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  1. Shamanism Explained In a dimension as vast and unpredictable as the Spirit Realm, it can be difficult at times to understand how the smaller aspects of Shamanism work, what the limitations are, and how to apply what you can work with. It is my intention in this post to detail everything I currently understand about Shamanism, my interpretation of it and what I have come to clarify from my previous experience as the Shaman Lore Master; of which I believe there has been no replacement. If there is one, I apologise for not seeking you out in advance. I asked only on one occasion. So, before we get into the nitty-gritty details of how Shamanism as a Magic works, and what the limitations contained within are, let's explore how the Spirit realm came to be. The Birth of the Spirit Realm The Daemon, Apohet created the Spirit Realm after observing the realm of Mortals, and in his jealousy, attempted to create a dimension of his own which would come to rival the Realms of the Descendants. This became the space that would soon house the Spirits; the entities he created to inhabit this vast dimension. Yet in his blind arrogance and passion, he wanted each of the Spirits to come to control and represent something in the Mortal Realm, so that his creations would always have a hold and a sway over the Realm of Mortals. He started with the most prominent aspects of existence, and created two Spirits that were aligned to the concepts of Time and Space. These two Spirits would materialise in an explosive burst of energy and potential, and in an instant foresaw all of time and creation. Just as soon as they were birthed into existence they experienced time eternal, and came to understand and explore the unlimited expanse of the Universe. They foresaw all events and all possibilities, and instantly became more powerful than their creator. They became known as Sandru, the Spirit of Time, who often takes the form of an ice blue snake, and Omnizan, the Spirit of Space, who most often appears as a crimson serpent. The pair are invariably intertwined in this state, and are said to be in and out of reality as they continue to experience endless time. For this reason, it is impossible to contact them. Apohet continued with his voracious appetite for glory, and created the Elemental Spirits, who would collectively reign over the second most prevalent things in all of creation; matter. In their Elemental Realms they are unimaginably powerful, and dwarf their lesser cousins, who exist in a realm outside of their own. These Spirits are known as the Immortal Spirits, and represent many of the more specific things of the world, and they are the last of the creations of Apohet. Lastly, there are Spirits that reside in Star'Gush Stroh, which is the after-life that worshipers of the Spirits may enter. These "Spirits" are Mortal Souls, who were blessed with the ability to enter this afterlife due to Apohet's admiration of Krug; which caused his last influence in his dimension to be a pocket of the Spirit Realm in which Mortal Souls could reside for eternity. Based on this, we can come to understand there there are various levels or dimensions to the Spirit Realm. - For a detailed list of all of the current Spirits, refer to: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/153791-the-spirits-grand-list/#comment-1453308 I imagine it would look something like this: Time & Space ---------------------------- Elemental ------------------- Immortal ---------- Ancestor ---- The Birth of Shamanism In isolation and rage, Krug called out for an answer to the Curse set upon him and his people by Iblees. For it was one of a deep Blood Lust, and had caused unimaginable harm to his people. For decades they had lashed out in barbaric fury, slaughtering one another in the streets for the momentary release it would offer them. Yet as Krug called out, all was silent. However, unbeknownst to him, his incomparable power had brought his message to the Spirit Realm, and he then received a response. The Elemental Spirit of Air came forth, and offered to work with Krug in order to achieve a goal. You see, the deep desire for recognition and advancement that fueled Apohet's ambitions had been instilled in his children, and in the interaction with Krug they saw a means of attaining more power, and more influence. Thus, from this encounter and subsequent co-operation, Shamanism was born. But how does Shamanism work, you might ask? Good question. How Does a Shaman Connect? Over time, the act of Shamanism began to branch into different specialisations. This occurred because no Orcs were as powerful as Krug, and could not reach the Spirit Realm in the same manner as him. For this reason, a method of connecting to the different Spirit Realms was imparted into the children of Krug, so that they could reach out of the Spirits in order to receive wisdom, advice, or even something more tangible. This is achieved through meditation of some form, and currently there are only two ways in which a Shaman may interact with the Spirit Realm. 1) Transferal of Consciousness One method is to transfer consciousness into the Spirit Realm, which is done through deep meditation, focusing on the realm and even the Spirit the Shaman wishes to visit. The Shaman's mana is used to transfer his consciousness into the Dimension, and his body is left behind in the Mortal Realm, where it is susceptible to damage due to being paralysed. If a Shaman were to be killed within the Spirit Realm, his physical body would also die, due to the connection of his soul/consciousness being torn. Typically, a Shaman would only visit the Spirit Realm in order to seek advice, to create a pact with an Elemental Spirit, or to visit Star'Gush Stroh, where he or she may speak with the deceased. 