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Posts posted by Sarmadonn




    [!] a painting depicting the annual gathering of the Baruch Clan along with their Ayrian Subjects.



    By the will of His Grace, Duke Ruslan Eirik Baruch, the first election of the Fiefdom of Valwyck shall be called for the seat delegated to the House of Baruch. As Duke Ruslan serves as Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, the seat of House Baruch is without a proper representative who will fully embody Ayrian values and Baruch traditions. His Grace seeks to hold an election for the seat, the first of its kind, in order to allow for proper representation of the Ayrian subjects of Valwyck along with the Baruch family themselves. 



    Representatives are elected to serve the Duchy of Valwyck, encompassing the Fiefdom of Lallybroch, by popular vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Representatives may be of any birth, common or noble, as long as they are Ayrian. Representatives serve a six-year tenure or until His Grace, the Duke of Valwyck, calls a new election or removes the representative to reclaim his seat.  


    For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria:


    I. Candidates must be at least 13 years of Age.

    II. Candidates must be residents of the Duchy of Valwyck, or tenants of the Fiefdom of LallyBroch.

    III. Candidates must be of Ayrian descent.

    IV. Candidates may only nominate themselves for office.


    His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Lord Speaker of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, 

    Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Viscount of Voron,

     Baron of Gant, Laval,and  Riveryn






    Please Include the Following in your Application:


    Character Name:


    Place of Residence within Valwyck (Lichenstadt/Lallybroch)








    For generations, the Greyguard had served as the primary levy within the County of Ayr beneath the House of Baruch. Forgotten for nearly a century, the Greyguard had all but ceased to exist upon the elevation of the House to ducal status. In the wake of the reforms of Koeng Josef I, allowing Haeseni peers to hire and retain personal guards for their own protection, Duke Ruslan I has decreed that the Greyguard is to be reformed. Whereas the Greyguard of old was largely a peasant levy, drawn from demesne of House Baruch, the current iteration of the order shall consist of no more than four elite men of preferably Aryian stock. His Grace, Duke Ruslan I calls forth for any and all willing northmen to present themselves before him in Litchestadt.





    The Order of the Unbowed — The Greyguard’s predecessor — was founded during the reign of Otto Marius Baruch, Count of Ayr in 1611 at the start of the Greyspine Rebellion. Count Otto marched the Unbowed down from their mountain keep, Jorenstadt, to reclaim their seat of Saint’s Rest from the imposter Kovachev who had sworn fealty to the Kingdom of Courland. The levy fought well, however they failed to fully reclaim the land and so Count Otto ordered the retreat back to his mountain keep, knowing that he would need as many men as possible to join with his Ruthern allies to eventually launch an attack on the Courlandic invaders. Count Otto eventually led his host to join the Rutherns, where they routed the Courlandic forces during the second battle of the Rothswood to restore the Kingdom of Haense.


    Ser Aldrik founded the modern Greyguard in Atlas, after the construction of his keep, “Greyguard Hold”. Aldrik and the Greyguard soldiers had multiple small disputes with the monarchy over the legality of having a levy, despite Aldrik reassuring that they would only be used in favor of the King. However, Otto II insisted the Greyguard be reduced to only a few bodyguards instead of an active levy. These bodyguards participated in multiple wars, protecting their Count from enemies such as Renatus-Marna and Norland.


    During the reign of Marius Karl Baruch, Count of Ayr the Greyguard served as it had in his father’s reign. When Greyguard Hold was infiltrated and taken by Arberrang, Count Marius called the Greyguard and marched upon his old home to vanquish the Arberrang dogs and reclaim his family’s seat. Count Marius and the Greyguard were victorious, and the Greyguard once again were able to defend the lands of the Baruch family and assist in the protection of northern Haense. Count Marius led the Greyguard in the crossing to Arcas, before his abdication in favour of his grandson, Jan Eirik Baruch.


