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Location Submissions


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Location Submissions

Location lore is lore written for locations in LotC’s world. This can either be on the current map or places outside of the current map. 



A location receiving lore for it should serve some kind of purpose that adds to LotC in some fashion. There is no point writing in-depth lore for a place we are never going to utilize. This does not mean that we need to actually be able to visit the location in-game, but it should still be able to have some kind of impact on us. For example, the starter areas are a group of continents that exist around LotC that we will likely never visit in-game. Their purpose is to act as a place where characters can claim they are from or a place where characters can claim they were vacationing at when shelved. This is made possible through the Wayfinding portals, described below.


If you are writing for a non-mortal realm area, such as an immortal realm, please check in with ST management to ensure that what you’re writing for is necessary. For example, attempting to give 


Wayfinding Portals

The Wayfinding Portals is an addition that allows for us to have a valid reason for being able to travel back to various locations. Currently these do not link back to past maps, but they do link to places such as Aeldin and the other starter locations. You can read here for more information: Wayfinding. This allows for a place to have access to the current map.


Please note that this isn’t a method for people to gain items or things of that nature. You can not design a place and have your character go and visit it to retrieve rare goods that were written into the piece. If you are writing for a place located within the immortal realm, do not include Wayfinding portals.



This format is meant to be used for Location Submissions. 


Thread Title

The thread title should be “[World Lore] - [Name of Location]”. For example: World Lore – The Avark Archipelego.


Name and Location

Tell us what the name of the area is and describe where this is located. You should include if this is an area that can be accessed by people or not.



Cover the layout of the land, what creatures/plantlife is there, and if any civilizations are based in the land.


Civilization (Optional)

Cover the culture and other traits that the civilization has if there is one. If this is for a starting area or other area people will be able to have characters from, they are going to need a reference for how they were raised up.


History (Optional)

Cover the history of the land. If any civilizations exist, go into detail about their events as well.


Purpose (OOC)

This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon.


Citation Spoiler

You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.


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