2) Connection through Ceremony In terms of tangible work, a Shaman will choose to instead connect with the Realm of the Spirits, as opposed to visiting it on more of a literal level. All acts upon the Mortal Realm are achieved through this second method. This is done by calling out for their attention, so that they may work through the Shaman's mana in order to influence the Mortal Realm. The Shaman must adopt and embrace the energies that the Spirit or the Realm represents. For instance, if a Shaman wanted to connect to Enrohk, the Spirit of Bloodlust, they might start by sacrificing a Goat. Then they would begin chanting in an aggressive and furious tone, finishing by dancing in a manner that also mimics a fit of rage. A Spirit will rarely manifest in the Mortal Realm of their own will, for if they were to be killed, their energy would shatter and they would ultimately die. Typically, it is only the Immortal Spirits who summon their energies into the realm of the Descendants, and do this by transporting one of their Lesser Servants into the Realm to act on their behalf. The Sub-Types of Shamanism Farseer Class: Healing/Enhancement Realms: Immortal & Ancestral A Farseer devoted his energy to heaing or enhancing someone by working with the Spirits of the Immortal of Ancestral Realm. To do this, he must connect with the Spirits through Ceremony, and once connected, may impart their influence into the chosen person. Currently, Farseers are unable to heal or enhance themselves. Latauman Class: Healing/Enhancement Realms: Immortal & Ancestral Latauman work in much the same way as Farseers, and devote their energies to healing or enchancement. Expect, in the case of the Latauman, he may only bring positive influence upon himself, to a greater degree than the Farseer. Latauman are unable to heal or enhance others. Spirit Smith Class: Enhancement Realms: Immortal and Elemental A Spirit Smith must connect to Gentharuz initially, in order to crate an item known as a Mortal Stone. This is used to contain a Minor Spirit, who uses it's energies to influence the world. Once this initial process has been achieved, anyone in possession of the item may call upon the Spirit inside the stone to utilise the energy it represents. Elementalist Class: Damaging Realms: Elemental An Elementalist must first take his consciousness into the Elemental Realm in order to make a pact with an Elemental Spirit. Once this pact has been made, the Shaman may call upon that Spirit to assist them in influencing the mortal world. Elementalists can only work with existing elements, which means they vary from Evocation in this regard. Apart from this, the mechanism of influencing said elements works in very much the same way. However, it takes considerably less effort to harness existing material. Witch Doctor Class: Damaging Realms: Elemental/Immortal Witch Doctors connect with the Spirit Realm through chanting, and attempt to imbue the Spirits energy into a concoction known as a Hex. This liquid may be used to invoke a feeling or illness upon the victim, which is known as a curse. There are not often physical influences (though they do exist), but instead mental ones. For instance, a Hex of Fire will not explode into flame, but will instead give the sensation of being on fire. With great effort, a Witch Doctor may cause this same process without the brew, but it takes a considerable amount of time, and will often be stopped by the victim before it can be caused. Witch Doctors may Curse both forms of life: Plants and Animals. Dark Shamanism Class: Damaging Realms: All Dark Shamans devour Spirits in order to influence the world around them, by forcefully utilise their energies. Once they have control over something, it begins to contort and twist into a corrupted form, as the act is being done against the will of the Spirit. For more information on Dark Shamans, refer to: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150801-lore-trial-2m-from-290916-ishurkal-dark-shamans/?page=1 How do Spirits Influence the World/How Does it Work? In order to have dominion over the Mortal Realm, Apohet had to bestow small parts of his energy into the world. He did this by creating Dormant Spirits, entities that are directly tied to what they are imbued within and indeed, the Realm they represent. When an Earth Elementalist calls to the Elemental he has a pact with, that Spirit will harness the mana of the Shaman to awaken the Dormant Spirits within the earth, thus allowing manipulation to occur. The Spirit awakening the energy has no real influence over the decisions of the Dormant Spirits, and so the Shaman must focus on controlling it with his mana in order to keep the Spirit in line, and is how he may direct where the earth moves to. This concept applies to all influence in the world, including physical and emotional, and it is the act of awakening these Dormant Spirits that gives rise to the subsequent control. I'll be adding more to this once I see what may be missing. I intend to start an F.A.Q at the end of this post so that I can answer questions I might not have thought of, and so I can implement them afterwards. So, fire away.
