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RISE TO THE OCCASION: A proposal for Elsilan


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A proposal in two parts, yielded unto the most blessed populace of elcihi'thilln



Pamphlets containing the following can be found spread throughout Haelun'or's most frequented districts




TO THE SILVER ELVES OF KARINAH'SIOL and whom else it may concern,


There comes a time that each and every silver elf must rise to the occasion. Our way is one of many, and though righteous we may be in our meritorious habitation of the world, there will forever exist those that wish doom upon us. For generations we have placed our trust in the strength of our walls and our faith in the steel-clad sentinels that are elsillumiran, to mostly victorious ends. Despite the infallibly virtuous nature of these two installations, it is the prerogative of every silver elf to ensure that the sanctity and prosperity of their blessed state. It is for this reason that I, Kiljarys an Iarwaïn, propose the following:


I. The establishment of a militant civil-service program, to be dubbed: elsilan, or, The Swords



Elsilan will function autonomously as a state led civil-service program in which volunteers may undergo combat training and procedural drilling in order to better defend themselves and their fellow citizens. Successful completion of elsilan orientation will grant a citizen the privelege to rally in defense of elcihi during times of martial absence or emergency with special access to state facilities. A system of merits and honors will be drafted and managed by the office of elokarir'tir, from which particularly valorous individuals may rise above their peers and earn medals of honor for their service to the state.


II. The re-establishment of the incumbent martial body of elheial'thilln, to be dubbed: elsilan'thilln, or, The Silver Swords, henceforth referred to colloquially as elsillumiran



Elsilan'thilln will function under the command and administration of elokarir'tir, serving to replace and liquidate the incumbent rank and file of the Silver State's martial body. The rigorous decorum of the past will return to the minds of Haelun'or's stalwart defenders, who wield silver and sinew in the name of Larihei. A new code of service will be drafted and instilled unto the evariran of the future, whose duty it will be to preserve the sanctity of our law and the purity of our bodies and minds. It is time again that we re-assess the defense of our island home -- let it be the last.







Kiljarys an Iarwaïn







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