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[!] A portrait of Captain Felix Weiss in his BSK formal greys during his time as Tribune and Lord Handler.





Brothers and sisters of our majesty’s Brotherhood of Saint Karl, I, Felix Weiss do hereby announce my intentions to run for my second term as Military Tribune. 


A commoner by birth, I was drafted into the Brotherhood as an initiate by Karl III and within that time the Brotherhood has become everything that I hold dear, second only to my very own family. As Royal Captain, Palatine Guard, Bannerbearer of the Hussars, or Tribune I have made it my life’s purpose that anything I shall do, should be in the purpose of furthering the Brotherhood’s prestige and standing within the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.







I was not always a captain, and I did not achieve such a rank quickly. I spent my career slowly working up the ranks to learn the intricacies of each position I was assigned to so that I could more adequately serve my superior officers and military as a whole. Attention to detail and strict self-discipline allowed myself to become indispensable no matter the post I was stationed to. When I became captain, Lord Marshal Sviatoslav tasked me with assisting in the streamlining and draining of the needless bureaucracy within the Brotherhood, a task that took much work but now the long neglected positions in the Brotherhood are filled, and we now have a new generation of eager officers who wish to serve. I also served as Head Palatine Guard under the late Lady Palatine Johanna Barclay, working alongside her as a friend and close advisor on matters of the Brotherhood and national security.


Then comes my most obvious qualification, in that this will hopefully be my second term as your Tribune. I have spent my previous term fighting for our rights in the Duma, thwarting bills that I believed would harm our nation and Brotherhood, and assisting in the passing of bills that would benefit us, such as the Medical Compensation and Advisory Bill by Royal Alderwoman Adelajda vs Ruthern which will provide replacement limbs and digits to Brotherhood soldiers who lost them in the line of duty.




Agenda and Ideals


As your Military Tribune, I will continue to do just as I have done before. The Brotherhood in my mind must remain a strong and self-reliant entity within the Aulic Government so that when the time arises we may defend not only our rights as citizens of this great kingdom but our friends and loved ones from those who wish to see them harmed. In my second term I wish to see the Brotherhood be granted the right to court martial soldiers who have broken the Brotherhood’s code of conduct and expand our autonomy so that we may be more flexible in our ability to handle events as they arise.  


There are of course a handful of bills that we seek to pass, but at the moment they must remain unspoken of in a public manner as they are currently being revised and discussed by the officer core and Lord Marshal to be made more presentable to the Duma. However, I promise you that before any bills go to the floor I will personally see to it that every soldier will have their chance to see them in writing and bring forth any concerns that they may have, as my office has always been open to any soldier who wishes to have their opinions heard.





Thank you all for your continued trust in me. I hope to continue to serve to the best of my ability, but the choice is now in the hands of my fellow comrades. May the Brotherhood last ten thousand years.






Royal Captain Felix Weiss, Military Tribune and Lord Handler of his Majesty’s Duma.                                                                                  





OOC: I know Tribune candidates aren't expected to make a post but I wanted to make one anyway cause I like writing posts. >:)


Edited by SethWolf
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