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Orlaf Doomforged


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Orlaf Doomforged


Doomforge clan which is well known for their fire like looking hair and beards and pointy elven like ears. Orlaf who is a skilled and fierce fighter fought for the clan long ago in a long and tiresome battle. It all started when a large band of bandits came in and pillaged the clan's city. It was obvious who it was because everywhere the band pillaged, they always left a marking at the entrances to state that they were there and got away with what they did. However, Orlaf wouldn't let this go unfinished. After a few months of preparations and proper forging, Orlaf forged each and ever clan mate with sets of armor and weapons to fight with when the Clan would enter into battle. However, when the King and council of the clan found out about this ambition to take back what was rightfully theirs, they shut it down because they had bigger plans for the Doomforge Clan. Orlaf didn't see eye to eye with his King and council so he had to secretly plan out the attack with only about 10 clan mates. After a long 2 nights at the tavern, drinking and planning the attack, Orlaf and his band of Doomforge clan members snuck out of  the city unnoticed and made way to the Bandits village. Once they arrived, they tried to sneak through the village gates without being noticed but just failed when a sleeping guard was awoken by the sound of the Doomforge's armor. The Guard then raised an alarm to the whole village and the band of Doomforge clan mates had to change up their whole plan of attack. It turned into a very bloody and gruesome fight, as swords and axes could be seen clashing together all over and arrows falling from the sky. Though the fight was not easy, the band of clan members from the Doomforge clan had claimed victory and had taken what was taken from them back to their city. When the band of Dwarves returned to the city, they went to the tavern and drank the night away. However, Orlaf was woken up to a full pitcher of cold water hitting on his face. When he woke up and saw who poured it, he stood straight up and greeted the King of the Doomforge clan. The King and council had somehow found out about their little mission and each and every one of the Dwarves who left for this repo mission were thrown in the cities prison for a couple years. 


Orlaf Doomforge Character: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/orlaf-doomforge/

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