  2. A crude parchment hung on a wooden post, which seemed to be an advertisement. ~Gukdan's Spirit shop~ I am here to offer my skills as a smith, and a shaman. I have decided to use my shamanism to create items of great proportion that only the worthy men and women can buy from me. The sorts of things you could ask for all depend on the spirit you wish to use in the item, if you are in the dark about Spirits, then here's the list. A list of names and their meanings were scribbled underneath: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/112681-the-spirits/ Where you can find me I will more often than not, be roaming around Sutica, if you wish to ask of my services then you should attempt to find me there. The price you should expect Most items will cost about 600-1000 minas, with some possibly going to 300, depending on it's 'enchantment' What I look like A less than perfect drawing was scribbled on the page, but it wasn't half bad. P.S, Don't get too crazy with the 'enchantment' requests.
  3. Farseer & Latauman Make a Baby The Realms of the Spirits are vast and unending, with myriad ways with which Shamans may interact with (and utilise the latent energies within) it. Created by the Daemon, Apohet, the Spirits that exist within the realms are divided into three categories. Elemental - The first of the Spirits to be made, and arguably the most powerful of all Spirits, domineering over the basic elements of creation. Immortal - The second group of Spirits to be made, pertaining to more specific and abstract aspects of existence, such as Disease, Health, and Hope. Ancestral - The last of the Spirits, those that were once Mortals who transcended into Stargush'Stroh (Valhalla) upon death. Now, Shamans serve as conduits through which these Spirits may more directly influence the Mortal Realm. Spirits are willing to offer this service, since both veneration, and a greater number of things they represent existing, enhance their power. There are currently four sub-types of Shamanism: Elementalist: These Shamans make pacts with Lesser Spirits of the Elements. When they direct the Spirit, they are able to directly influence existing material that relates to the domain of the Spirit in question. Witch Doctor: These Shamans communicate with the Immortal and Elemental Spirits with the intent to cause harm to other Mortals, insofar as to create Curses and Hexes. These creations do not often have physical effects, but are usually psychological. For instance, using a Hex of Fire would not cause burning, but would mimic the sensation of such an experience. Latauman: These Shamans access the Ancestral Realm, where they search for the most notable of Spirits who were famed for great deeds in life. A Latauman can ask to receive a blessing from them, so that they get (for a time) a boon that relates to why they were made Greater Ancestrals. For instance: A Latauman may communicate with Lur, renowned for being the Greatest Hunter of all Orcish History, to have his senses heightened for a time. They are unable to instill these blessings into others. Farseer: These Shamans access the Immortal Realm, usually in search of enlightenment through the wisdom of the Spirits. Additionally, they can channel blessings through these Spirits into plants and people around them, instilling feelings such as courage. They are unable to bless themselves. Now, we've all done that test where you have to pick which from the list are most similar. The last two are oddly similar, wouldn't you agree? So much so that it begs the question: Why does such a distinction exist? There is currently a lack of any Farseers, and a disturbingly low number of Latauman. When asked what the difference between the two is, many struggle to conjure an answer. The basic concept behind them both seems to be the same; to draw from the Spirits in some way, in order to utilise a blessing. The other sub-types, being Witch Doctor and Elementaist, have very specific purposes that make them distinct from one another. The notion that one must learn two-sub-types in order to both bless themselves and others is drawing from the pool of Shamans, and creating a needlessly lengthy process that can be simplified. Logically speaking, the two should be combined. There is no reasonable explanation behind why such a process would need to be divided into two categories. As per the example of the Witch Doctor, Shamans are capable of connecting to more than one type of realm, making the merger compatible within existing lore. I should like to propose the merger of the two, foremost with the understanding that it's an unnecessary divide, and will help resolve the issue of dying sub-types, and alternatively because a fresher lore-piece has been proposed that could very easily replace the mantle that would be left. A rather distinct sub-type: Shaman Smithing - With some refinement, I think this could serve as a more interesting sub-type within the circle of Shamans, offering more useful and relevant lore than the two aforementioned sub-types that veer from one another only slightly. Comments and Feedback are needed, appreciated, and welcome. Thank you for reading.