    Jan Eirik Baruch, Count of Ayr saw the Royal Levy Ban of 1709 and so he integrated the Greyguard into the Royal Army in return for the position of Commandant. He served in this position, with the Greyguard under his control in the now Royal Army, until his expulsion from the Kingdom for conspiring against the King and other allies. The Greyguard then returned home to Ayr, not wanting to serve anyone but a member of House Baruch, swearing now to Sigmar Joren Baruch, Count of Ayr.


    The Greyguard then saw a period of inactivity spanning nearly the entirety of the next century. It was only in the year 1833 that the great-grandson of Sigmar, Duke Ruslan I of Valwyck, reinstated the order upon hearing of the declaration of war on the elves of Haelun'or. They now serve as an elite guardforce, tasked solely with the defense of His Grace along with the other members of House Baruch. 




    The Duke of Valwyck | Commander




    The Chomanndair of the Greyguard is a title assumed by the current head of House Baruch. If the patriarch deems fit, however, he may appoint another member of his house to take up the position. As commander of the Greyguard, he is responsible for the maintenance of the order as a whole. This includes periodically engaging his men in duels in which their skill shall be tested against his, the outcome of which shall determine the continuity of a Greyguard's tenure.



    Faithful Guards of House Baruch




    The Greyguards are men or women sworn to the protection of His Grace and his House whenever they are called upon. They are permitted to live within the village of Lallybroch, located just beyond the walls of Litchestadt, where they will receive room and board free of cost. In addition to this, each Greyguard shall be allocated pay of 10 Mina on the eve of each Saint's Week. Their position is not guaranteed, as they must prove themselves worthy against the Chomanndair whenever he so wishes. Should he deem them unworthy, he may strip them of their title and its benefits on the spot.



    Signed in 386 ES, 

    His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Viscount of Voron, Baron of Laval and Riveryn, and Guardian of the Haeseni Coast



    Anyone interested shoot me a message via inbox! Or even better, shoot me a msg if you're interested in playing an Ayrian!

  3. The Duke of Valwyck, Ruslan Baruch, sat within his keep of Litchestadt after court had finished. He prepared his traditional Ayrian armour, along with a special weapon he had made just for the occasion of killing elves. "The pointy-ears 'ave made their final mistake, Eirik." He told his eight year old son, shoving a freshly made steel sword in to the young boy's hands.





    4th of Tov and Yermey, 382 ES









    By the will of His Majesty, Koeng Heinrik Karl II, the elections of 382 ES shall be called to elect eight officials. Nominations shall now be open for the next month, and citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska are called upon to fulfill their civic duty to vote. Eight of these officials shall be brought onto the Royal Duma, including a Grand Maer to manage and improve the institutions of the city of Karosgrad. These eight officials shall be elected under two offices, which are;



    Seven Royal Aldermen are elected as representatives of the whole people of Hanseti-Ruska, by popular vote. They are tasked with giving voice to their constituents within his Majesty’s Royal Duma by proposing and shaping legislative bills. Royal Aldermen may be of any birth, common or noble. Royal Aldermen are recommended to produce at least two bills during their four-year tenure.  



    The Grand Maer of Karosgrad is elected by majority vote to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska in the Office of the Lord Seneschal and assume the duties of management of the city’s social institutions, assisting in growth of the city’s business and economy, and bringing city wide events to Karosgrad. This role is vital and important to the city, and its abilities depend on the office holder as well as their desires to shape the city to its betterment. The Grand Maer may be of any birth, and does not sit on His Majesty’s Royal Duma.


    For a citizen to nominate themselves for any of the above offices, they must satisfy the eligibility criteria:


    1. Candidates must be at least fourteen years of age;

    2. Candidates for Grand Maer must be a resident of Karosgrad;

    3. Candidates for Royal Alderman must have a residence within Hanseti-Ruska;

    4. Candidates must not have a criminal record;

    5. Candidates must not be a titled peer or regent;

    6. Candidates for Grand Maer cannot be a Laurir;

    7. Candidates may only nominate themselves to run for one office;

    8. Candidates cannot bribe potential voters, or otherwise purchase votes;

    9. Candidates must not use any signs for their campaigning process on Private property (unless given consent of the owner) , and thus they are strictly prohibited to do so and will result in a fine. 

