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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Aehkaj

  1. All this time, why now? Why are whispers of frog men occurring now?

  2. Dying is fun sometimes

  3. Everyone run, Daal is coming to destroy everything!

  4. I agree with megavoltar. 

    crab people

  5. It should not cost money to be able to turn off tater spam

    1. Balmakka


      The aftermath of the EthnicGroup tater spam

  6. Petition to start using logic in your crp fights you fools

  7. PSA: Please sign letters when you send them expecting a response

    1. ThatFunkyBunch


      No..you will continue to get vague letters from me on your madman. 

    2. SapphirePool
  8. remember to tune in to 108.9 An'Gho FM

  9. server should go back to 1.8 so pvp is at least a little fun when it's called

    Monkey speed click fun

  10. What color is green?

    1. Mirtok


      It's like a yellowish blue or bluey yellow

    2. Aehkaj


      No. no. what is GREEN I need the answers of the concept of the color GREEN

    3. _Jandy_


      the color of money, get some n check it out

  11. What is the best pastry?

    1. ClassyDryad


      Waffles obviously 

  12. What kind of bear is best?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnBaed


      a fat bear is a healthy bear

    3. ClassyDryad


      Bear fists, honorable combat.

    4. Aehkaj


      You all are wrong

  13. when can tech fix my inventory (again)

  14. where is all da world lore for ecosystems and animals to stab stashed

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