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  1. TO KRUGMAR AND THEIR CAELIAN BRIGANDS Issued at Year 140 of the Second Age The orcish and human forces that have arrived at our most serene territories have been a nuisance and have laid harm upon our people through dishonorable practices and banditry of the innocent. My daughter, Princess Freya, has had an attempt on her life by these brigands who are called Caelians. My daughter has survived, but not without having harm done to her, consequences are needed to be had. DECLARATION OF FREEDOM Due to the nature of these brigands, there is only one punishment applicable, they shall be granted freedom. This strips them of all rights that our most serene state could offer and are no longer considered a protected entity by law, making them unable to obtain properties in the future and are free to be slaughtered on sight without repercussions for the one that does so. EMBARGO ON KRUGMAR Until aggression is fully ceased, all horde assets in Lurin will be confiscated by the state and all trade offers will be refused. Merchants of our most serene state will be urged to remove their goods from the markets of Krugmar and their affiliated realms, presumed that any and all trade with krugmar as the embargo us in place is an act of undermining authority of our most serene state. PEACEFUL UNTIL DISTURBED Our most serene citizens have been assaulted and kidnapped by the brigands of Krugmar and held hostage within their very capital without prior aggression from our people before they were released by force. Our citizens seek peace, yet are not afraid to defend themselves if deemed necessary as our Lurinite spirit deems so. May you come to your senses and make the right choice before one is made for you by your own people. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  2. UNREGISTERED CITIZENS Issued at Year 139 of the Second Age It has been brought to my attention after some years that my very own citizens are unaware of who they invite into their homes to live with them to the dismay of many others within our most serene state. Thus we shall purge the evil from our homes by force. ADDITIONAL SPOOK TESTS For a person to live with an already established citizen, they are needed to undergo a standardized spook test which can be conducted by any Lurinite steward. Failure to comply will result in a fine and if found that a person is hosting darkspawn in their abode, they shall be charged with the aiding of dark creatures, a class A crime warranting execution after seeing the darkspawn they have hosted executed before them first. REGISTERING CITIZENS All citizens who are living in your abode are now necessary to be registered with a Lurinite steward and otherwise charged with Claiming, a class C crime. Temporary guests are allowed as long they stay within a two year period of time total over the course of a decade. Individuals trying to loophole this system will be subject to be charged with the same law regardless and our Stewards are allowed to enforce this law and observe any unfamiliar faces visiting frequently and question them. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  3. STEEL FOR THE LURINITES Issued at Year 139 of the Second Age With a sudden boom in the Lurinite steel industry spearheaded by our most serene state and The Silver Lubba, it has been decided that we shall distribute a fraction of our production towards supplying our most helpful citizens with this steel for projects and personal equipment. THE DISTRIBUTION With the acquisition of a few new iron mines within our borders, we have achieved an abundance of steel in our market and storage, steel that remains unused as Lurin has achieved its more than comfortable surplus of steel that shall only be touched for the most dire of situations. This steel shall be distributed amongst the population through valid requests to the state. THE ELIGIBILITY The eligibility of our citizens to acquire the steel they desire from our most serene state depends on a few factors which are easily met by the more productive members of our society. The following citizens are eligible with proper reason: Silver Lubba Band Members Tavern Workers Critical Industries High Nobility Low Nobility Direct Vassals Special cases may arise and they shall be discussed personally upon receiving a request. THE REQUESTS The requests should always be fair and reasonable to both the productive citizen and the state, any amount may be requested, though the state may always deny a request if deemed necessary. The following reasons are likely to be accepted by the state: Equipment Maintenance Equipment Replenishment Production of State Goods Production of Critical Goods Fortification of Property Supplying Workers These reasons are most valid to the state and one may suggest another if deemed necessary. Any and all requests are able to be denied even if meeting all criteria. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  4. DENOUNCING THOSE OF FALSE FATES Issued at Year 138 of the Second Age A few reports have come out regarding fortune tellers with dark magics, using the minds of our citizens with good faith left for their own malicious gains. No wounds are found on the victims, yet they are left exhausted and unable to work for our most serene state. BANISHMENT OF THE PRACTICE Fortune telling is against the law now, being declared a class C crime and makes the lawbreaker subject to a mandatory spook test. Further elaboration will be made within the codex as to what constitutes breaking this law under 2.6.3f. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Silver Lubba
  5. THE REFORMATION OF SUTICA Issued at Year 42069 of the Second Age With our citizens growing more and more weary of the Sutican title being held in an unlanded state, a call has been made by the Lurinites to reform The Free Trade State of Sutica once more and crown Mika Anarion as its rightful ruler. THE SUTICAN CLAIM With the Anarion family holding a claim and the current Lurinite ruler having ruled twice before, only to be exiled from leadership through unlawful methods, still claims the Sutican throne as his own for he leads the Suticans in his successor state. With the Sutican people backing his claim and the lack of independent land held by the Sutican title, it is hereby claimed and usurped from the incapable in favor of the new Trade Prince of Sutica, Mika Anarion. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba Mika Anarion, Thrice Crowned Trade Prince of Sutica
  6. TO THE MEN IN RED Issued at Year 118 of the Second Age Earlier on this day, men in red and black entered Lurin as our gates are always open during times of peace, however, this trust has been abused by these four men who witnesses to have claimed to taken a woman before sprinting out the gates before reinforcements were called. EYE FOR AN EYE The saying is that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind, however, as Lurin is a forgiving state, they will only be punished for the crimes they have committed according to the Codex of Lurin within our territories, willingly or not. Kidnapping, a class B crime Disturbance of Peace, a class D crime General Battery, a class C crime Aggravated Assault, a class B crime Verbal Harassment of a Higher Official, a class C crime Leading up to a fine of 1250 mina per person present, or the alternatives: -Execution of all -2000 mina worth of labor or goods per person -Two limbs, two digits and a final non-lethal cut per person May this be done peacefully and swiftly without escalation. You have one Esht Week to respond. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  7. THE COURTS OF LURIN Issued at Year 117 of the Second Age While The Most Serene State of Lurin is still young, it is seen fit to reform the courts to benefit the state they belong to in an attempt to create strife among peers to progress further than ever possible. With this sudden expansion of influence of the people over the state, it must be noted that the state will provide a counterweight in the form of simple requirements to be considered an active member of Lurin’s courts. THE NOBILITY OF LURIN While the court of Lurin is filled with nobility of varying degrees and the average citizen it should be noted that nobility only applies to one person and only in special cases a family is considered an integral part of Lurin. High Nobility: High nobility is often seen as the most important sect of people in Lurin, though they only get limited privileges compared to the average citizen. Vassal Leaders of various levels Vassal leaders are those granted a plot of land to develop the lands of The Silver Lubba for them and establish settlements for their people or potentially fortify the borders of the territories of Lurin. Often vassal leaders can be found as a voice upon the council and within reason govern their own lands with a certain amount of autonomy in exchange for their service. Division and Office Leaders With the rather unique structure of Lurin’s governance, the various divisions and offices are all granted their ability through The Silver Lubba and have their leaders assigned much through the same process. Division leaders are in every way above office leaders though fall in the same ranking of high nobility due to their importance in a functional state. Division leaders are often at the forefront of progress and military matters which they will need to execute with success as failure is not an option within the state at this level of leadership. The lack of a division leader to a division is often filled back up by the lower ranking members of the division, however, if it is found that incompetency is rampant, The Silver Lubba will personally lead the lacking division temporarily. Office leaders are maintaining the state and their institutions to keep the citizenry engaged, educated and healthy. When a position in these offices aren’t filled then often The SIlver Lubba steps in to personally ensure it stays functional. Previous High Council and Silver Lubbas Previous members of the High Council and Silver Lubbas are viewed as highly experienced members of Lurinite society, making them extremely valuable as advisors to the state and as a reward for their service they are granted their position as high noble. THE REQUIREMENTS OF HIGH NOBILITY To become a high noble within the territories of Lurin one must dedicate themselves to the state and its people with many paths laid out for even regular citizens to work their way up to this level of nobility. (A noble of Lurin ensuring the presence of their levymen) Minor Nobility: Minor nobility is often made up of people who have helped the state less directly or are not yet influential enough to be considered a high noble. Family Estate Holders With the nobility of Lurin working different from most other forms, only the one who holds the family estate is considered a minor noble to avoid stretching out the system to where everyone could be considered a noble somehow. Within reason the patriarch or matriarch of an influential family is the preferred candidate for holding these family estates. Large Company Holders Large companies within Lurin are considered minor nobility to empower them to more easily convey their desires within the territories for the sake of progress. Large companies need to be granted this title of minor nobility and only one leader per company is able to hold this title. The Silver Lubba’s Family The family of The Silver Lubba is most important to the state, some of these individuals considered princes and princesses if they are a direct descendant by blood to the first degree from The Silver Lubba themself. Though regardless of this, they are still merely minor nobles to limit their power within the state unless they manage to work their way up the ranks like every other citizen of Lurin. Lubba Knights Lubba Knights are an integral part of the Lurinite military, providing prowess of both mind and body to the state as their most elite forces of the realm. Lubba Knights are chosen personally by The Silver Lubba to maintain a force of only the best Lurin can find within their territories. Personal Advisors of The Silver Lubba Personal advisors to The Silver Lubba are often invited over personally to council meetings to bring their unique perspective or expertise to courts. Though not anyone with expertise becomes a personal advisor, often minor nobility is granted to those who repeatedly are requested to show their perspective upon certain issues. THE REQUIREMENTS OF MINOR NOBILITY To become a minor noble within the territories of Lurin one must be proficient at their trade or have value to the state as a whole. Each one of these positions bar the family options are achievable within reasonable time and dedication by any citizen of Lurin. Additionally they are needed to bring forth one person to fill up a position within the divisions of Lurin with families considered as one entity, refusing this requirement will result in remaining a regular citizen rather than minor noble. Upon achieving this first step up into nobility, a mundane weapon of choice may be requested to The Silver Lubba themself who will provide the holder of this title with what they desire to use. This weapon becomes a symbol of service to the state and is of great importance to the holder of it as the loss of this weapon is a great tragedy upon the banner this noble comes from. Furthermore beyond this symbol, the fresh noble will need to provide a banner for the halls of The Silver Lubba, representing them, their family or company in the courts of Lurin and is seen as a gift of great prestige from The Silver Lubba to have their banner present. THE PEOPLE OF LURIN While our courts are filled with nobility of varying levels, it should be noted that citizens are often seen wandering in with issues they have found or ideas they wish to bring to light. Our citizens are encouraged to participate within the courts of Lurin to aid us in our governance as if it were their own duty to do so. Periodically a time for these suggestions and issues is hosted by a member of the high council of The Silver Lubba themself. (Lurinite court being held within the designated room) These moments of public court for the citizenry are a right given by The Silver Lubba and must be held at least once per Esht Month, however, it is preferred to host these bi-weekly for a more effective means of dedicated communication outside of conversations held directly with the various council members. Once a public court is called for with a location provided for it, the citizens may bring forth their word without issue unless in direct violation with the current laws. THE MILITARY OF LURIN With the courts set up within reason in our Most Serene State of Lurin, the military duties of our people may not be forgotten in times of prosperity. Without a necessity to maintain an army in the eyes of our citizens it has been seen fit to take a necessary step towards maintaining a proper standing army made up from people rather than the constructs our state provides us so the constructs may focus upon their primary goals instead of having to act as our military. (A Silver Centurion marching forth into enemy territory) This new system includes full participation from our nobility as they are now required to send forth at least one person from their group to be granted and maintain their position. As easily as the noble status is granted, it may be stripped at the same speed if the bare minimum is not met. This one person put forth must be capable of learning, following orders and be able bodied. These people do not necessarily need to be soldiers of the state, they merely have to participate within the government’s system of divisions. Each person put forth can choose their own division to join willingly to maintain a minimal amount of staff within each division with relative ease and keeping ourselves capable in times of conflict. THE ETIQUETTE OF LURIN The etiquette of our Most Serene State of Lurin is rather simple with the rule of thumb being that humility is praised above all and the lack thereof shunned within the courts. Within Lurin a citizen and The Silver Lubba share the burden of the state in different ways, though never must one raise themselves too high to estrange the people of our state as chaos ensues. Every citizen has their worth provided to the state, the lack of doing so may put them in a less favorable light. Additionally, the laws of Lurin will always be maintained by the citizens of our Most Serene State of Lurin as the lack of discipline will be dealt with accordingly. Furthermore, there are simple phrases within court one could use to show respect to the culture of the Lurinites or used to disrespect a citizen greatly. “May Eshtael Bless you” - A simple phrase to wish good health upon them. “May your scales never tip” - Wishing someone stability and prosperity in life. “The Atronachs Missed You” - Accusing someone of being vile in nature. “May Tahariae take care of you” - A phrase to wish someone dead. Along with these simple phrases, there is a good chance they will be spoken out with the Lurinite language to ensure foreign bodies know little of what is being spoken of. However, even among Lurinites this language is rare to be spoken as many only speak it to express the true meaning of their words. THE FASHION OF LURIN Most other settlements and nations of the realm often have difficulty finding out who is deemed important and who is not within Lurin, partially this is because of the odd fashion found within Lurin and on their citizens. Often they are seen wearing their work uniform or a modified version of it for more formal meetings, however, there is still the presence of informal clothing among the people who lack a position within the state. Often viewed as a shame, however, if they manage to become successful without the state then they might as well have earned their share into becoming a minor noble or perhaps make their own clothing for ease. (A Silver Centurion with modified uniform entering court) THE DIPLOMACY OF LURIN As Lurin grows over time, there have been a couple preferences and noted down expressions during the diplomatic process which could be more efficient or avoided entirely. With this revelation, a small list has been constructed to give some oversight for future diplomatic meetings. -Bringing anyone other than your leader or someone authorized to officiate pacts autonomously to negotiate terms is a waste of time and effort. -Bringing more than two soldiers to a meeting is an act of aggression. Additional diplomats are an exception if they bring something of use to the table. -A pact with another nation might end up being pushed through the council and shareholders to see a general census before accepting, declining or altering the terms. -Every pact must be made with both parties present in the room, drafts must be prepared beforehand to indicate a clear goal of what the other entity wishes to achieve. -The offering or exchanging of gifts is discouraged during meetings unless they have a true cultural value to avoid muddling diplomacy with nepotism and other forms of bastardized politics. (Diplomats on their way to the Lurinite courts) THE CULTURAL STANDARDS OF THE COURTS The start of court within the territories of Lurin are rather simple, once a time and place have been chosen then as soon as the citizens, indentured servants, council members and nobles of Lurin start wandering in then the leading figure within the room may announce the start with a simple phrase: “The Serene Prevail Today, May Your Voices Be Heard” Followed by a gesture to either summon the first person before the leading figure or to perhaps announce something for all of Lurin to know. The courts of Lurin are considered to be in a more basic form as titles matter little within these courts and competency is always preferred over them. This unusual form enables leadership and nobility to be spoken at by their first name without mention of their title regardless if they agree or not to prevent bastardization of the process of court. The court only finishes after a simple phrase has been spoken out by the leading figure of this court, usually the one who summoned court: “Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance” Once this phrase is spoken, no nobility, leadership or citizens are needed to stay within the room where court was held, granting opportunity for less global and more personal matters to be discussed if deemed necessary to do so. Furthermore, as Lurinite court is considered more basic in nature, it should be noted that at all times only those requesting to speak up will be listened to, the lack of this basic thought in repeated fashion will enable the Centurions in removing them from the premises. Naturally, this rule has exceptions if the words spoken out are widely considered to be slanderous or vile in nature. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  8. LURIN WINDOW INSURANCE ACT Issued at Year 116 of the Second Age Due to the increasing amounts of shattered windows and the solidarity of the state to its people, The Most Serene State of Lurin has decided to open up insurance for their citizens. As glass is a resource not many have on hand to quickly repair a window due to the labor intensive process of creating perfect glass panes and the state having the workforce to back them up in such a process, it is seen fit to provide the citizens with repairs. GLASS FOR THE CITIZENRY This deal between state and citizen comes at a bare minimum cost where as long as they pay their taxes their windows shall be patched up with a glass of their choosing. Failure to contact the state for your broken windows for a prolonged duration will fall under our general negligence law found at general safety, 2a. The Payment of tax has to be completed before any repairs may be done on behalf of the state, the one holding the property will be able to avoid this by creating and installing the window themselves. There is a possibility that your window will be repaired without your knowledge initially, however, a note will be placed in the inhabitant's mailbox notifying of a potential break in and offered a potential modification in design to avoid future window smashing for potential invasions of property. DEFENSE OF THE STATE With this alarming amount of mischief and failed robberies, The Most Serene State of Lurin will expand efforts to add new constructs to the brotherhood to more frequently patrol the city and make it clear to any who attempt to do so again will be unpleasantly surprised by increasing the severity of this crime temporarily to a class A crime without the escape of bailing yourself out, leaving only blood payment as an option for the following till the 120th year of the second age. Additionally, The Most Serene State of Lurin wishes to revitalize their efforts on expanding The Silver Centurions to limit reliance on construct production. Those Willing to join the cause of keeping our streets safe can contact John or The Silver Lubba for more information. Eternal we Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed, The Silver Lubba
  9. MISCHIEF MAKERS WANTED Issued at Year 114 of the Second Age There has been an alarming rate of mischief going on within the city of Lurin, making it hard to go through the daily lives of our citizenry without minor inconveniences being bestowed upon them by an unknown source. As normally this is not much of an issue, we have found evidence that it is scaling drastically and makes it a necessity for the state to take action. THE SEARCH FOR MISCHIEF We have collected multiple reports of missing items, such as jewelry, scraps of food, trinkets made from precious metals and the steel tools of varying occupations. While theft is something rarely struggled with due to the security provided, it has caught the state by surprise to have such a spree of crime occur while on the other hand there is an immense increase in mischievous behavior that does not align with the citizenry. Everyone within the city is affected by this spree of mischief from the moving of writing utensils to the other side of the room to having their door jammed with a metal pin stolen from the workforce to having a potato thrown at your feet while having a conversation in the square. The Silver Centurions will be on the case for this strange spree of mischief and we hope to report to our citizens about our findings. ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE. signed, The Silver Lubba
  10. ON THE CURED Issued at Year 112 of the Second Age After receiving the missive regarding our citizen, Sarah Artenin, of being a vampire, the Lubba’s Council was in shock. Thankful to the shamans that they cured her of her vile disease, however, there was another part of the missive which did not resonate with the citizens of Lurin as Sarah was made to forcefully live in Nor’asath or be hunted down and executed. The council gathered today to draft up an official response regarding the situation and express their displeasure to this foreign policy. ON THE ABDUCTION OF SARAH ARTENIN As Lurin does not want to waste further ink and blood on this matter, while we agree with your sentiment against darkspawn, the holding of our citizens against their will is a vile act and The Most Serene State of Lurin hereby declares a simple warning: The attempt at a repeated taking of Sarah Artenin will result in conflict of degrees the balance of Eshtael will allow. May the wisdom of the shamans of Nor’Asath and The Iron Horde be everlasting and conflict kept to a minimum so all our lands may experience the prosperity it deserves. signed, The Silver Lubba
  11. LURINITE MINING OPERATION Issued at Year 111 of the Second Age With our soaring levels of wealth it has been decided to invest it back into the people of the state, providing further jobs and making local goods cheaper through the acquisition of a profitable mine near the city. THE OPEN MINE OF LURIN The mine of Lurin will be open to all who have the equipment to properly delve within, however, at the end of your mining trip you will be faced with the question if you will sell your acquired wealth to the local state provided stall at a decent rate or perhaps buy resources from it during a shortage of material. May this newfound acquisition of resources provide further wealth and prosperity to the citizens of Lurin through trade and craft. signed, The Silver Lubba
  12. MEAT FOR LURINITES ACT Issued at Year 111 of the Second Age With a recent expansion of the production of animal products and our exports being overflown with meats, Lurin has taken note of the necessity of increasing welfare for its people by distributing our excess to the taxpayers of Lurin before our storages overflow with the meats we produce locally. MEAT IN THE MAILBOX Our most faithful citizens of Lurin have aided us establish ourselves properly in the south and with this the standard of living for the Lurinites must increase accordingly. While we will not hand out grain, potatoes and vegetables due to our production simply being too low to hand out on top of our exports, we will feed our people the best we can, with steak and beef. Lurin citizens who have paid their taxes are entitled to a pouch of steak and beef in their mailbox if one is available. In some cases the tax is lower than the price of the goods provided, though we will stand by our worth. signed, The Silver Lubba Lumia Anarion, High Steward of Lurin
  13. THE LURIN FAST TRAVEL ACT Issued at Year 110 of the Second Age With our move away from Lubba's Keep, we sadly enough could not bring along the majority of our livestock, this included our most esteemed purebred white horses that the band has used in every battle they have faced. Recently we have discovered that some of our mercenary hires kept these horses from our days of conflict and quickly pooled them back together to raise the next generation of Lubba Chargers for our guardsmen, workers, government and citizens to use. The Sale of Lurin’s Excess Horses With this discovery, we soon found ourselves with an excess of horses capable of aiding our citizens and breaking even on the less desired horses which are noted down as Lubba Palfrey. Lurin hereby is selling parts of the excess horses for the following prices: For Citizens: Lubba Palfrey: 10 mina Lubba Charger: 30 mina For non-Citizens Lubba Palfrey: 20 mina Lubba Charger: 30 mina Saddles sold separately at the price of 10 mina. Centurions of Lurin will be provided with armour for their horses upon the purchase of a saddle for their Lubba Palfrey or Charger in the good will of these horses being used in the defense of the state. The continuous loss of one’s horse as a Centurion of Lurin may result in being barred from becoming part of the cavalry in future conflicts and will not be granted this good willed horse armour. Additionally, those who are deemed the most loyal of citizens who might find themselves without proper transportation have the chance to be gifted a horse to ensure their travels are safe and swift. signed, The Silver Lubba
  14. A CALL FOR INDUSTRY Issued at Year 106 of the Second Age With the resources of our state increasing more than we can possibly consume at this rate, it will be most valuable to use these resources to be used to fuel the local artisans of Lurin and attract new citizens who wish to exploit this offer on behalf of the workforce. On the matter of encouraging craftsmanship Artisans all around Almaris will be accepted to use a share of our collected resources to fund their projects and day to day endeavors. A space for both their craft and living will be provided to those who sign up for this opportunity with a preference to smiths, woodworkers, leather workers and engineers of varying quality. In return however, it will be asked that once a year you deliver a single requested good which shall be used to review your craftsmanship and if the state might be interested in establishing an order for more of the goods produced. Additionally, you will gain access to a general market spot soon to be constructed where you may sell your goods without the weekly taxes. STAND ETERNAL WITH HONOR AND GLORY. signed, The Silver Lubba
  15. A SILVER ALLIANCE [11th of the Amber Cold, Year 105 of the Second Age] Preamble The parties of The Principality of Celia’nor and The Serene State of Lurin, henceforth referred to as the signatories, hereby agree to an alliance, the duration of which will last ten years. Additionally, the signatories will adhere to each of the following articles stated within this agreement. Terms of Alliance I. The Signatories will adhere to an alliance in full between their realms, and will not incite conflict between them. The signatories agree that they are willing to aid each other militarily in times of distress. II. The Serene State of Lurin and the Principality of Celia’nor recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective monarchs, and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them. A.) The signatories recognize the respective claims of governance, namely that Celia’nor has the right to govern all high elves and that Lurin has the right to govern all of their people. III. The Signatories agree to engage in trade with each other, whether it be through monetary exchange or bartering. IV. The Signatories agree to participate in exchanges of assistance when it comes to mages and the voidal arts when requested. They assist in each other’s rituals when requested and collaboration of their mages. Along with the voidal arts, it’s a trading of knowledge as a whole and extends to a trading of books. IV-I. The Signatories shall use their combined knowledge to work together to remove dark creatures that threaten the world. V.The Signatories will allow free passage for civilians and refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations. AY’PUERAN; Valyris Ibarellan, Princess of Celia’nor, Queen of Gladewynn, Princess of the Alders, Princess of Alderyn, High Empyrean Princess, Sole-Proprieter of Gladewynn, Protector of the High Elves, High Magus of the Arcanic Court, etc. THE SILVER LUBBA, Mika Anarion
  16. The Division of The Lubba Band Workforce Issued at Year 97 of the Second Age With our band and newly founded state growing at a comfortable pace, it is found necessary to clarify the structure and intent of the workforce division of The Silver Lubba Band. STRUCTURE OF THE WORKFORCE The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is in this chain of command as an overseer and highest in command, assigning High Contractors their new tasks to delegate further down the chain. If The Silver Lubba manages to find spare time from their other obligations, they are often on site to help oversee projects to work out the specifics on the field. High Contractor High contractors is one assigned by The silver Lubba to lead this division to greatness, often seen laying our routes for material acquisition and ensuring the whole band stays supplied. From the siege engines to the armour and blades of the band, it all starts here by the high contractor who supplies these to the other divisions. Masters at their craft they design new forms of weaponry, armour and are often seen working together directly with siege lords to aid in their operations. Project Manager Project Managers are those who make sure every project is executed correctly as one small flaw could mean the end of a building or snaps steel in the midst of battle. as experts on their own crafts they are seen inspecting the works put out by the workforce and evaluated. For a simple worker to pass onto tradesman they must pass the three most recent inspections by a Project Manager in a row. Project managers as experts of their crafts are also seen as teachers within the workforce, lending the secrets of their trade to Tradesmen below. Tradesman Tradesmen are those who have proven to be proficient in their craft, producing consistent quality works that are often used in times of battle and collecting the finest materials for their works. Excelling Tradesmen are often given their own workplace along with the recognition of The Silver Lubba to have the capability to become a project manager. Worker Workers are the backbone of the band, though still in the start of their career of their trade, they are more often seen gathering materials or aiding as extra manpower during projects put out by the people higher up in the chain. If shown interest in a certain trade, they could end up as apprentices for the trade they wish to follow. SPECIALISATION With the sheer amount of tasks at hand, our band would like to avoid the extensive process of teaching every craft to every worker, making them instead pick a specialisation to save us resources and time. One may however opt to get in multiple specialisations if found proficient in their current pick. Raw Resource Collection Resource collectors of the workforce traverse the lands to gather all kinds of resources, from alchemy ingredients to nodes requiring special mining techniques. They will work to create stockpiles and gather other materials on demand for whoever may request for such. Forging Blacksmiths of the workforce who possess, and/or learn, multiple smithing techniques in order to provide the band with high quality weapons, armour or whatever their skills may require of them. In times of peace they may offer their skills to the public and/or anyone that may make custom orders, always working to the high standards expected of the workforce. Woodworking Woodworkers, as the name implies, supply the band with any product requiring wooden components, whether it be Ships for the navy or parts required to make siege equipment, if it involves wood, these are the members of the workforce who’ll do it. Leatherworking Leather workers provide a seemingly small yet important role to the band, providing all divisions with any and all things created with leather, from simple clothing items such as aprons and gloves to light weight leather armour for the fighting force of the band. Fishing Anglers of the workforce are, simply, those that fish and supply such to the band, Keeping others fed and healthy. However, They may even go out sailing into the ocean searching and hunting for bigger aquatic creatures or those that others may consider monsters of the sea. Farming Farmers are those that harvest agricultural resources for the band, from crops to livestock. They’ll also work closely with those within the Food processing section, supplying them with the produce they need. As Well as working with the fighting forces of the band, supplying them with the rations and food needed. Those within this section will also be tasked with hunting down land creatures and monsters, gathering what they can from their hunt. Food processing Those in the Food processing section are those that work alongside the farmers, processing the produce into anything, from steak dinners to bread and other baked goods. They may even lease with the anglers, whilst also creating dishes for shops and maybe, even, the tavern. Modification Modifiers are enchanters and alchemists who use their knowledge and skills to create and modify weapons, whether it be for the band itself or for people that make custom orders through the workforce. Members, keeping the mina they make all with the support of the workforce itself, supplying them with the tools, materials and even the training they need. Band Support Members of Band Support are the elite personnel of the Workforce, being trained to serve in every aspect of every division within Lurin. possessing or being trained to have all the knowledge required to effectively serve within each of these divisions, whether it be assisting blacksmiths, or being assigned to the guardforce. These all rounders can be attached to any and all sections of each division, carrying out their tasks with the high standards that are expected of the workforce. Each member will be trained to this high standard in all the fields required of them. In times when they are not needed, they can choose to serve in any section of the workforce as they wish. However, when needed, they will be assigned to the respective division in need of personnel. INITIATION For our bandmembers to find a place within the band one must be initiated into the division properly by a project manager or the High Contractor themself. This process is necessary to affirm one’s intent and confirm one’s ability as a worker. The Process Upon finding the necessary members to begin the process of initiation, one must affirm they are proficient at the specialisation they wish to join and dedicate themselves to the band with an oath to it. Once this oath is completed one may officially join the division to be introduced to their working space and acquainted with their fellow band members. The Oath I [Name] do solemnly swear without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, To pledge my undying loyalty to the Service of The Silver Lubba Band, to the Silver Lubba for which guides these holdings, And to the citizens and subjects under the Silver Lubba I pledge my efforts to the prosperity of the institutions of the Holdings I pledge my body as a tool for the The Silver Lubba, a bastion to the economy, a hammer for the forge I shall uphold to the principles of the code, and maintain the dignity of The Division I shall obey the orders of those placed above me, and I shall never falter from this oath On my soul, honor [and on deity applicable] this I swear. STAND ETERNAL WITH HONOR AND GLORY! signed, High contractor, Kirja ‘Scribe’ Edevane The Silver Lubba
