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  1. OOC: ᚨ ᛊᚨᛁᛚ ᚱᛁᛊᛖᛊ| A SAIL RISES |ᚨ ᛊᚨᛁᛚ ᚱᛁᛊᛖᛊ A ship can be seen leaving the fjords of the west.. ___________________________ ___________________________ ♫ Green and white sails rise in the shadow of the western fjords. A dragon figure breaks through the waves of the western sea, dwarven men rowing oars through the difficult path. The dwarven raiders called a song that shook the neighbouring Crotsthadt. Drums strike as their opponent is ever closer to facing their shields and axes. You spot a young Ireheart sitting within the hull of the ship, the dragon at his back. His viewing of the fjords is halted by your sight. He takes a look at you, standing upon the mountain range opposite him. The raider's hand raises itself, beckoning you to join him. “COME JOIN US, IN DUNGRIMMS GLOREH!”
  2. ᛚᛟᛚ ᚾᛖᚲᚱᛟᛗᚨᚾᚲᛖᚱᛋ ᛋᚢᚲᚴ ᛞᛁᚲᚴ PARKED WHERE IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE. ᛚᛗᚨᛟ ᚴᛁᚾᛞᛖᛗᛈᛖᚱᛟᚱ ᛁ ᚷᛟᛏ ᛗᚤ ᛒᛟᚨᛏ ᛒᚨᚲᚴ In the year 114 of the Second Age a group of four holy warriors were on a patrol on Urguani lands, this group included the dwarven mastermind, Sigrun Ireheart, The Initiate of Xan, Amelia Jr. The Cleric, Arilynae Truthseeker. And Arknight Togrim Heartstring. These four brave men and women came across an Urguani ship docked outside of The Frozen Castle of Serheim in Ando’Alur lands. A known refuge place to darkspawn and other low-life such as necromancers. Once they spotted the Urguani ship docked outside of this wretched place, it was under famed dwarven captain Sigrun Ireheart that these brave men and women successfully reclaimed this seafaring vessel for the Urguani Navy from the clutches of the vile darkspawn that had stolen it. [!] An artistic depiction of the four courageous heroes.
  3. Tale of the Thresher Maw It was sighted shored upon the deep, burning sands of the south, when throats had thirsted for the sweet taste of firewater upon their lips. The ship had been enticing: battered and worn with age, but standing strong and hearty. Cautiously did the travellers approach, their investigations spurred on by respite and desire. They found no life aboard, yet signs of its activity filled the ship: skulls adorned every corner, every corridor, heads in various states of damage and decay decorating the captain's quarters. Should the owners themselves return... these travellers were not willing to risk an ambush, and so they left, taking nothing to not give away their presence. One man, however, looked upon this vessel with a different eye, taking a certain bottle by his own hand; the seeds of ambition had taken root. Time passed. The man who had finally acquired his sweet waters began to plan, and for many months did this plan simmer, as the ship never seemed to leave or raise anchor. Further scouting was performed, trusted allies spoken to, and those that would join the heist recruited. Having gathered a band of men, women, and a daft child that followed after them despite the dangers and warnings, they made for the ship to claim it for themselves. Alas, despite all of their scouting, they had missed an important truth; one soon found out as the first of his men began to creep upon it... They were pirates, pirates of undeath! Alarms were rung and cannons were armed with coconuts to fire down upon the advancing band! A monkey of a man with a patchwork of dead fur swung from the rafters and sent a hail of ammunition descending towards them. But as swift as the rain fell, the men continued to advance, fiery passion and cries of battle roaring as armour clanged and clamoured, the twang of bows echoing in the air as they dove into the water and climbed onto the vessel! The fight was fierce, the deck collapsing from each heavy blow, sending several men plummeting into the depths of the ship with the undead pirates. Their captain revealed himself, throwing the man that had organised the operation through a window in the process... an abomination of a shark with black ichor pouring from its sickly maw! The trusted ally, Taal, almost fell to the brutal assault of the captain, but quick-thinking Tally-bones saved the life of this dearest and cherished friend of many. The head of the beast was severed, the undead brought low. Only the monkey escaped, but their hat was stolen by an Uruk named after a fish of the abyssal deep. And so the Thresher Maw was claimed, and the highlander who began this operation, this theft of ships, became a captain with a straw hat resting comfortably upon his crown. —--------------- Repairs were made, the sails turned to red and green, mirroring a festive theme. With it restored to its full lustre and form, cannons shined and cannon balls forged, the ship was ready for an expedition! And so began the first of many voyages out into the deep unknown. There were voyages without danger, that brought warmth to the hearts of those that looked out across the ocean. Whales that rose up to greet the travellers as they explored the seas, an awe-inspiring sight to the crew that might have rested upon the deck in those hours. Dolphins that ran alongside the ships, diving amongst schools and colours of sea life dancing through the crystal clear waters. Bardic spirits were well-sated by these feasts of inspiration. But the sea wasn’t always so kind. It was a day of foreshadowing; rot and