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Core Race Lore - Hybrids


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LotC Core Race Lore - Master Thread



Core Race Lore - Hybrid Races


This thread pertains to any and all Hybrid Descendants, so called ‘Half-Breeds’ and those of mixed lineage between the four main races. This includes Descendants such as Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, et cetera. It is worth noting, however, that this does not apply to mixing between the subraces of a race. A Hybrid is only considered a Hybrid if they have the blood and lineage of two or more separate Descendant races.


There are several key & unique physiological traits to playing a Hybrid race, all of which can be found below.



By making a Hybrid Descendant, you are damning them to two of Iblees’ curses. All Hybrids will be subject to both curses of their parents, regardless of how much they may try to breed it out or make it less intense. It will always remain as strong as ever, even if that Descendant is only one quarter of a race; the curses cannot be suppressed. Because Hybrids must be two or more of descendants, they are damned to two (or more) of the curses.



A Hybrid will always exhibit the shorter of the two lifespans of the Descendant races they originate from. For example, A Half-Elf and Half-Orc would only live for the 400 years that an Orc would live. This is particularly bad for Half-Humans, given their curse still stays, living only up to 200 years at maximum. For whatever the Hybrid’s races of origin are, take the shorter lifespan and roleplay that as the lifespan.


Body Structure

The physiology of Hybrid races ranges from moderately abnormal to absolutely uncomfortable. Each race tends to vary greatly in build and physiology, so some Hybrids exhibit particularly strange bodies or traits. For instance, Half-Orcs will exhibit a hunched back and somewhat misshapen bones. For the strength of a Hybrid race, the Hybrid is always as strong as their weaker half. For instance, a Half-Orc and Half-Human would only be as strong as a Human. The same can be said for height; the shorter height range is always taken. A Half-Orc and Half-Dwarf would be within the Dwarven height range.


Below, examples can be found for how the different races intersect and interact to form the Hybrid races. Each one has its own unique traits as a result of the combination of their races, and the full weight of both races needs to be considered when choosing to roleplay a Hybrid.






A Human/Elf Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Humans and Elves. The Hybrid would live for 200 years at maximum, and would be much less fertile for most of their life until becoming fully sterile at 150. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Human/Elf Hybrids. Between all the Descendant races, Humans and Elves are the most similar to each other. As such, the differences are minor. The Hybrid would have ears longer than a Humans but shorter than an Elves. Additionally, some strange mixing of human and elf features would be prominent. An Elven eye color mixed with a Human hair color, a Human body with the softer facial features of an Elf, etc. The full details of this are up to the player of the Hybrid.



A Human/Orc Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Humans and Orcs. The Hybrid would live for 150 years at maximum, and would exhibit orcish bloodlust. They would be suffering from anger issues and bouts of raging attacks for the full duration of their shortened lifespan. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Human/Orc Hybrids. Humans and Orcs exhibit extreme differences in physiology. This is less so for Humans and Goblins, but is very much so the case for Humans and Uruks. Ologs cannot produce half breeds. Human/Goblin Hybrids will have a relatively normal bone structure, but will have skin tinted between Human flesh and an “unnatural” Goblin color. Small tusks are common as well, though these do not always fit comfortably in their mouth. Human/Uruk Hybrids will have a more struggling physique. Their bone structure is a strange mix of that which is Human and that which is Uruk. This leads to a slouched and hunched posture the majority of the time, misshapen limbs, and strange bulky skulls. They gain no strength from this, only as strong as their Human half. Painful malformities, aching bones, arthritis, and many other conditions are common among Human/Uruk Hybrids. The skin tone would be tinted between Human flesh and an “unnatural” Uruk color. Larger tusks are common as well, though not as large as an Uruk’s. These tusks, too, tend to fit uncomfortably in the Hybrid’s mouth.



A Human/Dwarf Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Humans and Dwarf. The Hybrid would live for 150 years at maximum, and would exhibit intensified greed. They would suffer from intense greed, selfishness, and an unempathetic outlook for the full duration of their shortened lifespan. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Human/Dwarf Hybrids. Humans and Dwarves exhibit some major differences in physiology, primarily in build and height. The bone structure of the Hybrid would be a strange mixture of the taller and more lithe Humanity with the shorter and more bulky Dwarves. This would be less pronounced than that of the Human/Orc Hybrids, but would still be present. Blocky and flat faces, arms or legs too long, and many more traits are common. They gain no strength from their more bulky Dwarven half, only as strong as a Human would be. Additionally, painful malformities, aching bones, arthritis, and many other conditions are common among Human/Dwarf Hybrids. Their features would still be rather mundane, a strange mixture of both Human and Dwarf features.