  17. The Silver Centurion Division Issued at Year 99 of the Second Age With the amount of people living within our territories, it is deemed necessary to organize our local militia to a more well equipped and trained standard. With this change order shall be maintained by these individuals as they will be maintained and trained by the state. STRUCTURE OF THE SILVER CENTURIONS With the increasing number of people entering our gates, we are needed to become more organized than our local militia forces teaming up with the garrisoned mercenary forces and capable warriors. With this simple structure, growth is able to be had and capability will increase with rank. The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band and all of its holdings and divisions. This division is no different from that with The Silver Lubba hiring new recruits and enabling The Silver Centurions to uphold peace and law wherever they are garrisoned. Captain Captains of The Silver Centurions are tasked with managing the lower ranks and upholding the order within the holdings, often finding themselves more on the management side of the division though not to be fooled as they do still keep their years of experience that they have from reaching this point. These individuals are often seen recruiting new members into the band in general, making sure the entire band is well equipped and supplied with new recruits, novices and other beginning members of the band. Large scaled defensive projects often start with a captain before the workforce is notified of such a project and the feasibility of achieving it. Officer Officers of The Silver Centurions are on the way to true leadership, always present to make sure everything runs smoothly among the watchmen and recruits, often seen conducting training in combat, law and equipment maintenance for new recruits and making sure they are up for the task before them. These individuals are extremely versatile and often have the option to switch or add to a different division at this stage, though at the cost of losing progress within the structure of the band to further build up their repertoire and experience. Officers are however also capable of recruiting and managing smaller projects acting for these tasks instead of a captain. Watchman Watchmen are the bulk of The Silver Centurions, finding themselves virtually anywhere The Silver Lubba Band is present. Having passed their training allowed them to become a Watchman ready to uphold the order of The Silver Lubba’s holdings and campsites around the realm. These individuals are allowed to detain those who are in violation of the public order established and either deal with them on the spot or send them further to trial with a Lubba Judge. Recruit Recruits of The Silver Centurions are new to the majority of how everything is supposed to be operated, still needing to go through training for combat, law and equipment maintenance. Often seen staying near a watchman or officer to aid them in tasks or guarding a door or outpost without much conflict happening around them for this period of their career. PURPOSE AND DUTIES OF CENTURIONS The purpose of The Silver Centurions is straightforward and clear, however, if one may forget their purpose or duties, it shall be stated here or in other documents if found necessary to amend. Maintaining Order Maintaining order is the primary purpose of all Silver Centurions, all other duties and purposes are secondary to maintaining order through upholding and enforcing law through the proper means and conduct. Without this essential duty the realm will devolve to chaos and makes the state more likely to look for alternative means to keep their citizens safe. Arresting Criminals While conduct dictates part of maintaining the order is to lock up criminals of the state, it is often overlooked how valuable a proper trial and sentence may be. The arresting of a criminal should be the first priority unless they are found to be unreasonably hostile and need to be dealt with as efficiently as possible. Interrogating Criminals Upon the arrest of a criminal, it is more than likely that they had a goal in mind and a reason for doing so, the task at hand is to find out their reasoning and to gauge if this reasoning is sound or simply criminal. Judgement may be formed from this interrogation. Eliminating Threats There is a chance one day a clear threat will come to our territories, it is then that every centurion must come to aid to eliminate this threat as fast and with as little casualties as possible. Investigating Individuals If seen fit by an officer or by the captain of the Silver Centurions, an investigation may take place to ensure the safety of our citizens. This would merely be a precaution for most, though if taken seriously, an arrest might come out of it. Patrolling Territories While keeping the city is key, our allies and the roads leading to our territories can prove to be useful to be kept safe. The presence of bandits, spooks and undead upon our roads or allies’ territories can prove to be detrimental to the flow of people and prosperity. Small scouting groups will from time to time be sent out to ensure the safety of our territories or collect information on potential threats. Aiding Military Missions Military missions are rare during times of peace, however, every Silver Centurion along with the Expeditionary Force and Lubba Knights become part of the general military of our territories during times of war, making them most valuable to keep them up with training. Military missions are oftentimes used to inflict damage to morale or to secure certain strategic areas. Aiding Those In Need While the primary goal is to keep order, it cannot be maintained without putting the troubles of others to rest. With such citizens or travelers may request aid from this division, though one ought to be careful of deceit and bring ample men to aid those who request aid outside of the Silver Lubba’s territories. Protecting The Realm Maintaining order is ofcourse the first priority, however, as the bulwark of these territories every Centurion must aid to protect the realm regardless of the odds. Every raider and hostile invader must be struck down or incapacitated with extreme prejudice. However, this is not only done through combat as preparation and information is enough of a deterrent most of the time, if someone wishes to do harm upon the realm they are to be reported as soon as possible. Maintaining Equipment While equipment is provided by the state, it must be maintained by the individuals who received such. It is possible for the state to give out another set of equipment during times of active conflict where equipment becomes harder to maintain properly. Every Centurion will be taught how to properly maintain their equipment either by their brothers in arms or at the academy. Maintaining Knowledge Knowledge is one of the most valuable assets to any force in the realm as some spooks and undead have specific ways to more effectively defeat them or remove them as a threat entirely. Alongside this comes the knowledge of how to use your weapon properly in defense of the territories to most efficiently deal with common threats. CODE OF CONDUCT members are expected to follow all of the following or risk punishment : They shall uphold the laws of the Lubban Codex and remain within the Laws of the Lubban Codex or risk a level higher punishment for their actions. They shall never harm a citizen or through inaction allow a citizen to come to harm unless in pursuit of the greater good. They shall follow the orders of the officers and captain placed above them unless through such action they would be committing a crime or acting outside of this Code of Conduct. They shall respect their fellow citizens in all legal affairs. They shall maintain a level-headedness in the face of danger. They shall not disgrace their uniform by making modifications which would be seen as disgraceful or ill-taste unless directly approved by The Silver Lubba. They shall frequently be training both their mind and their body to ensure peak performance at all times. They shall maintain decent language in front of children. They shall NEVER take part in any non-approved offensive action, as this could violate a neutral stance towards some settlements and nations. They shall NEVER harm an innocent citizen or a fellow Centurion unless in doing so they end a greater threat. They shall NEVER give information to an enemy of The Silver Lubba. They shall NEVER be recruited into foreign militaries for any reason. They shall maintain a level of cleanliness of their room in the barracks and uphold a level of cleanliness of themselves. They shall keep all equipment on them while on duty, and they will be responsible for obtaining replacements from the Quartermaster. Violation of this conduct may result in the direct stripping of one’s rank and be tried for one’s crimes. IDEALS OF THE CENTURION The ideals are what makes the Cerulean Army an Army, without clear ideals or morals, a nation is bound to fall. The ideals the Cerulean Army follows are not only internally, but external as well, requiring a focus on what we wish to do with this army: cause Peace and Prosperity.. Peace The Silver Centurions are here to Protect and ensure peace and prosperity, it is not to cause chaos. causing chaos will lead to a dishonorable discharge and relieve you from your position as well as all granted titles if any. Termination of Cults and the Dark The Silver Centurions, as a majority internal force, work together to keep cults out of our territories and exterminate darkness from our realm by hunting down dark mages and creatures within its borders without hesitation and with extreme prejudice. Fortitude It is sometimes found that an individual is struggling with their work or life in general, let it be known to those individuals that taking a break from the Silver Centurions is allowed and Hiatus can be held with permission. The mental state of a member of the Silver Centurions is as important as its physical state, allowing for Silver Centurion field days to relax a bit or do some fun activities. Aid of All The Silver Centurions, provided each member is to learn a certain set of skills by requirement, they are not to back away from conflict or wounded individuals, no matter the race, group or nation they are affiliated with. We are here to help, not turn our backs to fellow living descendants and beings of this realm. Kindness and Gratitude are key to living a better life for all of us for a man who turns to banditry out of necessity can always be rehabilitated if offered the right tools to do so. Logic and Law, Driven by morals. While the law is set in stone, one who has broken a law must have had a rational reason to do so, with such a member of the Silver Centurions can interrogate an individual to see why this law has been broken by them and possibly hand out a lower fine or even exempt them from the crime they had committed. Self-sufficient together There is an emphasis within the Silver Centurions that once you are at the rank of Watchman, your set of skills taught to you are just enough to supply your own food, your own equipment, and your own minas. However, this does not mean you stand alone in conflict and is merely a tool to improve your ability to aid other members of the Silver Centurions. During times of conflict the territories will not be shy to give out some extra equipment to get the job done. HONORS AND MEDALS Recognition of the actions of our members within The Silver Lubba Band is a high priority, granting them medals or ribbons for outstanding actions or having them remembered in ceremonies to remind them of their actions or the actions of their predecessors. Listed in order of precedence -- Additional Medals may be listed elsewhere Anchor of Valour The Anchor of Valour is the highest honor, awarded by The Silver Lubba themselves. The Anchor of Valor is given to those that demonstrate acts of valour far beyond the call of duty. To receive the award is quite difficult and requires having your efforts recognized by The Silver Lubba themselves. Archrims Legacy - A Royal Eternal Named after Captain Archrim, this medal is a level above the medal of sacrifice in that it is only ever bestowed upon those that have given their all and placed everything on the line in the defense of our territories. By risking it all, they have demonstrated their dedication to the Oath and will be forever remembered for their contributions to the territories. Every member which has been bestowed this medal shall also be granted the rank of Royal Eternal as a lasting mark of their dedication and become eligible for knighthood by default. Medal of Sacrifice This medal is given to those who have sacrificed permanent loss of ability in protecting and serving The Silver Lubba. It is given with the blessing of The Silver Lubba to show their unending support of those who have sacrificed to see our territories continue to grow and prosper. This is given to those that were willing to sacrifice something, for The Silver Lubba to gain something else. Medal of Civic Honor This medal is granted to citizens of the territories who have shown tremendous effort towards the security of the Lubban way of life. It is the highest Non-Band medal, being granted directly by The Silver Lubba themself. It is to serve as a reminder of the binding nature of citizenship in the territories and those who have risked it all for the greater good of the community as a whole.. Ribbon of Heroism Given to an individual who has against all odds demonstrated boundless courage and has performed above and beyond in service to his fellow Band members and in doing so saved the life or lives of his companions. As well as those that achieve results far beyond typical expectations in the service of The Silver Lubba. Ribbon of Loyalty This honor is given to those individuals that stood and continue to stand firm in their duty to The Silver Lubba. This is usually awarded by the Captain of The Silver Centurions. It is awarded to those that have devoted their lives to the Silver Centurions and to the duties of The Silver Lubba. Campaign Medals Campaign Medals are granted to members of The Silver Centurions who endured during major conflicts or during expeditions. These medals are to serve as a reminder of the actions they took part in and as an outward display to remember those who may not have returned. To receive this class of medal it is only necessary for the member to have taken part in a campaign deemed fit by a captain of The Silver Centurions with permission of The Silver Lubba to receive a medal. Medal of Eternal Memory This Medal is given to the families of those that lost their loved ones in their duty toThe Silver Lubba and their territories.. At the end of every tenth year, a remembrance ceremony is held to commemorate the ones who lost their lives during the years and to remember the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice in the years-long gone, the medal given to the families of the fallen at this time. PAYMENT OF CENTURIONS While it would be beneficial for the Silver Centurions to work with volunteers only and random bonuses, it would heavily limit the rate at which recruits would be able to join. This is why the Silver Lubba pays its Centurions a decent wage to live inside of its territories. Payment based on rank Recruit: 5 minas a year Watchmen: 10 minas a year Officer: Tax Exemption for one 10 mina tax property Captain: Tax Exemption for one 20 mina tax property Though on top of the yearly payment, it is possible that a mission is found successful and a bonus is handed out to the more excelling centurions with the size of this bonus depending on a couple of factors like the minas earned from the mission and how the team present did overall. This bonus is handed out by the highest-ranking leader present and yearly payments can be found in a designated payment spot. INITIATION OF CENTURIONS For our ranks to expand with willing future centurions, it is found to be most effective to recruit them as volunteers as requirement to serve is not found yet to be a necessity in times of peace. Additionally this would make our forces able to have a higher level of professionalism if trained up correctly. The Process With the desire to become part of The Silver Centurions a citizen has a simple path ahead where they merely need to find an officer, captain or The Silver Lubba. Once one of these individuals are contacted they need to show that they are willing to join on their own accord, are capable of basic combat and have ample knowledge on The Codex of Lubban Law. Once deemed fit for The Silver Centurions, they shall receive their uniform and a set of equipment to deal with general threats and uphold the law accordingly. If they wish to further affirm their loyalty and be eligible to gain further access to the HQ, other facilities and the potential to rank up, they are needed to take the oath below. The Oath I [Name] do solemnly swear without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, To pledge my undying loyalty to the Service of The Silver Lubba Band, to the Silver Lubba for which guides these holdings, And to the citizens and subjects under the Silver Lubba I pledge my efforts to the prosperity and defense of the institutions of the Holdings I pledge my body as a tool for the The Silver Lubba, a friend to the commoner, a blade for the wicked I shall uphold to the principles of the code, and maintain the dignity of the division I shall obey the orders of those placed above me, and I shall never falter from this oath On my soul, honor [and on deity applicable] this I swear. STAND ETERNAL WITH HONOR AND GLORY! Eshtael Keeps Balance. signed, The Silver Lubba
