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Treason's Pardon


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The Maelstormic Society’s Pardon






What Defines Treason Under Vortice Law:

  Treason is defined as plotting against the rulership of Talon’s Port or sharing sensitive and secretive information with the enemies of Talon’s Port. This will be with a trial for the accused party.

What And Who Is Being Pardoned:

    Those named within the now-disbanded Maelstormic Society that are still among the living are being pardoned for their failed attempts to take over the Unified Domain of Vortice and the city of Talons Port.


Peralien, Thomas Venice, Mellow Aurelius, Ivar, and Sigurd are all being pardoned for the acts of the Maelstormic Society upon James Maelstorm’s untimely death by his own hand within the lands of the Unified Domain of Vortice. If there are any known acts of treason committed against the Unified Domain of Vortice once more by any of the previously mentioned, this pardon will be considered null and void. Any and all involved that commit said treason will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Vortician law. There shall also be a bounty of an undiscounted amount of mina placed upon the offender’s head so no matter where they are, justice may be brought upon the individual(s).

    Despite this pardon, the Vortician government and council will continue to uphold and maintain the firm rulings on the banishment of Peralien, that being said the previous ruling of kill on sight by the previous monarchs of Athri Belrose and Vivian Maelstorm is now to be considered invalid effective immediately.


With the fulfillment of this pardon on behalf of the Vortician Council, Peralien is required to turn over the agreed upon minae and materials to the leadership of the Unified Domain of Vortice in the form of:

-100 mina

-2x tonnes (2 stacks) of Ferrum Ore


    Failure to deliver the agreed-upon minae and materials to the Unified Domain of Vortice by 14th of The First Seed 73 shall not only reinstate the former KOS (Kill on Sight). There will also be an active bounty placed till the materials and Minae are paid in full.


[!] OOC Date: (April 22nd, 2022)


Signed by the Vortice Council

Monarch of Vortice, Lenora Jusmia

Department of Foreign Affairs, Gusiam Jusmia

Department of Health and Welfare, Sana Medii'la

Department of Security, Avurak Ilkala

Department of Head Housing, La'io Valkryne

Department of Advising, Nero'kru Medii'la




Sorry this took so long to get out. Should have been sent out a week or so ago

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