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A Guide to The Royal Duma


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Issued by the
On this 11th day of Tov and Yermey of 442 E.S




For centuries now, the Royal Duma has retained its prestige as one of the governing bodies of the Kingdom of Haenseti Ruska. Since the city of St. Karlsburg, the Royal Duma has acted as an advisory body for the Crown, transitioning then in the city of Old Reza into a legislative body which grew into what we see the Royal Duma as today in the city of Karosgrad. With such a prestigious institution, things can often grow confusing and communication can muddle between people. Due to this, the Office of the Lord Speaker saw fit to create a Guide to His Majesty’s Royal Duma, highlighting the importance of the Duma.




The Crown
The Duma: Composition, Role, Responsibilities, Powers & Protocol
Etiquette & Honourifics 
The Lord Speaker 
The Lord Palatine 
Noble Peers: Role & Responsibility
The Royal Inquisitor & Lord Handler 
 Elected Officials
Duma Bills: Legislative Bills & Advisory Resolutions





Like all offices and people within the Kingdom, the crown remains the sole authority over all. The incumbent monarch may make decisions regardless of any advice the Royal Duma provides. The crown will have the power to veto and pass bills passed by the Duma and has all the authorities outlined in The Haurul Caezk. Within the Duma hall, the Lord Palatine will sit on the Royal Duma to act as the crown’s representative, ensuring that the voice of the Crown is heard, but also taking into account the voices of the elected officials and the peerage from within the Kingdom. Such communication and transparency is essential for the Kingdom to run smoothly as it has for centuries. 




Upon the Royal Duma shall sit:
Every Haeseni Lord of landed peer or their appointed representative, of which shall be a member of their family
Two Royal Aldermen
The Military Tribune
The Grand Maer
The Lord or Lady Palatine


The Royal Duma sits as a representative of the Haeseni people to advise the Crown on matters of law and action. Overseen by the Lord Speaker, the Royal Duma maintains a productive and prestigious presence within the Kingdom and because of this, many restrictions and rules are put in place to ensure that all is fair in law and fairness. Members of the Duma may have their right to sit in on the hall revoked should they neglect their duty to attend regular sessions and should too few members attend a session, any laws or resolutions that are discussed and passed will be deemed unlawful. The Royal Duma contains many protocols and powers which are imperative for its functionality within the Kingdom. As the Duma acts as the voice of the people, those of all classes and ranks are encouraged to participate in order for the communication between the Crown and the people to remain transparent. 


Composition of the Duma: Like the purpose of the Duma, its members are meant to represent the people of the Kingdom, being from all different classes and status. As outlined in the Haurul Caezk, every Haeseni Lord of landed title or their appointed representative has the right to sit upon the Royal Duma. This right allows each Noble Peer to represent their family within the Kingdom as Nobility makes up a large part of the Haeseni population. Much like the Noble Peerage, the Lord Palatine also has a place upon the Royal Duma in order to represent the crown in each session. Also sitting upon the Royal Duma are the elected officials, voted in by popular vote held within the Kingdom where all citizens of age may place their vote, electing two Royal Aldermen as well as the Grand Maer to sit on the Duma in order to act as the voice of the people. Similarly to the previous two positions, the Military Tribune is elected amongst the members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, to serve on the Duma as the voice of the Brotherhood. Each of the positions are meant to broaden the voice of the people from different groups within the Kingdom in order to maintain a system of open communication. 


Duma Protocol: In order to ensure that the Royal Duma maintains an efficient process each session, a protocol has been put in place to maintain such efficiency. The Lord Speaker, acting as the leader of the Royal Duma, will announce when each section of the protocol is implemented so that the session will run smoothly. 


          I.   Roll Call: Called at the very beginning of each session, Roll Call will be used to keep track of who is in attendance at Duma and will make sure that the Royal Duma meets quota for the session. Each member of the Duma will be called upon based on their honorific and titles in order to present themselves. 


          II. Point of Order: Should the Duma grow to be more spirited and vocal than is typical for traditional etiquette and protocol, the Lord Speaker may call for a Point of Order, as to remind the members of the Duma of their responsibility and honour. 


          III. Motion to Table or Vote: Each member of the Royal Duma has the right to propose either a Motion to Vote or a Motion to Table in reference to a Bill being presented to the Duma. A Motion to Vote is often used once the debate over the said Bill is either ended or going in circles. Another member of the Duma may second the motion, but it is up to the Lord Speaker as to whether or not the motion will be accepted. A Motion to Table is proposed by a member of the Duma when a proposed Bill seems to have many flaws and does not seem likely to pass. To Table the Bill would be to allow the member who presented the Bill to edit parts of the Bill that have been deemed unworthy of being implemented. That member of the Duma may re-propose the Bill at the next session, seeing that they did indeed edit and change the Bill as instructed by the other members of the Duma. 