  4. This will prove I am either entirely inept, or not as inept as you think I am. Likely the latter. Excuse any awful spelling or grammatical dipshittery as it is 2 in the morning and I've been up since 5 the day before. A bedraggled sage-esque Orcish woman would saunter into any city or town with a large populus, clearly dazed and emaciated. She’d creep to the largest group she could find, regaling her tale of the spirits informing her of a grand catastrophe that’d lead to a great finding. Later she would tell the group who accepted the task that she is a shaman, despite how obvious she may have made that fact. They would trek deep into the spookiest bit of whatever the new map is called, as we will switch to it in less than a week, and eventually come across a frightfully deep chasm in a massive basin, which would later be found to be a drained lake.. The shaman would warn the group of the perils beneath, and I’d [!] to make it seem as lackluster and typical as possible to breed suspicion about the group. After some time, the shaman would shout at the group, continuing to warn them. Either after some time still, or after someone would inquire how dangerous, the shaman would tell them She’d show them, and ask for the party to stand back. She’d rip a dried and marred skull, whose openings would be sealed with fat and sand, from her bandolier of many shaman-y things, and toss it in the hole. A fiery heat and light would wash out of the hole, provided with a noise similar to a flood. The shaman would shriek to the group to run up to the shore of the basin as an awful sludge would spring from the chasm. The shaman would make it out in time. The goop fills the majority of the once-lake’s basin, sloshing up in a slight wave that’d pool at the slight of the shore, before reeling back into its mass. In the puddles’ pseudo-nucleus, deduced by its darker colouration, would be a blackish boulder, quite hefty in size. The sludge would quiver and quake, shifting about to eventually come alive. I’d [!] something pertaining to the fact that the lake was filled with a puddle of death, just so everyone was clear on that. The shaman would stutter, stepping back aways in disbelief and mumbling something about the spirits because shaman. She’d shout at the party to keep the beast away from her as she’d do her work, being as vague as possible, to aid with the suspense. She’d request the group to allow her back into the trees or some equal convenient vision-obscuring device for long enough for her to call for a favor. If arguing would ensue, I’d bolster the severity of the situation via the blob slamming wads of itself into the ground or something similar. If still the group would deny the Shaman the clearance to hide behind something, I’d have the blob do something rather distracting so everyone wouldn’t focus on the Shaman for a moment. Once she is obscured, I will interact with the party as the slime for an amount of time deemed fitting, at which point the bit of obscuring nature the shaman hid behind would cough an animal of fire, which would sprint into the jiggling mass of blob. The canid engulfed in flame would charge through the goo, entirely unimpeded, as its heat is enough to dissipate the slime into a foul smog, which too would dissipate into basically nothing. From the three other cardinal directions would charge similar beasts of flame, that’d cut into the thing that consumed the lake. The creatures would pool in the centre of the slime, chasing each other in a seemingly-choreographed circle, slinging whips of heat through the basin of sentient sludge. The ropes of expanding heat would sling further and further, ending the bizarre ceremony with the tendrils of fire scraping at the basins shoreline. The blob is entirely evaporated, along with the wolves, whom sizzle out into a quaint nothing after their deed is complete. The group would likely not understand at first, and should they not deduce that the random flame-wolves weren't conjured by nothing, I’d emote the shaman groaning or somesuch. Upon the hopeful locating by the group, the shaman would be in deep concentration, mumbling words unknown to any lest they understand the True Blah. They would be visibly shaken, and likely looking as though on the verge of death, as her disheveled state mentioned at the beginning of this awful spiel was not remedied. Should she be disturbed in any way during this bout of gibbering, her mental connection to the spirit realm would quickly severe, shattering her fragile psyche, whereupon she’d bury the smaller end of her staff into her eye, pressing it further until her demise. Should her True Blah requests be allowed to finish by the party, She’d end her connection, and peer to the group with a frightened, thousand-metre stare. If anyone would touch her, she’d collapse as though dead. Should anyone continue to try and tug her back to some form of safety, she’d flip a **** and begin smashing and clawing at the party. Around the beginning of the party’s interactions with the gibbering shaman, a peaceful storm would be forming, with lazy clouds bobbing about to assimilate into larger versions on themselves. The only gesture the shaman would offer, is propping a palm facing the lake on her knee, with a finger stretching towards the basin should the party still now understand what she was asking of them. Upon the party’s hopeful inspection of the lake, which would be caked in foul ash, they would come across a meteorite, entirely whole, laying near the chasm the sludge creeped out of. It is likely a large slime lived about the lake, and the meteorite slammed into the centre of such a lake, causing the lake’s water and any slime dwelling within it to sink into the massive chasm caused by the falling rock, in turn causing the slime to assimilate into one massive slime, which would swell to even larger size via absorbing the water drawn into the chasm. The shaman would not interact with the group apart from the ways mentioned above, she’s asked too much of the spirits and in return they’ve stolen her sanity with the aid of Ixli. Should anyone who speaks True Blah wish to study her babblings before her inevitable starvation, they would learn much, as Ixli’s mind-tearing inducts the knowledge of several well-learned scholars within oneself. The meteorite is enough of a size to lug back to a village with the aid of the party, though carrying would likely be much easier if broken in chunks. The shaman perishes, and will perish no matter what any would do. Weird-ass idea conjured from nothing, sorry if its shite. Sorta not, because creativity, but sorta am at the same time. Please, tell me how awful I am in the comments, It makes me feel as though I lack a skeleton. Sorry about the textwall too Sleepy
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