An Elf/Orc Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Elves and Orcs. The Hybrid would be mostly infertile for their entire life, and they would exhibit intensified bloodlust. They would be suffering from anger issues and bouts of raging attacks for the full duration of their life, additionally much more infertile and highly unlikely to have children. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Elf/Orc Hybrids. Elves and Orcs exhibit extreme differences in physiology. This is less so for Elves and Goblins, but is very much so the case for Elves and Uruks. Ologs cannot produce half breeds. Elf/Goblin Hybrids will have a relatively normal bone structure, but will have skin tinted between Elven flesh and an “unnatural” Goblin color. Small tusks are common as well, though these do not always fit comfortably in their mouth. Additionally, ears longer than a Goblins but shorter than an Elves will be present. Elf/Uruk Hybrids will have a more struggling physique. Their bone structure is a strange mix of that which is Elf and that which is Uruk. This leads to a slouched and hunched posture the majority of the time, misshapen limbs, and strange bulky skulls. They gain no strength from this, only as strong as their Elf half. Painful malformities, aching bones, arthritis, and many other conditions are common among Elf/Uruk Hybrids. The skin tone would be tinted between Elven flesh and an “unnatural” Uruk color. Larger tusks are common as well, though not as large as an Uruk’s. These tusks, too, tend to fit uncomfortably in the Hybrid’s mouth. Additionally, ears longer than an Uruks but shorter than an Elves will be present.



An Elf/Dwarf Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Elves and Dwarves. The Hybrid would be mostly infertile for their entire life, and they would exhibit intensified greed. They would suffer from intense greed, selfishness, and an unempathetic outlook for the full duration of their life. additionally much more infertile and highly unlikely to have children. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Elf/Dwarf Hybrids. Elves and Dwarves exhibit some major differences in physiology, primarily in build and height. The bone structure of the Hybrid would be a strange mixture of the taller and more lithe Elves with the shorter and more bulky Dwarves. This would be less pronounced than that of the Human/Orc Hybrids, but would still be present. Blocky and flat faces, arms or legs too long, and many more traits are common. They gain no strength from their more bulky Dwarven half, only as strong as an Elf would be. Additionally, painful malformities, aching bones, arthritis, and many other conditions are common among Elf/Dwarf Hybrids. Their features would still be rather mundane, a strange mixture of both Elf and Dwarf features. Ears longer than a Dwarves but shorter than an Elves would be present.



A Dwarf/Orc Hybrid would exhibit both of the curses of Dwarves and Orcs. The Hybrid would experience both greed and bloodlust. They would suffer from intense greed, selfishness, and an unempathetic outlook. They would also suffer from anger issues and bouts of raging attacks for the full duration of their life. Additionally, there are some unique physiological details for the Dwarf/Orc Hybrids. Dwarves and Orcs exhibit extreme differences in physiology. Although both are bulky in build, they are built differently to accommodate for their vastly different heights. As such, the bone structure of a Dwarf/Orc Hybrid is more malformed than any of the other Hybrids. This is less so for Dwarves and Goblins, but is very much so the case for Dwarves and Uruks. Ologs cannot produce half breeds. Dwarf/Goblin Hybrids have a more mundane bone structure, but the differences in bulk lead to some strange barrel-chested Hybrids with arms too small or too large. The Dwarf/Goblin would have skin tinted between Dwarven flesh and an “unnatural” Goblin color. Small tusks are common as well, though these do not always fit comfortably in their mouth. Dwarf/Uruk Hybrids stand with Dwarven height, but with the larger and malformed bone structures of an Uruk. A strange mixing of features, misshapen bodies, long arms, bone spurs, and many other physiological anomalies are common among Dwarf/Uruk Hybrids. More than any other Hybrid, Dwarf/Uruk Hybrids suffer from a wide collection of physical conditions. Intense osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, osteopetrosis, and many other bone conditions would be common. They would be in no way handsome or good-looking, features being at best a horrible mixing of squashed jaws, misshapen noses, and unnaturally large heads. Even the healthiest Dwarf/Uruk Hybrid would only be as strong as a human, given the sheer differences in physiology from their originating races.

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