          IV. Debate Protocol: As Bills are presented to the Royal Duma, the Lord Speaker has the option to allow the members to interact and share their opinions through a Moderated or Unmoderated Debate. An Unmoderated Debate allows members of the Duma to speak their minds without the fear of removal for speaking out of turn. This allows for a quick flow of opinions and conversation to occur between members. Should the Lord Speaker opt for a Moderated Debate, members of the Duma will need to raise their hands and be called upon to speak their minds upon the presented Duma Bill. Should the Debate grow out of hand, the Lord Speaker may call for a Point of Order to reign in the members of the Duma. Should the dismissal of etiquette continue, members of the Duma may be subjected to Removal of the Session. 


          V. Voting Protocol: Once the time comes for members of the Duma to vote upon the Bill which was presented to them, Voting Protocol will begin. This begins with the Lord Speaker announcing the vote to begin, calling out Roll Call once more where each member of the Duma may vote “aye” or “nie” in order to voice their final decision to pass the Bill or to not pass the Bill. Should two-thirds the  majority of the Royal Duma vote “aye”, the bill will pass, any less than will result in the Bill not passing. 


          VI. Removal From Session: Should a member of the Duma ignore the respect and etiquette which is expected of them, the Lord Speaker may call for said member to be removed from the chamber. Decorum is highly important within the Duma and any member who chooses to ignore such will be seen out for the remainder of that sitting at the very least. 


          VII. Powers of the Duma: Seeing as the Royal Duma carries a large responsibility within the Kingdom, it comes to no surprise that the Duma has many powers which each member has the right to voice their concern or opinion on in order to offer their advice to the Crown. 


The Powers of the Royal Duma are as follows:

Petition the Crown to sign bills passed by two-thirds majority vote into law,
Advise the Crown by two-thirds majority vote to act on any matter,
Establish and mandate both civil and martial infrastructural works,
Create organised political institutions within the Royal Duma,
Receive petitions from the citizenry,
Officiate proposals for naturalisation and citizenship,
Mandate national holidays,
Elect Haeseni citizens to the office of Jovenaar,
Elect Haeseni citizens to the rank of Knight of the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily,
Summon and investigate members of the Aulic Government and noble Peerage which includes but is not limited to Aulic Councillors and Jovenaars of the realm,
Ensure the regulation of law and domestic policies of the Royal State,
And ratify international treaties.





Just like any respectable society within the Kingdom, the Royal Duma holds etiquette and respect to the highest esteem. As the Duma is a working body devoted to protecting and advising the Kingdom, focus and attention to detail is essential during each Duma session, hence why any outburst is heavily frowned upon and can result in the removal of the one who caused it. Decorum will be maintained during all sessions in order to maintain the Duma’s royal prestige. 

As there is an array of peoples within the Duma, all of different social classes and upbringings, honourifics are important in showing respect to those who devote their time to the Duma. Below will be a list of all honourifics used within the Duma hall. 


Duke - Herzen | Duchess - Herzenas 
Count - Komit | Countess - Komitas 
Viscount - Vikomit | Viscountess - Vikomitas
Baron - Bossir | Baroness - Bossira
 Royal Alderman: Royal Alderman [Name]
Grand Maer: Grand Maer [Name]
Lord Palatine: Lord Palatine [Name]
Military Tribune: [Military Rank] [Name]







The Lord Speaker acts as head of His Majesty’s Royal Duma, wielding the Black Bulava and sitting at the top of the Duma Hall. The Lord Speaker will ensure that the quality of the Royal Duma is maintained and will oversee each session of the Duma, running the body as his own court. The Lord Speaker will elect a Lord Handler and Royal Inquisitor to the Duma, chosen amongst the elected officials and the peerage. Should the Lord Speaker not be fit to present themselves to the Duma, the Lord Handler will act in their stead, leading the Duma for that session. The Lord Speaker will even act as a Jovenaar, in other words a judge, should a Court of Honour ensue, brought forth by the Royal Inquisitor or member of the Peerage. 








As head of the Aulic Government, the Lord Palatine will sit on the Duma to represent the crown and the voice of his majesty. Being the greatest advisor of the King, the Lord Palatine will wield the Golden Bulava and act as the foremost judge of the realm. Should the Lord Palatine not be fit to present themselves to the Duma, they will present a representative in their stead. The Lord Palatine’s place on the Royal Duma is essential in order for communication between the Crown and the common class to persist, allowing for clarity and transparency between the governing bodies of the Kingdom. 





As nobility and peerage make up a large part of the Kingdom, so too do they make up a large part of the Royal Duma. Each noble family, regardless of their level, will have the right to sit upon the Royal Duma, the head of the family being the representative. Should the head of the house not be fit to present themselves to the Duma, they may allow a representative of their family to sit in their stead for that session. The peer may propose bills and vote upon presented bills within the Duma, as well as sharing their perspective on the rights of nobility of the Kingdom. The voice of the nobility within the Royal Duma is greatly important in order to continue a healthy form of communication within the Kingdom. The Duma may act as a way for the nobility to voice their concerns or grievances to the crown and amongst their peers, as well as asserting their opinion on matters which impact the rights of nobility.




