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[✗] [Plant Lore] Rumble-Root


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A small tuberous root, similar to rutabaga but much smaller. Rumble-root is dependent on Systels and Glimmerstone for light, the small plant taking advantage of the nutrient-rich bed of many water formed caverns, as well as the relative lack of competition, named after its discoverer “Morlo Rumble-Quake” a forest dwed who fell down a large sinkhole while lumberjacking, Rumble-root has since became a favorite among cavern dwelling descendants such as cave dwarves and dark elves for its nutty yet sweet flavor that some would call a mix between a peanut and a carrot.


Since farmed and propagated by deep-dwellers around the realms, Rumble-Root is known to be a hassle to farm, requiring much effort in not only supplying light via nearby Glimmerstone or Systel gatherings but also in making sure the ground has been thoroughly tilled, as rumble root grows best in soft moss-like soil.


Best-known cooking methods include baking, boiling, and even pies, but many other techniques are able to be used. Rumble-Root is inedible unless cooked, near as hard as a rock raw, when cooked it becomes like that of a finer textured potato.


Redlines and Rules

1: Rumble-Root may not be used as a loop-hole to allow underground farms, it is meant to be made as player-signed items for flavor and RP's sake.


2: In Order to Rp having any sort of Rumble-Root, cooked or not, must require a player-signed item in your inventory.


3: Rumble-Root is harmless and completely non-toxic, having no effects other than being a flavorful addition to caverns.




Credits and Citations.


Written by Norgeth_


Looked over by Titanium430


Glimmerstone written by Xx_BloodStalk_xX & Titanium430


Systels written by Reece_Nolan


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