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  2. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "My story? I fear there is little in the way of a story, when it comes to me." With trepidation and the aches of many years, I sit upon the cushion. My eyes wander around the tent taking in my surroundings, and then return to the woman before me. "Tales - tales are what I can tell you. Those I've seen and those I've heard. Tales of the times of others, and those of my own - should they interest you," I croak out with a sly smile. Waiting for a response from the hag, and hearing none, I continue. "Perhaps I'll tell you a tale from my youth. Along the coast I grew, in a far off-land. A town so small I've forgotten the name myself. My father was a hard man, and expected me to be the same. From the time I was just a boy he had me in the boats bleeding the fish as he landed them - bleeding them improves the texture, you see? By my adolescence I was working my own boat, rowing to the river delta to catch the salmon on their return to their homestreams. I remember on one of my first outings - it may have been my fourth or fifth time alone on the water. Evening was approaching, but I found myself drawn to continue fishing into the night. A dangerous undertaking, and often unproductive, but nonetheless I stayed. As darkness surrounded me, I heard it. The whispers came, the whisperers with them. It's a strange thing to hear disturbed water without catching a glimpse of the disturbance. As I sat in my dingy dingey and let the swell rock me, I listened. The whispers told me things I didn't understand, and for that I am thankful. I have no need to understand the mysteries of the world. I want only to be well fed and properly loved." I look into the eyes of the woman and see what I feel is a glimmer of understanding, and another of wisdom beyond my own. "I feel I have shared too much, though I once again do not understand how. Thank you for your hospitality," I say as I rise and turn towards the flap of the tent. As I exit the tent I feel fear.
  3. Freja

    Map Art - iv3ry

    Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  4. ivery

    Map Art - iv3ry

    MC Name: iv3ry Discord: ivery Image: Description of Image: A portrait of Katherina of Karnatiya Dimensions: 2x2
  5. How is everyone today? 🍪

  6. Smol


    Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great! - Please remember to emote in third person, for your roleplay Sample. You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me! My discord is smol_bean ! If you don’t have discord, please message me on the forums! If you need to contact me, or need help, you can join the LotC Discord here :Discord If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI Lastly is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub
  7. TeawithFrisket


    "Oh- well thats a relief, I thought he never responded to me because of my letters....capital hehehe..." Vivien smiles cheekly
  8. EDICT OF MILITARIZATION Mandated by the Obsidian Throne As of the 12th of Dungrimms Call, the Legion shall implement new reforms by the Grand King’s decree. The previous Edict of Emergency shall be repealed as the present danger from the Darkstalkers has passed. All Dwarves above the age of 18 are encouraged to enlist within the Legion to face the impending threat of the Azdrazi and serve their Kingdom. The Honour System of Old shall be restored to reward consistent service towards the Legion and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. All enlisted Legionnaires have had their honour calculated based on their service in the past few years. Payment shall be standardised at the rate of 25 mina for Ironguards and 50 mina for Pridebearers; Grunts must prove their dedication to the Legion. The requirements for payment per stone week shall be attendance at one Legion practice and two stone hours of Gate Duty. NARVOK OZ URGUAN Signed, Thurgrim Silverbraid Grand King of Urguan, Clan Lord of the Silverbraids Narvi, Grand Marshal of the Legion, Snaer Frostbeard, Tribune of the Legion.
  9. Today
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  11. Andria Torn up the flyer “bye Felicia”
  12. ((Several fliers with barely legible writing have been posted on Brabant's notice board.)) On the Subject of Culture... To Whom It May Concern... OY! Oy! Having shared values and traditions are important to keep families together. Brabant is a big family. So, we need culture to be….cultured… ((Something incomprehensible has been scribbled out here)). Cultured. Culture. Cultured...anyway... Anyway! Brabant is a ((incomprehensible text)) and needs shared cultural icons. A group of Brabantine citizens has come together to draw up a list of potential court/state songs and icons to represent the spirit of the Brabantine people. Attached below are a list of songs composed by ((incomprehensible names)) and items chosen by ((more incomprehensible names)). Proposed National Anthems/Ducal Court Songs Call of the Coronet Mountains ((Real Name: Triarii – The Final Legion; https://youtu.be/oAy7o4GxiVs?si=vxzBTwTrMRs9U1M4)) ((Reason: ‘Coronet Mountains’ is a proposed name for the northern Brabantine hills). Viceroyalty and Valor ((Real Name: Saboton – Ruina Imperii Orchestral Remix; https://youtu.be/oAy7o4GxiVs?si=kKsdleQ68FkeqJ6b)) The Second Sun ((Real Name: Triarii – Ode to the Sun; https://youtu.be/9NrxHTTPufg?si=b2cCRPJu2YISCNI8)) ((Reason: Due to the recent absence of the sun, the descendants have been forced to become a new ‘sun’, being the force to drive out the darkness from Aevos.)) Wild’s Triumph and Tragedy ((Real Name: Triarii – Muse in Arms; https://youtu.be/i1khAc9nJpI?si=o_uNqddyJvExIshY)) ((Reason: Brabant is based. More specifically, Brabant is based in the untamed Briarwood Forest. As nature (the descendants) triumphs over the hostile lands, nature also suffers tragedy (destruction of the wild). Brabant strives to keep this in balance.)) Briarwood Brothers; Sterling Sisters ((Real Name: Ugniavijas - Oi Šermukšnio; https://youtu.be/cyA6Ekh70hA?si=o4Rr0F4Wbc0lGKeO.)) ((Reason: Brabant is in the Briarwood Forest, and the ducal family is House Sterling.)) Proposed National Animals Blue Crab: Brabant is on the coast of a lake, which ostensibly has crabs. Disregard the fact that no one has seen them. This is only included because a certain member of our committee was obsessed with the rights of crabs to full citizenship. Swan: The swan is already a common symbol in Brabant. It could potentially be nationalized. Proposed National Plant Mulberry Shrub: Brabant is packed with thorny mulberry shrubs. A bane to invaders, a boon to foragers, it is perhaps the most widely known plant in the Briarwood Forest other than the often-maligned birch tree. Birch Tree: A symbol of Brabant’s devotion to living with nature. Proposed Holiday Duke’s Day: A symbol of the duchy’s founding. Celebrated each anniversary of the Lotusgrad settlement. Often abbreviated to D-Day. ((I had to)). Best, The Brabantine Crab Rights Committee The Brabantine Cultural Committee
  13. “Damned ape… I would remove you from that tower had I not lost my cannon… soon.” Spake the Warlord.
  14. Previously: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237769-a-mirage-in-the-sands The recent vision that the ape held was seared into the mind of the Zarei. Blood. Desolation. The now malformed Hei-Zhu found himself contemplating the prophecy of Hou-shen. The first Hou of Metztli. The one who had truly achieved balance. Nirvana. His teachings cultivated a culture of monastic life which nestled in Asul’s Poisoned Jungle. His disciples were those who could manipulate the Chi which lay dormant in the nature around them. Mori-Yu looked to the jungles of the world now. Hideous, assaulted, vandalized. There was no respect for the nature of the world. Introspection was overwhelming and the ape realized, as had been done to his form, had been done to the jungles of this world. As had been done by the state dubbed- Vikela. Disgust turned the stomach of the Rakaal. His gut yearned for flesh and this sensation only drove the fiend to further disgust. He had been a fool and now he was a monster. Perhaps he was still capable of doing something right, even now. It was foretold that Hou-Shen would return and Mori-Yu sought now to be the catalyst. The jungles must be cleansed. The Ape-Father must be appeased. Balance must be offered. Banish the mortals from the jungles. Sacrifice the Kharajyr. Unite the last of the Hou. The ape established notices around the wretched state of Vikela: Leave now. This jungle is not safe for you. This is the destined territory of the Hou. A new Huangdi, Mori-Yu, has ascended and wears the Jade Crown. Undying. Unrelenting. Unyielding. Hou-Shen shall return.
  15. Today we had the quickest crusade in history. Truly there has never been a more efficient pontiff and if you disagree, you're just a hater. God bless the Church(unironically). 

