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The Pact of the Golden Heart


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11th of Malin’s Welcome, 1768

The Pact of the Golden Heart







I. The signatories agree to have a non-aggression agreement between their clans. This will apply to both clans, in this case, Goldhand and Ireheart. Examples of aggression will include verbal insults and physical harm. This clause exempts pre-planned events between clans.


II. The signatories agree to allow trade to flow freely between the two groups. This includes trade of craftsmanship and knowledge of craftsmanship.


III. If either clans are in a situation that could cause issues within their respective populace, the Clan Father/Mother will offer their help in solving the situation that the clan is in. Help cannot be forced upon the other clan without Clan Father/Mother agreement. Bringing in help from other clans will not be done without explicit agreement from all leading parties.


IV. The treaty shall remain in place unless one of these clauses is broken or until one of the participating clans agrees to dissolve it. 


V. The treaty can be updated or altered by the clans with explicit agreement from both. Should a new leader step up and wish to adopt the treaty under their reign, new clauses should be negotiated according to the situation.


VI. If either clan engages in a separate alliance with a clan in the above alliance agreement. The clan will not be included in the inter-clan alliance without previous explicit agreement.


VI. If a Clan Father/Mother participating in this pact commits a crime against the dwarves of Urguan, other clans of this pact are no longer bound to it without consequence.




Signed by, Uldraek Goldhand

Clan Father of the Goldhand Clan, Grand Merchant of Urguan, Lord of Kaz’Ad’Hekkaes, Protector of Kal’Ikrun


Axel Ireheart, Clan Father of the Ireheart Clan


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