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  1. ~Notices are posted at the docks~ Sutica is selling large amounts of herbs: Blood Lotus x6 Halfling Grass x31 Tippin's Root x35 Elf's Hair Vine x6 Total Available: 78 Herbs Either post what you wish and the price you offer or send word to Lilyana of Sutica. First come, First serve. Should multiple notices be received at the same time for the same items, highest bid wins.
  2. A small notice is hanging upon the local trading board. It details the requirement of a rare plant, found in the harsh desert climate. Buying Item(s): "Drake's Tail" Amount of Item(s) required: There is no minimum or maximum, as the item can be a rare ingredient to come by. Price: Willing to buy for 50 each as I intent to buy in bulk, but will discuss further with the seller. Meeting Place: Can be arranged to suit the seller.
  3. As you ride a cart to Al-Wakrah it comes to a halt a bit before the bridge, you are asked to get out by the driver. The camels have flies buzzing around their eyes as they crane their necks down to drink the water from a trough. You would see a cart opposite you about to set off it is blue and white and looks rather cosy. After a rather shorter journey you arrive upon a hill overlooking a town. A man approaches you he is wearing a shawl over his shoulders and head, his face is in shadow due to the time of day. He pushes past you and a glass bottle falls out of his bag, it smashes on the floor. You would turn to try and find him but he would be gone, as your mind returns to the smashed glass you see a note. "Alchemists you have been invited to the White Vial." There would be room for you to place your reply in the bottle. ((Application)) ((Username: ((Skype (you can PM me): ((Professions:
  4. Posters are setup around Vailor showing a list of Alchemical ingredients for sale and contact information of the seller. (Price are discussed either through the forum: Juliusaakerlund, skype: Juliusaakerlund or MC: Julius55.) List of Ingredients Alabaster Leaf Crimson Vase Crouching Feather Clutcher's Straw Goblin's Ivy Halfling's Grass Larihei's Fingers Mandragora Serpent's Stalk Thornbark Tippen's Root (Items still available will be marked with green and items out of stock will be marked red.)
  5. [Ogradhad's Alchemist] Beros Oathcast ~ ((JavaWizard)) [Wisdom] Elvira Mantisuku ~ ((Farryn)) Rhewen ~ ((Rhewen)) Dorin Irongut ~ ((Thaddeus12)) Solaris ~ ((KibagoKid)) Aeras Ibar'ker ~ ((InfiniteMind)) Fili Grandaxe ~ ((Cpt_Noobman)) Vidar Frostbeard ~ ((YankeeHD)) Claus Reiter ~ ((IceWalker)) Gauldrim Irongut ~ ((RedBench_)) Dagor Starbreaker ~ ((iAlexxxx)) Khel ~ ((hydra28)) [Please Post Your Application Here]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AQyrSerG9UNOVZE5A3xjgEUjM-G0CxPG53EzJ6izgXQ/edit#
  6. - While visiting the Drunken Monk, you hear the two bartenders chatting to each other excitedly. Curious, you go over and ask them about what they are seemly excited about. The blond haired bartender, who you learn is called Elvira Naromis, explains to you about two new Alchemy ingredients she had stumbled upon and hands you two pieces of parchment for you to read. You decided to read, wanting to know what the ingredients were and what they do - Charos Blossom Vios Fyto OOC: Well, these are two Alchemy ingredients I decided to create and write lore on. ICly, Elvi (my main) has left for her journey and discovered these two ingredients (if they are accepted, of course) and brought them back. I'm not sure where the ideas for these ingredients came from but I think there needs to be a dangerous ingredient in Alchemy, as well as an ingredient that can counter the effect of the other. And thus, these ingredients were formed after a couple of days or thinking and writing! I may have some more lore coming soon, so keep a good eye out. :P - Gira
  7. The University Several posters advertising the University are found around nation capitals. The University is a place of learning, knowledge, discipline, and enlightenment. Here you can pursue your dream career and get a formal education on just about every subject you can imagine! Our job is to connect hardworking students with prestigious teachers and to enlighten the population across Athera. Everyone is welcome to learn, and those qualified enough are invited to teach. -=- The University is founded upon these basic principles: 1) Everyone is at the University to learn. Even I, the Headmaster. The University does not only dabble in a student's education, but it also strives to make everyone more intelligent and knowledgeable, including staff. Here, the teachers can continue or start their own research with the aid of the students. The University is a place of discovery. 2) Anyone can receive an education. Respect plays a huge role in the University. We do not turn away students based on race, religion, age, or gender. If you pass the admissions and can pay your set tuition, you are allowed to attend. 3) Knowledge is neutral. We do not align ourselves with a certain nation or group. All members from all nations can come and learn, but none will have our support in a conflict, and none shall be harmed by us. We are a non-biased non-profit organization. -=- What we teach: It all depends on the number of teachers and the collective knowledge we have. We do not have a set in stone curriculum on any subject and allow the teachers of one course to decide on a curriculum together. If we only have one teacher that teaches Alchemy, then we will only teach alchemy. If we have a hundred teachers that teach a everything from Astronomy to Electric Evocation, than we will teach all of those things. We would think it a great disservice to teach something we do not fully understand ourselves. Finances: Attending the University sadly does cost money, however we try to trim it down wherever we can. The University is completely non-profit and the only thing that covers our expenses (paying teachers, purchasing materials, etc) is covered by donations and