butchered beasts floated within the waves, spreading a foul scent over the winds that basked the hull of the ship and wreaked sickness among the crew. The captain guided the ship closer to investigate the unnatural waters, to find the source. Yet - it was a trap, a trap by a cunning creature that had left prey wasting away to lure in something larger. Meatier. It slammed into the side of the ship and sent it rocking, almost flinging many of the crew into the waters themselves as the call to arms was bellowed! The iridescent-scaled serpent of the sea slowly revealed itself as it reared its horrific head from the waters. Blind, but a maw filled with razor sharp teeth that hungered for all that it could sense as its thrashings hammered against the deck. And so the battle began. It was a grievous assault. Men were almost devoured, pierced through by its fangs that seemed to cut the very air, only to be saved by the rest of the crew. Cannon fire cracked scales and bloodied the beast. Arrows could only spark against them, a natural armour as hard as platemail, yet found flesh in the cracks that the cannons caused. Flames caught within the maw of the beast as a man shrouded in a blindfold sacrificed themselves, igniting a potion as the creature bit down upon them. The crew, and the ship, just managed to survive. The beast fell dead, laid to rest over the deck of the ship itself. Bone, flesh, scales and fangs were claimed as trophies, brought back to be cooked - a feast for their people after a successful hunt. —--------------- Pirates, undead, and monsters from the sea itself joined together in unison to attack and scorch the land, alongside the ships and their people who dared to venture out into the waters. Their homes burned, their ships sank. Ruin and death ravaged the domain, the ruthless and insane pirates of death finding no solace even as their numbers dwindled, abyssal abominations falling one by one as everything turned to ash. Yet surprisingly, when everything was said and done - when all the ships had plunged into the depths to finally sleep - the Thresher Maw was the only one that still stood. Waiting proudly within the waters for future ventures. —--------------- The actions of the pirates were not something to be taken lightly. They rebuilt, recovered, the lands restored and information gathered to find just where this enemy was residing. Allyship was born with men of faith and bearded folks, and so they came to retaliate as one. The Thresher Maw, unfortunately, was not brought back to avenge its fallen this time. Instead, the crew boarded a new vessel, a gift from these men of faith, with which they led their armada bow-first into violent fray. The pirates' ships burned, their people cut down, and even their sea beast, a monstrosity with tendrils upon tendrils to bear against such righteous onslaught, found itself unable to halt the tides. Yet, this battle bore its own costs. The ship of the faithful sank, lost to cannonfire like many of the pirates' own. From this wilderness of wooden corpses, the crew managed to salvage a single rowboat, joining the Thresher Maw as it rested in its home waters, ready for the next expedition. Which wasn’t long away… —--------------- As the location of the base, the island which the pirates called their own, was discovered. The guardians of the glade stepped upon the ship, an operation of stealth, surveyance and sabotage to be held as they set sail. As they neared, a fog crept in, and with it, a siren's call; Perhaps only a few, perhaps a great chorus, a sultry but morbid melody that also heralded the arrival of monstrous fishmen. One of the crew was captivated, and lured to their death. They gleaned what information they could bit by bit as they avoided the unnatural glow of a lighthouse. Eventually, the light died out, as if it had stopped its search. The eagerness of the crew did not heed caution and rushed to the lighthouse to investigate. A crystal of blood was found upon the top of the tower - but suddenly, an unnatural presence slammed and locked the door behind them. A great explosion burst the top of the tower and alerted the rest of the island to their existence. Retreat was the only option. Arrows flew through the air and cut through the sails as the crew fled a veritable army of pirates, rabid faces ignited in fury and desire to lay claim to their lives. But they escaped! Information in hand. Successful through the flames. —--------------- The final voyage of the once-pirate ship Thresher Maw came in the last expedition out to attack the pirate island. Unfortunately it was not with a familiar crew; only the strawhat captain guided the ship out with Uruk allies singing shanties and arming themselves for combat. The Uruks did not even wait for the ship to reach the shores before they dove off and swam fervently to begin their raid. Rejoining his allies, the captain of straw found himself in battle on land, when a vessel twice the Thresher Maw's own size pulled itself out of the fog and fired upon the ship. There was no way to defend, to fight back. Cannons fell, wood splintered, water rushed in through the gaps. Once a pirate ship, sunk by its own blood. The end of the Thresher Maw was an ironic fate. Captain no more, the man who favoured his hat of straw, teeth, and scale searches once more for a vessel to call his own.
