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Status Replies posted by DeusVult

  1. Shoot me a message on the forums if you want to do some Hazbin Hotel roleplay

  2. Keep this guy banned from LOTC. He is a safety hazard to LOTCERS!!!!

    1. DeusVult


      I apologize for whatever I did...

      I don't know what I did but I'm sorry....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. the biggest racket on lotc is the skinning community. how u going to let someone charge you a mid-range game for a pixel skin.


  4. Just had a great conversation with Telanir on how I can move forward in regard to the recent Your View. I would like to reaffirm my alignment with the mission statement, and I apologize for my poor attitude & recent sh*tposts on the forums.


    Since my proposal of CRP becoming our default combat system in February 2022, it has been my goal to consistently make substantial improvements to our Roleplay Standards, and that will always be my goal.


    If you have ideas or words of advice for how we can improve our quality of Roleplay, I'd love to VC with you.

    1. DeusVult


      I think trying to improve roleplay standards by dropping mechanical pvp combat is not the way to go. 

      This mission statement is quashing players who could otherwise contribute to an overarching narrative by forcing unto them a system that is ultimately flawed at it's core.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. I wish there was a way to opt out of having to rp with child characters.

  6. and a follow up

    I can't stand the thought of an rper determining pvp rules

    1. DeusVult


      since when have pvpers dertermined anything rule-based (we are the most oppressed race)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. QOTD: for those of you that are in healthcare fields (asking because I'm a dentist) alongside being LOTC RPers, how do you find the time to continue to RP here and what do you willingly sacrifice to spend time here?

    1. DeusVult


      IDK if it counts but I'm pre-pt rn, and so far shits easy af hella free time

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. "The fact that people are all calling the person who is couping Petra a cuck irp speaks volumes as to how shit this server is now"
    "Unban me, NOW! I haven't played in like 3 months and now im banned??!? Great server #gobacktotiktok"

    Personally, I would vote to unban you, but when you post this kind of stuff, it makes me wonder if it would be good to let you back in. 

    EDIT: I had misunderstood the context of the messages, and after talking to him, he seems like a cool dude!

    1. DeusVult


      TBH I wasn't even crticizing the server, i was just commenting about the misuse of the word lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. "The fact that people are all calling the person who is couping Petra a cuck irp speaks volumes as to how shit this server is now"
    "Unban me, NOW! I haven't played in like 3 months and now im banned??!? Great server #gobacktotiktok"

    Personally, I would vote to unban you, but when you post this kind of stuff, it makes me wonder if it would be good to let you back in. 

    EDIT: I had misunderstood the context of the messages, and after talking to him, he seems like a cool dude!

    1. DeusVult



      But also there was 0 communication as to why I was banned up until recently. Ban reason is justified, just wish I knew what I was banned for.

      The first comment was a taxonomical comment about the word and its meaning 🤓

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. I wonder if Maltamoss has tried talking to Eddyw irp about getting unbanned from Petra discord! 

    1. DeusVult


      I hope eddywilson tells maltamoss he's cool to his face then goes behind his back and bans him from the discord, that would be really cool!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. i literally am flabbergasted that dantory and mikhaii are banned 

  12. Can someone create a girls club with me I’m done with these men 😩

  13. I love double xp weekends 

    1. DeusVult


      dude double xp? i didn’t know lotc had double xp!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      7 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      Most ppl dont want warp signs back to avoid being bandited, they want warp signs to avoid having to walk from nation to nation to find RP for 10-15 minutes. A large majority of RPers are in agreement that the warp signs improved the availability of RP. There’s been a plethora of arguments made to counter the “you just dont want to be bandited!” and “warp signs should stay gone!” responses

      The bulk of the pro-warp sign arguments have nothing to do with banditry

      Not to mention, most of the time road RP is completely nonexistent. People sprint jumping on the roads don’t just stop and start RPing with the other. Nobody does that. And personally, in my 4 years of playing, I’ve not once just “happened” to engage in RP with someone on the road unexpectedly.

      like, ****, if theres someone going around trying to create road RP that isn’t just bottom-of-the-barrel villainy just a hair above what the standard actually is, then I’d love to know who



    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  15. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      6 minutes ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

      Absolutely nothing I said had anything to do with traveling alone or in groups, and nothing I said changes when you walk alone or in groups. You could at least form a vaguely intelligent response instead of being sarcastic. Not sure why you’d respond properly towards the other guy but not me. 

