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The Lore Games - Prologue/Update


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The Lore Games - Prologue


The Lore Games are launching soon, I am currently just compiling the final version for admin approval after getting a lot of feedback from the lore sect and Telanir. The concept itself has been approved however, so I will be laying out some of the fundamentals here.


Attention Gamers #1

Contrary to popular belief, the ST will not be reviewing lore the same way as we do in normal reviews. WE WILL NOT BE LOOKING AT CURRENTLY ACCEPTED PIECES AND JUDGING BASED ON IF WE BELIEVE IT’S NEEDED ON THE SERVER OR NOT. So if you have a piece that is hated by the community, that will have no effect on your lore so long as you follow the guidelines that will be released after being admin approved.


Attention Gamers #2

Despite jokes that have been made, I am not looking to thanos snap lore out of existence. I believe that a lot of concepts that are on the server right now are fantastic, but are just poorly executed.


What I want from the community is for them to use this opportunity to rewrite their lore in a more fun and creative manner, while not being the overly vague/hole riddled mess we have at the moment where players loophole doing dumb stuff which cause issues. Make it way more fleshed out than it is already, get new abilities that contribute to RP, go wild with the ideas so long as they fit the theme of your lore and aren’t just a powergrab at new combat abilities.


I am not going to be killing combat magic, but we have come up with a solution to ensure that people can design amazing spells without worrying about them being abused in combat situations, leading to the spells getting nerfed or dealt with in a more blunt fashion.


Attention Gamers #3

Any pieces that were voted on for the loremag will get their verdicts soon, due to a recent IRL problem 2 of our managers are out so it slowed the loremag process down. We will do another loremag before cutting it off and letting those that have lore submitted view the Lore Games criteria when it is out and adapt to it before we resume the loremag process again.



  • Everyone will be given 3 months to finish a draft of their lore. You can finish sooner, but it needs to be turned in at some point before those 2.5 months are done.

    • From here, the lore will be reviewed by the ST to ensure that the criteria is met and will be given back in roughly a month (we’ll be dividing lore up into chunks so we can review it without getting overwhelmed).

  • Once your group is given back your lore with notes on what is wrong/right, you will have 1 month to make the edits.

    • A final reviewal process will occur and if the edits were not made or were not done appropriately, the lore will be shelved.

  • After your lore is approved, you will be required to write up a guide for it (assuming it is a magic or CA race). 1 month will be given for this to be complete.


*Times may change before the Games launch, but this is a tentative timeline at the moment.


Discord Chats

All of the magics that are not guildlocked (e.g. voidal) will have a chat made for them in the main discord. A few ST will be assigned to each of these chats to help answer any questions or pass those questions along to management should they not know the answer either.


A form can be filled out when the Lore Games start where you can ask to have a chat created for your group (e.g. if the druids wanted one, someone could request it). Only people that participate in the lore will be allowed in the chat, unless a majority of people in it are fine with an outsider being added. This is to prevent issues we’ve seen in the past where outsiders come in and try to do a takeover or be problematic.


Being in these chats are not a necessity and we will be booting troublemakers from them if need be. If you are needlessly being antagonistic towards people in the chat or if you are being disruptive in general, you will be removed.


What Lore Is Participating? Prizes??

The lore that will be up in the lore games will be:
- All existing magics, including feats.

- All existing creatures, excluding ET creatures.

- All creatures that relate to the index.


We will be wiping all of the creatures on the index and introducing a more dynamic system for this. It revolves around a biome/habitat-esque idea. So rather than accepting creatures individually, we will be taking a look to see if they add to their proposed biome. The creature form will be updated to reflect this when the Lore Games start. The end goal is to be able to have a much more fluid and alive biome, so event actors have an easier time incorporating things into events. So someone can pull up the “forest” biome and see what the predators are, what they feed on, the plants in the system, and how everything acts in accordance with each other.


As I mentioned originally, prizes will be apart of this as it is a game. The categories are not set in stone, nor are the prizes just yet, but it’ll be for things like which group submitted a piece that utilized the opportunity to grow their lore the best and lore that had the least issues upon submission. I will not be participating in this, so my lore has no chance of taking a prize in order to try and avoid things like bias claims.


We will be opening a Q&A thread in the next few days where you will be able to ask anything you want regarding the Lore Games, so be on the lookout for that. 

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