  18. The Codex of Lubban Law, Year 95 of the Second Age Foreword With our recent move to the south and protection of vassalage stripped from us with our leave, it is time to amend our laws to fit The Silver Lubba’s new holding and operating most effectively with this set of rights and rules. Our centurions are at the ready to protect the realm from crime and hostilities alongside our Knightly Order of The Lubba. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance Table of Content I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights II. Guild Rights II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings I. Pertaining Acts of Theft II. Pertaining Acts of Violence III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent IV. Hunting and Poaching V. Dark Acts VI. Public Order VII. General Safety VIII. Band Laws III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments II. Crime Punishment I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights I. The Right To Live One may live as they wish as long as it is not deemed harmful to the general public. II. The Right To Defend One may defend themself, others and their property freely without judgment as long as a credible threat is provided. III. The Right To Seek Wealth One may freely barter, trade or offer their services within Lubban Territories without obstruction to earn their coin as long as such is seen as moral and legal. With this also comes the right to create a guild. IV. The Right To Worship One may worship their deity freely within the confines of Lubban Territories as long as not deemed to be harmful by The Silver Lubba. V. The Right To Be Free One may declare themselves free, stripping them of all duties, titles, holdings and rights, making this individual stand outside the law and no longer considered an entity by law. VI. The Right To Seek Happiness One may seek happiness through any means as long it does not harm others without their consent. VII. The Right To Legacy One may build their legacy within the Lubban Territories as long approved by The Silver Lubba. VIII. The Right To Trial One may call for trial if crimes committed are deemed invalid by the individual, granting them the right to hire legal aid and to be judged before a Lubba Judge. IX. The Right To Duel One may call for a duel with another without interference from others as long as performed in a suitable location which bars none and poses no harm to others. X. The Right To Clear Debt One may clear their debt through offering themselves to become an indentured servant as compensation and serve for as long it takes to clear this debt. II. Guild Rights I. The Right To Perform A guild may perform their purpose freely as long as they are granted the permission to do so by The Silver Lubba. II. The Right To Secede A guild may choose to secede from Lubban Territories and is free in doing so, being granted 3 stone days to vacate the area and move elsewhere. III.The Right To Create A guild may create any good they wish to manufacture regardless of nature unless found to be dark. IV. The Right To Settle A guild may with the blessing of The Silver Lubba occupy a section of Lubban Territory to perform their purpose. V. The Right To Wages A guild may solely run on indentured servants as long as they are all registered as such. Alternatively they may choose their own wages freely. II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings Actions forbidden in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba I. Pertaining Acts of Theft 1) Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. a) Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 25 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Burglary (Class C) The theft of 100 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 250 minas of less, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Grand Burglary (Class A) The Theft of greater than or equal to 501 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. 2) Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. a) Minor Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 25 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 100 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Grand Robbery (Class A) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than or equal 500 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 4) Other; a) Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any domesticated animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. b) Animal Battery (Class C) The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone including yourself. c) Major Animal Battery (Class B) The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone, inflicting grievous wounds d) Donation Chests (Class C) The placement of misleading and or unlabeled donation chests within the Lubban Territories in order to gain goods. e) House Squatting (Class C) The moving into of any open or used house without the permission of a steward or owner of the house. (Violation will also blacklist one in the housing registry, making one unable to own property within the holdings of The Silver Lubba.) II. Pertaining Acts of Violence 1) Assault; defined as a credible threat or attempt to cause battery. a) General Assault (Class C) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery through one’s actions. b) Aggravated Assault (Class B) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery while casting vile magic or wielding a weapon. c) Verbal harassment of a higher official (Class C) Making a direct attempt at making a Lubban higher official feel unsafe through words without a credible threat for a prolonged time. 2) Battery, defined as any form of unwanted physical contact (either with one’s person, an object, or through magical means) to cause harm a) General Battery (Class C) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact of any individual with the intent to offend, or any actions which would lead to the offending physical contact. b) Battery Occasioning Bodily Harm (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to bodily harm in the form of bruising, bleeding, or other minor injuries, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. c) Battery of a Lower Official (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a member of The Silver Lubba Band. d) Grievous Battery (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to lasting, permanent, life-threatening, inhabilitating, or otherwise grievous injury, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. e) Battery of a Higher Official (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a Lubba Knight, Lubba Council Member, High Ranking Official or The Silver Lubba themselves. 3) Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. a) Attempted Murder (Class B) The attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. b) Manslaughter (Class B) The unintentional taking of anyone’s life. c) Murder (Class A) The taking of anyone’s life with malice. d) Domesticated Animal Murder (Class B) The taking of a domesticated animal’s life. Further this will bar one from legally owning domesticated animals themselves. 4) Other; a) Affray (Class C) The partaking in a public fight between two individuals to the potential terror of citizens. b) Riot (Class B) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who threaten to use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to threaten violence simultaneously. c) Raid (Class A) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to commit violent acts simultaneously. d) Stalking (Class C) The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories. III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 1) Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. a) Impersonation (Class C) Impersonating another, guard, noble, or otherwise. b) General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) c) Civic Fraud (Class B) Purposefully deceiving a member of the Lubban Council for unlawful gain. 2) Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen a) Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. b) Grand Espionage (Class A) Spying upon an appointed official or location to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 3) Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property a) Window Vandalism (Class D) Unwarranted Destruction of windows within the Lubban Region. b) Minor Vandalism (Class C) Graffiti, Etching, or other unpermitted markings on property or the damage or destruction of property which is valued at less than 10 minas c) Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of larger property such as stalls, shrines, or other small structures or damage or destruction of property valued at less than 25 minas. d) Grand Vandalism (Class A) Devastating destruction of whole houses and major structures or the damage or destruction of any property valued at greater than or equal to 50 minas. 4) Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. a) Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding one against their will unlawfully. b) Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the Lubba Council against their will. c) Slavery (Class A) The keeping, buying, or selling of slaves within The holdings of The Silver Lubba. (Indentured servants are exempt from this law.) 5) Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of The Silver Lubba’s holdings. a) Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. b) Aiding (Class A) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. c) Accomplice (Class A) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Lubban Territories before their escape. 6) Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against the Lubban interest a) Circumventing defenses (Class B) Digging tunnels or otherwise circumventing defenses to provide unlawful entry to the holdings of The Silver Lubba b) Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of the Lubban council or high ranking officials through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. c) Treason (Class A) The plotting of conspiracy against the Lubban Territories and The Silver Lubba. d) Obstruction of Justice (Class C) Prevention of the pursuit of justice through resisting arrest or through physical and or magical violence or threats to circumvent the legal process. 7) Trespassing; defined as the unwanted entrance of an individual into a private area a) Trespassing (Class D) The unwanted entrance into a private area. b) Breaking (Class C) The use of words or actions to gain entrance into an area which is prohibited to general entrance. c) Invasion (Class B) The entrance into an area prohibited for entry with malicious intent. IV. Poaching and Hunting 1) Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in the Lubban Territories without permission granted by The Silver Lubba a) Petty Poaching(Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 50 minas. b) Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totaling more than 50 minas. c) Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading. V. Dark Acts 1) Iblees Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of Iblees, Daemons or dark magic creatures a) Worship (Class A) Worshiping Iblees, any evil-natured Daemon or inferi, including providing aid to any worshiper. b) Assisting/being dark creatures (Class A) The keeping, or assisting of any dark magic creatures by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, Dark Creatures being Creatures such as Undead, Shade parasites, vampiric beings and general Abominations of Life which act with Malicious intent. The same applies for being a dark creature. c) Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic that has been confirmed as Dark Magic by the Lubba Council. VI. Public Order 1) Disorderly Conduct; defined as conduct which creates a public nuisance or disturbs the general public. a) Disturbance of the Peace (Class D) The use of loud, explicative, or speech which riles up or actions which threaten the general public order. b) Unauthorized Sign Placement (Class D) The act of placing a sign within public parameters advertising or providing knowledge without permission or knowledge of a Lubban steward. c) Blockade (Class C) The obstruction or privatizing of Lubban roads through any means. d) Claiming (Class C) The act of seizing a stall or home without permission or knowledge of a Lubba Council Member or appointed steward. e) Modification (Class B) The act of unauthorized modification / expansion of one’s own and surrounding property without explicit permission of The Silver Lubba or their High Lubba Council. f) Public Display of Affection (Class D) The act of overexpressing your love to someone in a public area. While a peck on the cheek will be fine, making out with someone, pressing your body upon someone else for a prolonged amount of time or other acts of affection deemed to stretch regular affection in a populated public area is disallowed. g) Unlawful Preaching (Class D) The act of preaching your religion or cult without approval of The Silver Lubba or Lubba Council in a public area outside of their religious buildings. Local preaching in vassal locations needs approval of the local leaders. It should be noted that informing is different from preaching and that informing without forcing this upon them is no breach of this law, the difference being that one has to ask to be informed. h) Unlawful Recruitment (Class B) The act of recruiting individuals for foreign groups outside of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without specified and documented approval of the current Silver Lubba or in the vassal locations if approved by their leaders. Approval of Vassal leaders is allowed to be declared null if The Silver Lubba disapproves of such. i) Excessive begging (Class B) The act of persistent harassment to one for acquiring certain goods, knowledge or getting someone to act for them. Those in violation will be dealt with appropriately through detainment and removal from the Silver Lubba’s Holdings. j) Flirting with the Vertically Challenged (Class B) The act of trying to seduce an individual of 5ft and under without these feelings being reciprocated in a timely fashion. k) Unlawful Drug Use (Class C) The act of using substances classified as drugs outside of state mandated hoo-kah zones or the confines of one's home. l) Street Fishing (Class C) The act of using fishing equipment in the square, water surfaces where fish realistically could not survive or privately owned ponds not owned by the offender. VII. General Safety 1) Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. a) General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. b) Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. 2) Negligence; defined as the inability to take proper care which leads to direct offense a) General Negligence (Class C) The causing of offense or harm to an individual or their property because of an inability to take proper care in a situation and the risks of said action were unknown. b) Property Negligence (Class B) Allowing another individual’s self or property to come to harm due to a lack of proper care of one’s property. c) Recklessness (Class B) Causing harm to another individual or their property due to a lack of proper care in which the risks of said action were known. 3) other; a) Unlawful Duel (Class C) The act of Dueling within The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without taking the safety of citizens into consideration or the lack of rules during such Duel making it dishonorable. b) Duel interference (Class B) The act of disturbing or stopping a previously agreed upon Duel as a third party with the Duelers taking offense to such. c) Nature Poisoning (Class B) The act of intentionally Destroying, Killing off, poisoning or withering away Nature from the parks, homes or nature reserves of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings d) Mask Donning (Class D) The act of wearing hoods, masks or any non-approved face covering wear. A first offense will result in a warning instead of being arrested for such if the person complied to remove the mask. e) Self Harm (Class C) The act of harming or maiming oneself on the lands of The Silver Lubba for whichever reason deemed unsound. f) Fortune Telling (Class C) The act of an attempt at convincing one of a falsely determined fate with no sound backing. one who commits this crime is subject to a mandatory spook test. VIII. Band Laws 1) Desertion, defined as leaving your post, assigned task or making attempts at leaving the band without informing a high ranking member. The punishments of these crimes may be executed by higher ranking members of The Silver Lubba Band. a) Leaving Your Post(class D) The act of leaving the post you have been assigned for during your service under The Silver Lubba Band without proper excuse to do so. b) Minor Desertion(class B) The most dishonorable act of one leaving any Silver Lubba Band division without proper demotion or release from their position for two years or less. c) Desertion(class A) The most dishonorable act of one leaving any Silver Lubba Band division without proper demotion or release from their position for three or more years. 2) Misconduct, defined as going against protocol, word of an officer or law to get the desired result, though often at a cost. a) Minor Misconduct(class D) The act of misconduct during one's task, causing minor unwanted results. b) Major Misconduct(class B) The act of misconduct during one's task, causing catastrophic unwanted results. c) Undermining authority (class C) The act of undermining direct orders of an officer of the band with adverse results coming from this. d) Failure to perform (class D) The act of standing idle as a band member during a deemed critical moment of conflict, task or work. e) Sabotage (Class A) The act of sabotage upon band equipment, property or members to hinder the efficiency of the band with malicious intent. III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments -Punishments shall be handed out according to the class of crime which is being charged with multiple offenses stacking. - Jail Time consists of imprisonment within a small cell with little to no outside interactions. - Duels are exempt from crime if both parties consent and the rule set is clear. - Jail Time may also consist of interrogations by the guard force. Advanced interrogation techniques may only be used when a higher ranking official is present and gives verbal permission for advanced interrogation methods to be used. - Those who use advanced interrogation methods without approval or abuse the power will find themselves being stripped of their rank and have to answer to The Silver Lubba for abuse of power. - Any member in service of The Silver Lubba is counted as a Lower Ranking Official. Administrative functions count as Higher Ranking Officials. - Any amount of jail time can be exchanged for a Duel upon discretion of the highest ranking guard present. If won, jail time will be removed from the punishment they face. If lost, jail time will continue as per normal. - Any crime committed left unpunished or without verdict for more than one year / elven week will be pardoned out of courtesy of The Silver Lubba for being outdated in nature. Desertion is excluded from this conduct. - A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of an Auditor, or The Silver Lubba -Banishment may be used as an alternative punishment for execution, in which all ranks of residency shall be revoked, all titles and claims stripped, and the individual shall be barred from entry permanently barring a pardon from The Silver Lubba, and any entry into the holding shall lead to the punishment of execution immediately. -Blood Payment should only be used as an alternative for paying debts, except in the case of a Class A crime, if the criminal refuses to pay their fine and shall serve as an alternative to the normal fine. -Execution may be used if in a single instance a total fine would be over 1000 minas in total, or on the third repeated instance of a Class B crime. -One may clear all their crimes in a duel with the one issuing the punishment or their champion. Both parties will have be allowed weaponry, though no other items of their own, unless provided on the site of dueling to both parties equally. -Champions may be used to clear ones crime in a duel, though they may not argue with the verdict of this duel if this option is chosen. II. Crime Punishment 1. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): 50 minas fine or a non-lethal cut upon their arm as Blood Payment and Community service or labour up to the estimated sum of 100 mina’s work. The particular service or labour is up to the discretion of those overseeing the crime and its punishment. 2. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): 100 minas fine or a finger, toe, ear or all hair on one’s head as blood payment and jail time of no longer than an hour, Jail time can be commuted in turn for community service/labour to the estimated sum of 200 mina’s worth of work. 3. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): 500 minas fine or a limb, eye, tongue as blood payment and jail time of no longer than two hours. The Jail time can be commuted in exchange for community service/labour to the sum of 750 mina’s worth of work. 4. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Execution, Bannishement, or a Fine of 1000 minas. Those found guilty of a class A crime will find themselves imprisoned for no less than two hours in jail followed by forced labour to the sum of 1500 mina.
