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On the additional duties of Clergy


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How can a layman see the light of GOD without seeing prosperity generated by the Church? Many think of the duties of a priest and stop simply at sacraments, it cannot be understated that sacraments are, and should be the primary focus of the clergy, but we can look to do more to spread the word of GOD. 


The best, and most fondly remembered priests were not remembered for the number of times they heard confessions, or the length of their sermons, no, the best and most holy priests went beyond the walls of their chapels and got involved with their community. Look to High Pontiff Lucien III who took part in military strategy to fight for his cause. Look to Saint High Pontiff Everard II, a High Pontiff many regard as one of the greatest who continuously grew the influence of the Church through sitting on diplomatic councils.  


The list does not stop with High Pontiffs, many bishops and priests have had lasting impact on their communities that extend far beyond their life. Every clergyman has a strength that GOD himself has seen, it is up to them to use it to be impactful. 


I encourage all looking to join the clergy, and many currently within it to ask themselves what they can do more of. Would you best serve by sitting on a local diplomatic council? Maybe you have medical prowess and can help to heal the sick and injured. Perhaps you have a knack for economy and can create more jobs within the city you preach in. The specifics of the task do not matter, what matters is that you are getting out and improving where you live and preach, the way we are intended to do. 


By putting in more work, and serving GOD we can grow our faith, we can turn non-believers, and we can make the day to day lives of followers even better.


In faith,


James Greywell, Acolyte of the faith

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