tuition. The fee for tuition is determined by your admissions exam. Score well, it can be as low as ten mina per elven month. Do poorly, and it can be as high as a thousand mina per elven month. Hardworking pays off at the University, but we also give out scholarships to the most bright students who cannot afford an education. Each year, we set aside money as scholarship funds and award it to the less-wealthy, brighter students. Also, I and the higher-up staff do not get paid at all, aside from lodging and food. Recruiting: If you are interested at teaching at the University, please fill out an application below. Also note that we pay teachers based on our tuition rates for students, so in the beginning, income may be a little slow. You can apply to teach whatever you want, Admissions: If you would like to be a student and attend the University, please fill out an application below. If you state a profession you want to pursue, but there are no teachers available to teach it, you can take your exam anyways to determine your tuition. Tuition is paid after you start learning and there are no other fees. The University also provides shelter and housing for those who need/desire it. - Headmaster Austentine Cothe Applications: Teacher: OOC - Minecraft IGN RP - Character Name: Age: Race/Gender: What you would like to teach: Experience on Subject: Willing to prepare a demonstration (Y/N): Current Occupation (if one): Student: OOC - Minecraft IGN: RP- Character Name: Age: Race/Gender: What would you like to learn?: Economic Background (Poor, Middleclass, or Rich?): List of Available Curriculum: N/A
  8. Name: Nether Tendrils Appearance: The small plant consists of a bulb and shallow root system, which grow around stumps of trees and decaying wood. Multiple snaky tendrils emanate from the bulb, black in color with fiery orange spots. It is recognizable by its unique, musty odor, which can be detected even when the plant is processed. The liquid extracted from the plant will always be a pinkish-red color. Effects: When the drug extracted from the bulb is consumed, it produces a happy, fuzzy feeling in the user. As more is ingested or absorbed, a joyous, happy feeling arises. Too much consumption in a short time can lead to an increased heart rate, fatigue, and unconsciousness, as well as attentiveness, twitching, erratic behavior. and a jittery feeling. How it works: The plant’s tendrils and roots have no effects; they only serve to identify it. The bulb can be crushed up and drained; the fluids being the most potent. The liquid can be diluted or concentrated as needed, and ingestion or application directly to the bloodstream are two methods to have the drug take effect. Additionally, it can be dried and converted into incense. The plant in its plain or ‘raw’ form would have a very mild effect. Another method of ingestion would be infusing the drug in baked goods or food. The Cure: The effects operate similarly to cactus green. The rate and amount of the drug that is consumed directly affects the drug’s main effect and side effects. If it was consumed or drunk in potion form, water taken immediately after would dilute it and would stifle the effects. Otherwise, the happiness and negative side effects from the plant would have to wear of naturally. Uses: The plant, in drug form, would mostly be used for recreational use. It could also be used for medical reasons, even as a possible antidepressant. Pros: - Provides entertainment and fun, and is not a taxing drug. - Easily detectable to a mediocre herbalist or alchemist, making poisoning difficult. -Relatively mild side effects, with an overdose being extremely unlikely. Cons: -Requires some refining and processing to be made into an effect drug. -Side effects become more prominent and negative as more of the drug is taken. -Easily could be habit-forming. -Requires some alchemical and herbal knowledge. OOC: Item name - Rose Red (Dye) Nether tendrils have nothing to do with the nether, that is just the name. I have never done lore before, please give me constructive advice. Thanks ^_^
  9. LM Edit: Only Fiends are playable by normal players and most be created IC. Deviants and Dopplegangers are for ET only, or special permission. Just as I did with the first "Tales of a Traveling Alchemist" I have composed this lore into something of a book as I find that to be the easiest way to put it all together. This is a more comprehensive and in-depth look into the Homunculus aspect of Alchemy, something the first volume of Tales of a Traveling Alchemist only touched upon. There might be a few grammatical or spelling errors, and I'll fix those as time progresses but other than that this is just about done beyond maybe some flavor text here and there that won't have much of an impact on the lore itself. But of course, this is a work in progress and I am open to suggestions or if something seems off, feel free to say so. As a side note, the interface for the post went completely bonkers and therefore bolded almost everything. It doesn't seem to want to stay fixed, but I don't think it makes much of a difference. Tales of a Traveling Alchemist Volume II: The Homunculus Over my travels there have been few creatures that I have truly feared, for as a practitioner of alchemy I find that there are few horrors in this world that cannot be fought one way or another. In the end our greatest fears stem from the unknown, and that which we know cannot frighten us for we have knowledge, and through knowledge we may gain victory. But the subject matter of this book is one of those few horrors that incites a true trembling fear in even I. This subject, of course, is the Homunculus. I warn those who are faint of heart, for this is not for them. Instead this is for the brave Alchemists who wish to know the enemy so that they may better combat it and prevent it. Chapter 1: What is a Homunculus Chapter 2: The Different Types of Homunculi Chapter 3: The Creation of the Homunculus
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