    10. Candidates may make public missives, speeches, and host rallies.


    It is highly encouraged that ALL candidates make campaign posts and host public rallies to boost their chances of election!

    NOTE: You may still campaign while nominations are being verified






    Please include the following in your application:


    Character Name:


    Place of Residence / Street Address:

    Position: (Alderman or Maer)

    [Link to Campaign Post]



    His Excellency, Ruslan Baruch, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska



  5. Ruslan Baruch had sat in his office, gently thumbing the head of one of his turtles. A red haired Ayrian servant entered, delivering the sad news before departing. The Duke of Valwyck was not close with Igor Kort, though he saw the former Lord Speaker as a man he could somewhat respect. He exited his office, leaving towards a nearby mountain with bagpipes in hand. When arrived, he'd say a few words. "A good enough man, Ah' suppose. Wha'ever flaws he had, he deserved a better death. May ye' find rest, Lord Speaker." With that, he blew on the mouthpiece of the bagpipes for a few moments before heading back towards Karosgrad.

  6. Duke Ruslan Baruch had just received the missive from one of his Ayrian servants, dismissing the red-haired man afterwards. His thumb would gently pet the head of one of his turtles as he read over the missive, eyes narrowed. "Interestin'. Ah' suppose his time was comin' t' an end. A controversial speaker, but a man Ah' did niet have t' many issues wit'. Here's t' his well-earned retiremen'." Ruslan took a sip from his Carrion Black, before standing to depart towards a certain treehouse near Karosgrad.

  7. The Union of Baruch and Ruthern



    Marjorie vas Ruthern having a chat with her Hauchmamej on her wedding day.



    Throughout the beautiful city of Karosgrad, the Haeseni people were going about their daily routines. Some were at work, while others may have been relaxing in the famous Old Stout Crow Pub over a bottle of Carrion Black. The attention of the populace was caught by several red-haired individuals dressed in rough garbs and kilts handing out wedding invitations. When opened, the invitation would be for the wedding of Duke Ruslan of Valwyck and Lady Marjorie vas Ruthern. “Invitations! Get yer’ invitations ‘ere!” The men of Ayrian descent would shout, handing out as many invitations as they could.


    This glorious ceremony shall be held in the Church of Heinzreich, located in the castle of Lichtestadt at Valwyck and presided over by the Patriarch Yaromir. Afterwards, a feast will be held afterwards containing only the finest of cuisines, such as whale blubber and chicken. Guests may present any gifts to the Duke and Duchess during the feast as well. 



    Special invitations have been extended out to:


    His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree @Rudi

    His Grace, Friedrich Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree @ColdestPepsi

    The Most Honorable, Maric II var Ruthern, Margrave of Greyspine and his noble pedigree @GMRO

    The Right Honorable, Kazimar Ludovar, Count of Otistadt and his noble pedigree @HogoBojo

    The Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev and his noble pedigree @Luminaire

    The Honorable, Britannus Vanir, Viscount of Varna and his noble pedigree @Legoboy7984

    The Honorable, Aldrik Amador, Regent of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree @Pureimp10

    His Lordship, Stefan II Vyronov, Baron of Astfield and his noble pedigree @Wolfey34




    His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Baron of Laval, Riveryn, and Voron, and Guardian of the Haeseni Coast


    Her Ladyship, Marjorie vas Ruthern of Greyspine




    OOC: The wedding is going to take place at 5PM EST on Sunday the 20th of June.

    (5PM EST 20/6/2021)

  8. The ferryman Worm rowed himself and fellow ferryman Banjo to safety after the skirmish. He seemed high in spirits, slowly looking over to his companion as he spoke. “As my father used to say . . . You win some . . . And you stalemate some . . . Hehe.” Worm collected his Imperial loot and marched on home.

