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Trade Agreement on Honor and Safety

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Trade Agreement on Honor and Safety

Year 91 of the second age, 6th of Aanzrii

Paxahru smiles upon this day


This document serves as an agreement between the signatories and the domains they rule over. In no way does this document guarantee the safety or well-being for those not part of either respective domain.

I: The signatories hereby agree that no citizen of either domain are to be infringed upon for peddling goods or services when in the realm foreign to their home.

I.I: Citizens are defined as residing within the domain of either respective signatory. This will require proof of housing within the respective domain. Even merchants directed by government officials and/or given a governmental role are considered citizens under this agreement.

I.II: Goods and services, trading, and bartering are all permitted by the citizens of either domain when in the land of the other. This includes roadways, farm houses, vacation homes, caves, lairs, forests, and whatever else the respective domain rules over.

I.III The two signatories agree that they will not exchange voidally enchanted goods or items created from dark magic.

II: The signatories hereby agree that no citizen of either domain are to be attacked, cursed, robbed, or otherwise murdered for their honest lifestyle of a merchant or farmer looking to peddle their goods and services.

II.I: If a citizen of either domain are attacked, cursed, robbed, or murdered, the agreement becomes null and void until the respective leaders of each domain can convene to discuss and potentially re-sign the agreement.

III: If any of the hereby agreements are broken, under no circumstance may the respective signatory guarantee the safety of another within their domain until the leaders of each respective domain can convene and speak about compensation to either the domain itself or the citizen and his/her/its family.

This agreement is to remain for seven years at which time the signatories can reconvene to renew the pact.



Ar-Borok of Clan Akaal, Rex of the Horde


Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Horde, Commander of the Krug-hai


Ixûla of Clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde


Al-Uk of Clan Akaal, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits


Willy of San’Velku, Envoy of The Horde

Vyllaenen Daemyr, High Prince of Malin’or




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