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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. ”thill’iyat” Said Usamea, pondering for a few “I like it”
  2. {Winter Caravan by Aleksandra Medvedenko} On domestic and international trade An announcement from elOkarn akaln’leh As issued by Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul 21st of Malin’s Welcome, Year 66 of the Second Age “Our Bastion’s wealth and security depend upon our ability to control and regulate trade, even if that means at the expense of our lesser associates.” - Silir Uradir Haelun’or has been known throughout Her history as the isolated state - from the time of the creation to present day - among the continents we have resided in. Such has been an asset for Haelun’or as we remain self-sufficient, we are not dependent on any foreign nation when it comes to exports and imports. Haelun’or has bloomed from the era of Malaurir Dio Astore to the era of Malaurir Elesia Elervathar. To remain progressive it is important to understand the value of external trading, the value of good diplomatic relations between Haelun’or and foreign nations, however not with the expense of ourselves. We must remain vigilant, yet open. I am thus bringing back something created by a former Okarir’san Silir Uradir - the seal of Elemyumiran. This seal will be granted on application basis to merchants that function within the Silver State. We will uphold and protect the rights of our government-approved merchants, who’s caravans will be sealed with the official mark of our Republic in order to ensure safe passage through the borders of the Most Favored allies. We require all trades associated with our nation to be conducted via these marked and traveling repositories. It is by this method that I ask the citizenry to consider supporting the introduction of enumerated goods. When a mali’thill merchant purchases goods to redistribute with a raised price (as is wise and just), or creates goods to sell, they will be required to filter certain textiles and items of interest back through the Motherland to receive the necessary tariffs. Any Silver Merchant would understand that it is their blessed duty to first provide for our Society, not just themselves. Any profit they make, some will go to our capital city (which, due to its elegance and continuation of our kind, is always in need of funds). During times of conflict it is important we remain open to dialogue and diplomacy, the usage of swords and spilling of blood is but actions of the uncivilized. One must always seek diplomatic resolution to conflicts, even when the swords have already been raised. On this note, I am letting the representatives of the Dual Principalities of Fenn and Nor’asath, the Crown of Elvenesse and the Ebonwood Principatus know that Haelun’or still remains open to dialogue and diplomacy– violence should never be the answer. However for now, all trade between Haelun’or and the aforementioned settlements shall be ceased until further notice. We implore the nations to reach a diplomatic resolution. Signed, Okarir'akaln Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  3. There are actually some people that are hoping to create some sort of Greek culture! You could try to get in touch with them if Ancient Greece if something you’d enjoy!
  4. I SAID MY MEMES ARE GOD TIER such can not be denied, it is known
  5. My memes are god tier, it is known
  6. Ah, it’s always wonderful when a 300 year old elf has children with an 18 year old 😍
  7. Ask me what meme are you!!! I’ll put my skills in good use and give you a rate A meme I swear
  8. Gemini

    4 YEAR AMA

    Honest to god there are so many— if I’d have to choose one right now I’d say it’s memories I made back in Atlas, I was a newbie back then and life was easy! But lmao crp events are either pure gold or just trash. my favourite character Hrm, there have been so many but if I’d have to choose I would say Halsi’s character Iaria Elervathar! Her RP is just pure gold and the character is filled with a personality and is so sassy omg, I love it. My favorite skin was made by @Fieactually and I’m currently wearing it! I don’t really know you that well BUT I actually was a bit hesitant at first because I accidentally mixed you up with someone else I don’t really like ;-; all times we’ve interacted you’ve been super nice!!! and AHHH naztherak is very high on my list, the lore is just beautiful and I wanna play a psychotic megalomaniac 😭 When adopting lessers is made legal in Haelun’or :3 Honestly? Sometimes I do, I’m not sure whether lotc has been good or bad for me but for some reason I always return. I’ve even made my first goodbye post but still, came back. Anime eyes are simply OP, with this character I don’t think I can since it’s gonna look a little like Nuala so ;-; I think it’s the fact that you can escape the reality you live in, to live as another Persona and do things you could never do in real life. You can set certain goals whether those are running a nation (which unfortunately is prolly not happening to any of us Irl) or creating a very powerful mage! In lotc only your imagination is the limit. other reason is that you make friends along the way, some stay and some go but you learn more about yourself during lotc, at least I have. I think there are many good things, which are the reason I always keep returning.
  9. Gemini

    4 YEAR AMA

    Okay for the love of god comment something this is very awkward otherwise
  10. I joined Lotc a little over 4 years ago I wanna cry — I really just wanna write more forum stuff which is why I’m doing this no need to ask anything really. Tell my your favourite memory on lotc or something, share your favourite meme idk
  11. I wish I could downvote this
  12. ”To join Larihei in her eternal rest is part of the cycle of us all.” Laurir An’asul would idly comment as the contents of the letter were published, the elfess would light a candle next to her window. “You served well Ni’leya, your service never forgotten. Now is your time to rest, together with Haelun.” The Okarir concluded, for a brief moment the elfess allowed herself to mourn the loss — just for a moment — before the never ending duties of a councillor would catch up to her.
  13. Hey are there any people that run their nations economy willing to have a little chat with me? I’m in need of some second minds and would love to talk to other people! call it a summoning of secretaries of treasuries! XD 


    My discord @ is Geminisole#3927


    Appreciate it :3

  14. “Ay’Maheral” Uttered the elfess as she quickly headed into the depths of the ivory citadel, to her pen and paper. The Okarir scribing a document, never so quickly.
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