  19. Settlement PRO MC Name: mika1278 Settlement Name: The Most Serene State of Lurin Proposed Settlement Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): 121 preferably as we have built our build here on a build server. 125 126 Settlement Lore (could include previous roleplay posts showing involvement with the community) (1000 words minimum): Past Events from Lubba’s Keep, which will be the predecessor of Lurin as the people of it move to the settlement. The posts below are directly involving Lubba Keep or The Silver Lubba Band. open with caution Settlement Government Structure Explanation: (Keeping it simple for the sake of your time) -The Silver Lubba, Leader of the Silver Lubba Band is the primary leader of Lurin. -surrounded by the Lubba Council which mostly consists of advisors and the highest ranking band members who lead their own divisions of the band or those who have been granted an office to hold up for more recent issues that need attention. -Below the council would be the shareholders of the silver lubba band who have invested a great deal of time and effort into the band such as the more notable families of the keep and their leading figures or notable figures who have left their mark upon the band and the lands they reside upon. -Underneath that you have your average high ranking band members who take the orders from the lubba’s council and relay them to the greater forces or enact the given mandate. -Further down the government you’ll find mercenaries, guards, smiths, siege equipment constructors and plenty more who are the bulk of the band and make it function as it should within their division. TL;DR A mercenary band wants to become a government of a state. Settlement Builds and Infrastructure (photos required): Open with caution How does this settlement offer a unique niche not already found in an existing polity on the server?: ah trust me, it’ll be funny. While all races will be accepted within this settlement, it is most notable that constructs freely roam the streets. The local government will struggle to convert a mercenary band layout into that of a functional one for a good time after settling down on the lands. Rampant with much alike minds who seek to improve efficiency and answer some moral questions most don’t dare to ask or think about with an undercity where people may reside and an academy which shows a clear divide in who is enabled to learn. Due to this mercenary root remaining strong and clashing with an older Sutican root, it can appear to some that the general population is a lot more ready to fight a battle that is thrown at them through the various tactics that they will apply in any situation, however, this also has a flipside where they are more accepting of strangers within the city as long they provide some entertainment from conversation to act. How does your settlement tie to the greater lore and narrative set by the community on LotC?: We have some plans to make this more apparent, but I’ll give some examples of what we already do. -We might or might not be responsible for atronachs roaming everywhere and causing a bit of trouble -People seek out our services, not only as a mercenary company, but also as advisors to clans and families or seek our help to deal with something unknown to them, but known to us. -as exiles from Sutica we are constantly roaming around and making sure our presence is still evident as many from this settlement will still feel Sutican, though forced to adapt in new conditions which shifts the culture further around into something more unique. -we aren’t exactly shy to conflict and have had some of our folks sent out to join, accelerate or decelerate certain conflicts with decent success. Have you ever run a settlement on LoTC before and what experience do you have with leadership within roleplay communities among the current groups of players?: I ran the nation of Sutica for a couple of months, then Lubba’s Keep as a vassal for a bit over a year and the groups within it. Do you understand the metrics for maintaining activity and the grounds for settlement removal, along with the standing polity cap? Aye Aye Cap’n.
  20. THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO PAY 4th of The Deep Cold, Year 84 of The Second Age The Silver Lubba Band has been hired in plenty of recent conflicts, though our treasuries have remained unfilled due to the lack of willingness to pay regardless of our excellent services to aid them in battle or to destroy opposing smaller factions on our own. Such is unacceptable. Hereby I declare the following factions unable to hire us for conflict until their debt to the band is cleared. THE IMPERIAL REMNANTS OF BALIAN While merely a verbal contract was established due to the immense speed of this conflict between the Empire or Oren and the Kingdom of Oren, our bondsmen fought in their battles and suffered losses due to them. While the Empire does not remain anymore, the debt must be paid either way as the remnants and the leadership of the Empire of Oren moved to Balian. But to keep honor in your words, you must provide the actions to back them up as we remained unpaid for this service. 3000 Mina PRINCESS IVARIELLE I OF CELIA’NOR This Contract has been established with a goal in mind, even though we rallied our men to aid Ivarielle in her warfare upon the island of Haelun’or, we were unable to take the island. Regardless of being unable to do so, we were hired and provided our service and wish to be paid for such. 2000 Mina. THE HIGH PRINCEDOM OF MALIN’OR While it is merely a recent contract against Krugmar, the sum agreed upon between The Silver Lubba Band and The High Princedom of Malin’or has yet to be paid after almost an elven month. A successful campaign came out of this conflict with the lubba band conducting military operations of their own to aid the general war effort successfully. 2000 Mina signed, The Silver Lubba
  21. The Clearing of Balian Debt Issued at the 10th of Amner’s Cold, Year 85 of the Second Age The Grand duchy of Balian wishes to clear their debts to the band this day which amounts to 3000 mina in total for services during the brothers war. Clearing their debt means they will regain full access to all services and as a token of good faith they will be granted a free contract to aid them defensively. CONTRACT Falling under a custom contract due to the unique nature of the offer, this contract will offer The Grand Duchy of Balian the services of The Silver Lubba Band to aid in any defensive measures for the coming 4 saints weeks. If called upon, The Silver Lubba Band will come to aid The Grand duchy of Balian defensively or come over on their own terms to aid with conflicts if decided to be deemed necessary. This Contract lasts 4 saints weeks before it either needs to be renewed or ends. John Casimir agrees to pay 3000 mina to clear all debt for this service. signed, HIS IMPERIAL HIGHNESS, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Grand Duke of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, and Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, etcetera. The Silver Lubba
  22. The Codex of Lubban Law, Year 81 of the Second Age Foreword With the denizens of Lubba’s Keep having had no official laws for over a stone year long it is time for a more orderly way of dealing with certain situations. With this comes our first batch of laws inspired by the laws we had in the old lands before moving to our current location. Our centurions are at the ready to protect the realm from crime and hostilities alongside our Knightly Order of The Lubba. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance Table of Content I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights II. Guild Rights II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings I. Pertaining Acts of Theft II. Pertaining Acts of Violence III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent IV. Hunting and Poaching V. Dark Acts VI. Public Order VII. General Safety III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments II. Crime Punishment I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba Rights given in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights I. The Right To Live One may live as they wish as long as it is not deemed harmful to the general public. II. The Right To Defend One may defend themself, others and their property freely without judgment as long as a credible threat is provided. III. The Right To Seek Wealth One may freely barter, trade or offer their services within Lubban Territories without obstruction to earn their coin as long as such is seen as moral and legal. With this also comes the right to create a guild. IV. The Right To Worship One may worship their deity freely within the confines of Lubban Territories as long as not deemed to be harmful by The Silver Lubba. V. The Right To Be Free One may declare themselves free, stripping them of all duties, titles, holdings and rights, making this individual stand outside the law and no longer considered an entity by law. VI. The Right To Seek Happiness One may seek happiness through any means as long it does not harm others without their consent. VII. The Right To Legacy One may build their legacy within the Lubban Territories as long approved by The Silver Lubba. VIII. The Right To Trial One may call for trial if crimes committed are deemed invalid by the individual, granting them the right to hire legal aid and to be judged before a Lubba Judge. IX. The Right To Duel One may call for a duel with another without interference from others as long as performed in a suitable location which bars none and poses no harm to others. II. Guild Rights I. The Right To Perform A guild may perform their purpose freely as long as they are granted the permission to do so by The Silver Lubba. II. The Right To Secede A guild may choose to secede from Lubban Territories and is free in doing so, being granted 3 stone days to vacate the area and move elsewhere. III.The Right To Create A guild may create any good they wish to manufacture regardless of nature unless found to be dark. IV. The Right To Settle A guild may with the blessing of The Silver Lubba occupy a section of Lubban Territory to perform their purpose. V. The Right To Wages A guild may solely run on indentured servants as long as they are all registered as such. Alternatively they may choose their own wages freely. II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings Actions forbidden in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba I. Pertaining Acts of Theft 1) Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. a) Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 25 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Burglary (Class C) The theft of 100 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 250 minas of less, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Grand Burglary (Class A) The Theft of greater than or equal to 501 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. 2) Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. a) Minor Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 25 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 100 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Grand Robbery (Class A) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than or equal 500 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 4) Other; a) Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any domesticated animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. b) Animal Battery (Class C) The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone other than yourself. c) Donation Chests (Class C) The placement of misleading and or unlabeled donation chests within the Lubban Territories in order to gain goods. d) House Squatting (Class C) The moving into of any open or used house without the permission of a steward or owner of the house. (Violation will also blacklist one in the housing registry, making one unable to own property within the holdings of The Silver Lubba.) II. Pertaining Acts of Violence b) Stalking (Class C) The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories. 1) Assault; defined as a credible threat or attempt to cause battery. a) General Assault (Class C) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery through one’s actions. b) Aggravated Assault (Class B) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery while casting vile magic or wielding of a weapon. c) Verbal harassment of a higher official (Class C) Making a direct attempt at making a Lubban higher official feel unsafe through words without a credible threat for a prolonged time. 2) Battery, defined as any form of unwanted physical contact (either with one’s person, an object, or through magical means) to cause harm a) General Battery (Class C) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact of any individual with the intent to offend, or any actions which would lead to the offending physical contact. b) Battery Occasioning Bodily Harm (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to bodily harm in the form of bruising, bleeding, or other minor injuries, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. c) Battery of a Lower Official (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a member of The Silver Lubba Band. d) Grievous Battery (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to lasting, permanent, life-threatening, inhabilitating, or otherwise grievous injury, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. e) Battery of a Higher Official (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a Lubba Knight, Lubba Council Member, High Ranking Official or The Silver Lubba themselves. 3) Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. a) Attempted Murder (Class B) The attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. b) Manslaughter (Class B) The unintentional taking of anyone’s life. c) Murder (Class A) The taking of anyone’s life with malice. d) Animal Murder (Class A) The taking of a domesticated animal’s life. 4) Other; a) Affray (Class C) The partaking in a public fight between two individuals to the potential terror of citizens. b) Riot (Class B) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who threaten to use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to threaten violence simultaneously. c) Raid (Class A) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to commit violent acts simultaneously. d) Stalking (Class C) The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories. III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 1) Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. a) Impersonation (Class C) Impersonating another, guard, noble, or otherwise. b) General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) c) Civic Fraud (Class B) Purposefully deceiving a member of the Lubban Council for unlawful gain. 2) Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen a) Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. b) Grand Espionage (Class A) Spying upon an appointed official or location to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 3) Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property a) Window Vandalism (Class D) Unwarranted Destruction of windows within the Lubban Region. b) Minor Vandalism (Class C) Graffiti, Etching, or other unpermitted markings on property or the damage or destruction of property which is valued at less than 10 minas c) Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of larger property such as stalls, shrines, or other small structures or damage or destruction of property valued at less than 25 minas. d) Grand Vandalism (Class A) Devastating destruction of whole houses and major structures or the damage or destruction of any property valued at greater than or equal to 50 minas. 4) Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. a) Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding of one against their will unlawfully. b) Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the Lubba Council against their will. c) Slavery (Class A) The keeping, buying, or selling of slaves within The holdings of The Silver Lubba. (Indentured servants are exempt from this law.) 5) Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of The Silver Lubba’s holdings. a) Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. b) Aiding (Class A) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. c) Accomplice (Class A) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Lubban Territories before their escape. 6) Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against the Lubban interest a) Circumventing defenses (Class B) Digging tunnels or otherwise circumventing defenses to provide unlawful entry to the holdings of The Silver Lubba b) Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of the Lubban council or high ranking officials through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. c) Treason (Class A) The plotting of conspiracy against the Lubban Territories and The Silver Lubba. d) Obstruction of Justice (Class C) Prevention of the pursuit of justice through resisting arrest or through physical and or magical violence or threats to circumvent the legal process. 