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The Thorn In Our Side


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On the 8th Of The Sun’s Smile 1638, Gonzalo de Castro called a meeting in Trier, to discuss the recent issue of Keintania’s rebellion. Once King Leo de Savin, Hektor de Castro, Abdes de Savin, Demetrios Palaiologos De Savin, Louis de Castro, and Vitaly de Castro entered the meeting hall, Adelmar and Henry stood guard in dragonscale at the door. Gonzalo said “It is time to act, we have let the Keint family run around like Swines. They have since rebelled and it is time to take action against them.  All in favor say I.” Abdes was the first to stand up and say “I” next came Demetrios then Vitaly, Hektor and Louis at the same time. At last, Leo gave a firm nod of approval. Once Gonzalo saw everyone was ready for War he went to the table where he had laid a map of the land showing where they shall attack “We will go straight from Hallowfell and go through the front gates of Keintania with dynamite, I’m sure Abdes would handle the dynamite well in his old age.” he said gaining a firm nod and a smirk from the founder of Santegia. “We will leave as soon as everyone gathers their men in Hallowfell.” he exclaimed, gaining nods of approval. As the men went home to prepare for war, Gonzalo started to sharpen his sword to prepare for Battle.







Side A: Santegia and Allies


Side B: Barony of Keintania




Type of Battle: Siege

Proposed Tier: T2

Date & Time:
Saturday, November 26th 4pm EST, 9pm GMT, 1pm PST.


Location and boundaries:

Direct Area:

-Provided Image18c7294e5263d4f514e9486b0325bc25.png


Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location:

 -Provided Image

 Route's we can take https://gyazo.com/93f6c2e55b7e5fc8d361d239fccf1fe7 






-  No status switching.
- All LoTC rules.
- No golden apples.
- No one day alts.- If a side
does not show they forfeit.
-No traps

-Tnt Enabled



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