  9. “Ah’ don’ know, the turtles jus’ don’ seem t’ get along anymore.” Duke Ruslan said, seemingly to no one but a painting that depicted himself and the late Analiesa de Astrea. He suddenly received the wedding invitation, narrowing his eyes as he read the part about himself. He scrunched up his nose briefly, placing the invitation down and picking up his sheathed sword before exiting his bedroom.

  10. Celebrating New Life




    Bells ring the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, stretching from the Duchy of Valwyck to Karosgrad. The recently wed pair, His Grace, Ruslan Baruch and Her Grace, Elisabeth Baruch have brought their first sprightly Baruch into the world, a girl; Adryana Helaine Baruch. Thus, the Duke and Duchess sees it fit, that a celebratory feast is to be held, to commemorate the birth, and life sprouted. Each man, woman, and child within the Kingdom are invited to join the celebrations, to-be located at the castle of Lichtestadt, in the Duchy of Valwyck. Only the finest of food and drink shall be provided, and once the bellies of men, are filled with beer, and the women’s with wine, the rest of the night’s fetes are to take place: a brawl, is to be held outside of the castle, where one can prove their strength and expertise in hand-to-hand combat. Whoever triumphs above the rest is to be rewarded one-hundred and twenty minas from the venerable, Duke’s own coffers - alongside only the most delectable slices of whale blubber.


    Be sure to attend, and make merry with the Duke, and Duchess - while bestowed young - we all know that the Lord Ruslan has an ambitious future ahead of himself. So it would be foolish to not become acquainted and share in these cheery times.


    Special invitations have been extended out to:


    His Royal Majesty, Heinrik Karl Barbanov II, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Friedrich Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree

    The Most Honorable, Maric Var Ruthern II, Margrave of Greyspine and his noble pedigree

    The Right Honorable, Kazimar Ludovar, Count of Otistadt and his noble pedigree

    The Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Viscount of Krusev and his noble pedigree

    The Honorable, Britannus Vanir, Viscount of Varna and his noble pedigree

    The Honorable, Aldrik Amador, Regent of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Stefan Vyronov II, Baron of Astfield and his noble pedigree




    His Grace, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck, Count of Ayr, Baron of Laval, Riveryn, and Voron, and Guardian of the Haeseni Coast


    HIH Princess, Elisabeth Louise Baruch of Aldersberg



    [OOC: This is to be held on the date of 16/05/21 - Sunday - at the time of 4pm EST.]


  11. Duke Ruslan Baruch dusted off his fine noble garment after a friendly duel with Edmund Barclay. He strutted on home, settling down inside his office before a servant dropped off a notice. He smiled ear to ear after reading, looking up to his portrait of Koeng Heinrik II"Ah' love Haense. . ."

  12. Duke Ruslan Baruch shook his head at the writer putting his late father Matyas Baruch as the current Duke of Valwyck. Regardless, he signed up for the tournament.



    LAST NAME: Baruch

    FIRST NAME: Ruslan

    AGE: 20

    ((MC NAME)): Sarmadon

    ((DISCORD)): Sarmadon#1404


  13. Ruslan Baruch sighed deeply upon hearing the news delivered by his cousin Andrik Jan BaruchHe had been delivered similar news three times before, all three being people he loved dearly. As he did for his father, Ruslan waited until night fall before riding out the gates of Lichtestadt towards a nearby hill that overlooked the lake near his home. "Until we meet again, Aedymamej." Reaching down, he lifted up his set of bagpipes before blowing in to the mouthpiece for a few seconds. With his goodbyes said, the Duke of Valwyck mounted his steed and rode back home.


    Ser Aleksandr Vyronov sat under a tree near the empty tournament grounds of Karosgrad, his reddened eyes signaling he didn't take the news well. He slowly rose to his feet, looking over to a boy of four years. He ruffled his hair as he walked past him, motioning for him to follow along.

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