7) Trespassing; defined as the unwanted entrance of an individual into a private area a) Trespassing (Class D) The unwanted entrance into a private area. b) Breaking (Class C) The use of words or actions to gain entrance into an area which is prohibited to general entrance. c) Invasion (Class B) The entrance into an area prohibited for entry with malicious intent. IV. Poaching and Hunting 1) Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in the Lubban Territories without permission granted by The Silver Lubba a) Petty Poaching(Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 50 minas. b) Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totaling more than 50 minas. c) Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading. V. Dark Acts 1) Iblees Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of Iblees, Daemons or dark magic creatures a) Worship (Class A) Worshiping Iblees, any evil-natured Daemon or inferi, including providing aid to any worshiper. b) Assisting/being dark creatures (Class A) The keeping, or assisting of any dark magic creatures by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, Dark Creatures being Creatures such as Undead, Shade parasites, vampiric beings and general Abominations of Life which act with Malicious intent. The same applies for being a dark creature. c) Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic that has been confirmed a Dark Magic by the Lubba Council. VI. Public Order 1) Disorderly Conduct; defined as conduct which creates a public nuisance or disturbs the general public. a) Disturbance of the Peace (Class D) The use of loud, explicative, or speech which riles up or actions which threaten the general public order. b) Unauthorized Sign Placement (Class D) The act of placing a sign within public parameters advertising or providing knowledge without permission or knowledge of a Lubban steward. c) Blockade (Class C) The obstruction or privatizing of Lubban roads through any means. d) Claiming (Class C) The act of seizing a stall or home without permission or knowledge of a Lubba Council Member or appointed steward. e) Modification (Class B) The act of unauthorized modification / expansion of one’s own and surrounding property without explicit permission of The Silver Lubba or their High Lubba Council. f) Public Display of Affection (Class D) The act of overexpressing your love to someone in a public area. While a peck on the cheek will be fine, making out with someone, pressing your body upon someone else for a prolonged amount of time or other acts of affection deemed to stretch regular affection in a populated public area is disallowed. g) Unlawful Preaching (Class D) The act of preaching your religion or cult without approval of The Silver Lubba or Lubba Council in a public area outside of their religious buildings. Local preaching in vassal locations needs approval of the local leaders. It should be noted that informing is different from preaching and that informing without forcing this upon them is no breach of this law, the difference being that one has to ask to be informed. h) Unlawful Recruitment (Class B) The act of recruiting individuals for foreign groups outside of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without specified and documented approval of the current Silver Lubba or in the vassal locations if approved by their leaders. Approval of Vassal leaders is allowed to be declared null if The Silver Lubba disapproves of such. VII. General Safety 1) Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. a) General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. b) Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. 2) Negligence; defined as the inability to take proper care which leads to direct offense a) General Negligence (Class C) The causing of offense or harm to an individual or their property because of an inability to take proper care in a situation and the risks of said action were unknown. b) Property Negligence (Class B) Allowing another individual’s self or property come to harm due to a lack of proper care of one’s property. c) Recklessness (Class B) Causing harm to another individual or their property due to a lack of proper care in which the risks of said action were known. 3) other; a) Unlawful Duel (Class C) The act of Dueling within The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without taking the safety of citizens into consideration or the lack of rules during such Duel making it dishonorable. b) Duel interference (Class B) The act of disturbing or stopping a previously agreed upon Duel as a third party with the Duelers taking offense to such. c) Nature Poisoning (Class B) The act of intentionally Destroying, Killing off, poisoning or withering away Nature from the parks or nature reserves of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings c) Mask Donning (Class D) The act of wearing hoods, masks or any non-approved face covering wear. A first offense will result in a warning instead of being arrested for such if the person complied to remove the mask. III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments -Punishments shall be handed out according to the class of crime which is being charged with multiple offenses stacking. - Jail Time consists of imprisonment within a small cell with little to no outside interactions. - Duels are exempt from crime if both parties consent and the rule set is clear. - Jail Time may also consist of interrogations by the guard force. Advanced interrogation techniques may only be used when a higher ranking official is present and gives verbal permission for advanced interrogation methods to be used. - Those who use advanced interrogation methods without approval or abuse the power will find themselves being stripped of their rank and have to answer to The Silver Lubba for abuse of power. - Any member in service of The Silver Lubba is counted as a Lower Ranking Official. Administrative functions count as Higher Ranking Officials. - Any amount of jail time can be exchanged for a Duel upon discretion of the highest ranking guard present. If won, jail time will be removed from the punishment they face. If lost, jail time will continue as per normal. - A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of an Auditor, or The Silver Lubba -Banishment may be used as an alternative punishment for execution, in which all ranks of residency shall be revoked, all titles and claims stripped, and the individual shall be barred from entry permanently barring a pardon from The Silver Lubba, and any entry into the holding shall lead to the punishment of execution immediately. -Blood Payment should only be used as an alternative for paying debts, except in the case of a Class A crime, if the criminal refuses to pay their fine and shall serve as an alternative to the normal fine. -Execution may be used if in a single instance a total fine would be over 1000 minas in total, or on the third repeated instance of a Class B crime. -One may clear all their crimes in a duel with an available construct. Both parties will have no weaponry or other items of their own, it will be provided on the site of dueling. II. Crime Punishment 1. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): 50 minas fine or a non-lethal cut upon their arm as Blood Payment and Community service or labour up to the estimated sum of 100 mina’s work. The particular service or labour is up to the discretion of those overseeing the crime and its punishment. 2. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): 100 minas fine or a finger, toe, ear or all hair on one’s head as blood payment and jail time of no longer than an hour, Jail time can be commuted in turn for community service/labour to the estimated sum of 200 mina’s worth of work. 3. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): 500 minas fine or a limb, eye, tongue as blood payment and jail time of no longer than two hours. The Jail time can be commuted in exchange for community service/labour to the sum of 500 mina’s worth of work. 4. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Execution, Bannishement, or a Fine of 1000 minas. Those found guilty of a class A crime will find themselves imprisoned for no less than two hours in jail followed by forced labour to the sum of 1000 mina.
  23. The Mali-Lubba Contract Malinor has contracted The Silver Lubba Band today, 11th of Snow’s Maiden of the Second Age to do the following within the lines of a preset contract WAR CONTRACT A war contract is the most expensive, though also the one contract which requires the Silver Lubba Band’s full attention to aid in war as a faction of its own. Contracts like these are often structured on what the band rallies and what needs to be done in the war to see it to its completion and get paid per battle aside from the initial fee that pulls the band into this war. We will aid in military operations for the duration of this war, however long it takes, The Silver Lubba Band will stand with The High Princedom Malin'or. This Contract lasts for the entirety of the war before it either needs to be renewed or ends. The High Princedom of Malin’or agrees to pay 2000 minas for this length of service. signed, The Silver Lubba Vytrek Tundrak, High Prince of Malin’or and of the Elves
  24. The Order of The Lubba Founded Year 77 of the second age Through many wars we have fought and seen many men and women fight for what they believe in, though mostly as a settlement consisting of mercenaries it is seen that there is a yearning for stability. A stability in forces at the Keep and other holdings under The Silver Lubba where coin will no longer dictate our capability to fight and have blades pledged to fight for our allies. CODE OF THE LUBBA KNIGHTS Seek honor among Lubba Knights and members of The Order of The Lubba at all times, for our honor is what we have. To uphold this honor a chivalric code has been established: I SERVE THE SILVER LUBBA IN VALOR II PROTECT THE WEAK AND DEFENSELESS III GUARD YOUR COMPATRIOT THEIR HONOR IV NEVER REFUSE A HONOR DUEL V GRANT RESPECT IN HUMILITY VI NEVER TURN YOUR BACK TO OPPONENTS VII FEAR NO MAN, CREATURE OR CONSTRUCT VII SEEK NO REWARD BEYOND DUTY IX SEEK TO DESTROY ALL THAT IS DARK AND EVIL X RIGHTEOUS YOU WILL STAND A Lubba Knight commanding a small battalion of Man-At-Arms STRUCTURE OF THE ORDER THE SILVER LUBBA The Silver Lubba is the leader of this order on a personal level, ensuring everyone is treated right and sometimes even personally sparring with these knights to keep his combative prowess in check. The Silver Lubba is the only one who can grant one to progress through the chain of command of The Lubba Knights and is seen wandering with at least one Lubba Knight at his side when leaving his holdings. SILVER LUBBA KNIGHT Silver Lubba Knights are The Silver Lubba’s closest line of protection, the final line between those who wish harm upon the wellbeing of the band and The Silver Lubba themself. These members are devoted to their cause to be the greatest warriors the realm has seen and will go through great lengths to prove such. These individuals are often granted titles beyond their occupation and are given a chance to rule a charter of land or outpost within The Silver Lubba’s territory with the blessing of virtuous work to get to that point. These members of The Order Of The Lubba are the voice and acting body of The Silver Lubba. LUBBA KNIGHT The Lubba Knights have gone through vigorous training and have proven themselves to be knighted by The Silver Lubba themself from their Man-At-Arms stage where they had proven themselves to be most capable of combat, teamwork and upholding honor. Lubba Knights are granted the same level of authority as an eternal and captain in their respective divisions of The Silver Lubba Band during times of conflict. Granted upon reaching knighthood is the choice of wishing to continue further to a Silver Lubba Knight or to stay as Lubba Knight and claiming your title as Eternal Defender of the band with a chance at being granted a small plot of land for them and their family to thrive. MAN-AT-ARMS Men-At-Arms are those who have exceeded their Squire stage and with The Silver Lubba’s Blessing made it as a renowned warrior in the chivalric endeavor to climb the chains of command to become a Lubba Knight. Not many pass the trials that are posed as a Man-At-Arms, acting as both Warrior and guard for The Silver Lubba with quests and trials handed out by the upper chains which ultimately need to be completed by these members to prove their worth and devotion to the cause. At this stage, the Men-At-Arms no longer are up for hire as mercenaries and are only sent out to allies of the band to solve dire situations. SQUIRE Freshly picked out of the other divisions of The Silver Lubba Band, these individuals have been granted a chance to join The Order Of The Lubba and take their opportunity as Squire after being sworn to the Silver Lubba. Squires within The Order Of The Lubba are often seen a bit differently as they have already had experience in the other divisions of The Silver Lubba Band beforehand, they aid a chosen Man-At-Arms or Lubba Knight who will teach them the ways of upholding honor and chivalry among descendants. Squires will be sufficiently equipped with excellent armor from the workforce and their prefered weapon and supplied to aid their superior as well as they can. These Squires are trained endlessly and taught all the necessary knowledge to prove useful in any situation. Once their superior has established the Squire sufficient for promotion after years of tirelessly working, The Silver Lubba will personally evaluate the Squire to give judgment. A Lubba Knight standing firm before a holding of The Silver Lubba TRIALS OF THE LUBBA To progress through the ranks of The Order of The Lubba one must complete these trials and gain the favor of The Silver Lubba. To prove their worth to the order, they will be tested through the trials at hand as notable figures or previous Lubba Knights have done. For a Squire to progress to a Man-At-Arms, they must complete five of these trials in addition to gaining The Silver Lubba’s Favor. For a Man-At-Arms to progress to a Lubba Knight they must complete ten of these trials in addition to gaining The Silver Lubba’s Favor. For a Lubba Knight to progress to a Silver Lubba Knight then all trials must be completed with the blessing of The Silver Lubba. THE TRIAL OF JON THE ETERNAL | TRIAL OF ENDURANCE Jon the Eternal simply is, always present and exploring the realms to seek for new possibilities to solve issues. To complete this trial one must make the laborious trek across the realm as they are set out to complete a challenging and lengthy task presented by The Silver Lubba to aid within their holdings. THE TRIAL OF JAMES THE LOYAL | TRIAL OF LOYALTY James the Loyal stood firm alongside every Sutican monarch and leader in the past and earned their knighthood through endless service to Sutica regardless of who he served. For this trial one will be sent out to serve another leader in a temporary fashion for four years without faltering in loyalty to The Silver Lubba. THE TRIAL OF DOMONIC THE SHIELD | TRIAL OF COURAGE Domonic the Shield always stood firm in defense of the city and nation of Sutica, never giving up on a fight and always seeing it through regardless if such was the right thing to do or not. For the trial at hand one must protect a citizen of any nation or settlement from harm. THE TRIAL OF SARRION THE STARCALLER | TRIAL OF POWER Sarrion the Starcaller, as one of the later additions to the Lubba Knights during the Sutican era had shown immense power to the rest of the realm, efficiently and effectively they took care of many situations within the realm. Completion of the trial requires one to head out to seek an opponent magnitudes stronger than oneself and defeat them. THE TRIAL OF AMELIA THE BRAVE | TRIAL OF WILL Amelia The Brave was armless and one of the few warriors sent out to fight a war that was not ours and came out victorious with plenty of spoils and inflicted casualties under their belt for our allies. To complete this trial one must participate in a war for The Silver Lubba’s allies and come out victorious regardless of the circumstances surrounding said conflict. THE TRIAL OF MIKA THE RESOURCEFUL | TRIAL OF WIT Mika the Resourceful was bestowed his moniker through intense labor and mercantile endeavors. Healways seemed to have a better deal than somebody else and fueled the treasury through these practices, though that ended up not being the only part as in battle they commanded as effectively with what they had as possible. This is the only trial split in two parts, the first part of such being to acquire a set out sum of mina through whatever means as long approved by The Silver Lubba. The second part being to defeat a Lubba Knight in combat. THE