  4. Sea Trading Guild The Sea Trading Guild is located in AutumnVale with One ship built. One ship called the Divine Rose for sea travel. We are currently looking for new applicants who would love to travel the seas for both adventure and trading. So do you have a love for the sea? Do you love adventure? Do you love the rocking feeling of a ship? Then apply here. The Divine Rose is finished, except for minor details here and there. Come visit her at The AutumnVale Dock's. Just turn around at the main entrance of Metz, follow the road and find the stoned walled city. There you will see the beautiful ship that is so Divine. Application Username: Character name: Character's race and age: Skill sets: Major Nation Affiliations: Skype: Current Members Captain: Asylo Le Prevost Quartermaster: Lyra First Mate: Laethesia Navigator: Tavynu Doctor: Thornir Alchemist: Nerrin & Calypso Enchanter: Blacksmith: Chef: Arabella Other crew:
  5. THE DAWNSTRIDE VOYAGERS "We ain't no damn pirates!" THE CREW: The Dawnstride Voyagers were established in 1539, the Deep Cold, as a means to unite the budding sailors of Vailor under a single banner, and is currently one of the most powerful and influential crews in Vailor. The crew revolves around expeditions, and adventures - it being the heart and soul of the organization. The crew will often partake in said expeditions for rare, and/or magical artifacts and treasures; as well as going on explorations for lands afar -or hunting for dangerous bounties, and great beasts. Loot, and treasure can be easily acquired during these voyages. Crewmates may opt in and out of hunts, and expeditions as they please. As well as hosting voyages, and expeditions, the Dawnstride Voyager aims to provide an escape from the strict, draconian procedures of military guilds: allowing members of the crew to belong to other factions, and guilds; as well as having the freedom to pursue their other careers, and lifestyles. All crewmates are considered equal, though some are more equal than others, of course. It is the currently one of the most influential and powerful crews in all of Vailor, owning three large warships, and having a number of smaller vessels constructed. As well as that, it also owns various port towns, and cities: once having owned the ports of Seahelm itself. HISTORY: The crew of the Dawnstride Voyagers originally started as a naval division for the Courland military, however after numerous disagreements, it was disbanded. However, this spurred on the idea of a crew - and a few years later, the Dawnstride Voyagers was set up in the city of Felsen. It proved to be hugely popular, and soon expanded to other cities. After that, a ship was promptly acquired: "The Tailor". However, this was sunk after a conflict with ghost pirates, and for a while the crew were without a proper ship. Though, another bigger, and better ship was built, thus restoring a proper central headquarters for the crew. The Dawnstride Voyagers have experienced many expeditions that some people cannot imagine. During our time we have fought Captain Skal Limlock and his ghost pirates twice. The Dawnstride Voyagers have also killed a giant spider, Kraken, and a basilisk. The group plans to claim bounties, and deliver cargo throughout Vailor. RULES: ((WIP)) APPLICATION FORM:
  6. The Daunting Salmon did-mc, Deviantart Folklore tells of a once great ship, filled with the greatest crew, richest treasures and wisest men. A pirate ship even, raiding and pillaging any town they could came across to, old ruins were victim to this mighty ship as well, their treasures soon got taken when the ship was in sight. However, the story of this mighty ship didn’t last too long, as it mysteriously dissapeared in the horizon, never to be seen again. Very mysterious, isn’t it? It was a stormy night in a small fishers village, thunder rumbled down from the crying skies and the sea was in peril, when suddenly... CRASH! A loud crash of wood slamming against rock could be heard... even more mysterious was when the storm stopped soon after. Thus, the villagers decided to investigate the mysterious sound. Malthael, Deviantart. It was a ship, crashed against the rocks on the shoreline, seeminly in very bad shape; the wood was rotten, there were holes everywhere, the sails were missing... But what the villagers saw shocked them. On the side of the ship, barely visible but still readable read “The Daunting Salmon”. It was the ship that dissapeared many years ago! Out of natural curiosity, the villagers decided to investigate the ship further, stepping on its deck with loud, creaking steps. The ship itself was completely empty. No crew [Or what would remain of them], no journals, no nothing. Very spooky, when suddenly... the storm came back out of nowhere... and in the distance, a ship could be seen, floating a few feet above the water, transparent and with an eerie glow... Miarath, Deviantart Sooooo, you might be asking yourself “What the cluck.”. And yeah, I can see that. I made this ‘lore’, well... it’s not really lore... it’s more of a backstory for some sort of ghost ship that roams the seas. The ship and crew have mysteriously died ‘n’ the like, but the remainders, their souls, still roam the seas. This would just make some fun RP I think for a spooky ship that scares people, blah blah. tl;dr: Ship was rich, ship dissapeared, ship appeared again, nothing on it, spooky ship in the distance. Thank yous for reading!
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