      Because their posts make sense.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      14 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

      Not correct. Rp wasn’t negatively affected at all, and travel rp even experienced a large boost in activity because players could actually visit other settlements without wasting ten to fifteen minutes walking between them. 

      The warp signs at cloud temple did everything to prove the admins wrong when they insisted that road rp is good for the server. There is extremely little to no rp done on roads at all, and even bandits hover directly outside of cities and charters when they’re banditing. 

      Road rp sucks, it’s boring, and the lack of fast travels only encourage players to stay inside their safe zones and soul stone saved slots. 

      Yes, that is the point of not travelling the roads alone, just like in real life! You’re catching on!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      8 hours ago, KeatonUnbeaten said:

      Fast travels from CT to every settlement is the bane of travel and road roleplay.  I would advocate for fast travels between settlements of the same nation, i.e. Helena to Reza perhaps, and the like. But fast travels to get anywhere from anywhere in the map mean bandits, who are a legal part of the server (no matter how much you dislike them), have no opportunity or ability to ply their trade. Considering that raid rules are equally harsh towards bandits at this time, the reinstatement of warp signs would spell the absolute death of banditry. 

      I agree with you, Keaton. I’d be willing to get lighter raid rules in exchange for nation warp signs.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      11 hours ago, DISCOLIQUID said:



      The lag hasn’t been fixed for everyone, and there’s no reason to not have FT. Let road RP die, only city RP really matters. If you can’t accept that, than you’re married to the dead RP of 2016. Sorry, the meta of LotC has just passed the point where players get anything from walking on roads to get places, unless they’re raiding. If you yourself really, really love pressing W and pretending that’s RP, you can be my guest to waste your own OOC time, but I have no intention of ever being anywhere other than the actual locations I want to RP at. Having to navigate the server at your whims just doesn’t tickle my fancy. 


      And again, just because I’m attached to something temporary doesn’t mean that the admins can’t bring it back. All it takes to reinstate warp signs is like 50 chat commands and 10 minutes in creative. Hopefully they’ll be brought back because these “People who like warp signs are just pampered babies” takes are honestly boring and arrogant coming out of people who also spend their entire day playing on a Minecraft role-playing server. 


      Do you have any intention to respond to the numerous well-written points by the huge crowd of people that benefited from, enjoyed, and found heightened creative experiences through the warp signs, or are you just going to continue your life in Anti-Warp headquarters trying desperately to make people who don’t think holding W is RP be bullied into silence?


      And warp signs might be bad for the RP you like, but I really don’t care. If the RP you like dies to get warp signs, it should have died. Warp signs are more important than whatever we have to give up to get them, even if it means swallowing our pride and admitting that not everyone is as die hard of an RP fanatic. The casual player matters 100x more than the people who think road RP is LotC’s saving grace. 

      A good majority of ur post is filled with strawmans, so I’ll ignore those. I’ll respond to your most, valid, points I guess. 


      Lag has been fixed for people who don’t use the wifi at McDonalds.


      Why are warp-signs so important for casual players?


      Also-keep crying about being banditted, that’s pretty much what your post is.





    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  19. Warp Signs were a response to lag, people who are complaining about it got attached to a temporary solution, it has nothing to do with ‘subverting bandit rp’ or anything of that nature.

    1. DeusVult


      Warp Signs and fast travel are bad for rp, especially on such a small map.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. I for one think the swear filter is a good change, and would like to add some innovative substitutions for inappropriate words that I think will improve roleplay:

    “sutica” → “helena”

    “elf” → “human”

    “magic” → “good orenian values”


    1. DeusVult


      i hate cussing some words arent meant to be used they should just arrest anyone who uses speech i dont like

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. I am on my pixel knees begging “ mods please unban me” i will never break the rules again please

    1. DeusVult


      4 minutes ago, Waibiao said:

      You banned?

      been banned for 8 months now

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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