TRIAL OF LILY OF THE WHISPERING ISLES | TRIAL OF LEADERSHIP Lily of The Whispering Isles was one of the longest ruling monarchs and found many new systems, groups and ways for the Old-Suticans to thrive in their realm. The Trial of Leadership is created in their honor to lessen the burden of all leaders and prepare one for ascending to Lubba Knight. The Trial of Leadership is completed upon successfully leading, this may be done with permission of The Silver Lubba to aid in leading a group of men and women either into battle or to complete a mission. THE TRIAL OF UTARIA THE SCHOLAR | TRIAL OF KNOWLEDGE Utaria the Scholar maintained and gathered knowledge for the Sutican Library during its existence, ensuring knowledge was available to everyone in the realm and collected to add to the library. This trial requires one to collect knowledge that is deemed rare among the holdings of The Silver Lubba and approved by The Silver Lubba for completion. THE TRIAL OF CORWIN THE RIGHTEOUS | TRIAL OF JUDGMENT Corwin the Righteous led a lengthy life, a large part of it he served as knight under another kingdom and eventually became King of Sutica, firm in their beliefs they were challenged by an unwilling council. To complete this trial one must seek one that impairs to berate, insult and threaten the trialed while the trialed will stand righteous and tall among this period of time. THE TRIAL OF TERR’HI THE CROOKED | TRIAL OF BALANCE Terr’hi the Crooked once stood as patriarch of Uialbens within the realm, chaotic in nature they went through life as murderer, trickster, though also as defender of the realm when nobody else could bring thesmelves to do so. Seek the bit of chaos within yourself and start the journey of making such considerably less than it was before THE TRIAL OF THE SILVER LUBBA | TRIAL OF PERSISTENCE The Silver Lubba has gone through great lengths to keep their band afloat and to innovate new ways to maintain and grow throughout their life. Either through battle or actions they prove that persisting through anything is possible. Completion of this trial will be determined through a personal challenge posed by The Silver Lubba where one will not give up or otherwise fail. THE TRIAL OF THE CATACOMBS KNIGHTS | TRIAL OF SURVIVAL With limited resources The Order of The Catacombs was founded under Sutica’s Banner by Mika Uialben, starting out underground with little food and no formal backing at the start. Survive within the wilds of the realm for a year's time without aid from the civilized world. THE TRIAL OF THE BLUE LADYBUG | TRIAL OF THE HUNT The blue ladybug stands firm among Old-Sutican settlements although they were always hard to find elsewhere. Seek out a blue ladybug outside of Old-Sutican Realms and holdings then capture them alive. THE TRIAL OF THE DRAKE ISLES | TRIAL OF THE WARRIOR Sutica once stood firm on the Drake Isles, though certainly not without a challenge; fights and skirmishes were a common occurrence in the city and between groups and citizens of the state. Thus this trial is to prove your worth in combat by challenging three warriors, guards or knights of each independent realm to a honor duel and coming out victorious. THE TRIAL OF THE CREATOR | TRIAL OF INSPIRATION The Creator created all that is and was, though descendants have used such creations to make their own throughout their lives. Prove yourself worthy of the realm by creating a personal artifact for yourself, your family or your dynasty. A squire on their trials trekking through the mountains DUBBING The progress of being elevated from a Man-At-Arms to a full Lubba Knight within The Order of The Lubba is a ceremonious occasion for everyone involved. The fresh Lubba Knight will have gained their moniker through this ceremony, with all the members of The Silver Lubba Band gathered around. ACQUIRING A MONIKER A moniker is gained through the actions one has made through their ascension to Lubba Knight. Monikers stick around through the entirety of knighthood and sometimes beyond if they deem such is wanted. A moniker can be changed through service and notable actions that would instigate such change. ELEVATION TO LUBBA KNIGHT Once a Man-At-Arms finds themselves in the position of having completed all the trials necessary for their elevation to Lubba Knight, they need to await The Silver Lubba’s blessing. Once this blessing is acquired a ceremony will be held to elevate and celebrate one to become a Lubba Knight. Upon achieving knighthood within The Order of The Lubba one is granted plenty privileges such as: The ability to petition for a plot of land from The Silver Lubba The ability to command The Silver Lubba’s divisions with permission of The Silver Lubba Preferential treatment for acquiring a home if none is owned at that time Access to restricted section of The Silver Lubba’s holdings Access to before restricted resources of The Silver Lubba If a Lubba Knight retires, only a few of these privileges remain regarding housing and petitioning for a plot of land to accommodate them for their services. OATH OF THE LUBBA KNIGHT To further oneself to a Lubba Knight, they need to cite the oath stated here before their dubbing ceremony completes I [Name] do solemnly swear without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, To pledge my undying loyalty to the Service of The Silver Lubba for which guides these holdings, And to the citizens and subjects under the gaze of The Silver Lubba I pledge my efforts to the defense of the institutions of the Holdings I pledge my body and life for the The Silver Lubba to use, a shield to the innocent, and a sword to the unjust, dark and evil I shall uphold to the principles of the code at all costs, and maintain the dignity of The Order I shall obey the orders of The Silver Lubba, and I shall never falter from this oath On my soul, body, mind, honor [and on deity applicable] this I swear. STAND ETERNAL WITH HONOR AND GLORY! CEREMONY OF DUBBING The realms will be gathered and missives sent out to our allies for this momentous ceremony to elevate a Man-At-Arms to become a Lubba Knight of the realm. Once everyone is gathered that day, the one elevated and granted their moniker shall be celebrated the entire day by the Silver Lubba’s Holdings and the allies invited. The Ceremony goes as follows: The Silver Lubba stands upon a plateau with a ceremonial blade gripped by both hands facing downwards, calling forth the one in question. The Man-At-Arms will come forth from the crowd, setting one knee on the ground with their prefered weapon placed in front of them. The Silver Lubba will express approval and ask to cite the oath. The Man-At-Arms shall cite this oath Upon completion The Silver Lubba will raise his blade and tap the Man-At-Arm’s dominant shoulder with the flat side of the blade and offer a hand to the one being Elevated The Man-At-Arms accepts the hand and is aided to rise from the ground and turns around to the crowd to accept the title of Lubba Knight and Sir/Dame of the realm A ceremonious applause will be held for the new Lubba Knight Often after such drinks will be held at a local tavern as celebrations will not stop till the sun rises once again for that day. A Man-At-Arms being dubbed a Lubba Knight in a field HONORS AND MEDALS Recognition of the actions of our members within The Order of The Lubba is a high priority. Thus granting them medals or ribbons for outstanding actions, or having them remembered in ceremonies to remind them of their actions or the actions of their predecessors to further decorate them accordingly is of utmost importance Listed in order of precedence -- Additional Medals may be listed elsewhere ANCHOR OF VALOR The Anchor of Valor is the keep's highest honor, awarded by the ruling Silver Lubba themselves. The Anchor of Valor is given to those that demonstrate acts of valor far beyond the call of duty. To receive the award is quite difficult and requires having your efforts recognized by the Silver Lubba themselves. ARCHRIMS LEGACY - A ROYAL ETERNAL Named after Captain Archrim Elmoran of Sutica before it had fallen, this medal is a level above the medal of sacrifice in that it is only ever bestowed upon those that have given their all and placed everything on the line in the defense of The Silver Lubba. By risking it all, they have demonstrated their dedication to the Oath and will be forever remembered for their contributions to the Nation. Every member which has been bestowed this medal shall also be granted the rank of Royal Eternal as a lasting mark of their dedication. MEDAL OF SACRIFICE This medal is given to those who have sacrificed permanent loss of ability in protecting and serving The Silver Lubba. It is given with the blessing of The Silver Lubba to show their unending support of those who have sacrificed to see the holdings of The Silver Lubba continue to grow and prosper. This is given to those that were willing to sacrifice something, for The Silver Lubba to gain something else. MEDAL OF CIVIC HONOR This medal is granted to citizens of The Silver Lubba’s holdings who have shown tremendous effort towards the security of the Lubban way of life. It is the highest Non-Army medal, being granted directly by The Silver Lubba themself. It is to serve as a reminder of the binding nature of Lubban citizenship and those who have risked it all for the greater good of the community as a whole. RIBBON OF HEROISM Given to an individual who has against all odds demonstrated boundless courage and has performed above and beyond in service to his fellow order members and in doing so saved the life or lives of his compatriots. As well as those that achieve results far beyond typical expectations in the service of The Silver Lubba. RIBBON OF LOYALTY This military honor is given to those individuals that stood and continue to stand firm in their duty to The Silver Lubba. This is usually awarded by a Silver Lubba Knight or personally by The Silver Lubba themself. It is awarded to those that have devoted their lives to the order and to the sacred duties of The Silver Lubba. CAMPAIGN MEDALS Campaign Medals are granted to members of The Order of The Lubba who endured during major conflicts or during expeditions. These medals are to serve as a reminder of the actions they took part in and as an outward display to remember those who may not have returned. To receive this class of medal it is only necessary for the member to have taken part in a campaign deemed fit by a Silver Lubba Knight with permission of The Silver Lubba or granted by The Silver Lubba themself. MEDAL OF ETERNAL MEMORY This Medal is given to the families of those that lost their loved ones in their duty to The Silver Lubba and their holdings. At the end of every fifth year, a remembrance ceremony is held to commemorate the ones who lost their lives during the years and to remember the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice in the years-long gone, the medal given to the families of the fallen at this time. A Lubba Knight aiding Urguan in battle INITIATION Every member of The Order of The Lubba Starts out as a squire, to become such a squire you’d often have to be picked by The Silver Lubba from other divisions or personally invited from outside The Silver Lubba Band. HUMBLING CEREMONY To become a squire, one must be stripped from items made from precious metals or the finer cloths they do or do not adorn unless classified as an heirloom. Such is done to start the Humbling ceremony for a squire, regaining these assets upon reaching Man-At-Arms. After this they are granted their first look at their uniform and asked for their weapon of preference in combat. After this first process is completed, they will be asked to put a knee to the ground in front of The Silver Lubba to start their next part of the initiation. OATH OF THE SQUIRE To join the squires of The Order of The Lubba, one must cite the oath I [Name] do solemnly swear without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, To pledge my undying loyalty to the Service of The Silver Lubba Band, to the Silver Lubba for which guides these holdings, And to the citizens and subjects under the Silver Lubba I pledge my efforts to the defense of the institutions of the Holdings I pledge my body as a tool for the The Silver Lubba, a shield to the innocent, and a sword to the unjust and dark I shall uphold to the principles of the code, and maintain the dignity of The Order I shall obey the orders of those placed above me, and I shall never falter from this oath On my soul, honor [and on deity applicable] this I swear. STAND ETERNAL WITH HONOR AND GLORY! TRIAL GRANTING Once the oath is completed, they are eligible to start right away and pick their first trial without any need for training or studying as their trials will pose enough of a challenge. A list will be presented to the new squire where they can pick their first trial or choose to garrison themselves at the holdings, training further and making themselves acquainted with their fellow order members and Lubba Knights. Their path to knighthood starts here. signed, The Silver Lubba
  25. Divisions within the Silver Lubba Band With our influence starting to stretch out into further reaches than we have ever done, it is seen as beneficial to establish different divisions within The Silver Lubba Band to specialize our men and women to optimize our efficiency. New challenges have proven to us that this step forward and officially establishing our bands divisions are deemed fruitful. The Silver Lubba Band Expeditionary Force The acting portion of the Silver Lubba Band which remains the core of the band. Mercenaries for hire, but also acting as a standing army for the holdings of The Silver Lubba ready to take on a fight when necessary. These individuals are for hire, though only take one contract at a time. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band, making deals and contracts with whoever requests them for a reasonable sum of wealth. Often found to don a grand suit of armour decorated to establish their presence among peers. Eternals Eternals are the highest rank you can achieve within the band, often found to be excellently trained and often assigned to special missions that could earn them a good wage. These members are often seen stepping in for The Silver Lubba as commanders or representatives of the band to complete a deal. The Eternals are often found wearing a set of full plate armour with the respective decorations they have earned through their service to the band. Titans Titans are the experienced members of the band, easily distinguished with a full set of plate and a more heavy-duty weapon to finish their missions successfully. These members are granted some major bonuses such as access to storage and more restricted areas in the location the band is garrisoned. Bondsmen Bondsmen are the lifeblood of the band, having sworn the oath and finding themselves to wield their weapon of choice proficient enough to matter in battle they stride forth to fulfill their duties within the band. They are often given a variety of tasks, ranging from protecting roads to staying garrisoned within a city to protect the citizens inside or even fight in a grand war if the contract calls for such. Novices Novices are new members of the band, often seen to do the smaller tasks or walk along with the bondsmen to learn the ropes of how it all goes down. These members usually require training with their weapon and the mindset of being a bondsman, though they are still given jobs and light armour to fit in with their peers. Novices are allowed to be assigned to higher-ranking members of the band to lead them through daily life, making sure they earn their experience that way before they are recommended for promotion to Bondsman and to cite their oath. Eternal We Stand. (A Novice being accepted into the bondsmen of the Silver Lubba Band by an Eternal) (Illustration by Mohawk Games) The Lubba Keep Lawyers Lawyers of The Silver Lubba Band, often seen as experts on their field, are a recently added division within the Silver Lubba Band out of necessity to aid our own members in trial with an added course to go beyond a lawyer to become a Lubba Judge. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band and all of its holdings and divisions. making deals and contracts with whoever requests them for a reasonable sum of wealth, though considering this legal work is often deemed easier than mercenary work, the pricing of contracts will be cheaper. Lubba Judge Lubba Judges are the pinnacle of legalism, having the most experience among this division of the band with ease. These individuals have the right to pass sentences if called for in an official trial in The Silver Lubba’s holdings. Though this does not mean that they can also act as lawyers if called upon, making them one of the more versatile members of this division. Senior Lawyer A Senior Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers is often promoted from a regular lawyer for having more experience and deserving recognition of such, though it might also be possible that these individuals have been promoted for their brutal legal efficiency in the courtroom. These Senior Lawyers are seen plenty in charge of cases with fellow lawyers pitching in. Lawyer Lawyers of Lubba Keep Lawyers are those deemed efficient with their legal prowess, having helped solve plenty of cases as a paralegal and understanding the flow of work that needs to be maintained during a trial. These individuals are often hired in large batches to solve a single case and represent the accused or sometimes even represent the accuser. Paralegal The helping hand of The Lubba Keep Lawyers seen running around with a bag filled with documents, though beyond that also pitch in on cases making sure everything is laid out crystal clear and ensuring no piece of information is left unturned. The backbone of Lubba Keep Lawyers are these individuals who work tirelessly to aid further up in the chain of command. Justice Stands Eternal. (A Lubba Keep Lawyer with a group of paralegal behind them pleading justice within a courthouse) The Silver Centurions The Silver Centurions act as a guardforce within the holdings of The silver Lubba, offering protection and safety to those within or swiftly dealing with threats that are below the capabilities of The Expeditionary Force. This division offers a steady job, though not too much adventure. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band and all of its holdings and divisions. This division is no different from that with The Silver Lubba hiring new recruits and enabling The Silver Centurions to uphold peace and law wherever they are garrisoned. Captain Captains of The Silver Centurions are tasked with managing the lower ranks and upholding the order within the holdings, often finding themselves more on the management side of the division though not to be fooled as they do still keep their years of experience that they have from reaching this point. These individuals are often seen recruiting new members into the band in general, making sure the entire band is well equipped and supplied with new recruits, novices and other beginning members of the band. Large scaled defensive projects often start with a captain before the workforce is notified of such a project and the feasibility of achieving it. Officer Officers of The Silver Centurions are on the way to true leadership, always present to make sure everything runs smoothly among the watchmen and recruits, often seen conducting training in combat, law and equipment maintenance for new recruits and making sure they are up for the task before them. These individuals are extremely versatile and often have the option to switch or add to a different division at this stage, though at the cost of losing progress within the structure of the band to further build up their repertoire and experience. Officers are however also capable of recruiting and managing smaller projects acting for these tasks instead of a captain. Watchman Watchmen are the bulk of The Silver Centurions, finding themselves virtually anywhere The Silver Lubba Band is present. Having passed their training allowed them to become a Watchman ready to uphold the order of The Silver Lubba’s holdings and campsites around the realm. These individuals are allowed to detain those who are in violation of the public order established and either deal with them on the spot or send them further to trial with a Lubba Judge. Recruit Recruits of The Silver Centurions are new to the majority of how everything is supposed to be operated, still needing to go through training for combat, law and equipment maintenance. Often seen staying near a watchman or officer to aid them in tasks or guarding a door or outpost without much conflict happening around them for this period of their career. Eshtael Keeps Balance. (Two officers of the Silver Lubba Band’s Centurion division patrolling the mountains of the main continent) (The mountain pass by Sina Hayati) The Lubba Medical Force Medics are necessary in every group ensuring that no casualties will stay permanent and lives that can be saved will be saved. Nobody will be left behind to rot on the field as long as there is a medic present, making this division essential to the band’s survival. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band and is not much of a medic themselves, though is in charge of overseeing this division like every other to make sure everything looks smooth and to appoint Supreme Healers to their position if they appear to be vacant. Supreme Healer The Supreme Healer is nothing short of a miracle worker, leading fellow physicians and medics to aid those who have endured injuries within battle, though is not limited to such. A Supreme Healer is often found experimenting to find new cures to wounds or ailments they have encountered, working tirelessly to help every single affected member of the band. Physician Physicians are an unmissable component of this division, aiding The Supreme Healers directly and teaching lower ranks on how to use certain herbs and medical equipment. Often physicians are found working in their rooms working to create salves and remedies for the sick and wounded and assessing ailments if one were to approach them with one. Medic Medics are the trained core of The Lubba Medical Force ensuring everyone gets treated and cared for if deemed they need such. Medics are seen everywhere the band goes, always on standby in case of sudden conflict where wounds would be needed to tend to afterwards. Some of these medics take an oath not to harm, though the majority of them will fight if deemed necessary to prevent further injury. Trainee Trainees have been gathered from around the realm to study medicine, herblore and other subjects that prove to be useful for their career as medic. These trainees are often seen carrying large amounts of bags, vials and jars to supply the medics at hand, learning through what the medics or physicians teach them on their way to becoming one themselves. May Your Eternal Scars Heal (A medic tending to the wounds of a struck soldier) The Silver Siege Team Siege engine operation and construction is a wonderful trade to practice, giving our band the ability to lend out skilled siege operators and contractors while constructing our own siege engines to either sell, use offensively or use defensively. This division ensures we will be prepared for anything that comes our way. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of the Silver Lubba Band and prides themselves with these capable contractors and operators to aid in his bidding. Often seen to have a look at the operational siege engine workshops and aid them in construction when deemed necessary. Siege lords are personally chosen by The Silver Lubba and will often stand besides them during a siege to ensure proper entry is guaranteed. Siege Lord Siege Lords are few in numbers, though they manage all below them to make sure every siege engine is built properly and operators hit their targets like intended. Once a Siege Lord is called forth to battle, there is often little hope for the defenses of the opposing side as engines align to give little room for the other side to work with. Contractor Contractors are those who efficiently construct and use the siege engines produced within the workshops of The Silver Lubba Band, often left in charge in absence of a Siege Lord with the duty to maintain workflow and hit the intended targets with great accuracy. These individuals are often hired on a by person basis as it is rare to have a skilled siege contractor at your side. Operator Operators are those who operate the siege engines constructed by contractors, building up experience with how these engines work and how to maintain them in an excellent condition. No siege engine would be too hard for these individuals to understand and on their way to start constructing siege engines of their own as they start to aid in construction during this period. Apprentice Apprentices are often seen running around with supplies and tools and rarely called in to operate a siege engine if there appears to be a lack of manpower to operate them. These individuals are being trained on how to operate and maintain these siege engines to eventually become an Operator of the band. Strike True Eternally (Operators hard at work preparing to fire the built siege engines) The Lubba Band Workforce The backbone of the band, working tirelessly to equip and supply the band with their jobs ranging from a simple farmer to a blacksmith to mighty masons building defenses for The Silver Lubba’s holdings. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is in this chain of command as an overseer and highest in command, assigning High Contractors their new tasks to delegate further down the chain. If The Silver Lubba manages to find spare time from their other obligations, they are often on site to help oversee projects to work out the specifics on the field. High Contractor High contractors are those assigned by The silver Lubba to lead this division to greatness, often seen laying our routes for material acquisition and ensuring the whole band stays supplied. From the siege engines to the armour and blades of the band, it all starts here by the high contractor who supplies these to the other divisions. Masters at their craft they design new forms of weaponry, armour and are often seen working together directly with siege lords to aid in their operations. Project Manager Project Managers are those who make sure every project is executed correctly as one small flaw could mean the end of a building or snaps steel in the midst of battle. as experts on their own crafts they are seen inspecting the works put out by the workforce and evaluated. For a simple worker to pass onto tradesman they must pass the three most recent inspections by a Project Manager in a row. Project managers as experts of their crafts are also seen as teachers within the workforce, lending the secrets of their trade to Tradesmen below. Tradesman Tradesmen are those who have proven to be proficient in their craft, producing consistent quality works that are often used in times of battle and collecting the finest materials for their works. Excelling Tradesmen are often given their own workplace along with the recognition of The Silver Lubba to have the capability to become a project manager. Worker Workers are the backbone of the band, though still in the start of their career of their trade, they are more often seen gathering materials or aiding as extra manpower during projects put out by the people higher up in the chain. If shown interest in a certain trade, they could end up as apprentices for the trade they wish to follow. With Diligence For The Eternal Goal (A blacksmith from the workforce and his daughter working together) (Blacksmith by Dashinvaine The Order Of The Lubba The Lubba Knights are a division within the band that acts as a personal guard to The Silver Lubba and are often hand picked as one of the most efficient warriors in the other divisions for the opportunity at becoming one of the most esteemed members within the band. Chain of command: The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of this division on a personal level, ensuring everyone is treated right and sometimes even personally sparring with these knights to keep his combative prowess in check. The Silver Lubba is the only one who can grant one to progress through the chain of command of The Lubba Knights and is seen wandering with at least one Lubba Knight at his side when leaving his holdings. Silver Lubba Knight Silver Lubba Knights are The Silver Lubba’s closest line of protection, the final line between those who wish harm upon the wellbeing of the band and The Silver Lubba themself. These members are devoted to their cause to be the greatest warriors the realm has seen and will go through great lengths to prove such. These individuals are often granted titles beyond their occupation and are given a chance to rule a charter of land or outpost within The Silver Lubba’s territory with the blessing of virtuous work to get to that point. These members of The Order Of The Lubba are the voice and acting body of The Silver Lubba. Lubba Knight The Lubba Knights have gone through vigorous training and have proven themselves to be knighted by The Silver Lubba themself from their Man-At-Arms stage where they had proven themselves to be most capable of combat, teamwork and upholding honor. Lubba Knights are granted the same level of authority as an eternal and captain in their respective divisions during times of conflict. Granted upon reaching knighthood is the choice of wishing to continue further to a Silver Lubba Knight or to stay as Lubba Knight and claiming your title as Eternal Defender of the band with a chance at being granted a small plot of land for them and their family to thrive. Man-At-Arms Men-At-Arms are those who have exceeded their Squire stage and with The Silver Lubba’s Blessing made it as a renowned warrior in the chivalric endeavor to climb the chains of command to become a Lubba Knight. Not many pass the trials that are posed as a Man-At-Arms, acting as both Warrior and guard for The Silver Lubba with quests handed out by the upper chains which ultimately need to be completed by these members to prove their worth and devotion to the cause. At this stage, the Men-At-Arms no longer are up for hire as mercenaries and are only sent out to allies of the band to solve dire situations. Squire Freshly picked out of the other divisions, these individuals have been granted a chance to join The Order Of The Lubba and take their opportunity as Squire after being sworn to the Silver Lubba. Squires within The Order Of The Lubba are often seen a bit differently as they have already had experience in the other divisions of the band beforehand, they aid a chosen Man-At-Arms or Lubba Knight who will teach them the ways of upholding honor and chivalry among descendants. Squires will be sufficiently equipped with excellent armour from the workforce and their prefered weapon and supplied to aid their superior as well as they can. These Squires are trained endlessly and taught all the necessary knowledge to prove useful in any situation. Once their superior has established the Squire sufficient for promotion after years of tirelessly working, The Silver Lubba will personally evaluate the Squire to give judgement. Stand Eternal With Honor And Glory (A Lubba Knight charging into their opponent) General Ideals of The Silver Lubba Band: The foundations of the Silver Lubba band are depicted here, violation of these rather basic but essential ideals could mean the removal of a band member. Trust Trust is valued above any coin, Trust is what makes one reliable and ready to take on the world before them. This essential aspect of the Silver Lubba Band is presented as something that needs to be built up again with every new novice entering, ensuring their dedication and the building of friendships within the band to keep ourselves entertained. Trust is the foundation we all must acknowledge as everything is built on it. Profit The band is here to turn a profit for everyone in it, depending on individual contribution to the band they shall be rewarded accordingly upon finishing a job or taking care of a group of bandits on the road. While minas are relatively useless in today’s realms and the resources have become a bit more scarce than previous realms, profit is always put back into the band, its equipment, and its garrison site. Honor Honor is prevalent in many cultures, but often found lacking among peers, which is why honor is valued highly among bondsmen and higher-ranking officials to ensure a fair system among themselves and their potential contractors. This means that the Silver Lubba Band will not aid in raids and surprise attacks on citizenry unless provoked or at least make an attempt at excluding citizenry from touching their weapons of choice. Tolerance Tolerance is a necessary aspect of the band as tolerance, in this case, is the acceptance of other cultures and faiths to unite under one banner as a band to allow for diversity in tactics and methods. Tolerance is also practiced as self-restraint, making sure words won’t reach us as well as minor actions, acting righteous rather than tyrannical among peers. The clear exception to this is violence exerted upon you or actions with malicious intent. Discipline A band of mercenaries can not exist if the band is merely affiliated with each other loosely, making communication and general efficiency a priority in the band. Those who are trained properly have allowed themselves to be trained properly with the discipline they hold and build experience from there to develop their own style. Failure to uphold discipline often puts you at odds with the world which you can not win and results in the judgement of the higher officials of the Silver Lubba Band. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance signed,
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