The Royal Inquisitor: The Royal Inquisitor is selected from the Duma by the Lord Speaker to serve the crown. The purpose of this position is to maintain the prestige and excellence amongst the members of the Aulic Government and the peerage of the Kingdom. The Royal Inquisitor will ensure that members of the Aulic Government and nobility act with honour and integrity and shall voice their concern should the need arise. Should a case arise in which there is a dispute between or alleged dishonour by any members of the noble class, the Royal Inquisitor may convene a court of honour to determine the rightful truth, and should the Royal Inquisitorial deem a member of the Aulic Government be neglectful or acting with dishonour, they may call the member to the Duma to speak for their mistreatment of their position. 


The Lord Handler: The Lord Handler, who shall convene the Duma Committee to ensure the actioning of law put forward by the Royal Duma and shall in absence of the Lord Speaker be permitted to act as overseer of the Royal Duma. Chosen by the Lord Speaker, the Lord Handler will oversee that the Royal Duma is maintaining its prestige and accountability, seeing no corruption nor mistreatment find its way into the Duma hall. 




As the Duma represents the word of the people, elections are used in order to place those the people of the Kingdom put their faith in, into public office. The public vote represents the connection between the common class and that of nobility and Royalty. Public voting allows for all voices to be heard and establishes trust amongst the Kingdom. Unlike the Lord palatine and the Noble Peers, Elected Officials will not be entitled to a representative, should they be unable to attend a session of the Royal Duma. 


Grand Maer: The Grand Maer shall be elected to the Royal Duma through public elections held every six sittings, in which every Haeseni adult may vote. The Maer is responsible for overseeing the activities of the capital and establishing resolutions which they see fit to improve the capital. 

Royal Aldermans: The Royal Aldermen shall be elected to the Royal Duma through public elections held every six sittings, in which every Haeseni adult may vote. Royal Aldermans may sit in the Royal Duma and participate in law making and other activities which the Duma oversees. The Royal Alderman often serve in the interest of the common people of the Kingdom. 


Military Tribune: The Military Tribune shall be elected to the Royal Duma from among the initiated members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, in which every oathed member of the Brotherhood may vote. The Military Tribune will sit on the Duma and participate in order to speak in the interest of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, being their voice within the Duma. 





Amongst the Royal Duma, there are several types of Bills and Resolutions which are presented at each session, some more frequently than others. Members of the Royal Duma each have the right to present each of these Bills or Resolutions as they see fit. Members of the Duma are even encouraged to present such Bills and Resolutions together as a joint project between members. Even those who are not members of the Royal Duma are encouraged to contact a member of the Duma who will act as a sponsor and allow the member of the citizenry to present their own bill as a representative of their house, meanwhile elected officials will present the Bill or Resolution of the citizenry as they lack the right to a representative.  


Advisory Resolutions: One of the rights of the Duma is to act as an advisory council to the Crown and as such, Advisory Resolutions are commonly submitted by its members in order to voice their opinions on the improvements the Kingdom is in need of. Advisory Resolutions act as advice in order to bring forth wishes from all communities within the Kingdom. Members of the Nobility will often present Advisory Resolutions to improve the rights and standings of the Nobility within the Kingdom while often Royal Alderman’s and the Grand Maer find themselves presenting a bill to improve the Capital or the standing of the common people. 


Legislative Bills: Another right of the Royal Duma is to present Legislative Bills to the hall in order to add or change laws which are already established in the The Haurul Caezk. Any member of the Royal Duma may present a Legislative Bill and may also work together with other members of the Duma as a joint bill between two members. Legislative Bills often act as an important right within the Duma as it speaks to the legal side of the Kingdom, ensuring that laws which are paramount to the safety of the Kingdom are edited and passed. 

Vote of No Confidence: A Vote of No Confidence may be brought to the Duma should a member of the Duma find themselves recognising their lack of support for a leader or governing body within the Kingdom. The Vote of No Confidence may have multiple signatories from the Duma and often occurs when a member of the Aulic Government is not fulfilling their proper duties. Such votes are taken very seriously as they risk the chance of having a major leader within the Kingdom removed from their post indefinitely. As such, these votes do not occur often and should take much consideration before they are submitted to the Duma. 





Her Ladyship, Adelajda vas Ruthern, Ward of the Royal Duma.





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And just like that, Esmèe Kortrevich started to write a piece on the newest Duma guide for the Bull Post!

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Laurelie would pick up the guide, only hoping to be able read it soon. Maybe after her kids where put down to sleep for the night

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