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Glory Treadeth Upon a Steed of Smoke


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The war camp had grown more and more quiet as of late. Where as before the skirmish a legion of men had gathered to champion the cause of justice, now there were left only a handful of stoic regiments.


Over the flapping of tents and the whistle of the wind, a single priest could be heard, preaching fire and brimstone. “Yea, for there yet be faithful, and they are named soldiers. And the village giveth way to the citadel and men are ungoverned...”


Guildenstern sat in his tent, brooding over rumors and reports. His allies all seemed to be signing themselves out of his war, one by one, having named their prices and received lump sum from the enemy. All that, and yet he saw all the kings allied with him sign treaties and then die shortly thereafter. So then, Guild concluded that this meant he must wage war in order to live.





Tier Chosen: 1st


Type of battle: Siege


Date And Time: April 29, 4PM EST


Side A: The Bastard’s Host


Side B: Mardonia


Location and boundaries:


Direct Area:




Wider Area:




Terms of Victory


Upon Victory For...


Victory for the Attackers: All Mardonites are either killed or forced to flee, or forced underground.


Victory for the Defenders: All bastards are either killed or forced to flee.




Offensive Victory: The town is razed, and the attackers may move on to siege another target.


Defensive Victory: No change of owners, and a skirmish must be won before either side can siege again.



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Err peace was made first off, so I'm pretty sure your warclaim is sort of off, even if it's not you without a doubt lost the ability to siege

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Certain allies peaced out, yeah. But a few factions pulling out certainly doesn't result in white peace.


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Err every faction including the one backing you and giving you all support (Lorraine) did aswell, so I mean realistically this war is over. 

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You'd be surrounded with no supply lines or anything, the war is very much over man, this is just wasting everyones time, it's white peace.

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Are you for real arguing supply lines right now? When did jonaj become marshal of oren

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Lmao I'm just being realistic here brother, all your allies turned around and went home, you've no where to attack from nor a CB, sort of confused what the point of this warclaim is other than to waste a weekend


also need to point out the skirm was April 8th, you definitely lost initiative no doubt about that

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My base of operations is the wine factory (haha who would've guessed)


Just like last time.


And just b/c lorraine is not actively participating in the fun does not mean they are cutting off my supplies from elsewhere.

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I mean you can repeat that all you want it won't make it true.


The only way I could've lost CB is if I was a vassal under one of the factions that peaced out.


(un)Fortunately chaos is a separate faction entirely, whoose terms for peace have not yet been fulfilled. Thus the show must go on

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I know your CB and it's fully invalid now, you're trippin if you think that's not the case. And initiative I guess you're admiting you lost then. 

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I went in with more than 1 CB in the first place. Besides that a contract is a contract is a contract, even after death


Also I'm not familiar with 'initiative' in the case of lotc, are you sure you haven't been playing too much dnd?



as an aside:

@joey calabreeni has full permission to post here as the leader of the rat pack. Please don't gun down his input

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You can't go straight to siege, you took far to long to warclaim post skirm


and yes my friend, this very flimsy warclaim of tryna assassinate someone on very flimsy orders of a dead man does mean the CB is quite dead



i also agree, the rat pack is pivotal in this.....

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Change the date - I said a week ago that there would be no warclaims this weekend 

-teegah, on the week of april 11



And the 2x warclaims last week meant that this one could not be posted. A siege delayed two weeks due to 1.8 updates and the server's technical inability to handle more than 1-2 wc's a week isn't enough to scheduled a re-skirm, I would argue.


As for the dead man and his request, you know what they say: find something you love doing and you'll never work a day in your life.

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