RPing within it unless it's high peak. IMO, one town with 20+ people walking around and living lives inside and feels like an actual town vastly outweighs four different towns thousands of blocks away from eachother with five people scattered around each. It just isn't fun, engaging, or immersive to walk into a city that feels empty, regardless of culture or how well the people making it were able to express themself through unrestricted building. I believe it would be more productive to tackle this issue, as a prerequisite to tackling the freebuild issue. Without proper execution, freebuild will always be bad. In order to be executed properly, the issue with ghost-towns and constant dividing of activity would need to be a non-issue as freebuild would again only amplify this effect. Not even mentioning that it would likely be very bad for new players who already have an insanely hard time to find consistent RP, as now many people would be in split off into areas that mainly experienced people would know of or straight up secluded from everyone else. If we can agree that many (not all) people who create nations aren't doing so only out of annoyance with a current one but moreso that they have the means and people to make a nation which they can rule over -- Making it easier for people to make nations will feed into the current loop where all large cities are drained of activity via their own playerbase segmenting. I've experienced, witnessed, and even partaked in efforts like this many times when I was none-the-wiser. Many cities, for example Sutica, used to actually be very active and feel /alive/, and now when you go there you'd be hard pressed to find four whole players within the entire city.
  12. Then again, starting new groups is what continues to further divide the playerbase to the point where many capitals are ghost towns instead of bustling cities, we need less diversified rp not more, but with all the new nations it seems it will continue to divide and freebuild would only amplify that
  13. unbann me u ruin my christmas...

    1. Aengoth


      how could you ruin his christmas


    2. Kvasir
    3. ShouHeiKun


      how could he ruin my christmas

      and he ignore my message

  14. perm banned on new years for something i already made a successful appeal for over a year ago.. feels good

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