  16. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Vanera tensed up under the pressure of presentation brought on by the old hag, having only been looking for somewhere to take shelter for the night. After a moment, she hesitantly approached the woman and kneeled onto the cushion presented to her. “I’m merely a traveler.. looking for a place to call my own. A sense of belonging..” Vanera spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. She pressed on. “You say that you’ve been expecting me.. you must say that to all passers by.. for I am nothing to be heard of in whispers.” Vanera said seriously, as if conversating with herself, making sense of the revelation. Or, at least making sense to her.
  17. Lukas FINALLY learns the name of Serana's Order! And is disgusted! Death to all Xanites! Ruin (not really)!
  18. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Example: Sits down, weariness in his voice and eyes. "I am a Knight from a land beyond the horizon. I have been separated from my people and I fear I may be stranded here." He begins to grow impatient with her beckoning silence, encouraging him to tell more. "I am lost, my life beginning anew here in Atlas, I just want to find myself without any hassle."
  19. The Condesa de Caño Raya was swaddled within a bassinet of silks, her storm blue gaze following a mobile overhead. It slowly rotated, hosting varying charms to delight and entertain the babies mind. Rocking horses careened overhead with feathery chickens following in its wake, the prancing of animals followed by the golden sun of Hyspia and dual crowns. Tinkling sapphires broke up each charm, a delight to the mind. A series of handmaidens and nannies stood at the ready, to care and tend to the child's every need. A golden spoon ticked gently against a bottle, the milk warm as it was brought before the Princess. Born into the lap of luxury was the heiress, for she would one day rule over the Hyspian people. Xiomara enjoyed her meal, and playful mobiles faded away as her eyes drifted closed and she fell into a dreamless sleep.
  20. Jayon


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” "The ambiance is certainly... atmospheric. Thank you for the invitation. My story? Well, it's a tale as tangled as these swampy roots, I suppose. I've wandered through forests thick with mystery, climbed mountains that whispered ancient secrets, and sailed seas that roared with untamed power." Example: "Oh, I just, uh…" you stutter, tensing up. You eye the crone, then back outside the tent. For a moment, the air thickens with anticipation, until…
  21. Cheese


    Juniper makes note to send a letter to her children, reminding them to be wary of.... certain people.
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