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[Character Sheet] Ulric Isaak Vyronov


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Character Chart:




Character’s full name: Ulric Isaak Vyronov


Reason or meaning of name: Ulric Isaak Vyronov is the name after his former ancestor, Ser Ulric Vyronov, Knight of Haense and is known as the youngest Knight at the age of sixteen. Isaak, his middle name, was the name after his Great Grandfather. Isaak was in the middle of Squire Trials in Rubern, though he was executed in Rubern because of the Titles that the Vyronov family had progressively obtained, rewarded from the Nation of Haense. Isaak died a courageous death and his father, Siegrad, felt that it was necessary to give him the middle name due to having the same personality that he had learned from his earlier ancestors.


Birth date: SA 18


Resides: Barony of Astfield/ Haense


Physical appearance


Age: Eight


Weight: 59 Pounds


Height: 4 feet tall


Body build: Slim


Eye color: Shiny Blue, glistening orbs like the blue sky.


Skin tone: Olive


Distinguishing marks: N/A


Hair color: Brown


Type of hair: In a bun, faded on the side.


Hairstyle: Faded


Voice: Squeaky




Good personality traits: Nice, happiness, calm, smart, always polite, honest, respectful, compassionate, integrity, loyal, positive, responsible, confident and loving


Bad personality traits: Impatient, impulsive, indecisive, quirky, nervous and jealous.


Mood character is most often in: Always positive and happy.


Sense of humor: Extremely.


Character’s greatest joy in life: The lad hopes to one day fulfill his duty as his ancestors have done and become a Knight in the future, though he always looks to the present and seeks adventures and practices his sparring with the sword.


Character’s greatest fear: His father’s death, Siegrad. Siegrad died on a hunting trip in the woodlands of Haense. Both Siegrad and Ulric always built a campfire and had nowhere to go. That was part of their living, Siegrad felt that he didn’t want to be a nuisance towards anyone, even his own family. The father and son, one day were hunting out for whatever food they can scavenge in the cold, frosty woods of Haense. Siegrad always had a flask in his hand and whenever they entered a city, the man always seeked out for liquor. One day, the young boy, Ulric, and his drunken father walked the path into the cold forest. They came across a huge bear that had a scar on the top of his right eye, cataracts were shown in the bear's eye. This is when things got a little messy..


 The young man, Siegrad, unsheathed his blade and confronted the bear in a drunken state. The father of Ulric, Siegrad, pushed Ulric the other way and said with an angry look and pointed North, “GO to the city of Haense, my son. FLY YOU FOOL!” as he gritted his teeth, the bear (unnamed) stood up from his front legs. The bear seemed to have been chewing a piece of an animal’s flesh but seemed agitated and irritated from the confrontation. The bear was ready to rumble…


The bear let out a huge roar, Siegrad looked back as Ulric was still standing there and shook his head, “GO!” he pointed North with a wary look, “That will take ye to the city, my child!” he said with a tear falling down his face.. The young lad ran North but looked back at his father and the bear but one swipe at the dome, the big, ferocious bear knocked Siegrad to the ground. Ulric looked at his father being eaten as the bear put down his right front paw on the man’s back, screams of agony from Siegrad would soon later come into play. Screams would later disperse into thin air and all the lad could hear was the wind, whistling through the frosted trees. Ulric, very hesitant, sad and discombobulated, he continued pushing forward on the path to Haense.


Character is most at ease when: He is around his family and friends.


Most ill at ease when: People talk about his father’s death.


Enraged when: When his family and friends are threatened


Depressed or sad when: When he thinks about his father or when he feels he failed someone.


Priorities: Learning to fight and gather information from friends and family.


Life philosophy: Enjoy life and fight for his family/ kingdom


Greatest strength: His traits.


Greatest vulnerability or weakness: When people talk down about his family and father.


Biggest regret: Letting his father die alone.


Biggest accomplishment: None at the moment


Minor accomplishment: None at the moment




Drives and motivations: Becoming a Knight


Immediate goals: Role play


Long term goals: Becoming a Knight


How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Role play


How other characters will be affected: Role play




Hometown: Unknown


Type of childhood: Peaceful and depressing due to his father’s passing


Pets: None.


First memory: His father dying


Most important childhood memory: Being acquainted with the city of Haense, family and friends.


Childhood Hero: Ser Ulric Vyronov


Dream Job: Being a Knight


Education: Role play.


Religion: Canonist




Current location: Barony of Astfield


Currently living with: Stefan Vyronov


Pets: None


Religion: Canonist


Occupation: Being a child




Color: Green, silver and blue


Least favorite color: None


Music: Railroad Earth


Literature: He currently doesn’t know how to read but in the future would love to read and write.


Form of entertainment: Fighting and adventure


Most prized possession: His wooden sword acquired from Reinhardt Barclay




Hobbies: Fighting, adventuring and learning.


How he/she would spend a rainy day: Exploring.


Food: Boar flesh and venison.


Drinks: Fresh water.


What does he/she do too much of?: Gets nervous when he shouldn’t.


Extremely skilled at: Being a genuine lad towards people


Nervous tics: When being confronted


Usual body posture: Very relaxed at times with his hands in his pockets.


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Lovely! Just change the font to Times New Roman, remove the highlight, change the text to white and we good!



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